129 research outputs found

    Matlis duality, inverse systems and classification of Artin algebras

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    Treballs finals del Màster en Matemàtica Avançada, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona: Curs: 2022-2023. Director: Joan Elías García[en] The aim of this project is to study the classification of some families of Artin algebras. In order to do that, we will study some important results of injective modules with the objective to be able to prove Matlis duality. In particular, we will study the case of Matlis duality when R=kx1,,xnR=\mathbf{k} \llbracket x_1, \ldots, x_n \rrbracket (the ring of the formal series) with maximal ideal m=(x1,,xn)\mathfrak{m}=\left(x_1, \ldots, x_n\right). With this scenario, we are talking about Macaulay's duality. Using Macaulay's correspondence, we will be able to study important results as Hilbert functions, essential in the classification of algebras. We will study Gorenstein, level and compressed algebras. Along the paper, we use Singular [DGPS22] and the library Inverse SYST.LIB by Joan Elias [Eli14], which with we will compute some examples seen through the project

    Matlis duality, inverse systems and classification of Artin algebras

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    Amb l’objectiu d’estudiar la classificació d’algunes famílies d’àlgebres artinianes, estudiarem alguns resultats importants sobre mòduls injectius i la dualitat de Matlis. Més específicament, estudiarem la correspondència de Macaulay, la dualitat de Matlis quan R = k[[x1, ... , xn]] amb l’ideal maximal m = (x1, ... , xn). Utilitzant aquesta, podem introduir-nos en les funcions de Hilbert, essencials en la classificació d’àlgebres artinianes. Tots aquests resultats han anat acompanyats de càlculs i exemples fets amb Singular [3] i la llibreria Inverse-syst.lib [4] del Dr. Joan Elias

    Romantic relationship quality in the Digital Age: a study with young adults

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    Recent studies suggest that the online and offline behaviors young people display in romantic relationships are closely related. However, the differential effects of the dimensions of couple quality in the online context have not yet been explored in depth. The aim of this study was to explore online couple quality in young-adult relationships, and its association with romantic relationship satisfaction, also looking at effects of gender, age, and length of the relationship. 431 university students currently in a romantic relationship (68.2% females; mean age = 21.57) participated in this study. They completed different self-report measures to tap the online quality of their romantic relationships (online intimacy, control, jealousy, intrusiveness, cyberdating practices, and communication strategies) and level of satisfaction with those relationships. Results showed that participants more often reported online intimacy (Mmen = 2.49; Mwomen = 2.38) than the negative scales of online quality (mean ranged from .43 to 1.50), and all the online quality scales decreased with age (correlations ranged from –.12 to –.30) and relationship length (correlations ranged from –.02 to –.20). Linear regression analyses indicated that online intimacy (b = .32, p = .001) and intrusiveness (b = .11, p = .035) were positively related to rela-tionship satisfaction, while cyberdating practices (b = –.20, p = .001) and communication strategies (b = –.34, p = .001) were negatively correlated with relationship satisfaction. Moreover, gender and relationship length moderated some of these associations. Results indicate that while online quality and relationship satisfaction are related, the impact of different online quality dimensions on relationship satisfaction differs depending on a participant’s sex, age, and relationship lengt

    Online Intrusiveness, online jealousy and dating aggression in young adults: a cross-national study, Spain-Italy

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    The current study aims to analyze the impact of online and conventional couple quality on the explanation of dating aggression in Spain and Italy. 312 Italian and 430 Spanish university students participated in the study. Logistic regression analysis showed that conflicts increased the likelihood to be involved in psychological and physical aggression in both countries. Transgressive behavior increased the odds of being involved in physical and psychological aggression in Spain and in psychological aggression in Italy. Online intrusiveness influenced Spanish participants’ involvement in physical and psychological dating aggression while online jealousy was the main predictor of both types of aggression in Italy. Results are discussed in terms of the insecurity that seems to characterize dating aggression in young adulthoodIntrusività, gelosia e dating aggression online nei giovani adulti: uno studio crossculturale Spagna-Italia. Lo studio intende analizzare l’impatto della qualità della relazione tra partner online e offline nella spiegazione del dating aggression in Spagna e in Italia. 312 studenti universitari italiani e 430 spagnoli hanno partecipato allo studio. Regressioni logistiche hanno mostrato come il conflitto aumenti la probabilità di essere coinvolto nel dating aggression fisico e psicologico in entrambi i Paesi. Il comportamento trasgressivo incrementa la probabilità di essere coinvolto nel dating aggression fisico e psicologico in Spagna ma solo in quello psicologico in Italia. Infine l’intrusività online influenza il dating aggression fisico e psicologico in Spagna mentre in Italia è la gelosia online a predire entrambe le forme. I risultati enfatizzano il ruolo dell’insicurezza nel predire la qualità delle relazioni sentimentali nella prima adultit

