38 research outputs found

    Masaje perineal en gestantes

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    Cartel presentadaoen la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: el trauma perineal es una de las complicaciones más frecuentes tras un parto vaginal, que puede estar asociado a una morbilidad a corto y medio plazo; el masaje perineal aumenta la flexibilidad de los músculos perineales, lo que permite extenderse durante el proceso del parto sin que se produzcan desgarros. Objetivos: determinar la influencia del masaje perineal como factor protector frente al trauma perineal. Metodología: estudio observacional sobre documentos publicados. Se realiza una revisión bibliogáfica en las bases de datos Medline y Cochrane, con las siguientes palabras clave: "perineum", "massage" y "perineal trauma"; recogiéndose datos sobre desgarros, incidencia de episiotomía, dolor perineal tras el parto, así como la satisfacción y aceptación sobre el masaje perineal. Resultados: el masaje perineal se asocia a una reducción del 9% del trauma perineal que requiere sutura, así como un 15% menos de probabilidad de sufrir una episiotomía en primíparas, además de reducir en un 32% el dolor perineal a los 3 meses después del parto. En cuanto a la satisfacción de la mujer, el 79% indica que volvería a practicar el masaje y un 87% lo recomendaría a otra gestante. Conclusiones: el masaje perineal anteparto reduce la probabilidad de trauma y dolor perineal continuo. Por tanto, se recomienda informar a las gestantes de los beneficios de la técnica y de cómo realizarla

    Efecto de la cesárea en el riesgo de la transmisión perinatal del VHC

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: la hepatitis C afecta a 170 millones de personas en todo el mundo. La principal vía de transmisión en la infancia es la vertical. Las tasas de infección por VHC prenatales va desde 1% a 2,5% en Europa y más del 10% en Africa. Las madres con VIH o VHB tienen distintos tratamientos para reducir la transmisión vertical. Sin embargo en VHC los tratamientos disponibles están contraindicados en el embarazo y no hay estrategias comprobadas para reducir su transmisión. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto del tipo de parto sobre el riesgo de transmisión perinatal del VHC de madre a hijos. Metodos: se realiza revisión bibliográfica en bases de datos Pubmed y Cochrane entre los años 2005-2014 con palabras claves; pregnancy,transmission,VHC, prevention. Resultados: se realizó la prueba de VHC a 26390 mujeres embarazadas durante 5 años en Dublín;545 dieron positivo(2,1%);hubo 66 abortos(12%);5 muertes fetales y una muerte neonatal(1%).La tasa de infección prenatal fue del 0.7% y la de mortalidad perinatal del 1.1%.Hubo 44 cesáreas programadas(7.9%);72 cesarea urgente(12.9%);53 partos instrumentales(9.5%). Se evaluaron 441 niños;la transmisión VHC por parto fue 3.4%,cesárea programada 3% y cesárea urgente 8.9%.La tasa de transmisión vertical tras parto vaginal no fue diferente en comparación con los nacidos por cesárea (4,2% vs 3,0%). Conclusión: no hay diferencias significativas en la transmisión del VHC de madres a hijos en partos vs cesáreas, por lo que la cesarea no protege al RN de la transmisión del VHC

    Revisão sistemática da relação de hábitos de vida saudáveis na infância e adolescência e sua influência na saúde

