781 research outputs found

    Integración dinámica de objetos sintéticos en escenas reales

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    Para obtener una imagen de una escena real capturada con una cámara, a la que se le ha añadido un objeto sintético, y conseguir que la integración sea realista, es necesario capturar la información luminosa de la escena real. Esto se puede conseguir con técnicas de imágenes de alto rango dinámico y con una sonda esférica con acabado de espejo. El problema es que el mapa de luz capturado es estático, por lo que la técnica no es viable para un entorno dinámico, en el que hay objetos o fuentes de luz que se mueven. En este proyecto se propone utilizar una cámara de 360º para capturar en tiempo real la iluminación en un punto de la escena e iluminar el objeto sintético con dicha información.Sánchez García, EM. (2018). Integración dinámica de objetos sintéticos en escenas reales. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/115336TFG

    Efectos de tres modelos de dieta sobre la expresión de UCP-2 en tejido adiposo periférico y marcadores de oxidación en pacientes con resistencia a la insulina

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    Introducción: La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) cursa con aterosclerosis acelerada. Los fenómenos involucrados en este proceso no están completamente establecidos. Hipótesis de trabajo: La ingesta de una dieta mediterránea puede inducir un menor grado de estrés oxidativo asociados a una disminución en la expresión postprandial del sistema del a proteína desacoplante tipo 2 (UCP2). Objetivo principal: Estudiar en pacientes obesos con resistencia a la insulina el efecto de tres modelos de dietas isocalóricas sobre la expresión génica de UCP2 en el tejido adiposo periférico en el estado postprandial. Objetivos secundarios: Determinar el efecto basal y postprandial de cada modelo de alimentación sobre marcadores plasmáticos de estrés oxidativo, el perfil lipídico e hidrocarbonado y la función endotelial microvascular. Población, diseño y metodología: Participaron once voluntarios con resistencia a la insulina y obesidad central y antecedentes familiares de DM2. Los sujetos realizaron tres dietas isocalóricas de 28 días: una rica en grasa saturada (SAT), una rica en grasa monoinsaturada (MONO) y otra rica en hidratos de carbono (HC). Al final de cada período, tras un desayuno de sobrecarga, se determinó la expresión postprandial de UCP2 en el tejido adiposo periférico, la vasodilatación dependiente del endotelio (VDE) basal y tras 150 minutos de la ingesta. Además, se midieron los niveles del perfil lipídico, LDL oxidada (LDL-ox) y nitrotirosina (NT) tanto en situación basal como postprandial. Resultados: La expresión postprandial de ácido ribonuléico mensajero (ARNm) de UCP2 en el tejido adiposo periférico era mayor tras la dieta rica en HC. Las concentraciones postprandiales de glucosa e insulina incrementaron tras la comida alta en HC mientras que los ácidos grasos libres (AGLs) aumentaron tras las dietas altas en grasas. Los niveles de colesterol total, triglicéridos y colesterol de las lipoproteínas de baja densidad (LDL) no cambiaron durante las tres fases de dieta; mientras que el colesterol de las lipoproteínas de alta intensidad (HDL) disminuyó tras la dieta alta en HC. La concentración postprandial de LDL-ox disminuyó tras la ingestión de la dieta MONO, y los niveles séricos de NT incrementaron tras la ingesta de una dieta rica en HC. La VDE postprandial medida con láser-doppler fue mayor tras el consumo agudo de una dieta rica en aceite de oliva. Conclusiones: En personas con sobrepeso y resistencia a la insulina, la ingesta aguda de un desayuno rico en aceite de oliva virgen se asocia a una menor expresión postprandial de UCP2 en el tejido adiposo periférico, mayores niveles de HDL y menores de LDL-ox y NT y una mejoría de la VDE

    Adaptación al espacio europeo de educación superior en la Diplomatura en Turismo: una experiencia piloto en la Universidad de Sevilla

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    E ste trabajo parte de una experiencia piloto desarrollada en las asignaturas de Dirección de Operaciones de la Diplomatura en Turismo de la Universidad de Sevilla, con objeto de iniciar el proceso de adaptación a los requerimientos de la Declaración de Bolonia ante el proyecto de creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Esta investigación se incluye en otra de mayor alcance en la que se analiza, de forma detallada, la experiencia piloto de implantación del Sistema de Créditos Europeo (ECTS ) en tres asignaturas impartidas por las autoras de este trabajo.T his article begins with a pilot experience through the Operations Management subjects teaching in Tourism Degree in the University of Seville in order to adapt this subject to the Bolonia specifications and the creation of the European Higher Education Area. This research is part of an investigation that analyses the pilot experience of implementation of the European Credit Transfer and Acumulation System in three subjects teaching by the authors

    Experiencia piloto de adaptación de las asignaturas de operaciones de la Diplomatura en Turismo de la Universidad de Sevilla al sistema ECTS

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    Este trabajo gira en torno a una experiencia piloto desarrollada en tres asignaturas de Dirección de Operaciones que forman parte de la Diplomatura en Turismo de la Universidad de Sevilla, con objeto de iniciar el proceso de adaptación al Sistema de Créditos Europeo (ECTS: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). Creemos que dicha experiencia puede ser útil a otros profesores que aún no hayan comenzado la adaptación de las asignaturas que imparten a los requerimientos para la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (European Higher Education Area).This study deals with a pilot scheme conducted in Operations Management courses that are part of the Tourism studies at the University of Seville, with a view to initiating the process for adapting to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS ). In our opinion this experience may be of use to other teachers that have still not adapted the subjects to the requirements that the creation of the European Higher Education Area entails

    Bibliometric analysis of the customer experience literature

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    This article provides an extensive review and analysis of the customer experience (CX) literature. This growing, highly topical research area draws on contributions from multiple disciplines, including marketing, philosophy, management and psychology. The present analysis was performed using 1,358 articles published between 1996 and 2021 and indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database. These articles were analysed using bibliometric methods. The analysis provides insights into the volume of publications, most cited articles and authors, most prolific institutions and countries, and keywords in CX research. The findings provide an up-to-date picture of CX as an academic concept. They also help identify new lines of research on CX and other associated concepts

    The Influence of Management on Teacher Well-Being and the Development of Sustainable Schools

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    Teaching is one of the professions with the highest levels of stress and disquiet at work, having a negative impact on teachers’ well-being and performance. Thus, well-being is one of the priorities in human resource management (HRM) in schools. In this regard, this paper studies the relationship between HRM, well-being and performance, observing the incidence of leadership and innovation in these relationships. The objective is to measure the extent to which it is necessary to encourage sustainable environments that promote the well-being of teachers and, by extension, students. The study used the methodology of structural equations and a sample of 315 secondary school teachers. The work validates the influence of leadership by example and information management on HRM and performance. In addition, we confirm the significant effect of human resource management on educational performance. The relationship is observed both directly and through the mediating effect on the improvement of well-being. On the other hand, the positive influence of innovation on performance, both in schools and in the classrooms, is reaffirmed. These results suggest the need to zero in on the human resources policies in schools linked to the improvement of teacher well-being and educational performance. They also highlight the role of school and classroom innovation as a key element in maintaining educational quality

    Practical Characterization of Cell-Electrode Electrical Models in Bio-Impedance Assays

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    This paper presents the fitting process followed to adjust the parameters of the electrical model associated to a cell-electrode system in Electrical Cell-substrate Impedance Spectroscopy (ECIS) technique, to the experimental results from cell-culture assays. A new parameter matching procedure is proposed, under the basis of both, mismatching between electrodes and time-evolution observed in the system response, as consequence of electrode fabrication processes and electrochemical performance of electrode-solution interface, respectively. The obtained results agree with experimental performance, and enable the evaluation of the cell number in a culture, by using the electrical measurements observed at the oscillation parameters in the test circuits employed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-46242-C3-1-

    Sensing Cell-Culture Assays with Low-Cost Circuitry

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    An alternative approach for cell-culture end-point protocols is proposed herein. This new technique is suitable for real-time remote sensing. It is based on Electrical Cell-substrate Impedance Spectroscopy (ECIS) and employs the Oscillation-Based Test (OBT) method. Simple and straightforward circuit blocks form the basis of the proposed measurement system. Oscillation parameters – frequency and amplitude – constitute the outcome, directly correlated with the culture status. A user can remotely track the evolution of cell cultures in real time over the complete experiment through a web tool continuously displaying the acquired data. Experiments carried out with commercial electrodes and a well-established cell line (AA8) are described, obtaining the cell number in real time from growth assays. The electrodes have been electrically characterized along the design flow in order to predict the system performance and the sensitivity curves. Curves for 1-week cell growth are reported. The obtained experimental results validate the proposed OBT for cell-culture characterization. Furthermore, the proposed electrode model provides a good approximation for the cell number and the time evolution of the studied cultures.España, Feder TEC2013-46242-C3-1-

    An Empirical-Mathematical Approach for Calibration and Fitting Cell-Electrode Electrical Models in Bioimpedance Tests

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    This paper proposes a new yet efficient method allowing a significant improvement in the on-line analysis of biological cell growing and evolution. The procedure is based on an empirical-mathematical approach for calibration and fitting of any cell-electrode electrical model. It is valid and can be extrapolated for any type of cellular line used in electrical cell-substrate impedance spectroscopy (ECIS) tests. Parameters of the bioimpedance model, acquired from ECIS experiments, vary for each cell line, which makes obtaining results difficult and—to some extent-renders them inaccurate. We propose a fitting method based on the cell line initial characterization,and carry out subsequent experiments with the same line to approach the percentage of well filling and the cell density (or cell number in the well). To perform our calibration technique, the so-called oscillation-based test (OBT) approach is employed for each cell density. Calibration results are validated by performing other experiments with different concentrations on the same cell line with the same measurement technique. Accordingly, a bioimpedance electrical model of each cell line is determined, which is valid for any further experiment and leading to a more precise electrical model of the electrode-cell system. Furthermore, the model parameters calculated can be also used by any other measurement techniques. Promising experimental outcomes for three different cell-lines have been achieved, supporting the usefulness of this technique

    Atopy Can Be an Interfering Factor in Genetic Association Studies of ß-Lactam Allergy

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    [EN] Genetic and environmental factors are involved in immediate hypersensitivity reactions to ß-lactam antibiotics. Several genes have been associated with immediate hypersensitivity reactions to ß-lactams, including those encoding cytokines and receptors involved in the synthesis of IgE (FCER1), as well as signal transduction proteins and products released by mast cells. Nevertheless, analysis of publications reporting on genetic association studies in patients allergic to ß-lactams reveals that most were performed in 3 main populations and, in most cases, by the same groups of investigators, who progressively increased the population sample in successive studies. Most of the publications reported a series of concerns, namely, the diagnosis was not always based on skin or challenge tests, tolerance to ß-lactams in controls was not proved, and atopy was not taken into account