    Cyber-aggression in adolescent couples: a cross-cultural study Spain-Mexico

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    El desarrollo de medidas válidas de la agresión en la pareja adolescente por medio de sitios de redes sociales y la mensajería instantánea es todavía escaso. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la equivalencia factorial de un ins-trumento de medida del control, la intrusión y los celos en línea en parejas adolescentes de España y México. Los parti-cipantes fueron 530 adolescentes con experiencia sentimen-tal (223 españoles, 51.57% chicas; 307 mexicanos, 49.35% chicas) y una edad media de 15.82 (España) y 16.30 (Méxi-co). Los análisis multigrupo mostraron una consistente equivalencia factorial de la escala. Las tasas de prevalencia fueron superiores al 70% en ambos países. Los adolescentes mexicanos obtuvieron una mayor puntuación en el control que los españoles, y los chicos mexicanos fueron más intru-sos que las chicas. Los resultados enfatizaron la equivalencia cultural de los constructos y las similitudes entre países en el comportamiento agresivo en línea de los adolescentes.Th e development of valid measures of adolescent dating aggression through social network sites and instant messages is still scarce. Th e aim of this study was to analyze the measurement invariance of an instrument assessing on-line control, intrusiveness and jealousy among adolescent couples in Spain and Mexico. Participants were 530 ado-lescents with romantic experience (223 Spanish, 51.57% girls; 307 Mexicans, 49.35% girls), mean aged 15.82 (Spain) and 16.30 (Mexico). Multi-group analyses showed a consistent factorial invariance of the measure. Prevalen-ce rates were higher than 70% in both countries. Mexi-can adolescents scored higher in control than Spaniards, and Mexican boys were more intrusive than girls. Results emphasized the cultural equivalence of the constructs and similarities between countries in adolescents’ aggressive online behavior

    Factores y estrategias en la implantación del Servicio de Indicación Farmacéutica en farmacia comunitaria

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    El Servicio de Indicación Farmacéutica (SIF) es el servicio profesional a través del cual el farmacéutico atiende la consulta de los pacientes sobre un síntoma menor con el fin de obtener un remedio adecuado. Requiere de una actuación protocolizada y conlleva una elevada responsabilidad por parte del farmacéutico. INDICA+PRO es un proyecto realizado desde 2017 para evaluar el impacto y la implantación del SIF en la farmacia comunitaria española. Este artículo evalúa la implantación del SIF en una única farmacia. En la etapa de implantación del SIF a través de INDICA+PRO se detectaron factores de implantación (barreras y facilitadores) para los que se utilizaron una serie de estrategias. Como parte de la implementación se propusieron estrategias como destacar las ventajas del SIF para la farmacia, realizar incentivos por la prestación del servicio o la distribución de tareas dentro del equipo. Entre los facilitadores se encontró la disponibilidad de la zona de atención personalizada, la buena relación con los centros de salud cercanos y la realización de otros servicios profesionales en la farmacia. Las ventajas obtenidas por la realización del SIF obtenidas siguiendo el procedimiento protocolizado, dentro del programa SEFAC eXPERT®, establecido fueron, entre otras, la mejora en el seguimiento del paciente, el incremento en la comunicación del equipo y con el paciente facilitado por el historial farmacoterapéutico de la farmacia y la elaboración de informes estandarizados.Minor ailment service (MAS) is a professional pharmacy service assisting patients to manage minor ailments. MAS involves a structured consultation process with protocols which delineate professional practice. INDICA+PRO is a project, started in 2017, which evaluates the impact and subsequently implementation of MAS in Spanish community pharmacies. This paper reports on the experience of implementing the service in a single pharmacy. Implementation factors (barriers and facilitators) were detected and a series of strategies were developed and used as part of the implementation program of MAS through a practice program, INDICA+PRO. The implementation strategies, such as highlighting the advantages of MAS for the pharmacy, incentives for the provision of the service and/or the distribution of tasks within the team were used to overcome barriers. Facilitators included the availability of a consultation room in the pharmacy, good relationships with nearby health centers and the provision of other professional services in the pharmacy. The advantages obtained from MAS, following the inclusion in the software (SEFAC eXPERT®) of the agreed protocols and clinical information, were improved patient follow-up, increased communication within the team and with patients, the pharmacy having a clinical history of the minor ailments and the ability of being able to prepare standardized report