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    Partiendo de la consideración de la salud como un estado dinámico pero a la vez de equilibrio positivo de la persona en relación con su propio bienestar y provocado por la interacción con el medio ambiente, abordamos los factores que tienen mayor influencia en la salud de las personas relacionándolos al mismo tiempo con los hábitos de vida saludables. En la actualidad, dichos hábitos están estrechamente vinculados con la concienciación en la manera de proporcionar herramientas que faciliten adquirir hábitos saludables y prescindirse los que no lo son. Hay investigaciones que atestiguan que el contexto de alimentación, el modo de transportarse de forma activa o las propias características del ambiente que rodea a los individuos se presentan como un agente muy relevante que define la dieta, la práctica de actividad física o la composición corporal en la infancia y adolescencia. Actualmente se promueven desde diferentes ámbitos campañas de promoción de hábitos de vida saludables para revertir la situación desfavorable incidiendo sobre todo en esta etapa que marcará el futuro de la salud de los próximos adultos.Starting from the consideration of health as a dynamic but at the same time positive balance of the person in relation to their own wellbeing and caused by the interaction with the environment, we address the factors that have greater influence on the health of people relating them at the same time with healthy life habits. Nowadays, these habits are closely linked to the awareness in the way of providing tools that facilitate acquiring healthy habits and dispensing with those that are not. There is a research that confirm that the feeding context, the way of being transported in an active way or the characteristics of the environment surrounding the individuals are presented as a very important agent that defines diet, the practice of physical activity or body composition in childhood and adolescence. Currently, campaigns promoting healthy lifestyles are being promoted in different areas to reverse the unfavorable situation, with an emphasis on this stage that will mark the future of the health of the next adults.Partindo da consideração da saúde como um equilíbrio dinâmico, mas ao mesmo tempo positivo da pessoa em relação ao seu próprio bem-estar e causado pela interação com o ambiente, abordamos os fatores que mais influenciam a saúde das pessoas. relacionando-os ao mesmo tempo com hábitos de vida saudáveis. Atualmente, esses hábitos estão intimamente ligados à conscientização na forma de fornecer ferramentas que facilitem a aquisição de hábitos saudáveis e a dispensação daqueles que não são. Há pesquisas que atestam que o contexto alimentar, o modo de ser transportado de forma ativa ou as características do ambiente ao redor dos indivíduos são apresentados como um agente muito importante que define a dieta, a prática de atividade física ou a composição corporal em infância e adolescência Atualmente, campanhas de promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis estão sendo promovidas em diferentes áreas para reverter a situação desfavorável, com ênfase nessa etapa que marcará o futuro da saúde dos próximos adultos

    Nutritional and Growth Effect of Insect Meal Inclusion on Seabass (Dicentrarchuss labrax) Feeds

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    This work studies the effect of high-level fish meal replacement with insect meal: YW meal (obtained from Tenebrio larvae fed a broiler diet), BSF meal (from hermetia larvae fed broilers diet), BSFm meal (obtained from hermetia larvae fed discard fish) on growth performance nutritive indices and in vitro digestibility of Dicentrarchus labrax juvenile. Three different insect meals were used: BSF meal from hermetia larvae fed broilers diet; BSF improve (BSFm) obtained from hermetia larvae fed discarded fish; YW meal obtained from the larvae of Tenebrio fed a broiler diet. Five diets were used, a control (C) diet and four experimental diets by replacing fishmeal with insect meal from BSF at 30% and 50% (BSF30 and BSF50) substitutions, BSFm at 50% substitution (BSF50 m) and YM at 50% substitution (YW50). Nutritional and growth indices worsened by including insect meal, especially for hermetia meal at 50% substitution, BSF50 and BSF50 m. The internal organs’ weight reflected the growth of the fish fed each experimental diet. No differences were found in fillet composition. Nevertheless, under our experimental condition, YW replacement obtained better results than both BSF diets

    Effect on Intermediary Metabolism and Digestive Parameters of the High Substitution of Fishmeal with Insect Meal in Sparus aurata Feed

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    The depletion of traditional protein sources and the impact this causes on the production costs of aquaculture feed make it necessary to find alternative materials that allow for the sustainability of production. Among various proposals, insects have drawn scholarly attention because of their high protein content and the efficiency of their production, both from an environmental and an economic perspective. However, nutritional changes in fish diets require further clarification regarding the effect of this new ingredient in fish performance and physiology. In this study, we evaluated the use of two insect meal species, Hermetia illucens and Tenebrio molitor, for the partial replacement of fishmeal, as well as their influence on growth indices and the gut microbiome. Although the results showed a worsening of biometric parameters and a modification of the microbial community, the impact was different depending on the insect species and their rearing conditions. Thus, specific studies for each case are recommended.Hermetia illucens and Tenebrio molitor were tested on account of their potential to replace fish protein in feed. Two levels of replacement for H. illucens, 30% and 50% (H30 and H50), and one for T. molitor, 50% (T50), as well as an additional diet with a modified fatty acid fraction (H50M), were investigated in relation to juvenile Sparus aurata growth indices, enzyme activities and gut microbiome. A T50 diet showed similar results to a control (C) diet, with no significant differences regarding morphological indices and minor differences for nutritional indices. Regarding the gut microbiome, H50M was the diet which showed the more similar prokaryotic community to C, which suggests that fatty acid fractions might influence the composition of the gut microbiome. Nevertheless, differences appeared to be related to a redistribution of dominant species, while changes in species affiliation were limited to minoritary species. The positive correlation between some of these minoritary species (Peptostreptococcus russellii, Streptococcus dysgalactiae and Weisella confusa) and several fish growth parameters might explain differences between control and insect diets. Deciphering such uncertainty and revealing the potential role these unusual species may play on fish performance should be addressed in future investigations.INIA (Spanish Agricultural and Agro-Food Research Institute)Project RTA 2015-00021-C03-02 and FEDER fundsEuropean Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and Consejeria de Agricultura, Pesca y Desarrollo Rural, OPP71

