20 research outputs found

    The Types of Injury, Regions and Frequency in Athletes Participating Universities Taekwondo Championchip

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    This study aims to determine the rates of injuries, the types of injuries and what part of the body is mostly injured in professional taekwondo sportsmen during competitions. This study involves 287 sportsmen participated in the interuniversity Taekwando championship in Ordu. Injuries during a match of the championship was determined by a team. The characteristics and types of injuries, the sportsmen’s verbal expressions were registered by a pre-determined team, and it was mentioned about how these injuries occurred, in which part of the body the injuries were seen. Among 287 sportsmen in this study, 178 sportsmen were male, 109 ones were female. 46 universities took part in this championship. The championship lasted three days and total 271 competitions were done. 539 injuries were determined in total. The mostly seen type of injury was hematoma (43%), the mostly injured part was in lower extremities 416 (77%), most of the injuries were ones seen in defense (36%). No injuries were not observed in neck, shoulder, spine or trunk and cerebral injuries were not also observed. As a result of the study, it was explained that most of the injuries seen in the taekwondo competitions did not require the medical intervention and the lower extremities were mostly injured in these competitions. In the light of these findings, it could be said that these parts be protected during the competitions and the defense techniques be different

    Elit taekwondocularda c vitamini uygulamasının IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-2 ve IL-6 düzeylerine etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, taekwondo sporu yapan bireylerde C vitamini uygulamasının sitokin salınımı üzerindeki etkilerinin araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu araştırma Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulunda okuyan yaş ortalaması; 20.67±0.24 yıl, vücut ağırlığı ortalaması; 65.45±1.69 kg olan 10 adet erkek elit taekwondocu üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Deneklere 4 hafta süreyle günde oral olarak 300 mg C vitamini tablet şeklinde verildi ve 4 haftalık vitamin ilavesi öncesi ve sonrası olmak üzere iki kez yorgunluk oluşuncaya kadar tükenme egzersizi yaptırıldı. Dört hafta süren uygulama öncesinde ve sonrasında deneklerden istirahat ve yorgunluk olmak üzere 4 kez kan örnekleri alındı. Alınan kan örneklerinde serumda interferon gama IFN-γ , tümör nekrosiz faktör-alfa TNF-α , interlökin-2 IL-2 ve interlökin-6 IL-6 düzeyleri ELISA test kitleri kullanılarak tayin edildi. Bulgular: IFN-γ, TNF-α ve IL-2 düzeyleri hem uygulama öncesi hem de sonrası anlamlı bir farklılık göstermedi p>0.05 . Uygulamadan önceki egzersiz periyodunda serum IL-6 düzeylerinde dinlenme periyoduna göre anlamlı artış vardı

    Втома м’язів і пошкодження м’язів під час силового тренування

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    Background and Study Aim. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different types of contractions on muscle damage and muscle fatigue in sedentary individuals. Material and Methods. Thirty healthy male sedentary individuals participated in the study. Strength training in different types of contractions applied in the study was applied 3 times a week for 8 weeks. Before the study, the training loads were determined by making maximal force measurements of all subjects. The 30 subjects participating in the study were divided into 3 groups: isometric (n = 10), concentric (n = 10) and eccentric (n = 10) contraction group. Appropriate amount of blood samples was taken from the elbow vein 2 times from all subjects, before the studies and at the end of the 8-week strength training. Results. It was observed that eight-week strength training did not cause muscle fatigue in all groups and did not create a statistically significant difference (P> 0.05). Strength training with isometric and concentric contractions for eight weeks significantly increased serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), C-reactive protein (CRP), myoglobin (Mb), interleukin 6 (IL-6) levels, while concentric strength training significantly reduced serum aspartate amino transferase (AST) levels. Strength training with eccentric contractions significantly increased serum LDH, CRP, AST, Mb and IL-6 levels, while significantly reducing serum tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) levels. Strength training with eccentric contractions significantly increased serum creatine kinase (CK), CRP, AST, IL-6 and Mb levels compared to strength training with isometric and concentric contractions at the end of the eight-week study period, but did not show the same significant effect in other parameters. Conclusions. As a result, it can be said that eccentric strength training performed in sedentary individuals leads to more muscle damage than isometric and concentric strength training.Передумови та мета дослідження. Метою цього дослідження є дослідити вплив різних типів скорочень на пошкодження м’язів та м’язову втому у сидячих людей.Матеріал і методи. У дослідженні взяли участь 30 здорових чоловіків, які ведуть малорухливий спосіб життя. Силові тренування при різних типах скорочень, які застосовувалися в дослідженні, застосовувалися 3 рази на тиждень протягом 8 тижнів. Перед дослідженням визначали тренувальні навантаження, проводячи максимальні силові вимірювання всіх досліджуваних. 30 суб'єктів, які брали участь у дослідженні, були розділені на 3 групи: ізометрична (n = 10), концентрична (n = 10) та ексцентрична (n = 10) група скорочень. Відповідну кількість зразків крові брали з ліктьової вени 2 рази у всіх випробуваних, перед дослідженнями та в кінці 8-тижневого силового тренування.Результати. Було помічено, що восьмитижневі силові тренування не викликали втоми м’язів у всіх групах і не створювали статистично значущої різниці (Р>0,05). Силові тренування з ізометричними та концентричними скороченнями протягом восьми тижнів значно підвищили сироваткові рівні лактатдегідрогенази (LDH), C-реактивного білка (CRP), міоглобіну (Mb), інтерлейкіну 6 (IL-6), тоді як концентричні силові тренування значно знизили рівень аспартату в сироватці рівні трансферази (АСТ). Силові тренування з ексцентричними скороченнями значно підвищили сироваткові рівні ЛДГ, СРБ, AST, Mb та IL-6, водночас значно знижуючи рівні фактора некрозу пухлини альфа (ФНП-α). Силові тренування з ексцентричними скороченнями значно підвищили сироваткові рівні креатинкінази (CK), CRP, AST, IL-6 і Mb порівняно з силовими тренуваннями з ізометричними та концентричними скороченнями наприкінці восьмитижневого періоду дослідження, але не показали того ж самого. значний вплив на інші параметри.Висновки. Як результат, можна сказати, що ексцентричні силові тренування, що виконуються у сидячих людей, призводять до більшого пошкодження м’язів, ніж ізометричні та концентричні силові тренування