    Comparison of teaching resources for innovation

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    [SPA] Presentamos el resultado de la comparación de diferentes recursos o elementos de docentes, con mayor o menor grado de innovación y apoyo en TIC, empleados en un mismo grupo de estudiantes: clase presencial interactiva, esquemas del profesor facilitados por adelantado, exámenes online con propuestas de reflexión sobre el contenido, web didáctica de asignatura, grabaciones multimedia de las explicaciones del profesor, tutoría presencial grupal, texto-guía y materiales de lectura. Todos estos recursos fueron valorados por 72 alumnos de primera matrícula de primer curso de Grado, que tuvieron ocasión de utilizarlos simultáneamente en una misma asignatura. Los elementos o recursos más valorados son la clase presencial, los esquemas del profesor, los exámenes online y la web didáctica de la asignatura. Los menos valorados son el texto guía y los materiales de lectura; precisamente los recursos menos interactivos. Así pues, los resultados invitan al desarrollo de metodologías blended learning que utilizan recursos TIC de distribución en línea en contextos de aprendizaje presenciales. [ENG] We are introducing the results of the comparison between different teaching resources, with different degrees of innovation and IT support, used in the same group of students: interactive in-person class, teacher schemes in advance, online exams with consideration about the contents, educational website of the matter, multimedia recordings of the teacher lecture, in-person group class, guide text and reading matter. These resources were rated by 72 students of first degree, who used them at the same time in the same matter. The top rated resources were the in-person class, the teacher schemes, the online exams and the educational website. The less rated resources were the guide text and the reading matter: the less interactive resources. So, the results suggest that blended learning methodologies that use online IT resources should be used for inperson learning.[ENG] We are introducing the results of the comparison between different teaching resources, with different degrees of innovation and IT support, used in the same group of students: interactive in-person class, teacher schemes in advance, online exams with consideration about the contents, educational website of the matter, multimedia recordings of the teacher lecture, in-person group class, guide text and reading matter. These resources were rated by 72 students of first degree, who used them at the same time in the same matter. The top rated resources were the in-person class, the teacher schemes, the online exams and the educational website. The less rated resources were the guide text and the reading matter: the less interactive resources. So, the results suggest that blended learning methodologies that use online IT resources should be used for inperson learning

    Anion–Cation Recognition Pattern, Thermal Stability and DFT-Calculations in the Crystal Structure of H2dap[Cd(HEDTA)(H2O)] Salt (H2dap = H2(N3,N7)-2,6-Diaminopurinium Cation)

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    We thank the Centre de Tecnologies de la Informació (CTI), Universitat de les Illes Balears for computational facilities. We also thank all projects for financial support.The proton transfer between equimolar amounts of [Cd(H2EDTA)(H2O)] and 2,6-diaminopurine (Hdap) yielded crystals of the out-of-sphere metal complex H2(N3,N7)dap [Cd(HEDTA)(H2O)]·H2O (1) that was studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, FT-IR spectroscopy, density functional theory (DFT) and quantum theory of “atoms-in-molecules” (QTAIM) methods. The crystal was mainly dominated by H-bonds, favored by the observed tautomer of the 2,6-diaminopurinium(1+) cation. Each chelate anion was H-bonded to three neighboring cations; two of them were also connected by a symmetry-related anti-parallel π,π-staking interaction. Our results are in clear contrast with that previously reported for H2(N1,N9)ade [Cu(HEDTA) (H2O)]·2H2O (EGOWIG in Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), Hade = adenine), in which H-bonds and π,π-stacking played relevant roles in the anion–cation interaction and the recognition between two pairs of ions, respectively. Factors contributing in such remarkable differences are discussed on the basis of the additional presence of the exocyclic 2-amino group in 2,6-diaminopurinium(1+) ion.This research was funded by the Excellence Network ‘Metal Ions in Biological Systems’ MetalBio CTQ2017-90802-REDT, the Research group FQM-283 (Junta de Andalucía) and MICIU/AEI of Spain (project CTQ2017-85821-R FEDER funds)