16 research outputs found
Traditions techniques du Magdalénien moyen ancien. Apport de la série lithique de Combe-Cullier, Lacave, Lot, France (couches 11 à 13)
Combe-Cullier (Lacave, Lot) est un site connu depuis le dĂ©but du XXe siĂšcle, grĂące aux sondages des abbĂ©s HĂ©reil et CallĂ©. Il a Ă©tĂ© popularisĂ© suite aux fouilles des niveaux magdalĂ©niens de la grotte, menĂ©es par A. VirĂ© entre 1906 et 1935. Le talus est ensuite fouillĂ©, par J.-F. Flies, Ă la fin des annĂ©es 1960 et a livrĂ© plusieurs niveaux rĂ©cemment datĂ©s du MagdalĂ©nien infĂ©rieur, moyen et supĂ©rieur. Cette collection constitue un riche ensemble archĂ©ologique : industries lithiques et osseuses, faune, matiĂšres colorantes, parure et art mobilier.Dans le cadre dâune rĂ©vision collective du gisement, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă la caractĂ©risation des niveaux du MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien (ou MMA), datĂ©s entre 19 500 et 18 500 cal. BP, ayant notamment livrĂ© des lamelles scalĂšnes. Ă partir des analyses pĂ©troarchĂ©ologiques, techno-Ă©conomiques et techno-typologiques du matĂ©riel en silex, nous proposons de caractĂ©riser certains comportements et choix mis en Ćuvre par les chasseurs-collecteurs ayant occupĂ© Combe-Cullier au cours du MMA.Cette Ă©tude a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence, Ă Combe-Cullier, une diversitĂ© dans le spectre de matiĂšres premiĂšres siliceuses. Lâapprovisionnement se fait essentiellement Ă lâĂ©chelle locale et est centrĂ© sur des silex sĂ©noniens du PĂ©rigord et tertiaires du bassin dâAurillac (disponibles dans les alluvions de la Dordogne). Quelques piĂšces tĂ©moignent Ă©galement de circulations des matiĂšres premiĂšres depuis la Chalosse, la Charente-Maritime (Saintonge) et le sud du Bassin parisien. Nous avons donc mis en Ă©vidence une segmentation, diffĂ©rentielle dans lâespace et le temps, des chaĂźnes opĂ©ratoires de productions lamino-lamellaires.Le dĂ©bitage laminaire, rĂ©alisĂ© sur place ou documentĂ© par des lames importĂ©es, indique un schĂ©ma unipolaire menĂ© au percuteur tendre organique et prĂ©fĂ©rentiellement orientĂ© sur lâexploitation de surfaces larges selon des sĂ©quences frontales juxtaposĂ©es. Il fournit des supports pour lâoutillage Ă vocation domestique. Le dĂ©bitage lamellaire est destinĂ© Ă la fabrication des armatures de chasse, dont les gabarits et la composition typologique varient entre les diffĂ©rents niveaux, avec une recherche notable dâarmatures tronquĂ©es. Enfin la fabrication des lamelles scalĂšnes tĂ©moigne dâune normalisation avec la recherche dâun morphotype particulier, prĂ©fĂ©rentiellement latĂ©ralisĂ©.Combe-Cullier (Lacave, Lot) is a site known since the beginning of the 20th century, with the surveys of the abbots HĂ©reil and CallĂ©. It was popularized following the excavations of the Magdalenian levels of the cave, conducted by A. VirĂ© between 1906 and 1935. The bank, in front of the cave, is then excavated by J.-F. Flies in the 1960s and has delivered several levels recently dated from the lower, middle and upper Magdalenian. This collection constitutes a rich archaeological record: lithic and bone industries, fauna, coloring materials, ornament and portable art.Within the framework of a collective revision of the deposit, we were interested in the characterization of the levels of the early middle Magdalenian (or EMM), dated between 19500 and 18500 cal BP, having notably delivered scalene bladelets. Based on petroarchaeological, techno-economic and techno-typological analyses of flint material, we propose to characterize certain behaviours and choices implemented by hunter-gatherers who occupied Combe-Cullier during the EMM.This study revealed, at Combe-Cullier, diversity in the spectrum of siliceous raw materials. The supply is essentially on a local scale and is centered on Senonian flint from the PĂ©rigord and tertiary from the Aurillac basin (mainly collected in alluvium). Some objects also testify to the circulation of raw materials from the Chalosse, the Charente-Maritime (Saintonge) and the south of the Paris Basin. We have therefore highlighted segmentation, different in space and time, of the lamino-lamellar production chains.The laminar debitage, carried out on site or documented by imported blades, indicates an unipolar scheme led to the organic soft hammer and preferably oriented on the exploitation of large surfaces according to juxtaposed frontal sequences. It provides supports for domestic tools. The lamellar debitage is intended for the manufacture of backed bladelets, whose templates and typological composition vary between the different levels, with a notable search for truncated ones. Finally, the manufacture of scalene bladelets seems to be standardized by the search for a particular morphotype, preferably lateralized
Le Magdalénien moyen du Roc-de-Marcamps 2 (Prignac-et-Marcamps, Gironde) : nouveaux regards sur l'industrie lithique
National audienc
Le Magdalénien moyen du Roc-de-Marcamps 2 (Prignac-et-Marcamps, Gironde) : nouveaux regards sur l'industrie lithique
National audienc
Anthony sĂ©cher (2017) â Traditions techniques et palĂ©ogĂ©ographie du MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien dans le Sud-Ouest de la France (19000-17500 cal. BP). Des groupes humains Ă plusieurs visages ? ThĂšse de doctorat soutenue le 30 octobre 2017, Ă lâuniversitĂ© de Bordeaux, devant le jury composĂ© de M. PoĆtowicz-Bobak (rapporteur), B. Valentin (rapporteur), J. Jaubert (examinateur), J. Primault (examinateur), P. Utrilla (examinatrice), J.-G. Bordes (directeur), M. Langlais (co-directeur) et M. Lenoir (invitĂ©)
SĂ©cher Anthony. Anthony sĂ©cher (2017) â Traditions techniques et palĂ©ogĂ©ographie du MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien dans le Sud-Ouest de la France (19000-17500 cal. BP). Des groupes humains Ă plusieurs visages ? ThĂšse de doctorat soutenue le 30 octobre 2017, Ă lâuniversitĂ© de Bordeaux, devant le jury composĂ© de M. PoĆtowicz-Bobak (rapporteur), B. Valentin (rapporteur), J. Jaubert (examinateur), J. Primault (examinateur), P. Utrilla (examinatrice), J.-G. Bordes (directeur), M. Langlais (co-directeur) et M. Lenoir (invitĂ©). In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© prĂ©historique française, tome 115, n°2, 2018. pp. 402-404
Traditions techniques et palĂ©ogĂ©ographie du MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien dans le Sud-Ouest de la France (19 000 â 17 500 cal. BP). Des groupes humains Ă plusieurs visages ?
Early Middle Magdalenian (EMM; 19 000 â 17 500 cal. BP) is documented between Cantabria and Poland. It is divided into three original and exclusive (a priori) facies: the faciĂšs « Ă navettes », « Ă pointes de Lussac-Angles » and » with scalene bladelets ». In an updated chronological framework, the relevance and contemporaneity of these facies had to be tested. The north of the Aquitaine Basin constitutes a privileged study area since these different facies overlap chronologically and geographically. We therefore propose 1. to specify the functioning of the technical lithic subsystem of levels at the interface of these facies; 2. to discuss the structuring of the MMA from a paleogeographical approach of different markers which belong to the different archaeological registers (technical and symbolic); 3. in order to propose a paleohistorical reconstruction of the EMM.The lithic techno-economic system is based on solid raw material supply networks (up to 250 km). In the South-West of France, the relative unity in the management of laminar and lamellar debitage contrasts with regional particularities in the design of lithic armatures (scalene bladelets, truncated-backed bladelets). The palaeogeographical approach shows us a great dynamic in the circulation of objects, raw materials, ideas and even people. The « MagdalĂ©nien Ă navettes » and the « MagdalĂ©nien Ă pointes de Lussac-Angles » appear as two well-identified