141 research outputs found

    Pushing the limits: K2 observations of the trans-Neptunian objects 2002 GV31 and (278361) 2007 JJ43

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    We present the first photometric observations of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) taken with the Kepler space telescope, obtained in the course of the K2 ecliptic survey. Two faint objects have been monitored in specifically designed pixel masks that were centered on the stationary points of the objects, when their daily motion was the slowest. In the design of the experiment, only the apparent path of these objects were retrieved from the detectors, i.e. the costs in terms of Kepler pixels were minimized. Because of the faintness of the targets we employ specific reduction techniques and co-added images. We measure rotational periods and amplitudes in the unfiltered Kepler band as follows: for (278361) 2007 JJ43 and 2002 GV31 we get P_rot=12.097 h and P_rot=29.2 h while 0.10 and 0.35 mag for the total amplitudes, respectively. Future space missions, like TESS and PLATO are not well suited to this kind of observations. Therefore, we encourage to include the brightest TNOs around their stationary points in each observing campaign to exploit this unique capability of the K2 Mission -- and therefore to provide unbiased rotational, shape and albedo characteristics of many objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 5.2 pages in emulateapj style, misspelled 2007 JJ43 designation correcte

    Evidence for fresh frost layer on the bare nucleus of comet Hale--Bopp at 32 AU distance

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    Here we report that the activity of comet Hale--Bopp ceased between late 2007 and March, 2009, at about 28 AU distance from the Sun. At that time the comet resided at a distance from the Sun that exceeded the freeze-out distance of regular comets by an order of magnitude. A Herschel Space Observatory PACS scan was taken in mid-2010, in the already inactive state of the nucleus. The albedo has been found to be surprisingly large (8.1±\pm0.9%{}), which exceeds the value known for any other comets. With re-reduction of archive HST images from 1995 and 1996, we confirm that the pre-perihelion albedo resembled that of an ordinary comet, and was smaller by a factor of two than the post-activity albedo. Our further observations with the Very Large Telescope (VLT) also confirmed that the albedo increased significantly by the end of the activity. We explain these observations by proposing gravitational redeposition of icy grains towards the end of the activity. This is plausible for such a massive body in a cold environment, where gas velocity is lowered to the range of the escape velocity. These observations also show that giant comets are not just the upscaled versions of the comets we know but can be affected by processes that are yet to be fully identified.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Large size and slow rotation of the trans-Neptunian object (225088) 2007 OR10 discovered from Herschel and K2 observations

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    We present the first comprehensive thermal and rotational analysis of the second most distant trans-Neptunian object (225088) 2007 OR10. We combined optical light curves provided by the Kepler space telescope -- K2 extended mission and thermal infrared data provided by the Herschel Space Observatory. We found that (225088) 2007 OR10 is likely to be larger and darker than derived by earlier studies: we obtained a diameter of d=1535^{+75}_{-225} km which places (225088) 2007 OR10 in the biggest top three trans-Neptunian objects. The corresponding visual geometric albedo is p_V=0.089^{+0.031}_{-0.009}. The light curve analysis revealed a slow rotation rate of P_rot=44.81+/-0.37 h, superseded by a very few objects only. The most likely light-curve solution is double-peaked with a slight asymmetry, however, we cannot safely rule out the possibility of having a rotation period of P_rot=22.40+/-0.18 h which corresponds to a single-peaked solution. Due to the size and slow rotation, the shape of the object should be a MacLaurin ellipsoid, so the light variation should be caused by surface inhomogeneities. Its newly derived larger diameter also implies larger surface gravity and a more likely retention of volatiles -- CH_4, CO and N_2 -- on the surface.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ, 8 pages in emulateapj styl

    Main-Belt Asteroids in the K2 Engineering Field of View

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    Unlike NASA's original Kepler Discovery Mission, the renewed K2 Mission will stare at the plane of the Ecliptic, observing each field for approximately 75 days. This will bring new opportunities and challenges, in particular the presence of a large number of main-belt asteroids that will contaminate the photometry. The large pixel size makes K2 data susceptible to the effect of apparent minor planet encounters. Here we investigate the effects of asteroid encounters on photometric precision using a sub-sample of the K2 Engineering data taken in February, 2014. We show examples of asteroid contamination to facilitate their recognition and distinguish these events from other error sources. We conclude that main-belt asteroids will have considerable effects on K2 photometry of a large number of photometric targets during the Mission, that will have to be taken into account. These results will be readily applicable for future space photometric missions applying large-format CCDs, such as TESS and PLATO.Comment: accepted for publication in AJ, 6 page

    A variable star survey of the open cluster M37

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    A CCD photometric study of the dense galactic open cluster M37 is presented and discussed. The majority of the analysed data are time-series measurements obtained through an R_C filter. The observations were carried out on seven nights between December 1999 and February 2000, and have led to the discovery of 7 new variable stars in the field. Three of them have been unambiguously identified as W UMa-type eclipsing binaries, while two more are monoperiodic pulsating stars, most probably high-amplitude delta Scuti-type variables. The remaining two stars seem to be long-period eclipsing binaries without firm period determination. Johnson B and V frames have been used to construct a new colour-magnitude (CM) diagram of the cluster, and to find the locations of the new variable stars. The pulsating variables are most likely background objects. The CM diagram is fitted with recent isochrones yielding the main parameters of the cluster.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Overtone and multi-mode RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M3

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    The overtone and multi-mode RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M3 are studied using a 200-d long, B,VB,V and ICI_{\mathrm C} time-series photometry obtained in 2012. 70\% of the 52 overtone variables observed show some kind of multi-periodicity (additional frequency at f0.61=f1O/0.61{f_{0.61}}={f_{\mathrm {1O}}}/0.61 frequency ratio, Blazhko effect, double/multi-mode pulsation, period doubling). A signal at 0.587 frequency ratio to the fundamental-mode frequency is detected in the double-mode star, V13, which may be identified as the second radial overtone mode. If this mode-identification is correct, than V13 is the first RR Lyrae star showing triple-mode pulsation of the first three radial modes. Either the Blazhko effect or the f0.61{f_{0.61}} frequency (or both of these phenomena) appear in 7 double-mode stars. The P1O/PFP_{\mathrm{1O}}/P_{\mathrm{F}} period ratio of RRd stars showing the Blazhko effect are anomalous. A displacement of the main frequency component at the fundamental-mode with the value of modulation frequency (or its half) is detected in three Blazhko RRd stars parallel with the appearance of the overtone-mode pulsation. The f0.61{f_{0.61}} frequency appears in RRc stars that lie at the blue side of the double-mode region and in RRd stars, raising the suspicion that its occurrence may be connected to double-mode pulsation. The changes of the Blazhko and double-mode properties of the stars are also reviewed using the recent and archive photometric data.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ Suppl. 26 pages, 25 figure