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    Bu çalışma Oktay ÇAKMAKÇI’ nın Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizyoloji A.B.D’da yapılan Doktora tezinden üretilmiştir.Bu araştırmada, düzenli egzersiz yapan sporcularda ve sedanterlerde oral olarak verilen gliserolün Epinefrin ve Kortizol parametreleri üzerine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Araştırmada yaş ortalamaları 22.82 ± 1.49 yıl ve vücut ağırlığı ortalamaları 73.96 ± 9.16 kg olan Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu’nda okuyan 20 sağlıklı erkek sporcu ve diğer fakültelerde okuyan 20 sağlıklı erkek öğrenci olmak üzere toplam 40 öğrenci denek olarak kullanıldı. Denekler (Sedanter grup (S), Gliserol takviyeli sedanter grup (GS), Egzersiz grubu (E), Gliserol takviyeli egzersiz grubu (GE)) olarak 4 gruba ayrılarak. E ve GE gruplarındaki deneklere 20 gün süresince 20m mekik koşu testi uygulandı. GS ve GE grubuna dahil olan deneklere 20 gün boyunca sabah saat 10.00’ da oral olarak 1.2 g/kg dozunda gliserol takviyesi yapıldı. Bütün deneklerden egzersiz periyoduna ve gliserol takviyesine başlamadan önce kan örnekleri alındı. Ayrıca, 20 günlük gliserol takviyesi ve egzersiz periyodundan sonra tüm gruplardan ikinci kan örnekleri alındı. 20. gün sonunda alınan ikinci kan örneklerinden sonra tüm gruplara belirtilen egzersiz testi uygulandı. Egzersiz testinin bitiminden hemen sonra üçüncü kan örnekleri alındı. Egzersizden 2 saat sonra dördüncü ve 24 saat sonra beşinci kan örnekleri alındı. Alınan kan örneklerinde belirlenen serum Epinefrin ve Kortizol düzeyleri ölçüldü. Bu parametrelere ilişkin gruplar arasındaki farklılıkların önem kontrolünde Varyans Analizi yapılarak, Duncan’ın Multiple Range testi kullanıldı. Grup içi farklılıkların tespitinde ise Wilcoxon Signed Ranks testi kullanıldı. Bu çalışmada uygulanan orta şiddetteki ve submaksimal egzersizin serum epinefrin ve kortizol düzeyleri üzerine önemli (p<0.05) bir etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiş fakat bu egzersiz protokolü ile beraber uygulanan gliserol takviyesinin, en azından bu miktar ve sürede serum epinefrin ve kortizol düzeyleri üzerine önemli bir etkisinin olmadığı söylenebilir.A recent scientific research aimed to explain the effects of the glycerol supplement on the levels of epinephrine and kortisole parameters of sedentary individuals and some sportsmen who exercise regularly. In the research, forty students with an average age of 22.82 ± 1.49 year and an average weight of 73.96 ± 9.16 kg, who still study at the Physical Education and Sport Collage and the other faculties, were used as subjects. Subjects were they were as follows: 1. the group of sedentary, 2. the group of sedentary supplemented with glycerol, 3. the group of exercise, 4. the group of exercise supplemented with glycerol. The test of shuttle and run of 20 meters was applied to subjects in the groups E and GE within twenty days time. Subjects of the groups GS and GE were supplemented orally with the dose of 1.2 g/kg of glycerol at ten o’clock every morning within the period of twenty days. At the same time, samples of blood were taken from all the subjects before these tests. Besides, samples of blood were taken again after the tests. At the and of this period of time, the specified exercise tests were applied to all groups after the second blood test. After the exercise test, samples of blood were taken from the subjects the third time. Then, the samples of blood were taken from them two hours after the exercises the fourth time and also twenty four hours after the same exercises the fifth time again. The levels of serum epinephrine and also cortisole parameters available were measured. Having applied Variance Analysis regarding the importance control of differences of parameters among the groups, Duncan’s test of Multiple Range was applied. In addition to that, the test of Wilcoxon Signed Ranks was used to determine the differences within every group. In the meantime, accordingly, it was clearly understood that the average submaximal exercises applied in this work had a profound (P<0.05) effect on the levels of serum epinephrine and cortisole on the levels the contrary. It can be said that the glycerol supplement applied together with this exercise protocol had no remarkable effect on the levels of serum epinephrine and cortisol also on the levels of at least by the sum used in the tests and in that limited period of time.

    Bayan Dağcıların Farklı Yükseklilerdeki Solunum Parametrelerinin İncelenmesi.

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    Previous vessel segmentation methods mainly concentrate on the general structure, and often ignore the accuracy, smoothness and continuity of vessel boundaries. A water flow based method is proposed to solve the problem. It embodies the fluidity of water and hence can handle the complex topological changes of vessels. A snake-like force functional combining edge-based and region-based forces produces capability for both accuracy and range. Properties analogous to surface tension and adhesion are also applied so that the smoothness of the evolving contour and the ability to flow into narrow branches can be controlled. The technique has been assessed on synthetic and real images, and shows excellent detection performance and ability to handle noise