107 research outputs found

    The balanced scorecard of public investment in sport: proposal for change

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    Introduction – 1. Management tools for evaluating public initiatives – 2. Performance indicators for investment in sport – 3. Proposed indicators for public investment in sport – Conclusion – References

    Objetivos financieros y deportivos en la eficiencia del fútbol europeo

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es medir la eficiencia de los principales equipos europeos considerando los objetivos financieros y deportivos, por lo que se utilizan el beneficio y el coeficiente UEFA como outputs. Un modelo alternativo es presentado bajo la premisa de la maximización de los resultados deportivos y la minimización de las pérdidas financieras. Los resultados muestran un amplio margen de mejora, especialmente en la gestión financiera.The goal of this study is to measure the efficiency of the major European football teams under financial and win objectives using profits and UEFA coefficient as outputs. An alternative model is presented maximizing wins and minimizing financial losses. Results show much room for improvement, especially in financial management

    Measurement of Quality of Life in the Galician Counties

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolNo presente artigo abórdase unha proposta que pretende achegar unha medida da calidade de vida das comarcas galegas desde un punto de vista socioeconómico. Con este propósito emprégase a técnica da Análise Envolvente de Datos, habitualmente utilizada noutros eidos científicos e académicos e que, neste caso, se empregará para a construción dun indicador sintético que permita a comparación das comarcas en termos de calidade de vida. Os resultados obtidos proporcionan non só unha separación entre as comarcas consideradas como eficientes e as que non o son, senón tamén un conxunto de comarcas que serven de referentes para aquelas non eficientesEn el presente artículo se aborda una propuesta que pretende aproximar una medida de la calidad de vida de las comarcas gallegas desde un punto de vista socioeconómico. Con este propósito se emplea la técnica del Análisis Envolvente de Datos, habitualmente utilizada en otros campos científicos y académicos y que, en este caso, se empleará para la construcción de un indicador sintético que permita la comparación de las comarcas en términos de calidad de vida. Los resultados obtenidos proporcionan no sólo una separación entre las comarcas consideradas como eficientes y las que no lo son, sino también un conjunto de comarcas que sirven de referentes para aquellas no eficientesThis paper aims to provide a measurement of the quality of life for the Galician counties (comarcas) from an economic and social point of view. For this purpose, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is applied to the data in order to obtain a synthetic indicator. This indicator will allow to compare the quality of life of the counties. The results will provide not only a comparison between counties but also a set of counties that can be used as a referenceS

    Los salarios en Galicia. Una visión a través de las fuentes estadísticas

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    The aim of this paper is to present a descriptive analysis, and therefore apt to be interpreted, of the salary evolution in Galicia. For this reason, it is approached from three different perspectives: firstly, a macroeconomic approximation is carried out analyzing the remuneration of the employees according to the data of the macroeconomic picture of Galicia; Secondly, the salary payments declared in the “IRPF” to the Tax Agency are considered; Finally, the data obtained through surveys are collected: the “EPA” and the annual labor cost surve

    La economía gallega post-COVID

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    This is a crisis like no other. The global economic outlook continues to be uncertain, more than a year after the declaration of the pandemic. Mutations of the virus, deaths and levels of contagion remain a cause for concern, although increases in vaccination rates, technical advances and responsible actions by citizens contribute to optimism. This paper shows the situation of the Galician economy through an analysis of its main magnitudes and variables and the effect of COVID on them

    Los efectos de la crisis económica en Galicia a través de 25 cuadros.

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    Eleven years have passed since the beginning of the economic crisis that began in 2008 when two consecutive quarters of negative quarter-on-quarter variation rates were experienced. Throughout these eleven years, three key moments can be highlighted, which are the ones taken as a general reference: the second quarter of 2008, when the economic crisis begins; the fourth quarter of 2013, when the Galician economy begins its economic recovery; and the third quarter of 2017, when the pre-crisis level is achieved in terms of real GDP. The purpose of this paper is to offer, in a synthetic way, an image of the effects of the economic crisis from the data collected in the following graphs and table

    Los salarios en Galicia. Una visión a través de las fuentes estadísticas

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    The aim of this paper is to present a descriptive analysis, and therefore apt to be interpreted, of the salary evolution in Galicia. For this reason, it is approached from three different perspectives: firstly, a macroeconomic approximation is carried out analyzing the remuneration of the employees according to the data of the macroeconomic picture of Galicia; Secondly, the salary payments declared in the “IRPF” to the Tax Agency are considered; Finally, the data obtained through surveys are collected: the “EPA” and the annual labor cost surve

    Los efectos de la crisis económica en Galicia a través de 25 cuadros.

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    Eleven years have passed since the beginning of the economic crisis that began in 2008 when two consecutive quarters of negative quarter-on-quarter variation rates were experienced. Throughout these eleven years, three key moments can be highlighted, which are the ones taken as a general reference: the second quarter of 2008, when the economic crisis begins; the fourth quarter of 2013, when the Galician economy begins its economic recovery; and the third quarter of 2017, when the pre-crisis level is achieved in terms of real GDP. The purpose of this paper is to offer, in a synthetic way, an image of the effects of the economic crisis from the data collected in the following graphs and table

    Putting land to work: an evaluation of the economic effects of recultivating abandoned farmland

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    Agricultural land abandonment is a relevant occurrence in mountainous and peripheral regions all over the world. While both positive and negative environmental consequences of this abandonment are documented (depending on the specific location and scale), in rural areas it is always linked to a reduction in production and income. To address some of these problems, the several administrative layers within the European Union (EU) have put in place public policies that focus either on the immediate causes or on the consequences. Policies aimed at promoting recultivating formerly abandoned fields have usually tried simultaneously to address both the causes (e.g., to increase farm productivity/output) and the consequences (i.e., to manage fields according to specific criteria), but the potential economic outcomes of these measures are unknown. In this paper, we estimate the effect of recultivation of abandoned farmland on the economy of a case study region in NW Spain (Galicia). We propose that this effect can be used to guide decisions on the viable expenditure levels of recultivation policy. Concerning the methodology, we relied upon geographic information systems to show the area of land suitable for recultivation is relevant: i.e. recultivation policies could result in an increase of at least 16% of current farmland. Using Standard Production Coefficients per hectare we show that the total output (at constant prices) generated by the recultivation of abandoned land would amount to 413.3 million euros/year. Calculations based on input output methods suggest that the benefits of the recultivation policies would be an increase of 1% of the total regional Gross Value Added (GVA). We show that the input-output methods underestimate the benefits of cultivation policies based on total factor productivity (TFP) improvements, which fundamentally come from the reallocation of factors among the rest of the sectors of the economy. In particular, if recultivation policies increase agricultural TFP by 26% (in order to increase the demand of land by 16%) the overall effect rises to around 3% of the total regional GVA. These results suggest that the margin for the implementation of recultivation policies before they turn unadvisable from a purely economic point of view is rather ampleThis work was supported by the Galician Government (Consellería de Medio Rural – Xunta de Galicia, Project IN-0357–2019)S

    Dimensionality of the economic capacity whithin the Galician counties

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolNeste artigo o obxectivo xeral que se establece é realizar unha análise exploratoria dun conxunto suficientemente amplo de variables que, nun primeiro momento, están relacionadas coa capacidade económica a nivel comarcal. Dentro deste marco xeral, en primeiro lugar, créase un indicador sintético da capacidade económica mediante unha análise de compoñentes principais que permitirá obter unha clasificación segundo diversas características combinadas. A continuación, realízase unha análise factorial para resumir e simplifica-la información das variables de caracterización das comarcas. Finalmente, lévase a cabo unha análise cluster para conseguir agrupacións das comarcas segundo criterios de homoxeneidadeThe main objective of this paper is to carry out an exploratory analysis of a broad enough group of variables related to the economic capacity at a local level. Within this frame, the first step is to create a synthetic index of the economic capacity. This index will allow to achieve a ranking according to several mixed characteristics. Afterwards, a factorial analysis is carried out. Such an analysis summarizes and simplifies the information about the different variables which characterize the counties (comarcas). The final task consists of a cluster analysis whose aim is to obtain groups of counties according to criteria of homogeneityEn este artículo el objetivo general que se establece es realizar un análisis exploratorio de un conjunto suficientemente amplio de variables que, en un primer momento, están relacionadas con la capacidad económica a nivel comarcal. Dentro de este marco general, en primer lugar, se crea un indicador sintético de la capacidad económica mediante un análisis de componentes principales que permitirá obtener una clasificación según diversas características combinadas. A continuación, se realiza un análisis factorial para resumir y simplificar la información de las variables de caracterización de las comarcas. Finalmente, se lleva a cabo un análisis cluster para conseguir agrupaciones de las comarcas teniendo en cuenta criterios de homogeneidadS