2,048 research outputs found

    Psychological capital and entrepreneurship: A systematic literature review of a growing research agenda

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    Purpose: Psychological resources are determinant for the entrepreneur's individual performance.Psychological capital has been seen as one of the pillars of entrepreneurship and this is one of thereasons that the study of the relationship between these two constructs is emerging. The primary focusof this article is to analyze the development in the literature on entrepreneurship and psychologicalcapital, as well as providing a set of avenues for future research. Design/methodology: This systematic review used the PRISMA Protocol and the VOS viewersoftware for cluster analysis. The articles gathered for this article cover the annual period from 2013 to2022 and allow the identification and analysis of the main themes on psychological capital andentrepreneurship.Findings: The systematic analysis brought to light integrative relationships between the concepts ofpositive psychological capital and entrepreneurship, which allowed the construction of an overview ofthis spectrum of study. This resulted in four large groups of analysis that point the direction of theliterature. The main contributions resulted in the presentation of principles and recent scientific ideaswhich consider psychological capital as a valuable resource for entrepreneurship.Originality/value: This systematic review of the literature contributes to a more robust and groundedunderstanding of this relationship. In addition, this research provides an incisive understanding ofpsychological capital and the entrepreneurship research agenda with the aim of being a starting point fordeepening knowledge about the synergies of studies on both themes. Finally, a set of future lines ofstudy is also proposedPeer Reviewe

    University students involved in a sustainable world: assessing sustainable consumption in Spain

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    Purpose – To achieve sustainable development to protect the environment and society, an increasing number of scholars have conducted in-depth research on sustainable and responsible consumption behaviors. The outputs demonstrate that consumers are increasingly concerned and aware of the issues associated with the excessive use of resources. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the validity and reliability of the Sustainable Consumption Scale (SC-S) in the Spanish context. Design/methodology/approach – The adaptation of SC-S to Spanish was carried out in accordance with international methodological standards. The Spanish version of this scale was applied empirically to the research sample was composed of 962 university students (49.1% male and 50.9% female) from 54 Universities in 15 regions of Spain that participated in the study. Findings – The analyses carried out to verify the psychometric properties retained 16 items from the original proposal, grouped equally in three factors: Cognitive – six items; Affective – seven items; and Conative – four items. The scale presented adequate adjustment indexes, as well as optimal values of the different measures of reliability, recommended by the literature. Originality/value – This instrument can be used by the Spanish academic community, which will contribute to the assessment and prediction regarding a sustainable consumption attitude. From these screenings, it will be also possible to understand the impact and development of the objectives outlined byAgenda 2030

    Valoración y cuidados de Enfermería en pacientes con Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica

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    La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad mortal y con gran capacidad invalidante. Las personas que lo padecen se vuelven progresivamente dependientes de un cuidador, esto afecta psicológica y funcionalmente a la vida de los pacientes, pero no son ellos los únicos afectados, los cuidadores principales también verán su vida alterada. En este trabajo se pretende dar a conocer esta enfermedad, cuáles son sus síntomas más comunes, comprender la dificultad de su diagnóstico y la importancia de una atención multidisciplinar. Es por ello que se ha realizado una valoración de cada una de las alteraciones presentes en las necesidades básicas descritas por Virginia Henderson. Una vez valoradas cada una estas 14 necesidades básicas y haciendo uso de la taxonomía NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) - NIC (Nursing Interventions Classification) - NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification) se ha desarrollado un plan de cuidados para pacientes con esclerosis lateral amiotrófica

    Environmental values and education in Spanish universities: a questionnaire validation

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    Purpose – To protect the environment and society, research on responsible behavior and personal values has increased. Values have been identified as important for understanding and predicting environmental preservation behaviors. The purpose of this study is to analyze the validity and reliability of the Environmental Portrait Value Questionnaire in the Spanish context. Design/methodology/approach – The new version of this questionnaire was administered to 742 university students (46.4% male and 53.6% female) from 16 regions in Spain. Findings – The results of adapting and testing the instrument’s psychometric properties were consistent with accepted criteria for validity and reliability. Therefore, this updated and contextualized instrument has the potential to contribute to academic advances in the sense of expanding the empirical practice of studying environmental values. Fifteen items from the original version were retained, grouped into four factors as in the original version: Altruistic – five items; Egoistic – four items; Biospheric – three items; and Hedonic – three items. The final version showed adequate fit indices and reliability measures. Originality/value – This instrument is a powerful resource for the Spanish academic community because using this application it will be possible to assess the degree of commitment of young adults to the goals of sustainability and environmental protection

    Advanced turbulence models and boundary conditions for flows around different configurations of ground-mounted buildings

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    When dealing with Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) simulations, commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) acquires a strategic resonance. Thanks to its good compromise between accuracy of results and calculation time, RANS still represents a valid alternative to more resource-demanding methods. However, focusing on the models’ performances in urban studies, LES generally outmatches RANS results, even if the former is at least one order of magnitude more expensive. Consequently, the present work aims to propose a variety of approaches meant to solve some of the major problems linked to RANS simulations and to further improve its accuracy in typical urban contexts. All of these models are capable of switching from an undisturbed flux formulation to a disturbed one through a local deviation or a marker function. For undisturbed flows, a comprehensive approach is adopted, solving the issue of the erroneous stream-wise gradients affecting the turbulent profiles. Around obstacles, Non-Linear Eddy-Viscosity closures are adopted, due to their prominent capability in capturing the anisotropy of turbulence. The purpose of this work is then to propose a new Building Influence Area concept and to offer more affordable alternatives to LES simulations without sacrificing a good grade of accuracy

    Developing and analyzing a spanish corpus for forensic purposes

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    In this paper, the methods for developing a database of Spanish writing that can be used for forensic linguistic research are presented, including our data collection procedures. Specifically, the main instrument used for data collection has been translated into Spanish and adapted from Chaski (2001). It consists of ten tasks, by means of which the subjects are asked to write formal and informal texts about different topics. To date, 93 undergraduates from Spanish universities have already participated in the study and prisoners convicted of gender-based abuse have participated. A twofold analysis has been performed, since the data collected have been approached from a semantic and a morphosyntactic perspective. Regarding the semantic analysis, psycholinguistic categories have been used, many of them taken from the LIWC dictionary (Pennebaker et al., 2001). In order to obtain a more comprehensive depiction of the linguistic data, some other ad-hoc categories have been created, based on the corpus itself, using a double-check method for their validation so as to ensure inter-rater reliability. Furthermore, as regards morphosyntactic analysis, the natural language processing tool ALIAS TATTLER is being developed for Spanish. Results shows that is it possible to differentiate non-abusers from abusers with strong accuracy based on linguistic features

    Retirement behaviour and retirement incentives in Spain

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    In this paper we analyse the role that Social Security wealth and incentives play in the transition to retirement in Spain. We use the labour records and other relevant information contained in a newly released database [Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (2006)] to construct incentive measures stemming from the Social Security provisions in relation to retiring at old age and investigate the role played by such incentives and by other socio-economic variables on the retirement hazard. We compute the effects of the reform that took place in 2002, which made the requirements to access a pension stricter in general. We carry out a dynamic reduced-form analysis of the retirement decision using a duration model. Our results show that both the pension wealth and substitution effects have a significant role on retirement decisions, but that the latter has less relevance since the reform introduced in 200

    Effect of Volcano-Polluted Seawater on the Corrosion Behaviour of Different Alloys

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    During a subsea volcano eruption, gases and thermal water emissions are released. This might change the behaviour of the materials that are in contact with the seawater caused by the decrease of the pH value. For this reason, the materials for marine applications are selected to maintain the integrity of the structure and to be corrosion resistant. In spite of this, corrosion can cause great damage to marine steel infrastructures such as bridges, wharfs, platforms and pipeline systems. These corrosion problems could be aggravated if the medium is altered, due to volcano emissions, since the resistance of the surface film is influenced by the environmental conditions