2,685 research outputs found

    Bibliographie de Michel Marc Bouchard

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    Radiation effects on CMOS image sensors with sub-2”m pinned photodiodes

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    A group of four commercial sensors with pixel pitches below 2ÎŒm has been irradiated with 60Co source at several total ionizing dose levels related to space applications. A phenomenological approach is proposed through behavior analysis of multiple sensors embedding different technological choices (pitch, isolation or buried oxide). A complete characterization including dark current, activation energy and temporal noise analysis allows to discuss about a degradation scheme

    Débat public et expertise : entre légitimité et rationalité.

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    L’évolution des contextes dĂ©cisionnels liĂ©s aux infrastructures de transport est telle que, dĂ©sormais, le dĂ©cideur public est constamment soumis aux exigences de deux catĂ©gories de prĂ©occupations : rationaliser l’utilisation des ressources publiques et faire des choix acceptables du point de vue de la collectivitĂ© des acteurs parties prenantes. Plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, ce sont les rapports entre les exigences de rationalitĂ© que les acteurs aimeraient voir attachĂ©es Ă  tout processus de dĂ©cision, d’une part, et les exigences de lĂ©gitimitĂ© de fait, liĂ©es Ă  tout processus collectif, d’autre part, qui sont questionnĂ©s. Tenter de satisfaire ces deux exigences, c’est essayer d’articuler plus Ă©troitement Ă©valuation et dĂ©bat. Ce couplage est aujourd’hui amĂ©liorĂ©, en particulier grĂące Ă  la procĂ©dure d’enquĂȘte publique prĂ©alable et au rĂŽle de la Commission Nationale du DĂ©bat Public. Pour les auteurs, la poursuite de cette amĂ©lioration passe Ă©galement par le renouvellement de l’instrumentation de l’évaluation socio-Ă©conomique et par une meilleure pratique du calcul Ă©conomique.The questioning of how public investments decisions are made leads to a two-level problematic. On the one hand, public decision makers have constrained resources that they have to use the best way they can. On the other hand, by choosing between alternative investments projects, decision makers are revealing priority choices between different stakes. So, decision makers have to face with two kinds of issues: spending with special care constrained resources and making the most acceptable decisions they can. In France, for several years, cost benefit analysis has been used to take into account the first issue. The second issue has lead the legislator to rule public expression and stakeholders involvement. This has been a long process made of more or less successful trials. The purpose of this article is to examine how the use of cost benefit analysis interacts with the practice of public debate and stakeholders' participation. In Section 2 (after an introductory section), we will define more precisely principles of cost benefit analysis. In Section 3, we will see how stakeholders' participation has been progressively ruled in France. Then we will study the difficulties to conciliate cost benefit analysis and stakeholders' participation. At last, we will give some suggestions for conciliating legitimacy and rationality in public investments decisions making processes.Analyse coĂ»ts avantages; Analyse multicritĂšre; Investissements publics; Prise de dĂ©cision; Secteur du transport; France;

    Rad Tolerant CMOS Image Sensor Based on Hole Collection 4T Pixel Pinned Photodiode

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    1.4ÎŒm pixel pitch CMOS Image sensors based on hole collection pinned photodiode (HPD) have been irradiated with 60Co source. The HPD sensors exhibit much lower dark current degradation than equivalent commercial sensors using an Electron collection Pinned Photodiode (EPD). This hardness improvement is mainly attributed to carrier accumulation near the interfaces induced by the generated positive charges in dielectrics. The pre-eminence of this image sensor based on hole collection pinned photodiode architectures in ionizing environments is demonstrated

    Systematic review of home physiotherapy after hip fracture surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the benefits of home physiotherapy, institution-based physiotherapy and no physiotherapy following hip fracture surgery. DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. METHODS: Two reviewers independently extracted data from 5 included studies. Standardized mean differences were pooled for health-related quality of life and performance-based outcomes. Review Manager Version 5 was used for data analysis. RESULTS: Analysis of the 5 included studies indicated that home physiotherapy was better than no physiotherapy and similar to outpatient physiotherapy in improving patient-reported health-related quality of life. Performance-based outcomes were marginally better following outpatient physiotherapy compared with home physiotherapy 3 and 6 months after surgery. The risk of bias was high for most outcomes due to methodological issues in the included studies. Discussion: There was a trend of better results with increasing intensity of physiotherapy intervention, but this did not convert into significant effect sizes. The results of this review do not build a strong consensus for recommending one mode of physiotherapy over the others. The quality of evidence was low mainly due to the high risk of bias in the included studies. CONCLUSION: In light of no strong consensus, physiotherapists should continue to follow their current workplace practice policies for determining suitable discharge settings

    Radiation Effects on CMOS Image Sensors With Sub-2 ”m Pinned Photodiodes

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    CMOS image sensor hardness under irradiation is a key parameter for application fields such as space or medical. In this paper, four commercial sensors featuring different technological characteristics (pitch, isolation or buried oxide) have been irradiated with 60Co source. Based on dark current and temporal noise analysis, we develop and propose a phenomenological model to explain pixel performance degradation

