6,110 research outputs found

    Opto-mechanical transducers for long-distance quantum communication

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    We describe a new scheme to interconvert stationary and photonic qubits which is based on indirect qubit-light interactions mediated by a mechanical resonator. This approach does not rely on the specific optical response of the qubit and thereby enables optical quantum interfaces for a wide range of solid state spin and charge based systems. We discuss the implementation of quantum state transfer protocols between distant nodes of a large scale network and evaluate the effect of the main noise sources on the resulting state transfer fidelities. For the specific examples of electronic spin qubits and superconducting charge qubits we show that high fidelity quantum communication protocols can be implemented under realistic experimental conditions.Comment: Version as accepted by PR

    Finite Wavelength Instabilities in a Slow Mode Coupled Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation

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    In this Letter, we discuss the effect of slow real modes in reaction-diffusion systems close to a supercritical Hopf bifurcation. The spatiotemporal effects of the slow mode cannot be captured by traditional descriptions in terms of a single complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE). We show that the slow mode coupling to the CGLE introduces a novel set of finite wavelength instabilities not present in the CGLE. For spiral waves, these instabilities highly affect the location of regions for convective and absolute instability. These new instability boundaries are consistent with transitions to spatiotemporal chaos found by simulation of the corresponding coupled amplitude equations

    Efficient qubit detection using alkali earth metal ions and a double STIRAP process

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    We present a scheme for robust and efficient projection measurement of a qubit consisting of the two magnetic sublevels in the electronic ground state of alkali earth metal ions. The scheme is based on two stimulated Raman adiabatic passages (STIRAP) involving four partially coherent laser fields. We show how the efficiency depends on experimentally relevant parameters: Rabi frequencies, pulse widths, laser linewidths, one- and two-photon detunings, residual laser power, laser polarization and ion motion.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Entanglement in Anderson Nanoclusters

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    We investigate the two-particle spin entanglement in magnetic nanoclusters described by the periodic Anderson model. An entanglement phase diagram is obtained, providing a novel perspective on a central property of magnetic nanoclusters, namely the temperature dependent competition between local Kondo screening and nonlocal Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida spin ordering. We find that multiparticle entangled states are present for finite magnetic field as well as in the mixed valence regime and away from half filling. Our results emphasize the role of charge fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Dual Geometric Worm Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Discrete Classical Lattice Models

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    We present a dual geometrical worm algorithm for two-dimensional Ising models. The existence of such dual algorithms was first pointed out by Prokof'ev and Svistunov \cite{ProkofevClassical}. The algorithm is defined on the dual lattice and is formulated in terms of bond-variables and can therefore be generalized to other two-dimensional models that can be formulated in terms of bond-variables. We also discuss two related algorithms formulated on the direct lattice, applicable in any dimension. These latter algorithms turn out to be less efficient but of considerable intrinsic interest. We show how such algorithms quite generally can be "directed" by minimizing the probability for the worms to erase themselves. Explicit proofs of detailed balance are given for all the algorithms. In terms of computational efficiency the dual geometrical worm algorithm is comparable to well known cluster algorithms such as the Swendsen-Wang and Wolff algorithms, however, it is quite different in structure and allows for a very simple and efficient implementation. The dual algorithm also allows for a very elegant way of calculating the domain wall free energy.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, Revtex

    Demonstration of PLOTs from the EuroPLOT project

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    The EuroPLOT project (2010-2013) has been funded to explore the concept of persuasive design for learning and teaching. It has developed Persuasive Learn-ing Objects and Technologies (PLOTs), manifested in two tools and a set of learning objects that have been tested and evaluated in four different case studies. These PLOTs will be shown in this demonstration, and the participants can try them out and experience for themselves the impact of persuasive technology that is embedded in these PLOTs. This will be one authoring tool (PLOTMaker) and one delivery tool (PLOTLearner). Furthermore, there will be learning objects shown which have been developed for those four different case studies. All of these PLOTs have already been tested and evaluated during case studies with real learners

    Corrections to scaling in entanglement entropy from boundary perturbations

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    We investigate the corrections to scaling of the Renyi entropies of a region of size l at the end of a semi-infinite one-dimensional system described by a conformal field theory when the corrections come from irrelevant boundary operators. The corrections from irrelevant bulk operators with scaling dimension x have been studied by Cardy and Calabrese (2010), and they found not only the expected corrections of the form l^(4-2x) but also unusual corrections that could not have been anticipated by finite-size scaling arguments alone. However, for the case of perturbations from irrelevant boundary operators we find that the only corrections that can occur to leading order are of the form l^(2-2x_b) for boundary operators with scaling dimension x_b < 3/2, and l^(-1) when x_b > 3/2. When x_b=3/2 they are of the form l^(-1)log(l). A marginally irrelevant boundary perturbation will give leading corrections going as log(l)^(-3). No unusual corrections occur when perturbing with a boundary operator.Comment: 8 pages. Minor improvements and updated references. Published versio

    Exact Results for the Bipartite Entanglement Entropy of the AKLT spin-1 chain

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    We study the entanglement between two domains of a spin-1 AKLT chain subject to open boundary conditions. In this case the ground-state manifold is four-fold degenerate. We summarize known results and present additional exact analytical results for the von Neumann entanglement entropy, as a function of both the size of the domains and the total system size for {\it all} four degenerate ground-states. In the large l,Ll,L limit the entanglement entropy approaches ln(2)\ln(2) and 2ln(2)2\ln(2) for the STz=±1S^z_T=\pm 1 and STz=0S^z_T=0 states, respectively. In all cases, it is found that this constant is approached exponentially fast defining a length scale ξ=1/ln(3)\xi=1/\ln(3) equal to the known bulk correlation length.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure