19 research outputs found

    Success rate of proximal tooth-coloured direct restorations in primary teeth at 24 months: a meta-analysis

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    The aim was to determine the survival of tooth-coloured restorative materials in proximal restorations of primary teeth at 24 months of follow-up and the influence of the following variables: use of coating, use of cavity conditioner, use of rubber dam isolation, the cavity form, the dentist’s experience and the methodological characteristics of the studies. We conducted a search until May 2019, obtaining 16 articles from which 30 independent studies were extracted, which were considered as units of analysis. Four outcome measures were extracted from each study: retention, marginal integrity, anatomic form, and absence of recurrent caries. Separate meta-analyses were carried for each outcome and multiple meta-regression model was applied. The outcomes with the highest mean success rates were absence of recurrent caries and anatomic form. The type of material significantly influenced success rates. The best materials were resin-based material plus total-etching adhesion and resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC), and the worst high viscosity glass ionomer cement (HVGIC). Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) had a lower success rate than the conventional cavity form. RMGIC had the best clinical performance and HVGIC the worst. The form of the cavity, blinding and the experience of the operator were the variables that influenced success rates. Proximal primary molar restorations should be performed with RMGIC as it combines good mechanical performance of the resins together with the prevention of secondary caries of glass ionomers

    Effectivenness of cognitive behavioural treatment in social phobia: a meta-analytic review

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    Se revisan, de modo cuantitativo, los tratamientos cognitivos y conductuales para la fobia social, obteniéndose un tamaño del efecto medio ponderado de 0,77 para el postest y 0,95 para el seguimiento. Estos valores permiten afirmar que, en términos globales, dichos tratamientos resultan bastante efectivos para la fobia social. Sin embargo, la prueba de homogeneidad no es estadísticamente significativa, por lo que podemos asumir que las técnicas de exposición, las técnicas de reestructuración cognitiva y el entrenamiento en habilidades sociales ¿los tratamientos más contrastados¿ no difieren en la eficacia demostrada. Este hecho plantea cuestiones de interés sobre los fundamentos de la eficacia de dichos procedimientos. Se propone una explicación a dicho fenómeno basada en la exposición a los estímulos sociales temidos

    Eficacia de los tratamientos cognitivos-conductuales para la fobia social: una revisión meta-analítica

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    Se revisan, de modo cuantitativo, los tratamientos cognitivos y conductuales para la fobia social, obteniéndose un tamaño del efecto medio ponderado de 0,77 para el postest y 0,95 para el seguimiento. Estos valores permiten afirmar que, en términos globales, dichos tratamientos resultan bastante efectivos para la fobia social. Sin embargo, la prueba de homogeneidad no es estadísticamente significativa, por lo que podemos asumir que las técnicas de exposición, las técnicas de reestructuración cognitiva y el entrenamiento en habilidades sociales - los tratamientos más contrastados - no difieren en la eficacia demostrada. Este hecho plantea cuestiones de interés sobre los fundamentos de la eficacia de dichos procedimientos. Se propone una explicación a dicho fenómeno basada en la exposición a los estímulos sociales temido

    El tratamiento de la fobia social y su repercusión en variables clínicas y de personalidad: una revisión meta-analítica

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un meta-análisis sobre la eficacia de las intervenciones conductuales y farmacológicas de la fobia social y su repercusión en variables clínicas (depresión, ansiedad, inadaptación) y de personalidad (autoostima y asertividad). Se incluyeron 15 artículos europeos que cumplieron con los criterios de selección, dando lugar a 38 estudios independientes, sobre los que se calculó la diferencia media tipificada entre las medias del pretest y del postest. Los tamaños del efecto medios en el postest fueron d= 0.569 para depresión, d= 0.623 para ansiedad, d= 0.874 para adaptación, d~ = 0.576 para síntomas clínicos psicopatológicos generales, d÷ = 0.485 para autoostima y d =0.630 para asertividad. En las medidas de la depresión, resultaron más efectivos los tratamientos farmacológicos (d~ = 0.729) que los conductuales (exposición: d~ = 0.582; reestructuración cognitíva: d = 0.026; combinación do ambas: d~ = 0.432). Finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones prácticas y clínicas de los resultados, así como para la investigación futura

    Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Performance: A Meta-Analytic Approach

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    Currently, a lack of consensus exists in the literature on the link between performance and corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD). A meta-analysis was carried out to shed light on this controversial topic, using the ABI/Inform Complete and EconLit databases as search tools. To isolate articles with substantive, methodological relevance, various filters were used. In addition to other criteria, all articles had to contain certain keywords related to the study’s variables and at least one of the seven keywords indicating empirical data analysis. As a result of this procedure, the meta-analysis included only 95 articles. To process the sample, we employed the procedure developed by Hunter and Schmidt. The results show that the CSRD-performance relationship is not significant enough for practical purposes. However, an analysis of moderating variables revealed that the connection becomes of practical importance when moderated by three key variables: region, type of disclosure, and measures of organization size. This research’s findings make a significant contribution by clarifying the links between CSRD and performance and identifying which variables can explain the diverse results of previous research. Regarding limitations, the meta-analysis was subject to the availability of published research and included only studies that reported Pearson correlation coefficients and standardized beta coefficients

    Marine reserves: size and age do matter

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    Marine reserves are widely used throughout the world to prevent overfishing and conserve biodiversity, but uncertainties remain about their optimal design. The effects of marine reserves are heterogeneous. Despite theoretical findings, empirical studies have previously found no effect of size on the effectiveness of marine reserves in protecting commercial fish stocks. Using 58 datasets from 19 European marine reserves, we show that reserve size and age do matter: Increasing the size of the no-take zone increases the density of commercial fishes within the reserve compared with outside; whereas the size of the buffer zone has the opposite effect. Moreover, positive effects of marine reserve on commercial fish species and species richness are linked to the time elapsed since the establishment of the protection scheme. The reserve size-dependency of the response to protection has strong implications for the spatial management of coastal areas because marine reserves are used for spatial zoning.This work has been carried out with financial support from the Commission of the European Community, specific RTD programme "Specific Support to Policies", SSP-2003-006539 "European Marine Protected Areas as Tools for Fisheries Management and Conservation (EMPAFISH)"