    Cortical mapping of the infraspinatus muscle in healthy individuals

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    Background : While cortical representations of intrinsic hand muscles have been extensively studied in healthy individuals, little is known about the representation of proximal upper limb muscles. Improving our understanding of normal shoulder function is important, given that shoulder musculoskeletal disorders affect approximately 20% of the population and are suspected to involve changes in central motor representations. The purpose of the study is to describe the motor representation (motor evoked potentials (MEP) amplitude at the hotspot, map area, normalized map volume and center of gravity) of the infraspinatus muscle in healthy individuals, and to explore the potential influence of hand dominance on this representation (i.e. symmetry of the excitability and of the location of motor map between sides), as well as the effect of age and gender on motor excitability. Results : Fifteen healthy participants took part in this study. No significant asymmetry between sides was observed for motor excitability (p = 0.14), map area (p = 0.73) and normalized map volume (p = 0.34). Moreover, no side x intensity interaction was found (p = 0.54), indicating similar stimulus response properties. No difference between sides was found in the location of infraspinatus motor representation, either in the mediolateral or anteroposterior axis (p > 0.10). Neither age nor gender influenced aMT (p > 0.58) or MEP size (p > 0.61). Conclusions : As the cortical representation of infraspinatus muscles was found to be symmetric between sides, both in terms of excitability and location, comparisons between the intact and affected side could be performed in clinical studies, regardless of whether the dominant or non-dominant side is affected. The next step will be to characterize corticospinal excitability and map parameters in populations with shoulder disorders

    Calculs thermodynamiques et leur uniformité pour le modÚle de Hubbard bi-dimensionnel

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    Le modĂšle de Hubbard est Ie modĂšle d'Ă©lectrons corrĂ©lĂ©s Ie plus simple qui pourrait expliquer la supraconductivitĂ© a haute tempĂ©rature critique. Ce modĂšle n'est toujours pas rĂ©solu sauf pour des limites particuliĂšres. On cherche a trouver des mĂ©thodes permettant de Ie rĂ©soudre, au moins approximativement. Les approches diagrammatiques de la thĂ©orie des perturbations nous forcent a faire des choix qui conduisent souvent a des violations de certaines lois de conservation. Dans ce cadre, certaines rĂ©glĂ©s on Ă©tĂ© suggĂ©rĂ©es afin de respecter l'uniformite thermodynamique. Mais la mĂ©thode la plus populaire utilisant ces rĂšgles ne parvient pas a donner des rĂ©sultats satisfaisants. On analysera une autre mĂ©thode qui n'utilise pas ces rĂšgles mais qui parvient tout de mĂȘme a respecter 1'uniformite thermodynamique ainsi qu'a donner des rĂ©sultats qui sont en accord a quelques pourcents prĂšs avec les simulations Monte-Carlo. La courbe de double occupation en fonction de la tempĂ©rature comporte un minimum local, manifestation de la localisation. On verra que Ie calcul de Pentropie ne montre pas que Ie minimum de double occupation en fonction de la tempĂ©rature soit prĂ©sent pour des considĂ©ration entropique

    Revalorisation de la biomasse chitineuse par voie de compostage

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    Les rĂ©sidus de crevettes sont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s dans l'industrie de la transformation alimentaire des fruits de mer. Ils sont produits lors du dĂ©corticage des crevettes. La chitine est le polymĂšre naturel formant les carapaces de crustacĂ©s. Elle possĂšde plusieurs propriĂ©tĂ©s intĂ©ressantes dont la capacitĂ© d'inhiber la croissance de certains champignons et la capacitĂ© d'induire certaines rĂ©actions dĂ©fensives chez la plante lorsque prĂ©sente sous forme oligomĂ©rique. Ces deux propriĂ©tĂ©s, si elles sont bien exploitĂ©es, peuvent devenir intĂ©ressantes pour la culture horticole ou maraĂźchĂšre. Essentiellement, nos travaux ont consistĂ© Ă  dĂ©velopper un procĂ©dĂ© de compostage de rĂ©sidus de crevettes respectant les normes d'hygiĂšne, optimisant l'utilisation de la biomasse chitineuse et ayant comme produit final un compost fertilisant, non-phytotoxique et possĂ©dant suffisamment de chitine sous forme oligomĂ©rique pour avoir le potentiel d'ĂȘtre phytoprotecteur. Les objectifs ont donc Ă©tĂ© de dĂ©finir la mĂ©thode de compostage, les intrants (biomasses) Ă  composter avec les rĂ©sidus de crevettes et finalement, de dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thode de suivi du processus de compostage. Nous avons dĂ©fini le procĂ©dĂ© de compostage lui-mĂȘme en ce qui concerne la tempĂ©rature de compostage, sa durĂ©e, le dĂ©bit et la frĂ©quence d'aĂ©ration. Certaines formulations obtenues possĂšdent suffisamment d'oligomĂšres de chitine pour avoir le potentiel d'ĂȘtre fongistatiques ou phytoprotectrices. Nous avons dĂ©fini les paramĂštres chimiques, physiques et biologiques importants au suivi de l'Ă©volution du compost que nous voulons obtenir. [RĂ©sumĂ© abrĂ©gĂ© par UMI]