cultural traditions, with their own symbolic conventions (human representationsâŠ). Contacts between these two entities and the rest of the EMM seem to be illustrated by the sharing of the some cultural features (spearthrower 2A, decorated hyoid bonesâŠ).Le MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien (MMA ; 19 000 â 17 500 cal. BP) est documentĂ© entre la Cantabrie et la Pologne. Il se dĂ©compose en trois faciĂšs originaux et a priori exclusifs : le faciĂšs « Ă navettes », « Ă pointes de Lussac-Angles » et « Ă lamelles scalĂšnes ». Dans un cadre chronologique actualisĂ©, la pertinence et la contemporanĂ©itĂ© de ces faciĂšs devaient ĂȘtre testĂ©es. Le nord du Bassin aquitain constitue une zone dâĂ©tude privilĂ©giĂ©e puisque ces diffĂ©rents faciĂšs sây recoupent chronologiquement et gĂ©ographiquement. Nous proposons donc une analyse en trois temps : 1. prĂ©ciser le fonctionnement du sous-systĂšme technique lithique de niveaux Ă lâinterface de ces faciĂšs ; 2. discuter de la structuration du MMA Ă partir dâune approche palĂ©ogĂ©ographique de diffĂ©rents marqueurs des diffĂ©rents registres archĂ©ologiques (techniques et symboliques), tout cela pour 3. proposer une reconstruction palĂ©ohistorique du MMA.Le systĂšme techno-Ă©conomique lithique sâappuie sur de solides rĂ©seaux dâapprovisionnement en matiĂšres premiĂšres (jusquâĂ 250 km). Dans le Sud-Ouest de la France, la relative unitĂ© dans la gestion des dĂ©bitages laminaires et lamellaires sâoppose aux particularismes rĂ©gionaux dans la conception des armatures (lamelles scalĂšnes, lamelles Ă dos tronquĂ©es). Lâapproche palĂ©ogĂ©ographique nous montre une grande dynamique dans la circulation dâobjets, de matiĂšres, dâidĂ©es voire de personnes. Le « MagdalĂ©nien Ă navettes » et le « MagdalĂ©nien Ă pointes de Lussac-Angles » apparaissent comme deux traditions culturelles bien identifiĂ©es, avec des conventions symboliques propres (reprĂ©sentation humainesâŠ). Des contacts entre ces deux entitĂ©s et le reste du MMA semblent ĂȘtre illustrĂ©s par le partage de certains traits culturels (propulseurs 2A, os hyoĂŻdes dĂ©corĂ©sâŠ)
Technologie lithique et circulation des matiĂšres premiĂšres au MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien. Lâexemple de Moulin-Neuf (Saint-Quentin-de-Baron, Gironde)
Moulin-Neuf (Saint-Quentin-de-Baron, Gironde) was discovered in 1939. The site consists of a succession of two rockshelters and a site at the foot of a cliff. Our study concerns the largest shelter (Abri 1) which was excavated by R. CoustĂ© and then by H. PĂ©quart in the 1940s. Between 1976 and 1980, M. Lenoir excavated its terrace which delivered substantial archaeological vestiges (lithic and osseous industries, fauna, colouring substances, portable art) attributed at the time to the Middle Magdalenian. New radiocarbon dates, obtained by the MAGDATIS project, place the site between 18670 and 17815 cal. BP, during the Early Middle Magdalenian (EMM). The EMM reflects a veritable geocultural mosaic structured by three facies based on osseous and lithic industries : the â Lussac-Angles faciesâ, the â shuttle faciesâ and the â scalene bladelets faciesâ. These facies overlap chronologically and geographically, thus leading to the questioning of the validity of exclusive cultures defined from such facies. Moreover, what is the place of EMM sites that have not delivered any of the classic markers ? This is the case of Moulin-Neuf (Abri 1, Lenoir excavations) which is located at the geographical and chronological interface of the different facies. Furthermore, none of the classic markers have been identified on the site. We suggest crossing petro-archaeological and techno-economical approaches. The objective is not only to complete our vision of a typological territory but also to provide a dynamic vision of the management of supply areas for lithic raw materials. We therefore propose to determine the origin of the flints and identify the methods of exploitation (inside or outside the site) in order to better understand the occupations of Moulin-Neuf and replace them within the EMM geocultural territory. The corpus takes into account all tools, microliths, cores, lamino-lamellar blanks and knapping waste (> 2 cm) from layers 2, 2st, 2a, 2b and 2c (4,282 artefacts). The taphonomic and archaeostratigraphic review of the deposit led us to consider all the EMM layers as a palimpsest of several occupations. The lithic technical system revolves around the laminar/ lamellar dichotomy. On the one hand the production of blades and bladelets takes place according to two different â chaĂźnes opĂ©ratoiresâ ; they are never intercalated. On the other hand, the economic vocation of the supports is different. The polyfunctional blades were selected to be turned into tools (mainly burins and retouched blades). Bladelets were produced in a variety of ways (prismatic or pyramidal cores, flakes knapped on the edge). The dimensions of the microliths are relatively standardized and, typologically, they are represented by several morphotypes (simple backed bladelets, retouched or truncated backed bladelets). This study highlights the wide range of raw materials found at Moulin-Neuf. We identifi ed ten different fl int types : Senonian fl ints (n = 1,326), Maastrichtian from the Bergerac region (n = 757), Upper Maastrichtian from the Chalosse (n = 528), â grain de milâ fl int (N= 280), Lower Turonian from the Berry region (n = 156), Tertiary from North Aquitaine (n = 55), Upper Turonian from Grand-Pressigny (n = 13), Tertiary from the Aurillac Basin (n = 12), jasperoid Infralias (n = 7) and, fi nally, Ăcoyeux Turonian (n = 4). The proportion of indeterminate artefacts is 26.6% (n = 1,144). Beyond a supply from local alluvia and the PĂ©rigord area, the circulation networks widen clearly towards the Chalosse region and the south of the Paris Basin. The blocks of Bergerac fl ints, Chalosse fl ints and «grain de mil » were knapped on the site. The arrival of these blocks was completed by the importing of lamino-lamellar blanks and tools of Lower and Upper Turonian fl int, respectively from the Berry region and Le Grand Pressigny, and also of Ăcoyeux Turonian fl int. Blades made of good-quality materials were more frequently selected for the manufacturing of tools. These were either produced locally or brought to the site (in the form of blanks or tools). For lamellar production and the manufacture of microliths, there is greater adaptability to the local material of variable quality and a smaller selection of materials from elsewhere. The â litho-espaceâ (sensu Delvigne, 2016) of Moulin-Neuf is the same as that of Roc-de-Marcamps 2 (with scalene bladelets) and is similar to that of Combe-Cullier (also with scalene bladelets). The origins of the materials are much more diversifi ed than for the nearby sites of Roc-de-Marcamps 1 and Saint-Germain-la-RiviĂšre. From a â litho-espaceâ point of view, Moulin-Neuf seems to fi t well into the EMM with scalene bladelets and presents obvious relations with the south of the Paris Basin and probably the sites belonging to the Lussac-Angles facies (La Marche, Roc-aux-Sorciers, Taillis des Coteaux) and the shuttle facies (La Garenne). These unpublished results do not show a clear territorial border between Poitou and the Pyrenees but rather complex networks for the circulation of lithic raw materials. Moulin-Neuf seems to be located at a major crossroads in these networks. The distribution of a similar â litho-espaceâ between the various entities of the Early Middle Magdalenian leads us to question the partitioning of the EMM groups into exclusive âfaciesâ.Moulin-Neuf (Saint-Quentin-de-Baron, Gironde) est un site du MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien datĂ© entre 18700 et 17800 cal. BP. DĂ©couvert en 1939, le site sâorganise comme la succession latĂ©rale de deux abris et dâun gisement en pied de falaise. LâintĂ©rieur de lâabri 1, le plus vaste, a dâabord Ă©tĂ© en partie fouillĂ© par R. CoustĂ© puis par H. PĂ©quart dans les annĂ©es 1940. Entre 1976 et 1980, M. Lenoir entrepris dâen fouiller la terrasse qui a notamment livrĂ© un riche ensemble archĂ©ologique (industries lithique et osseuse, faune, matiĂšres colorantes, art mobilier) attribuĂ© alors au MagdalĂ©nien moyen. Moulin-Neuf se situe Ă lâinterface gĂ©ographique et chronologique des «faciĂšs » Ă navettes, Ă pointes de Lussac-Angles et Ă lamelles scalĂšnes. Pourtant, il nâa livrĂ© aucun de ces marqueurs classiques. Nous nous proposons de croiser les approches pĂ©tro-archĂ©ologiques et technoĂ©conomiques pour dĂ©terminer le mode dâexploitation de chaque ressource afin de mieux cerner les occupations de Moulin-Neuf et de les replacer dans lâespace gĂ©oculturel du MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien. Cette Ă©tude a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence Ă Moulin-Neuf une grande diversitĂ© dans le spectre de matiĂšres premiĂšres exploitĂ©es. Au-delĂ dâun approvisionnement avec la zone pĂ©rigourdine, le rĂ©seau de circulation des matiĂšres premiĂšres sâĂ©largit nettement vers la Chalosse et le Sud du Bassin parisien. Les blocs de silex du Bergeracois, «grain de mil » et de Chalosse ont fait lâobjet dâune exploitation sur place. Cette arrivĂ©e de blocs fut complĂ©tĂ©e par lâapport de supports lamino-lamellaires et dâoutils provenant des formations du Turonien infĂ©rieur du Berry, du Grand-Pressigny et du Turonien dâĂcoyeux. La zone de diffusion des silex du Turonien infĂ©rieur du Berry se trouve alors Ă©largie au Nord du Bassin aquitain. Ces rĂ©sultats inĂ©dits ne montrent pas de frontiĂšres territoriales nettes entre Poitou et PyrĂ©nĂ©es mais plutĂŽt des des rĂ©seaux complexes de circulation des matiĂšres premiĂšres lithiques, tout en confĂ©rant Ă Moulin-Neuf la place de carrefour gĂ©ographique majeur de ces rĂ©seaux. Le partage dâun «litho-espace » similaire entre les diffĂ©rents faciĂšs du MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien relance la question de la pertinence de lâutilisation de ces faciĂšs.SĂ©cher Anthony, Caux SolĂšne. Technologie lithique et circulation des matiĂšres premiĂšres au MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien. Lâexemple de Moulin-Neuf (Saint-Quentin-de-Baron, Gironde). In: Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© prĂ©historique française, tome 114, n°2, 2017. pp. 295-314
A brief note on the presence of the common hamster during the Late Glacial period in southwestern France.
5 pagesInternational audienceThe Late Glacial period is characterized by slow warming, punctuated by short, coldepisodes, such as the Younger Dryas (i.e., GS1). The impact of this climatic event on the mammalcommunity is still poorly documented in southwestern France. Here, a new radiocarbon dateobtained directly on fossil remains of common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, confirms its presence insouthwestern France during the Younger Dryas (GS1). This observation currently suggests thatC. cricetus could be an accurate chronological indicator of this event in southwestern France. In thisparticular case, it also demonstrates an attritional death, polluting the deposit, these remains havingbeen found in the Combe-Cullier layer, attributed to an earlier period
Traditions techniques du Magdalénien moyen ancien. Apports de la série lithique de Combe Cullier, Lacave, Lot, France (couches 11 à 13)
International audienc
Les débuts du Magdalénien moyen dans le Sud-Ouest français. Témoignages croisés des équipements lithiques et osseux
National audienceThe identification of an early phase of the Magdalenian (Lower Magdalenian) between the Badegoulian and the Middle Magdalenian has breathed new life into research concerning the emergence of Magdalenian societies in Western Europe. Moreover, the initial phase of the Middle Magdalenian, or âEarly Middle Magdalenianâ or EMM, plays a unique role for our understanding of the Late Paleolithic given converging technological, economic and symbolic changes and innovations. Such developments are reflected, for example, in individual burials (e.g. Saint-Germain-La-RiviĂšre, Laugerie-Basse, Lafaye, ChanceladeâŠ), rockshelters with friezes of sculpted animals (e.g. Roc-aux-Sorciers, Chaire-Ă -Calvin, Cap BlancâŠ), development of human representations (engraved slabs, decorations on bone and antler implements). Historically, this period has been characterised by different 'facies' defined by the presence of particular objects: the Magdalenian with Lussac-Angles points, the Magdalenian with navettes or the Magdalenian with scalene bladelets. The distribution of these three so-called entities of the EMM overlaps from the Poitou to the PĂ©rigord, and especially in the Gironde, which is the subject of the present work. Building on the work of M.Lenoir, the re-evaluation of several assemblages north of the Sable des Landes as part of the Magdatis Project has revitalised questions concerning the characterisation of EMM lithic and osseous implements as well as the regional demography of these groups. In addition to revising the 'classic' assemblages assigned to the Magdalenian with navettes â Roc-de-Marcamps (original collections) â the analysis was expanded to included Saint-Germain-La-RiviĂšre (Blanchard Collection and TrĂ©colle excavations), Moulin-Neuf (Lenoir excavations), Roc-de-Marcamps 1 and 2 (Lenoir excavations) and the Grotte des FĂ©es (Daleau Collection). While clearly biased by differing excavation methods, this database nevertheless allows varying techno-economic behaviours reflected in the composition of the flint and osseous industries from sites attributed to the different entities of the EMM to be addressed. The identification of Lussac-Angles points at the Grotte des FĂ©es, located just above Roc-de-Marcamps (Magdalenian with navettes), opened the debate concerning the contemporaneity of these two sites. New radiocarbon dates obtained on diagnostic objects (Lussac-Angles points, navette, pierced phallic batons) and identifiable faunal material (reindeer, saĂŻga, bison) and human remains demonstrate some degree of contemporaneity between the different EMM entities. Beyond the presence or absence of particular objects, comparing data from lithic and osseous industries in terms of the organisation of the chaĂźnes opĂ©ratoires for the production of domestic tools and hunting weaponry revealed elements common to the different entities, suggesting a relative cultural permeability. Additionally, new data concerning the circulation of lithic raw materials further reinforces the idea of dynamic cultural interactions between the valley of the Cher, the Poitou, the Charentes, the PĂ©rigord and the Chalosse, exposing for the first time a north-south axis of communication. Comparisons of lithic and osseous material from several assemblages dated to approximately 19 and 17,5 ky cal. BP thanks to a series of targeted radiocarbon dates has allowed traits particular to the EMM of southwestern France to be identified. Future research goals include better understanding this important period which, while clearly marked by ideas from the Lower Magdalenian, sees an acceleration in the emergence of the 'classic' Magdalenian. This general increase in the pace of cultural innovations is clear both in symbolic manifestations as well as techno-economic changes. The integration of these different data forms should help refine the mechanisms underlying the development of a Pan-European Palaeolithic culture with distinct regional variations.La caractĂ©risation dâune phase ancienne du MagdalĂ©nien (MagdalĂ©nien infĂ©rieur), interface culturelle entre le Badegoulien et le MagdalĂ©nien moyen, a permis de relancer les recherches sur le processus de mise en place des sociĂ©tĂ©s magdalĂ©niennes en Europe de lâOuest. Dans ce dĂ©bat, les dĂ©buts du MagdalĂ©nien moyen â le « MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien » ou MMA â