43 research outputs found

    Control of Flowering in Strawberries

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    Strawberries (Fragaria sp.) are small perennial plants capable of both sexual reproduction through seeds and clonal reproduction via runners. Because vegetative and generative developmental programs are tightly connected, the control of flowering is presented here in the context of the yearly growth cycle. The rosette crown of strawberry consists of a stem with short internodes produced from the apical meristem. Each node harbors one trifoliate leaf and an axillary bud. The fate of axillary buds is dictated by environmental conditions; high temperatures and long days (LDs) promote axillary bud development into runners, whereas cool temperature and short days (SDs) favor the formation of branch crowns. SDs and cool temperature also promote flowering; under these conditions, the main shoot apical meristem is converted into a terminal inflorescence, and vegetative growth is continued from the uppermost axillary branch crown. The environmental factors that regulate vegetative and generative development in strawberries have been reasonably well characterized and are reviewed in the first two chapters. The genetic basis of the physiological responses in strawberries is much less clear. To provide a point of reference for the flowering pathways described in strawberries so far, a short review on the molecular mechanisms controlling flowering in the model plant Arabidopsis is given. The last two chapters will then describe the current knowledge on the molecular mechanisms controlling the physiological responses in strawberries.Peer reviewe

    Dissecting the impact of environment, season and genotype on blackcurrant fruit quality traits.

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    This work aims to determine the effect of genotype x environment (GxE) interaction that influence blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) fruit quality. We applied metabolomics-driven analysis on fruits from four cultivars grown in contrasting European-locations over two seasons. By integrating metabolomics and sensory analysis, we also defined specific metabolic signatures associated with consumer acceptance. Our results showed that rainfall is a crucial factor associated with accumulation of delphinidin- and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, the two mayor blackcurrant pigments meanwhile temperature affects the main organic acid levels which can be decisive for fruit taste. Sensorial analysis showed that increases in terpenoid and acetate ester volatiles were strongly associated with higher appreciation score, while proacacipetalin, a cyanogenic-glycoside, was positively associated to bitter taste. Our results pave the way for the selection of high-quality cultivars and suitable production sites for blackcurrant cultivation.publishedVersio

    Additive QTLs on three chromosomes control flowering time in woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.)

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    Flowering time is an important trait that affects survival, reproduction and yield in both wild and cultivated plants. Therefore, many studies have focused on the identification of flowering time quantitative trait locus (QTLs) in different crops, and molecular control of this trait has been extensively investigated in model species. Here we report the mapping of QTLs for flowering time and vegetative traits in a large woodland strawberry mapping population that was phenotyped both under field conditions and in a greenhouse after flower induction in the field. The greenhouse experiment revealed additive QTLs in three linkage groups (LG), two on both LG4 and LG7, and one on LG6 that explain about half of the flowering time variance in the population. Three of the QTLs were newly identified in this study, and one co-localized with the previously characterized FvTFL1 gene. An additional strong QTL corresponding to previously mapped PFRU was detected in both field and greenhouse experiments indicating that gene(s) in this locus can control the timing of flowering in different environments in addition to the duration of flowering and axillary bud differentiation to runners and branch crowns. Several putative flowering time genes were identified in these QTL regions that await functional validation. Our results indicate that a few major QTLs may control flowering time and axillary bud differentiation in strawberries. We suggest that the identification of causal genes in the diploid strawberry may enable fine tuning of flowering time and vegetative growth in the closely related octoploid cultivated strawberry.Peer reviewe

    Extreme short-day induction requirements for flowering in the late-flowering strawberry cultivar ‘Malwina’

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    We studied short-day induction of the strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cultivar ‘Malwina’ under both phytotron and field conditions. Flowering was assessed by crown dissection of treated plants and subsequent flowering performance. Serial dissections revealed no visible changes in crown apices during the first 4 weeks of short day (SD) at 18°C in the phytotron, while after 6 weeks, all plants had formed rudimentary flower primordia with visible sepals. At 9°C, the same stages were reached after 8 and 10 weeks of SD, respectively. When subsequently forced in long day (LD) at 20°C, no substantial flowering took place after less than 6-week SD treatment at 18°C, while full flowering required 10 weeks of SD induction. At 9°C, full flowering was not obtained even after 10 weeks of SD treatment. Under field conditions, the ‘Malwina’ plants did not reach floral development stage 2 before 22 October, approximately a month after ‘Frida’ and ‘Sonata’ which reached this stage on 21 September, and 3 weeks after ‘Florence’. SD exposure resulted in repeated crown branching in ‘Malwina’ and we suggest that early spontaneous abortion of the emerging floral primordium takes place under unsaturated SD induction conditions, thus causing crown branching and hence, delayed floral initiation and development.acceptedVersio