2,896 research outputs found

    Evidence of spin disorder at the surface–core interface of oxygen passivated Fe nanoparticles

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    Hysteresis, thermal dependence of magnetization, and coercivity of oxide coated ultrafine Fe particles prepared by inert gas condensation and oxygen passivation have been studied in the 5–300 K range. The results are found to be consistent with a spin-glasslike state of the oxide layer inducing, through exchange interaction with the ferromagnetic core, a shift of the field cooled hysteresis loops at temperatures below the freezing at approximately 50 K.Dirección General de Investigación y Desarrollo. Gobierno de España-CICYT MAT95- 1042-C02-02Dirección General de Investigación y Desarrollo. Gobierno de España-PB96-0863-C02-02.Comisión Europea-ERBFMBI-CT95-0534

    Cherenkov Telescope Array sensitivity to branon dark matter models

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    This is the Accepted Manuscript version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2020/10/041In the absence of a clear hint of dark matter (DM) signals in the GeV regime so far, heavy, O (TeV) DM candidates are gradually earning more and more attention within the community. Among others, extra-dimensional brane-world models may produce termal DM candidates with masses up to 100 TeV. These heavy DM candidates could be detected with the next generation of very-high-energy gamma-ray observatories such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). In this work, we study the sensitivity of CTA to branon DM via the observation of representative astrophysical DM targets, namely dwarf spheroidal galaxies. In particular, we focus on Draco and Sculptor, two well-known dwarfs visible from the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, respectively. For each of these targets, we simulated 300 h of CTA observations and studied the sensitivity of both CTA-North and CTA-South to branon annihilations using the latest publicly available instrument response functions and most recent analysis tools. We computed annihilation cross section values needed to reach a 5σ detection as a function of the branon mass. Additionally, in the absence of a predicted DM signal, we obtained 2σ upper limits on the annihilation cross section. These limits lie 1.5 - 2 orders of magnitude above the thermal relic cross section value, depending on the considered branon mass. Yet, CTA will allow to exclude a significant portion of the brane tension-mass parameter space in the 0.1 - 60 TeV branon mass range, and up to tensions of ~ 10 TeV. More importantly, CTA will significantly enlarge the region already excluded by AMS and CMS, and will provide valuable complementary information to future SKA radio observations. We conclude that CTA will possess potential to constrain brane-world models and, more in general, TeV DM candidatesThe work of AAS, VG and MASC was supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación through the grants PGC2018-095161-B-I00 and IFT Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa SEV-2016-0597, the Atracción de Talento contract no. 2016-T1/TIC-1542 granted by the Comunidad de Madrid in Spain, and the MultiDark Consolider Network FPA2017- 90566-REDC. DN acknowledges support from the former Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness / European Regional Development Fund grant FPA2015-73913-JIN and the MultiDark Consolider Network FPA2017-90566-RED

    A search for dark matter among Fermi-LAT unidentified sources with systematic features in Machine Learning

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    Around one third of the point-like sources in the Fermi-LAT catalogs remain as unidentified sources (unIDs) today. Indeed, these unIDs lack a clear, univocal association with a known astrophysical source. If dark matter (DM) is composed of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), there is the exciting possibility that some of these unIDs may actually be DM sources, emitting gamma rays from WIMPs annihilation. We propose a new approach to solve the standard, Machine Learning (ML) binary classification problem of disentangling prospective DM sources (simulated data) from astrophysical sources (observed data) among the unIDs of the 4FGL Fermi-LAT catalogue. Concretely, we artificially build two systematic features for the DM data which are originally inherent to observed data: the detection significance and the uncertainty on the spectral curvature. We do it by sampling from the observed population of unIDs, assuming that the DM distributions would, if any, follow the latter. We consider different ML models: Logistic Regression, Neural Network (NN), Naive Bayes and Gaussian Process, out of which the best, in terms of classification accuracy, is the NN, achieving around 93% performance. Applying the NN to the unIDs sample, we find that the degeneracy between some astrophysical and DM sources can be partially solved within this methodology. Nonetheless, we conclude that there are no DM source candidates among the pool of 4FGL Fermi-LAT unIDs.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, ready for submission to MNRA

    Dependence of exchange anisotropy and coercivity on the Fe–oxide structure in oxygen-passivated Fe nanoparticles

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    3 pages, 5 figures.Ultrafine Fe particles have been prepared by the inert gas condensation method and subsequently oxygen passivated. The as-obtained particles consist in an Fe core surrounded by an amorphous Fe-oxide surface layer. The antiferromagnetic character of the Fe-oxide surface induces an exchange anisotropy in the ferromagnetic Fe core when the system is field cooled. Samples have been heat treated in vacuum at different temperatures. Structural changes of the Fe–O layer have been monitored by x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Magnetic properties as coercivity, hysteresis loop shift, and evolution of magnetization with temperature have been analyzed for different oxide crystallization stages. A decrease of the exchange anisotropy strength is reported as the structural disorder of the surface oxide layer is decreased with thermal treatment.Peer reviewe

    Hints of the existence of Axion-Like-Particles from the gamma-ray spectra of cosmological sources

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    Axion Like Particles (ALPs) are predicted to couple with photons in the presence of magnetic fields. This effect may lead to a significant change in the observed spectra of gamma-ray sources such as AGNs. Here we carry out a detailed study that for the first time simultaneously considers in the same framework both the photon/axion mixing that takes place in the gamma-ray source and that one expected to occur in the intergalactic magnetic fields. An efficient photon/axion mixing in the source always means an attenuation in the photon flux, whereas the mixing in the intergalactic medium may result in a decrement and/or enhancement of the photon flux, depending on the distance of the source and the energy considered. Interestingly, we find that decreasing the value of the intergalactic magnetic field strength, which decreases the probability for photon/axion mixing, could result in an increase of the expected photon flux at Earth if the source is far enough. We also find a 30% attenuation in the intensity spectrum of distant sources, which occurs at an energy that only depends on the properties of the ALPs and the intensity of the intergalactic magnetic field, and thus independent of the AGN source being observed. Moreover, we show that this mechanism can easily explain recent puzzles in the spectra of distant gamma-ray sources... [ABRIDGED] The consequences that come from this work are testable with the current generation of gamma-ray instruments, namely Fermi (formerly known as GLAST) and imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes like CANGAROO, HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. Replaced to match the published version in Phys. Rev. D. Minor changes with respect to v

    A comparative study between wmms and tls for the stability analysis of the San Pedro church barrel vault by means of the finite element method

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    Stability of masonry constructions is highly conditioned by the geometric disposition of its elements due to its low tensile strength and great compressive mechanical properties. Under this framework, this paper attempts to evaluate the suitability of a wearable mobile mapping solution, equipped in a backpack and based on the well-known simultaneous location and mapping paradigm, for the structural diagnosis of historical constructions. To evaluate the suitability of this device, the structural analysis obtained is compared with a high precision terrestrial laser scanner, which is considered as ground truth. The Romanesque church of San Pedro (Becerril del Carpio, Spain) was selected as a study case. This construction, initially conceived in the XIIIth century, has experimented in the past a soil settlement promoting the leaning of the north wall, several plastic hinges in its barrel vault and a visible geometrical deformation. The comparison of both techniques was carried out at different levels: i) an evaluation of the time needed to obtain the point cloud of the church; ii) an accuracy assessment based on the comparison of a terrestrial network using artificial spheres as checkpoints and; iii) an evaluation of the discrepancies, in terms of safety factor and collapse topology, found during the advance numerical evaluation of the barrel vault by means of the finite element method. This comparison places this wearable mobile mapping solution as an interesting tool for the creation of advanced numerical simulations to evaluate the structural stability of historical constructionsJunta de Castilla y León | Ref. SA075P17FEDER | Ref. SOE1/P5/P025

    Photoluminescence Imaging and LBIC Characterization of Defects in mc-Si Solar Cells

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    Today's photovoltaic market is dominated by multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) based solar cells with around 70% of worldwide production. In order to improve the quality of the Si material, a proper characterization of the electrical activity in mc-Si solar cells is essential. A full-wafer characterization technique such as photoluminescence imaging (PLi) provides a fast inspection of the wafer defects, though at the expense of the spatial resolution. On the other hand, a study of the defects at a microscopic scale can be achieved through the light-beam induced current technique. The combination of these macroscopic and microscopic resolution techniques allows a detailed study of the electrical activity of defects in mc-Si solar cells. In this work, upgraded metallurgical-grade Si solar cells are studied using these two techniques

    [14] Una aportación para las “escuelas sostenibles” en la década de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible

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    En el contexto de la Década de la Educación para el Desarrollo sostenible presentamos nuestra aportación a las “Escuelas Sostenibles”. Ésta surge como fruto de la reflexión después de una investigación realizada en torno a una experiencia concreta: “Ecocentros de Extremadura”, con el fin de contribuir al necesario proceso madurativo de las mismas. Con ello estaremos más cerca de lograr hacer una escuela coherente con los retos de la educación ambiental para el siglo XXI.Palabras clave: Escuelas sostenibles; ecoauditorías escolares; investigación en educación ambiental; práctica educativa en la escuela.A contribution to "sustainable schools" in the decade of education for sustainable developmentAs part of the context of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, we present our contribution to "Sustainable Schools". It arose as a result of reflection following as study conducted on a specific experience, "The 'Ecocentros' of Extremadura", with the aim of furthering the necessary maturation process of sustainable schools, and bringing us closer to achieving a school that is coherent with the challenges of environmental education for the XXI century.Keywords: Sustainable schools; school environmental audits, environmental education research; educational practice in the school