1,159 research outputs found

    Web Acceptance and Usage Model: A Comparison between Goal-directed and Experiential Web Users

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    In this paper we analyse the Web acceptance and usage between goal-directed users and experiential users, incorporating intrinsic motives to improve the particular and explanatory TAM value –traditionally related to extrinsic motives-. A field study was conducted to validate measures used to operationalize model variables and to test the hypothesised network of relationships. The data analysis method used was Partial Least Squares (PLS).The empirical results provided strong support for the hypotheses, highlighting the roles of flow, ease of use and usefulness in determining the actual use of the Web among experiential and goal-directed users. In contrast with previous research that suggests that flow would be more likely to occur during experiential activities than goal-directed activities, we found clear evidence of flow for goal-directed activities. In particular the study findings indicate that flow might play a powerfulrole in determining the attitude towards usage,intention to useand, in turn,actual Web use among experiential and goal-directed users

    Desarrollo regional y estructura de capital de las PYME

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    This article studies the influence of regional institutional environment, measured as regional development, on capital structure of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Furthermore, the standard firm-factor determinants and the business sector of the firm are also incorporated. To this end, a sample of 6,560 Spanish firms for 2007 is analysed, where all regions of Spain and all sectors, except the financial sector, are considered. Spain provides a suitable and unexplored laboratory for the analysis of regional differences in the financial structure of SMEs, since, on the one hand, SMEs constitute the most relevant firms in this country, and on the other hand, Spain shows regional disparities at various levels. Moreover, the empirical analysis uses Partial Least Squares (PLS), a variance-based structural equation modelling (SEM). In this respect, PLS has several clear advantages to multiple linear regression (MLR). Thanks to this study, how each of these factors explains the variation in the capital structure could be shown. Moreover, the results show that although firm factors and the business sector explain a large proportion of the variance of capital structure of SMEs, it is important to take into account the regional institutional environment to better ascertain the level of debt of SMEs in a single country.Este artículo estudia la influencia del entorno institucional regional, medido a través del desarrollo regional, en la estructura de capital de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME). Además, este estudio también considera los factores de empresa clásicos determinantes de las decisiones de financiación y el sector de actividad de la empresa. Para el análisis empírico, se toma una muestra de 6.560 PYME españolas donde todas las regiones de España y todos los sectores, excepto el financiero, son considerados. España ofrece un laboratorio adecuado e inexplorado para el análisis de las diferencias regionales en la estructura financiera de las PYME, ya que, por una parte, las PYME son las empresas más preponderantes en el mismo y por otro lado, España muestra diferencias regionales a varios niveles. Como metodología se utiliza un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales basado en la varianza (Partial Least Squares-PLS). A este respecto, PLS ofrece una serie de ventajas claras sobre el análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. Gracias a este estudio, se ha podido identificar cómo cada una de las variables analizadas explica la variación en la estructura de capital. Además, los resultados muestran que aunque los factores de empresa y el sector de actividad explican una gran proporción de la varianza de la estructura de capital de las PYME, es importante tener en cuenta el entorno institucional regional para determinar mejor el nivel de deuda de las PYME en un país determinado

    EDMS Use in Local E-Government: Extent of Use and Overall Performance Mediated by Routinization and Infusion

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    This study analyzes the effects of several post-adoption behaviors (extent of use, routinization and infusion) on overall performance in using an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS). Furthermore, we test whether the routinization and infusion variables mediate the influence of the extent of use on overall performance. This research collects data from a survey answered by 2,175 employees (EDMS users) of Portuguese municipalities. The Partial Least Squares technique is applied to test the model. The results showed that routinization is directly predicted by the extent of use, whereas infusion is directly affected by the extent of use and also by routinization. Consequently, such post-adoptive behaviors are interrelated not only in a sequential process, but also in parallel. In addition, overall performance is directly influenced by routinization and infusion. Finally, an indirect effects analysis shows that routinization and infusion mediate the relationship between extent of use and overall performance

    Estudio técnico-económico de una planta desaladora de agua de mar por ósmosis inversa

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    En el següent escrit: Estudi técnic-económic d’una planta desaladora d’aigua de mar per osmosis inversa, es pretén donar al lector una idea del procés d’Osmosis Inversa; el qual, ja el podríem ubicar dins dels processos de separació per membranes. Es pretén que aquesta idea sigui el més pràctica possible, sense deixar de banda els aspectes teòrics corresponents, però descartant aquells que, encara tenir relativa importància, l’únic que se aconseguiria amb el seu estudi, seria ampliar el contingut de l’anomenat projecte sense aportarnos això cap benefici relacionat amb l’essència del tema, com es la desalació d’aigua de mar per osmosis inversa. Es per aquest motiu que l’estudi que segueix, es divideix en cinc volums. El primer recull tots els aspectes teórico-práctics, on el lector pot trobar els diferents processos de separació per membranes, les consideracions sobre l’aigua i tot el relacionat amb el fonament fisico-químic que ens pertoca, o sia, la ósmosis inversa: definicions, conceptes bàsics, procés, membranes, etc. L’aspecte pràctic al que ens referim ve reflexat en petits sub-apartats, tals com: neteja eficaç de les membranes, o en seccions posteriors, en petits apartats on es donen recomanacions pràctiques, de instal•lació i inclòs de fabricació d’aparells per postratament. El volum segon és una descripció detalla de l’instal•lació, on s’estudia des de la presa d’aigua de mar fins l’obtenció d’aigua producte, nomenant-se tots els equips, vàlvules, bombes, filtres, etc., que l’aigua travessa en el seu procés. Els tres volums restants corresponen al aspecte més tècnic, on es mostren, por ordre: càlculs, plànols i pressupost o memòria econòmica

    Classes i grups socials a la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationL'article analitza els grups que formen el teixit social de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona. Partint de la convicció que la societat no està formada només per individus sinó per grups que actuen en funció dels seus recursos, formes de vida i interessos, els autors identifiquen les principals agrupacions que coexisteixen en la societat metropolitana i que es defineixen fonamentalment per la posició de les persones en l'àmbit de la producció

    Visual Thinking, game-based learning and digital Quiz as strategy of mathematics comprehension

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    Personalisation in education is key to developing learning strategies in the new educational paradigm. Placing the student at the centre of the teaching-learning process makes this personalisation possible, involving not only students, encouraging their motivation and creativity, but also teachers who can change traditional methodologies with the use of active methodologies far from teaching only purely academic content. The design of activities should be based on the students' interest, encouraging their imagination and motivation in order to make comprehensive learning possible. Given that most of the comprehension problems in the subject of mathematics are due to the lack of use or incorrect use of resources, materials or traditional methodologies by teachers, which prevent the achievement of learning, it is necessary to bring about this change. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of the teaching proposals with content from other subjects enriches the whole process and, thanks to ICT, they are integrated, thus enabling both to be worked on at the same time. This proposal combines ICT tools and manipulative materials based on techniques such as Visual Thinking, game-based learning and the digital Quiz, all integrated under a thematic thread that brings together the three techniques of the proposal, which will be key to the understanding of mathematical content in primary education as shown by the results obtained.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The moderator role of Gender in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): A study on users of Electronic Document Management Systems

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    Venkatesh et al. [1] tried to integrate predictability capabilities from the different existing models of technology acceptance. This produced the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). This comprehensive model resulted in the identification of common aspects. It proposed several constructs with a greater explanatory power and analyzed moderating drivers, such as age, Gender, experience and voluntariness of use. By doing so, UTAUT identifies three major drivers of behavioral intention: performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence. On the other hand, facilitating conditions and behavioral intention were identified as determinant factors of actual use [1]. In addition to previous considerations about UTAUT, empirical research has scarcely analyzed the moderating role of Gender [2]. This is why this paper particularly aims to fill this gap. Hofstede [3] describes strength, competitiveness and guidance for material success as social roles linked to male values, whilst modesty, tenderness, sensitivity and concern for the quality of life are values associated with women. With respect to UTAUT, existing studies have shown that performance expectancy positively influences behavioral intention more strongly for men (cf. [4], [5], [6] and [7]). Moreover, it has been observed that effort expectancy positively influences behavioral intention more strongly for women (cf. [4], [5] and [6]), while social influence positively affects behavioral intention more strongly for women (cf. [5], [7] and [8]). In our research, with the aim of testing the moderating effects of Gender, a sample of 2,175 users of Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) in Portuguese municipalities was used. Taking into account that Gender is a categorical variable, we have adopted a multi-group or multi-sample analysis [9] -dividing the sample into two groups (male = 748; female = 1,427) and estimating each group of observations separately. Before comparing the groups, an analysis of the measurement invariance was carried out to make sure that the construct measures were invariant between both groups [10]. Once the metric invariance had been assessed, we carried out a set of multi-group analyses –interpreting statistically-significant differences in path coefficients as moderating effects. On the one hand, the parametric approach considering both equal variances and different variances has been used [11, 12]. On the other hand, we have applied non-parametric approaches exemplified by the permutation test [13], and Henseler’s PLS multi-group analysis [10, 12, 14]. This study notes slight differences in the results of the aforementioned methods. As a result, the moderating effect of Gender on the relation between performance expectancy and behavioral intention showed that this relationship is stronger among men than women. Finally, a discussion on the implications of Gender as a moderator for the UTAUT model is included

    Determinants of User Acceptance of a Local eGovernment Electronic Document Management System (EDMS)

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    On numerous occasions the significant value of the investments involved in the development of eGovernment and the expectations of governmental information systems use do not correspond to the rate of effective use. This scenario makes it difficult to justify the development of electronic government by governments and local authorities among its citizens. It is therefore important to understand the factors that influence the employees' intention of using governmental information systems. With the aim of understanding the determining factors of using an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) in the context of Portuguese municipalities, this study develops an empirical analysis using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, (Venkatesh et al., 2003). This model's application for information systems research in the governmental context has a weak expression and is unique in EDMS research. This empirical research follows a realist and positivist approach. Data was collected from a survey answered by 2,175 employees of Portuguese municipalities (EDMS users). Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to test the model proposed. The results showed that Intention to Use is positively affected by Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions. With respect to the EDMS Use, the results showed that it is positively influenced by Intention to Use and Facilitating Conditions. The main result indicates that EDMS users believe that the use of this information system will help them to obtain performance benefits in their work. However, the increasing use of EDMS is not very influenced by the system's perceived ease of use. In short, this study provides a contribution to the Information Systems Acceptance and Adoption literature in local eGovernmental contexts. In addition, our contribution empirically tests the model for implementation in governmental organizations and provides a better understanding of the adoption and use of an EDM

    Influencia de la actitud en el rendimiento académico en matemática con estudiantes universitarios

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    La importancia de las actitudes en el aprendizaje de la Matemática ha sido reconocida en la literatura a través de diversos trabajos empíricos (Ursini, Sánchez, y Orendai, 2004; Gómez Chacón, 1999 y 2000). En México, no es un secreto para ninguno de los actores involucrados en el proceso educativo que los esfuerzos en esta asignatura por lograr un mayor aprendizaje en los estudiantes han mostrado ser insuficientes frente a los malos resultados obtenidos por ellos en las pruebas estandarizadas tanto a nivel nacional (ENLACE y EXCALE) como internacional (PISA, TIMSS y otros). Encontrar una respuesta a la siguiente pregunta: ¿Influyen las actitudes hacia la Matemática en el rendimiento escolar de los alumnos? ha sido el motivo que llevó a realizar la presente investigación. En la medida en que se investiguen aspectos de incidencia de tipo psicológico, en este trabajo el actitudinal, en el proceso educativo se obtendrá información que permitirá tomar decisiones para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje