676 research outputs found

    Mortality trends and risk of dying from breast cancer in the 32 states and 7 socioeconomic regions of Mexico, 2002-2011

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    Objective. To determine mortality trends from breast cancer in Mexico nationwide, by state, by socioeconomic region, and to establish an association between education, state of residence, and socioeconomic region with mortality from breast cancer in 2002–2011. Methods. Records of mortality associated with breast cancer were obtained. Rates of mortality nationwide, by state, and by socioeconomic region were calculated. The strength of association between states where women resided, socioeconomic regions, and education with mortality from breast cancer was determined. Results. Women who completed elementary school had a higher risk of dying from breast cancer than people with more education [relative risk (RR) 2.58, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.49–2.67]. Mexico City had the strongest association with dying from breast cancer as state and as socioeconomic region 7 [Mexico City: RR 3.47, CI95% 2.7-4.46 (2002) and RR 3.33, CI95% 2.66-4.15 (2011) and region 7: RR 3.72, CI 95%: 3.15-4.38 (2002) and RR 2.87, CI 95%: 2.51-3.28 (2011)]. Conclusions. In Mexico, the raw mortality rates per 100 000 women who died from breast cancer increased. Mortality was higher in women who had elementary school than in those with more education. The strongest association was in Mexico City as state and as region 7.&nbsp

    Digital Implementation of SISC Fuzzy Controllers

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    A classification of inference systems based on approximate reasoning techniques is proposed. An alternative realization method is described for the particular SISC case, which enables reducing the silicon area and increasing the operation speed, making it especially appropriate for real time control applications

    Suppression of electron scattering resonances in graphene by quantum dots

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    Transmission of low-energetic electrons through two-dimensional materials leads to unique scattering resonances. These resonances contribute to photoemission from occupied bands where they appear as strongly dispersive features of suppressed photoelectron intensity. Using angle-resolved photoemission we have systematically studied scattering resonances in epitaxial graphene grown on the chemically differing substrates Ir(111), Bi/Ir, Ni(111) as well as in graphene/Ir(111) nanopatterned with a superlattice of uniform Ir quantum dots. While the strength of the chemical interaction with the substrate has almost no effect on the dispersion of the scattering resonances, their energy can be controlled by the magnitude of charge transfer from/to graphene. At the same time, a superlattice of small quantum dots deposited on graphene eliminates the resonances completely. We ascribe this effect to a nanodot-induced buckling of graphene and its local rehybridization from sp2^{2} to sp3^{3} towards a three-dimensional structure. Our results suggest nanopatterning as a prospective tool for tuning optoelectronic properties of two-dimensional materials with graphene-like structure.Comment: The following article has been submitted to Applied Physics Letters. If it is published, it will be found online at http://apl.aip.or

    Rashba splitting of 100 meV in Au-intercalated graphene on SiC

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    Intercalation of Au can produce giant Rashba-type spin-orbit splittings in graphene but this has not yet been achieved on a semiconductor substrate. For graphene/SiC(0001), Au intercalation yields two phases with different doping. Here, we report the preparation of an almost pure p-type graphene phase after Au intercalation. We observe a 100 meV Rashba-type spin-orbit splitting at 0.9 eV binding energy. We show that this giant splitting is due to hybridization and much more limited in energy and momentum space than for Au-intercalated graphene on Ni

    Procesamiento de imágenes médicas en odontología como ayuda al diagnóstico

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    En el campo de la odontología es necesario e importante tener una herramienta que permita realizar distintos tipos de cálculos sobre una imagen dada, en este caso, sobre una radiografía mandibular. Con este fin, hemos aplicado los conocimientos adquiridos en procesamiento de imágenes y programación para crear una aplicación que permita obtener resultados para los objetivos requeridos. Uno de tales objetivos que a su vez constituye el fundamental de la aplicación es obtener el Índice Cortical Mandibular (ICM), se trata de una medida importante ya que permite detectar signos de osteoporosis a nivel maxilar y mandibular. Otro objetivo es el estudio sobre el análisis de las texturas óseas sobre radiografías panorámicas de la mandíbula. Esto permite al especialista poder detectar diferentes irregularidades bucales como puede ser una infección en las encías, aislar y realzar la zona afectada o detectar enfermedades en la mandíbula como la osteoporosis. Todo ello como consecuencia del estudio de las diferentes texturas presentes en la imagen bajo análisis. En este proyecto se han utilizado las técnicas propias de lo que se conoce como percepción computacional desde la perspectiva del procesado de imágenes. Aunque el objetivo principal es una automatización del proceso del cálculo del ICM y la descripción de texturas, en determinados pasos de la ejecución de la aplicación se deja al usuario libertad para escoger los parámetros requeridos por determinadas rutinas implementadas en la aplicación, esto es debido a la dificultad intrínseca de automatizar la localización de determinadas regiones necesarias para calcular el ICM. Para unir e integrar todas las funcionalidades y conceptos se hace uso de la herramienta Matlab (2017), que a través de la ventana gráfica permite un uso más intuitivo y sencillo de la aplicación

    Hardware/software codesign methodology for fuzzy controller implementation

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    This paper describes a HW/SW codesign methodology for the implementation of fuzzy controllers on a platform composed by a general-purpose microcontroller and specific processing elements implemented on FPGAs or ASICs. The different phases of the methodology, as well as the CAD tools used in each design stage, are presented, with emphasis on the fuzzy system development environment Xfuzzy. Also included is a practical application of the described methodology for the development of a fuzzy controller for a dosage system

    Laser-induced persistent photovoltage on the surface of a ternary topological insulator at room temperature

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    Using time- and angle-resolved photoemission, we investigate the ultrafast response of excited electrons in the ternary topological insulator (Bi1x_{1 x}Sbx_{x})2_2Te3_3 to fs-infrared pulses. We demonstrate that at the critical concentration xx=0.55, where the system becomes bulk insulating, a surface voltage can be driven at room temperature through the topological surface state solely by optical means. We further show that such a photovoltage persists over a time scale that exceeds \sim6 μ\mus, i.e, much longer than the characteristic relaxation times of bulk states. We attribute the origin of the photovoltage to a laser-induced band-bending effect which emerges near the surface region on ultrafast time scales. The photovoltage is also accompanied by a remarkable increase in the relaxation times of excited states as compared to undoped topological insulators. Our findings are relevant in the context of applications of topological surface states in future optical devices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Sistema para la detección de patologías médicas mediante el análisis de imágenes.

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Curso académico 2020-2021.[ES]Este trabajo de fin de grado, como su nombre indica, consta de la investigación y realización de un sistema para la detección de patologías médicas mediante el análisis de imágenes. Esta aplicación web ayuda a los especialistas médicos detectar el cáncer de mama y registrarlo en una base de datos. La detección de esta enfermedad se centra en el análisis de imágenes previamente introducidas por un médico, estas se guardarán en un directorio con el nombre del DNI y un subdirectorio con la fecha de la realización del análisis. La inteligencia artificial que se ha creado con el propósito de la detección de esta enfermedad analizará las distintas imágenes introducidas y dará un resultado de la paciente. Además de esto, se podrá acceder a los distintos análisis que se han realizado a las pacientes, ver los resultados y las imágenes analizadas.[EN]This end-of-degree project, as its name suggests, consists of the research and development of a system for the detection of medical pathologies through image analysis. This web application helps medical specialists to detect breast cancer and register it in a database. The detection of this disease focuses on the analysis of images previously entered by a doctor, these will be stored in a directory with the name of the DNI and a subdirectory with the date of the analysis. The artificial intelligence that has been created for the purpose of detecting this disease will analyze the different images entered and give a result of the patient. In addition to this, it will be possible to access the different analyses that have been performed on the patients, view the results and the analyzed images

    FLEB: A fuzzy logic e-book

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    FLEB is an electronic book which attempts to introduce the basic mathematical foundations and applications of fuzzy logic through a software environment which includes images, hypertext, sensitive elements, animations and interactive demos. It also allows executing Xfuzzy, a development tool which eases the description, verification, and synthesis of fuzzy logic-based systems. FLEB, like a usual book, is structured into chapters with pages through which the reader can navigate comfortably. In addition, the information provided can be accessed in a non sequential way thanks to the hypertext and sensitive elements that interconnect linked pages. This capability of non sequential reading together with the exploitation of multimedia software make FLEB a good tool to pedagogically show and explain the basis of fuzzy logic theory and applications.Peer reviewe

    Estudio de mercado para la implementación de una cadena de restaurantes “La Chonerita” Riobamba

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    El presente trabajo de investigación Estudio de mercado para la implementación de una cadena de restaurante “LA CHONERITA” Riobamba, tiene por objetivo elaborar dicho estudio de mercado con el fin de ampliar sus operaciones a escala local en la ciudad de Riobamba, verificando de las preferencias del consumidor y con ellos efectuar los cálculos que lleven a determinar la viabilidad del proyecto. La metodología utilizada se basa en la realización de encuestas utilizando un cuestionario estructurado que se aplicó a todos los clientes de la ciudad, lo cual permitió obtener información real para trabajar la propuesta, partiendo del diagnóstico situacional por medio de una matriz FODA. Entre los resultados más relevantes tenemos que el 77% de los encuestados conocen el restaurante “La Chonerita”, el 33% no lo conocen, en el comportamiento de consumo de las personas que conocen la Chonerita el 29% adquieren el producto una vez a la semana, el 32% dos o más vez a la semana y el 39% toda la semana adquieren los productos. Con el procesamiento de todos los datos se calculó la demanda insatisfecha donde se obtuvo un mercado objetivo para el consumo de los productos de 245.371 platos. La propuesta formulada se basó en el desarrollo de un estudio técnico para la nueva línea de producción de platos de comida con un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de 72.023,50;unaTasaInternadeRetorno(TIR),de32.0172.023,50; una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR), de 32.01%; un Período de Recuperación de la Inversión (PRI) de 3 años y 6 meses y una relación beneficio costo (RBC) de 1,42. Se recomienda continuamente realizar estudios de nuevas estrategias de marketing y promociones, permitiendo el crecimiento comercial frente a las nuevas competencias que saldrán al mercado.The present study about a market study for the implementation of a restaurant chain called "LA CHONERITA" Riobamba, aims to expand its operations in Riobamba city, by verifying consumer preferences in order to carry out the calculations that lead to determine the viability of the project. The methodology used is based on surveys applied to the clients, which allowed to obtain real information to develop this proposal, starting from the situational diagnosis through a SWOT matrix. Among the most relevant results, it can be said that 77% of people identify the restaurant called "La Chonerita”, whereas 33% do not identify it. In relation to consumers´ behavior from people who know the restaurant, 29% buy the products at least once a week, 32% two or more times a week and 39% consume the products every single week. After processing all the information, the unsatisfied demand was calculated, identifying a target population to consume 245,371 dishes. This proposal was based on the development of a technical study for the new production line of dishes with a Net Present Value (NPV) of 72,023.50;anInternalRateofReturn(IRR),of32.01 72,023.50; an Internal Rate of Return (IRR), of 32.01%; a Payback Period of Investment (PRI) of 3 years and 6 months and a benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 1.42. It is recommended to carry out permanent studies about new marketing strategies and promotions, allowing the commercial growth of the restaurant over new competitors that might emerge