3,202 research outputs found

    Complicaciones en el periodo neonatal de los recién nacidos con bajo peso al nacer en el periodo comprendido entre 2008-2009

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    Es importante poder identificar a los recién nacidos que presenta RCIU ya que el 28,6% presentaron hipoglicemia, la cual si no es manejada adecuadamente puede presentar secuelas neurológicas a largo plazo. Como único dato estadísticamente significativo encontramos que los recién nacidos con RCIU hijos de madre con STORCH presentaron RCIU simétrico, por lo tanto se debe hacer énfasis en un adecuado control prenatal. Los recién nacidos con RCIU hijos de madre con preeclampsia tiene mayor riesgo de presentar complicaciones en el periodo neonatal. Es necesario continuar con esta línea de investigación ya que estos pacientes tienen riesgo metabólico a mediano y a largo plaz

    Docencia de arquitectura orientada a servicios

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    Este trabajo presenta los contenidos del curso “Web 2.0: Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios en Java” de la Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad de Granada. El objetivo del curso es familiarizar al alumno con la programación de ServiciosWeb. Dada la gran variedad de técnicas disponibles para utilizar Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios, se presentan los siguientes temas: utilización de protocolos bien definidos para comunicación y contrato (SOAP y WSDL), creación de Web Services con JAX-WS y orquestación de ServiciosWeb con BPEL. Al final del curso, el alumno será capaz de crear, utilizar y mantener Servicios Web para el desarrollo de aplicaciones interempresariales, utilizando servicios creados o ya disponibles en la web, así como la orquestación lógica de los mismos.SUMMARY: This work presents the contents of the course “Web 2.0: Service Oriented Architecture on Java” from the Graduate School of the University of Granada. The course objective is to familarize students with Web Services programming. Due to the wide variety of available technologies, several subjects are presented: the usage of well-defined protocols to contract and communication (SOAP and WSDL), web services creation using JAX-WS, and service orchestration with BPEL. At the end of the course, students will be capable to create, use and manage Web Services for business applications, using new or available services in the web, and also their logical orchestration.Peer Reviewe

    Physical and chemical characterization of cerium(IV) oxide nanoparticles

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    Chemical composition, size and structure of the nanoparticle are required to describe nanoceria. Nanoparticles of similar size and Ce(III) content might exhibit different chemical behaviour due to their differences in structure. A simple and direct procedure based on affordable techniques for all the laboratories is presented in this paper. The combination of Raman and UV-vis spectroscopy and particle impact coulometry (PIC) allows the characterization of nanoceria of small size from 4 to 65 nm at a concentration from micromolar to nanomolar, a concentration range suitable for the analysis of lab-prepared or commercial nanoparticle suspensions, but too high for most analytical purposes aimed at nanoparticle monitoring. While the PIC limits of size detection are too high to observe small nanoparticles unless catalytic amplification is used, the method provides a simple means to study aggregation of nanoparticles in the media they are needed to be dispersed for each application. Raman spectroscopy provided information about structure of the nanoparticle, and UV-vis about their chemical behaviour against some common reducing and oxidizing agents

    Alteraciones en la tasa de respiración de Daphnia magna bajo concentraciones subletales de anatoxina-a

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    Anatoxina-a es una potente neurotoxina producida por cianobacterias dulceacuícolas que puede representar un riesgo, por sus efectos agudos, para diferentes formas de vida, incluyendo los seres humanos. Aunque se conocen los efectos agudos y crónicos de esta toxina, pocos estudios aportan datos de medidas de efectos subletales sobre la respiración del zooplancton. En este trabajo se cuantifican cambios en la respiración de Daphnia magna bajo una concentración subletal de anatoxina-a, en condiciones experimentales, por medio de un sistema automatizado de medida en continuo de consumo de Oxígeno. Los resultados indican que la presencia de anatoxina-a en dosis subletales reduce significativamente la actividad respiratoria en esta especie, con efectos, dependientes de la edad del organismo.Anatoxin-a is a potent neurotoxin produced by some freshwater cyanobacteria which, because of its acute toxic effects, may represent a hazard to aquatic organisms, and even to human beings. Both the acute and chronic effects of this toxin are rather well known, but few studies provided information about its sublethal effect on the zooplankton respiration. In this paper we have quantified respiration changes in Daphnia magna under sublethal anatoxin-a concentrations in experimental conditions, using an automatic open-flow system of continuous measurement of oxygen consumption. Our results show that the presence of anatoxin-a at sublethal doses reduces significantly the respiratory activity of the animals, being the effects greatly dependent on the individual age

