6,567 research outputs found

    Dante en la música española : la Divina Comedia de Conrado del Campo, del poema sinfónico a la ópera

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    El tema del Infierno de la Divina Comedia ha inspirado numerosas composiciones musicales, tanto en el campo sinfónico como en el operístico. Entre los temas el más utilizado ha sido la trágica historia del amor de Paolo y Francesca. Las versiones operísticas ofrecen diferentes variantes estilísticas desde la tradición italiana de Mercadante, Cagnoni o Zandonai hasta el wagnerismo romántico de Rachmaninof o Mancinelli, pasando por la trivialización de Thomas. En el caso español resulta del mayor interés las composiciones de Conrado del Campo, un compositor muy influido por el romanticismo centroeuropeo, que se acerca al mundo de Dante en la música sinfónica (La Divina Comedia 1910) como en la ópera (La tragedia del beso 1915). En estos proyectos resultó decisivo el encuentro con el poeta Carlos Fernández Shaw.Dante's Inferno has inspired many musical compositions, both symphonic and operatic field. Among the topics the most used has been the tragic love story of Paolo and Francesca. Operatic versions offer different styles from the Italian tradition of Mercadante, Cagnoni or Zandonai to the romantic Wagnerian of Rachmaninoff or Mancinelli, through the French trivialization of Thomas. In the Spanish music compositions by Conrado del Campo, a composer influenced by the Central European Romanticism, approaches the Dante's world in symphonic music (La Divina Comedia 1910) and opera (La tragedia del beso 1915). In these works was decisive the encounter with the poet Carlos Fernández Sha

    Cadmium—1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylato coordination polymers bearing different di-alkyl-2,2’-bipyridines: syntheses, crystal structures and photoluminescence studies

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    Cadmium–1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylato coordination polymers bearing different di-alkyl-2,2′-bipyridines: syntheses, crystal structures and photoluminescence studiesFour coordination polymers have been synthesized using self-assembly solution reactions under ambient conditions, reacting Cd(II) ions with 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid in the presence of different 2,2′-bipyridine co-ligands: {[Cd(H2O)(e,a-cis-1,4-chdc)(2,2′-bpy)]·H2O}n (1); [Cd2(H2O)2(e,a-cis-1,4-chdc)2(4,4′-dmb)2]n (2); {[Cd(e,a-cis-1,4-chdc)(5,5′-dmb)]·H2O·CH3OH}n (3) and {[Cd(e,e-trans-1,4-chdc)(4,4′-dtbb)]·CH3OH}n (4), where 1,4-chdc = 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylato, 2,2′-bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine, 4,4′-dmb = 4,4′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine, 5,5′-dmb = 5,5′-dimethyl-2,2′-bipyridine and 4,4′-dtbb = 4,4′-di-tert-butyl-2,2′-bipyridine. Crystallographic studies show that compound 1 has a 1D structure propagating along the crystallographic b-axis; the Cd ion in 1 is six-coordinated with a distorted-octahedral coordination sphere. Compound 2 has two crystallographic different Cd ions and both are six-coordinated with a distorted-octahedral coordination sphere. Compound 3 exhibits a seven-coordinated Cd ion having a distinctive distorted-monocapped trigonal prismatic geometry. In compound 4, the Cd ion is also seven-coordinated in a distorted monocapped octahedral geometry. Compounds 2, 3 and 4 possess rhombic-shaped dinuclear units (Cd2O2) as nodes to generate larger cycles made up of four dinuclear units, a Cd4 motif, bridged by four 1,4-chdc ligands, accomplishing, thus, 2D structures. Remarkably, in compound 4 the 1,4-chdc ligand conformation changes to the equatorial, equatorial trans, unlike the other compounds where the bridging ligand conformation is the more typical equatorial, axial cis. The solid state luminescence properties of 1–4 were investigated; polymers 3 and 4 exhibited a strong blue emission (λem = 410–414 nm) compared to 1 and 2; structure-related photoluminescence is attributed to the degree of hydration of the compounds. Furthermore, Cd-polymer 3 suspended in acetone allows the fluorescence selective sensing of acetonitrile over common organic solvents such as alcohols and DMF, based on turn-on fluorescence intensity with a limit of 53 μmol L−1.CONACYT; UNA


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    In most cases, building service designers choose between Solar thermal (ST) and District Heating (DH) technologies for their integration in buildings. By doing so, only a fraction of the buildings within a particular district is used for ST, while at the same time energy intensity in DH networks can be reduced. In some cases, building-integrated solar thermal systems are connected to DH networks by means of dedicated pipes. In all these cases, sub-optimal situations are reached with lower fraction of renewable heat, reduced network strength and/or additional heat losses. In this paper, a consummer substation concept is proposed with reversible heat flow and net metering, which avoids local thermal storage in the solar loop. Adaptations required for multi-dwelling buildings are presented.European Commission's H2020, 768567, RELaTE


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    District heating (DH) systems are key systems for the de-carbonization of heating energy in European Cities. In order to allow for this transition, while guaranteeing competitive energy costs, conversion of DHs is required. DH operation temperature needs to be reduced in order to increase the performance of renewable systems and operation criteria needs to be adopted for the introduction of weather-dependent, distributed heat sources such as solar systems. This paper presents the RELaTED decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature DH network scheme, and its adaptation to several operational schemes such as new and existing DH networks, with different levels of complexity. Transitory phases in the conversion process are discussed.European Commission's H2020, 768567, RELaTE

    Estrategias de marketing digital de las empresas de suplementos nutricionales para el deporte

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    En el presente trabajo se han analizado las estrategias de marketing digital que llevan a cabo las principales empresas del sector de la suplementación deportiva en España, un sector en constante crecimiento y con alta tendencia de búsquedas en internet. Para ello nos hemos centrado en las cuatro empresas con mayor actividad registrada en España, cuyos modelos de negocio a pesar de seguir un mismo esquema, presentan un grado de implicación distinto en determinados aspectos, lo que hace posible una comparación y valoración de sus estrategias. Se han analizado aspectos comunes y diferenciadores de sus páginas webs y su grado de implicación en la creación de contenido, su modo de promocionar la marca gracias a la colaboración con influencers del sector, además de cómo plantean sus estrategias de posicionamiento online. En base a ello, se ha realizado un análisis sobre cuáles son las fuentes de tráfico más relevantes para cada empresa, para finalmente extraer ciertas conclusiones y entender cómo han influido las estrategias practicadas en los resultados obtenidosIn the present work I have analyzed the digital marketing strategies carried out by the main companies dedicated to the sports supplementation in Spain, a sector in constant growth with great presence in internet. For this we been focused on the four companies with highest registered activity in Spain, whose business models, in spite of following the same patterns, present different levels of implication in determined aspects, which makes it posible a comparison and valoration about the marketing plan they carry out. They have been analyzed common aspects and differenciators about their web pages and their level of implication creating content, their way of promoting the brand due to colaboration with influencers, also how they figure out their online positioning strategys. Based on it, it have been analyzed the most relevant traffic sources for each company, for finally extract determined conclusiones and understand how implemented strategies have influenced the results.Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de MercadosGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Changes and Continuity in Syracusian Democracy during the Middle of the 4th Century BC

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    Tradicionalmente se ha entendido la expulsión de Dionisio II de Siracusa como el inicio de un proceso de cambio orientado hacia la implantación de un sistema democrático en dicha polis que posteriormente se exportó al resto de poleis de tradición helena de Sicilia. El estudio de este sistema de gobierno, en comparación con los que le precedieron, nos permite el cuestionamiento de la visión democrática defendida tradicionalmente por los especialistas de este proceso y nos muestra una serie de pautas más similares a los gobiernos de los Dinoménidas y los Dionisios que a los ordenamientos republicanos precedentes.The expulsion of Dionysius II of Syracuse has traditionally been understood as the starting point that marked the beginning of a political change that brought the implantation of a democratic system in this polis, change that subsequently expanded to the rest of the poleis of Hellenic tradition in Sicily. The study of this political system, in comparison with those that preceded it, has allowed us to question the traditional vision withheld by specialists in the study of this democratic process, revealing a series of patterns that are more similar to the administrations lead by Dinomenids and Dionysians than to the previous republican legal systems
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