57 research outputs found

    Influence of vaccine-preventable diseases and HIV infection on demand for an infectious diseases service in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, over 22 years – Part II (1995-2016)

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    Patients’ data during daily clinical care are extremely important for improving the allocation of healthcare resources and for assessing healthcare demands. The prospective gathering of these data over decades allowed us to describe the trends of infectious diseases in a tertiary hospital. The results concerning the period between 1965 and 1994 described the exponential increase in the incidence of HIV infection and its important effects on our institutional mortality. The present study describes the demand for the same hospital between 1995 and 2016. There were 4,691 admissions and the main causes of admissions were, in descending order, HIV infection (1,312, 28.0%), noninfectious diseases (447, 9.5%), meningoencephalitis (432, 9.2%), soft tissue infections (427; 9.1%), tuberculosis (272, 5.8%), pneumonias (212, 4.5%) and leptospirosis (212, 4.5%). There were 864 readmissions; most due to HIV infections (65.2%). The institutional mortality fell from 16.9% in the first two years to 5.0% in the last two years of the study. The case-fatality rates among the HIV patients decreased from more than 40% to approximately 5% over the study period. In the last two decades, the hospital experienced a decrease in demand due to vaccine-preventable diseases. The demand for children has fallen and the demand for patients over the age of 50 has increased. These results reflect the improvement in public health standards over more than half a century and the positive effects of the National Immunization Program. They also illustrate the sharp decline in the HIV case-fatality rate after the introduction of combined antiretroviral therap

    Association of Amphotericin B and Rifampicin in the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis. Report of efficacy in three cases

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    Experimental data have shown that low concentration of amphotericin B disrupts of the fungal cellular membranes, enhancing entrance of rifampicin into citoplasm, where it acts specifically as an antifungal agent against Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis and Candida albicans. Amphotericin B in half dosage combined with rifampicin is more effective than when used alone in full dosage. The Authors discuss the possible indications of this association in the therapy of paracoccidioidomycosis, and report its efficacy in three cases of this disease only controlled after its use.Trabalhos experimentais demonstraram que a anfotericina B, desorganizando funcionalmente a membrana celular fúngica, permite a penetração da rifampicina no citoplasma e sua conseqüente ação contra Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis e Candida albicans. Com metade das doses habituais' de anfotericina B associada à rifampicina conseguem-se melhores resultados do que com a anfotericina B isoladamente em doses plenas. Os Autores discutem as possíveis aplicações desta associação no tratamento da paracoccidioidomi-cose e apresentam 3 casos desta micose em que a inatividade clínica e micológica só foi obtida após o emprego combinado destas drogas

    Diagnóstico de Infecção por Eritrovírus B19 em Pacientes com AIDS: imunoistoquímica, hibridização in situ e exame histopatológico da medula óssea

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    Erythrovirus B19 infects erythrocytic progenitor cells, leading to a transient interruption of erythropoiesis. It is the causal agent of several clinical syndromes, including erythema infectiosum and its associated (or isolated) joint symptoms; transitory aplastic crisis of individuals with hemolytic anemias; non-immune hydrops fetalis; and the chronic anemias of immunosuppressed patients, including those with AIDS. In this latter setting, erythrovirus B19 assumes certain importance, as it is, among the innumerable causes of anemia in AIDS, a treatable one. Aiming at to look for evidences of erythrovirus B19 infection, bone marrow stored material from 42 autopsies (49 paraffin blocks) and 36 biopsies (48 paraffin blocks from 31 patients)underwent histopathological examinations and immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization tests. As a whole, 97 paraffin blocks, from autopsies and necropsies done from 1988 to 2002, were examined. Eighty-five sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and examined under optical microscopy. In 20 out of these blocks intra-nuclear inclusion bodies displacing the chromatin to the periphery ( lantern cells ), suggestive of erythrovirus B19 infection, were noticed. Eighty-seven sections were also subjected to immunohistochemistry, in which ten were deemed positive. The immunohistochemistry was repeated in these ten sections and seven were again considered positive (two from necropsy material, plus five biopsies from four patients). Nine out of the 10 originally mmunohistochemistry positive sections were also subjected to in situ hybridization, with three positives, one of them strongly. Nine other sections, taken among those that were positive under HE, were also subjected to in situ hybridization, where four were considered positive. Among the techniques used in this study, the most easy-to-do was microscopy of HE-stained sections, the lantern cells being, as described in the literature, easily seen. Most bone marrow sections were normocellular or hypocellular, and many had myelodysplastic changes, plasma cell infiltrates, histiocytosis, and hyperplasia of megacaryocytes, with immature and dysmorphic forms. In spite of the tests being done blindly, there was a regular agreement between HE and immunohistochemistry results, as the percentage of HE positive sections were far greater among the immunohistochemistry positive ones. Among the 15 sections subjected to the three techniques used in the study, only one gave unequivocal positive results with all three. The use of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization in the diagnosis of erythrovirus B19 infections in paraffin-stored bone marrow material deserves further study. The frequency of erythrovirus B19 infection in the examined material can be deemed low.O eritrovírus B19 infecta precursores eritrocíticos, determinando a interrupção temporária da eritropoese. É o agente causal de várias síndromes clínicas, entre as quais: o eritema infeccioso e os quadros articulares que o acompanham (ou que surgem isoladamente); a crise aplástica transitória dos indivíduos com anemias hemolíticas; a hidropisia fetal não imune; e as anemias crônicas dos pacientes imunossuprimidos, incluindo aqueles com AIDS. Nesse último contexto a infecção pelo eritrovírus B19 reveste-se de certa importância, por tratar-se, dentre as inúmeras causas de anemia em pacientes com AIDS, de uma infecção passível de tratamento. Com o intuito de investigar as evidências de infecção pelo eritrovírus B19, o material estocado das medulas ósseas de 42 necropsias (49 blocos de parafina) e 36 biópsias (48 blocos de parafina, de 31 pacientes) foi submetido a exame histopatológico, imunoistoquímica e hibridização in situ. No total, foram estudados 97 blocos de parafina, provenientes de biópsias e necropsias realizadas entre 1988 e 2002. Oitenta e cinco cortes foram corados pela hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e examinados à microscopia óptica. Em vinte desses blocos foi observada a presença de corpúsculos de inclusão intranucleares eosinofílicos, deslocando a cromatina para a periferia, sugestivos de infecção por eritrovírus B19 ( células em lanterna ). Oitenta e sete cortes foram também submetidos a imunoistoquímica, sendo que dez cortes foram considerados positivos. A imunoistoquímica foi repetida nesses dez cortes, e sete foram novamente positivos (dois de material de necropsia, mais cinco biópsias de quatro pacientes). Nove dos dez cortes inicialmente positivos à imunoistoquímica foram também submetidos a hibridização in situ sendo três deles positivos, um deles fortemente. Nove outros cortes, escolhidos por terem sido positivos à HE, foram também submetidos a hibridização in situ, sendo quatro considerados positivos. Das técnicas empregadas no presente estudo, a de mais fácil realização foi o exame microscópico dos cortes corados à HE, sendo as células em lanterna de fácil visualização, conforme padrão descrito na literatura. A maior parte das medulas era normo ou hipocelular e muitas continham alterações mielodisplásicas, plasmocitose, histiocitose e hiperplasia dos megacariócitos, com formas imaturas e dismórficas. Apesar de os exames terem sido conduzidos de modo cego, houve regular concordância entre os resultados da HE e os da imunoistoquímica, uma vez que o percentual de lâminas positivas à HE foi bem maior entre as lâminas positivas à imunoistoquímica. Dos 15 cortes submetidos às três técnicas empregadas no estudo, apenas um corte mostrou resultados positivos inequívocos em todas elas. O emprego de imunoistoquímica e da hibridização in situ no diagnóstico da infecção pelo eritrovírus B19 em material de medula óssea estocado em parafina merece estudos adicionais. A freqüência de infecção por eritrovírus B19 pode ser considerada baixa no material examinado

    Influence of Immunopreventable Diseases and AIDS on the Demand of an Infectious Diseases Department in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, in the Course of Thirty Years (1965-1994)

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    Brazil's nosologic profile has been sustaining profound modifications. Some occurred because of massive immunization campaigns and socioeconomic and demographic trends. Some yet were pure nosologic transitions, such as the emergence of AIDS. In this demand study it is described how these changes reflected on the 8,630 admissions of an Infectious Diseases Department in Niterói, along a thirty year period. Brazilian rural endemic diseases were infrequent (3.45%). Men predominated (62%) all the time, in all age strata and in nearly all diseases. Children under fifteen predominated until 1983. There was, in the case of tetanus, a striking rise in age strata. Institutional mortality dropped from 31% in 1965 to 10% in 1984, but rose since then to 15% in 1994. However, if AIDS patients had not been computed, mortality would have kept descending till 8% at the end of the study period. The crescent unimportance of immunopreventable diseases paralleled with the growing prominence of AIDS. In less than a decade, AIDS ranked fifth among the most frequent diseases in the whole period of thirty years. As opposed to the immunopreventable diseases, neither meningitides nor pneumonia appear to be in decline. AIDS, by its exponential incidence, by its chronic character, and by the uncountable opportunistic infections it determines, imposes itself as a challenge for the coming years

    Evaluation of osteoclasts’ distribution on the periodontal ligament of rabbits

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    Objetivo: avaliar a distribuição e a quantidade dos osteoclastos no ligamento periodontal de molares de coelhos em condições fisiológicas. Metodologia: foram analisadas 176 secções histológicas obtidas através de blocos de osso removidos da região de primeiro molar de ambos os lados da mandíbula de 44 coelhos. As secções foram coradas pela técnica de TRAP (Fosfatase ácida tartarato-resistente). Resultados: na análise dos resultados, em 53,98% das lâminas não havia osteoclastos, enquanto que em 46,02% a presença desta célula foi detectada. Quando presentes localizaram-se mais nos terços cervical e médio. O teste não-paramétrico Exato de Friedman evidenciou diferença estatisticamente significante entre os terços e o teste a Posteriori de Dunn indicou essa diferença entre os terços apical e cervical, e apical e médio (

    Associação da rifampicina à anfotericina B no tratamento da paracoccidioidomicose: resultados em três pacientes tratados Association of Amphotericin B and Rifampicin in the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis. Report of efficacy in three cases

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    Trabalhos experimentais demonstraram que a anfotericina B, desorganizando funcionalmente a membrana celular fúngica, permite a penetração da rifampicina no citoplasma e sua conseqüente ação contra Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis e Candida albicans. Com metade das doses habituais' de anfotericina B associada à rifampicina conseguem-se melhores resultados do que com a anfotericina B isoladamente em doses plenas. Os Autores discutem as possíveis aplicações desta associação no tratamento da paracoccidioidomi-cose e apresentam 3 casos desta micose em que a inatividade clínica e micológica só foi obtida após o emprego combinado destas drogas.<br>Experimental data have shown that low concentration of amphotericin B disrupts of the fungal cellular membranes, enhancing entrance of rifampicin into citoplasm, where it acts specifically as an antifungal agent against Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis and Candida albicans. Amphotericin B in half dosage combined with rifampicin is more effective than when used alone in full dosage. The Authors discuss the possible indications of this association in the therapy of paracoccidioidomycosis, and report its efficacy in three cases of this disease only controlled after its use

    Associação da rifampicina à anfotericina B no tratamento da paracoccidioidomicose: resultados em três pacientes tratados

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    Trabalhos experimentais demonstraram que a anfotericina B, desorganizando funcionalmente a membrana celular fúngica, permite a penetração da rifampicina no citoplasma e sua conseqüente ação contra Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis e Candida albicans. Com metade das doses habituais' de anfotericina B associada à rifampicina conseguem-se melhores resultados do que com a anfotericina B isoladamente em doses plenas. Os Autores discutem as possíveis aplicações desta associação no tratamento da paracoccidioidomi-cose e apresentam 3 casos desta micose em que a inatividade clínica e micológica só foi obtida após o emprego combinado destas drogas