reprĂ©sentent une pĂ©riode privilĂ©giĂ©e du PalĂ©olithique rĂ©cent au cours de laquelle convergent alors des changements et innovations techniques, Ă©conomiques ou symboliques. Câest le temps par exemple des sĂ©pultures individuelles (e.g. Saint-Germain-La-RiviĂšre, Laugerie-Basse, Lafaye, ChanceladeâŠ), des abris sculptĂ©s de frises animaliĂšres (e.g. Roc-aux-Sorciers, Chaire-Ă -Calvin, Cap BlancâŠ) ou dâun dĂ©veloppement des reprĂ©sentations humaines (plaquettes gravĂ©es, dĂ©cors sur industrie osseuse). Cette pĂ©riode est historiographiquement marquĂ©e par la caractĂ©risation de diffĂ©rents « faciĂšs » dĂ©finis selon la prĂ©sence dâobjets particuliers : pointes de Lussac-Angles, navettes, lamelles scalĂšnes. La rĂ©partition de ces trois entitĂ©s appartenant au MagdalĂ©nien moyen se recouvre du Poitou au PĂ©rigord et justement en Gironde, thĂ©Ăątre du travail que nous prĂ©sentons ici. En effet, dans le cadre du projet Magdatis, la rĂ©Ă©valuation de plusieurs sĂ©ries du nord du Sable des Landes a permis de redynamiser, dans la lignĂ©e des travaux de M. Lenoir, les questions relatives Ă la caractĂ©risation des Ă©quipements lithiques et osseux de ces groupes et au peuplement MMA dans la rĂ©gion. Au-delĂ dâune rĂ©vision dâune des sĂ©ries « classiques » pour le MagdalĂ©nien Ă navettes â le Roc-de-Marcamps (collections anciennes) â nous avons Ă©largi nos analyses Ă Saint-Germain-La-RiviĂšre (collection Blanchard et fouilles TrĂ©colle), Moulin-Neuf (fouilles Lenoir), Roc-de-Marcamps 1 et 2 (fouilles Lenoir) et la sĂ©rie de la grotte des FĂ©es (collection Daleau). Bien que biaisĂ© par les mĂ©thodes diffĂ©rentes utilisĂ©es lors des fouilles, ce corpus a permis de comparer les comportements techno-Ă©conomiques dont tĂ©moignent les industries osseuses et en silex. Nous avons ainsi pu confronter les Ă©quipements de gisements attribuables aux diffĂ©rentes entitĂ©s du MagdalĂ©nien moyen ancien. La caractĂ©risation de pointes de type Lussac-Angles Ă la grotte des FĂ©es, situĂ©e juste au-dessus du Roc-de-Marcamps (MagdalĂ©nien Ă navettes), a ouvert le dĂ©bat sur la contemporanĂ©itĂ© de ces deux ensembles. De nouvelles dates 14C ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es sur des objets caractĂ©ristiques (pointes de Lussac-Angles, navette, bĂąton percĂ© phalliforme) et des vestiges osseux dĂ©terminĂ©s (renne, saĂŻga, bison, homme). Elles rĂ©vĂšlent une relative contemporanĂ©itĂ© entre ces entitĂ©s du MMA. Au-delĂ de la prĂ©sence/absence dâobjets particuliers, nous avons croisĂ© les donnĂ©es issues des industries lithiques et osseuses du point de vue de lâorganisation des chaĂźnes opĂ©ratoires de production domestique (outillage) et de lâarmement de chasse. Nous avons alors pu dĂ©finir un fonds commun signant une relative permĂ©abilitĂ© culturelle. De nouvelles donnĂ©es obtenues sur la circulation des matiĂšres premiĂšres lithiques appuient cette dynamique dâinteractions sociales entre la vallĂ©e du Cher, le Poitou, les Charentes, le PĂ©rigord et la Chalosse, mettant en Ă©vidence un axe nord-sud jusquâici inĂ©dit. LâĂ©tude comparĂ©e des Ă©quipements lithiques et osseux de plusieurs sĂ©ries calĂ©es entre environ 19 et 17,5 ky cal. BP â grĂące Ă une sĂ©rie de dates 14C raisonnĂ©es â a permis de caractĂ©riser certains traits du MMA dans le Sud-Ouest français. Cette enquĂȘte a pour objectif de mieux apprĂ©hender une pĂ©riode qui, bien quâimprĂ©gnĂ©e dâidĂ©es du MagdalĂ©nien infĂ©rieur, marque une accĂ©lĂ©ration dans la genĂšse du MagdalĂ©nien classique. Cette accĂ©lĂ©ration globalisĂ©e sur une vaste Ă©chelle gĂ©ographique est marquĂ©e par de multiples changements tant symboliques que techno-Ă©conomiques dont lâanalyse croisĂ©e permettra, espĂ©rons-le, de prĂ©ciser les mĂ©canismes de mise en place et de dĂ©veloppement dâune culture palĂ©olithique europĂ©enne aux variations rĂ©gionales
Combe-Cullier (Lacave, Lot) : une séquence oubliée du Magdalénien. Apport des nouvelles dates 14 C
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