    El quehacer y la evolución periodística desde las redacciones del Vídeo a las de la Tele

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    Junta de Andalucía HUM21

    Evaluation of the interrelated effects of slaughtering, drying, and defatting methods on the composition and properties of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae fat

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    The interrelated effect of different slaughtering, drying and defatting methods of black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) on the lipid composition and properties of the fat was studied. Blanching and freezing were compared as slaughtering methods, oven or freeze-drying as drying methods, and mechanical pressing or supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) as defatting methods. The different modes of slaughtering, drying, and defatting, along with both binary and ternary interactions caused significant effects on processes yields, lipid composition, moisture content and thermal properties. Thus, considering the defatting degree and the yield in total valued products (defatted meal plus fat), the combination of blanching, freeze-drying plus mechanical pressing was the worst option (51.2% and 87.5%, respectively). In contrast, the other combinations demonstrated better and comparable efficiency, although SFE is preferable for defatting (83.2% and 96.9%, respectively). The content of major fatty acids (lauric, palmitic and myristic acids) was significantly affected by the BSFL treatments, although with unsignificant impact on the total saturated fatty acids content. To preserve the integrity of the fat, the combination of blanching and oven-drying was preferred, as non-thermal methods of slaughtering and drying caused intense lipolysis, releasing free fatty acids (FFA) in the range of 18.6–23.5%. To achieve the lowest moisture content in the fats (≤0.1%), oven-drying with mechanical pressing were desired, regardless of the slaughtering method; while values > 1% were reached for freezing, freeze-drying and SFE. Both differences in FFA and moisture contents caused different thermal behaviors in the samples. Specially, the melting temperature was lower for samples with higher FFA and moisture contents, with a notable difference when freezing, freeze-drying and SFE were combined (14.5 ◦C vs 30.6 ◦C, as the mean value for the rest of samples). The different modes of processing did not affect the minor lipid compounds. Therefore, the modes employed for slaughtering, drying, and defatting of BSFL determine, either individually or in combination, the process yields, composition, and properties of the fatThis research was funded by the Spanish National Plans of Aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, project ACUINSECT (Optimization of insect flours as sustainable ingredient for aquaculture feed) with the support of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (FEMP

    Pre-Treatment of Fish By-Products to Optimize Feeding of Tenebrio molitor L. Larvae

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    Fish discards are organic waste with high and good-quality protein levels, as well as a fatty acid profile rich in n−3 LCPUFAs, mainly eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. These discards can be used as food for Tenebrio molitor (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae, thus increasing the nutritional value of this insect. This study focused on increasing larval acceptance of fish through different pre-treatments of the diets provided, as well as increasing the accumulation of EPA and DHA in fish-fed larvae. Four different diets were prepared: control (broiler feed), DGF50: 50% dried ground fish (Pagellus bogaraveo, Brünnich, 1768) + 50% broiler feed, for different periods, FGF100: 100% fresh ground P. bogaraveo and DUF100: 100% dried whole unground P. bogaraveo. Growth, mortality, proximate composition, fatty acid profile and lipid nutritional indices were determined. Larvae fed with FGF100 displayed better results among treatments, doubling the initial weight, as well as increasing their protein level and decreasing fat levels. Regarding fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid were only detected in larvae fed with a fish-based diet for a period longer than 5 days. These results show that pre-treatment of fish-based diets causes changes in the growth and compositional parameters of T. molitor larvae