    La importancia del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad en la Asociación Mutualista Ambato

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    El reto de lograr el crecimiento del sector financiero en toda América Latina incluyendo Ecuador demuestra la importancia y la necesidad del mismo en toda la región para lo cual es necesario mejorar el sector empezando por cada una de las instituciones y una manera de hacerlo es incrementando la calidad de los procesos y sus servicios mediante un SGC (Sistema de Gestión de Calidad).   Los SGC según la revisión en la literatura tienen cada vez más importancia en todo el mundo debido a su simplicidad para ser aplicados además que se pueden adaptar a todas las empresas, instituciones u organizaciones que requieran mejorar la calidad ya sea de su producción o del servicio que se preste. La finalidad de las   instituciones financieras es el brindar créditos para diversos fines como los de adquirir una vivienda entre otros apoyando de esa manera a la mejora de la calidad de vida de la ciudadaní­a. La investigación se enfocó en la mejora de la calidad de los procesos por medio de un SGC en donde los resultados indicaron que dicho sistema puede facilitar el control y el mejoramiento de sus procesos motivo por el cual es necesario la implementación mediante la norma ISO 9001:2015

    Size determination and quantification of engineered cerium oxide nanoparticles by flow field-flow fractionation coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

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    Facing the lack of studies on characterization and quantification of cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs), whose consumption and release is greatly increasing, this work proposes a method for their sizing and quantification by Flow Field-flow Fractionation (FFFF) coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Two modalities of FFFF (Asymmetric Flow- and Hollow Fiber-Flow Field Flow Fractionation, AF4 and HF5, respectively) are compared, and their advantages and limitations discussed. Experimental conditions (carrier composition, pH, ionic strength, crossflow and carrier flow rates) are studied in detail in terms of NP separation, recovery, and repeatability. Size characterization of CeO2 NPs was addressed by different approaches. In the absence of feasible size standards of CeO2 NPs, suspensions of Ag, Au, and SiO2 NPs of known size were investigated. Ag and Au NPs failed to show a comparable behavior to that of the CeO2 NPs, whereas the use of SiO2 NPs provided size estimations in agreement to those predicted by the theory. The latter approach was thus used for characterizing the size of CeO2 NPs in a commercial suspension. Results were in adequate concordance with those achieved by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and dynamic light scattering. The quantification of CeO2 NPs in the commercial suspension by AF4-ICP-MS required the use of a CeO2 NPs standards, since the use of ionic cerium resulted in low recoveries (99 ± 9% vs. 73 ± 7%, respectively). A limit of detection of 0.9 µg L-1 CeO2 corresponding to a number concentration of 1.8 × 1012 L-1 for NPs of 5 nm was achieved for an injection volume of 100 µL

    The nuclear and extended infrared emission of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992 and the interacting system Arp 245

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    We present subarcsecond resolution infrared (IR) imaging and mid-IR spectroscopic observations of the Seyfert 1.9 galaxy NGC 2992, obtained with the Gemini North Telescope and the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC). The N-band image reveals faint extended emission out to ~3 kpc, and the PAH features detected in the GTC/CanariCam 7.5-13 micron spectrum indicate that the bulk of this extended emission is dust heated by star formation. We also report arcsecond resolution MIR and far-IR imaging of the interacting system Arp 245, taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Herschel Space Observatory. Using these data, we obtain nuclear fluxes using different methods and find that we can only recover the nuclear fluxes obtained from the subarcsecond data at 20-25 micron, where the AGN emission dominates. We fitted the nuclear IR spectral energy distribution of NGC 2992, including the GTC/CanariCam nuclear spectrum (~50 pc), with clumpy torus models. We then used the best-fitting torus model to decompose the Spitzer/IRS 5-30 spectrum (~630 pc) in AGN and starburst components, using different starburst templates. We find that, whereas at shorter mid-IR wavelengths the starburst component dominates (64% at 6 micron), the AGN component reaches 90% at 20 micron. We finally obtained dust masses, temperatures and star formation rates for the different components of the Arp 245 system and find similar values for NGC 2992 and NGC 2993. These measurements are within those reported for other interacting systems in the first stages of the interaction.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRA