48 research outputs found

    Auditoría de control interno al departamento de ventas de la empresa distribuidora Dispacif S.A. de la ciudad de Guayaquil del 01 de Enero hasta el 31 de diciembre del 2013.

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    El proyecto se enfoca en aplicar una auditoría de control interno al departamento de ventas, con el propósito de realizar un análisis a los controles centrales, emitiendo un informe con las recomendaciones necesarias para que el departamento mejore la rentabilidad a la Distribuidora DISPACIF S.A. La desactualización del personal de ventas impide competir de forma eficiente en el mercado.This project focuses on applying internal control audit to the sales department, with the purpose to realize an analysis to the central controls, making a report with the necessary recommendations for the department that will improve the rentability to the distribution Company DISPACIF S.A. The outdates staff stop competing efficiently in the market

    Palynological analysis of unifloral commercial honeys

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    Se estudiaron 28 muestras de mieles etiquetadas como monoflorales de diverso tipo y de origen español: azahar (11), eucalipto (10) y romero (7), a través de los pertinentes métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos. El análisis cuantitativo mostró un contenido medio de elementos botánicos mayor en las mieles de eucalipto (354497 por 10 gramos de miel) que en las mieles de azahar y romero (100111 y 76705, respectivamente). El estudio cualitativo de las mieles de romero y azahar reflejó valores de riqueza polínica semejantes (media de 38 y 41 formas polínicas, respectivamente), más bajos para las mieles de eucalipto (34), propias todas de ellas de la flora peninsular, salvo en dos muestras, una de miel de azahar y otra de eucalipto, con tipos polínicos propios de flora sudamericana. Asimismo, las mieles de romero superaron el 10% de representación para el tipo Salvia verbenaca, mientras que en una y dos muestras de mieles de azahar y eucalipto no alcanzaron los umbrales de 10% y 70% de los tipos Citrus sinensis y Myrtus communis, respectivamente.Twenty eight honey samples labelled as monofloral and Spanish were studied by means of quantitative and qualitative methods: orange blossom (11), eucalyptus (10) and rosemary (7). Quantitative analysis displayed a higher number of botanical elements in eucalyptus honeys (354497/10 g of honey) than in orange blossom and rosemary honeys (100111 y 76705, respectively). Qualitative study showed high pollen richness in rosemary and orange blossom honyes (an average of 38 and 41 types of pollen, respectively), lower in the case of eucalyptus honeys (34). All of these types of pollen belonged to Iberian species, except in two samples (orange blossom and eucalyptus) with pollen grains from South America flora. Rosemary honeys reached 10% of Salvia verbenaca type, whereas one and two samples of orange blossom and eucalyptus did not exceed 10% and 70% of Citrus sinensis y Myrtus communis types, respectively

    Security of the flexible ureteroscopy without ureteral access sheath

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    Evaluar el impacto de la utilización de la camisa de acceso ureteral en la tasa libre de cálculos durante la ureterorenoscopia flexible en pacientes tratados por cálculos del tracto urinario superior. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo donde se incluyó un componente analítico de correlación de variables. La población definida en el presente estudio incluye individuos con cálculos renales o ureterales proximales con indicación de nefrolitotomia flexible láser en un solo tiempo quirúrgico, la población corresponde a 60 pacientes los cuales se diferencian en dos grupos, en quienes se utilizó camisa de acceso ureteral durante el procedimiento (44 pacientes) y en quienes no se utilizó por falla en el acceso (16 pacientes). Resultados: Comparando las dos técnicas en cuanto a tiempo quirúrgico, tamaño de los cálculos, complicaciones y tasa libre de cálculos no se observan diferencias significativas; al realizar el análisis exploratorio multivariado, las dimensiones explican el 94% de la variabilidad del modelo y los individuos presentan correlación entre las categorías de no uso de camisa, no ocurrencia de complicaciones, tiempo quirúrgico menor a 90 minutos y cálculos con diámetros menores a 10 mm. Conclusiones: La nefrolitotomia flexible laser sin camisa de acceso ureteral es un procedimiento seguro en pacientes con litiasis menor de 10 mm, no hay variaciones representativas con respecto al uso de la camisa ureteral, por lo cual podría ser una alternativa quirúrgica para el tratamiento de la litiasis de tracto urinario superior en pacientes en quienes no sea posible el acceso con la camisa ureteral.NingunaTo evaluate the impact of the use of ureteral access sheath, during flexible ureterorenoscopy on stone-free rate for patients treated for upper urinary tract stones. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study with an analytical variable correlation component was performed. The population as defined in this study includes individuals with kidney or proximal ureteral stones, with an indication of flexible laser nephrolithotomy to manage stones in one surgical time, the population corresponds to 60 patients which are divided into two groups, those in which ureteral access sheath was used for the procedure (44 patients) and those in which it was not used secondary to access failure (16 patients). Results: Comparing the two techniques in terms of operative time, stone size and stone-free rate, there were no significant differences observed; after performing exploratory multivariate analysis, dimensions explain 94% of the variability of the model and correlation was found between the categories: no use of ureteral access sheath with no occurrence of complications, operative time less than 90 minutes and stones with smaller diameters than 10 mm. Conclusions: Flexible laser nephrolithotomy without ureteral access sheath is safe in patients with stones smaller than 10mm, with no representative variations with respect to the use of ureteral sheath, this means it can be a surgical alternative for the treatment of upper urinary tract stones in patients in which ureteral access fails with an ureteral access sheath

    Prevalencia de la violencia física y sexual contra las mujeres de la parroquia San Joaquín de la ciudad de Cuenca. Cuenca 2015

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    Antecedentes Los estudios realizados indican cifras recientes de la prevalencia mundial que el 35% de las mujeres del mundo han sufrido violencia. (1) El 30% de las mujeres que han tenido una relación de pareja refieren haber sufrido alguna forma de violencia y estas pueden dar lugar a problemas de salud física, mental, sexual. (2) Según cifras nacionales, en Ecuador ocho de cada diez mujeres sufren algún tipo de maltrato. En 2011 fueron 2.800 casos registrados en denuncias, en 2012 fueron 3.400 y en 2013 los 4.000. La provincia del Azuay ocupa el quinto lugar a nivel nacional. Desde el comienzo de funcionamiento de la Unidad de Violencia Contra la Mujer y la Familia hay 2.279 causas ingresadas. (3) Objetivo: Determinar la Prevalencia de la Violencia Física y Sexual contra las mujeres de la Parroquia San Joaquín de la ciudad de Cuenca. Metodología: La investigación será de tipo descriptiva cuantitativa donde el universo es de 4100 mujeres, la muestra es de 96. El método de estudio será observacional, se aplicará la encuesta Nacional sobre la Violencia contra las mujeres (ENVIM 2003), que se divide en dos partes: violencia física y sexual determinando la prevalencia según la sumatoria del reactivo, siendo la física sobre 98 y la sexual sobre 12 puntos. Para dar mayor credibilidad a nuestra investigación hemos realizado un sorteo de los 24 barrios que conforman la parroquia San Joaquín siendo seleccionados los Barrios: Balzay Bajo, Barabón Bajo y San José en los cuales se aplicará la encuesta de forma equitativa a 32 mujeres de cada barrioBackground Recent studies indicate the global prevalence figures that 35 % of women worldwide have suffered violence. (1) 30 % of women have had a relationship report experiencing some form of violence and these can lead to problems of physical, mental, sexual health. (2) According to national figures, in Ecuador eight out of ten women suffer some kind of abuse. In 2011, 2,800 cases were registered in complaints in 2012 were 3,400 and in 2013 4,000. Azuay province ranks fifth nationally. Since the start of operation of the Office on Violence Against Women and Family there are 2,279 cases admitted. (3) Goal: To determine the prevalence of physical and sexual violence against women of the Parish of San Joaquin Cuenca. Methodology: The research is quantitative descriptive where the universe is 4100 women, the sample is 96. The method of study is observational; the National Survey on Violence Against Women applies (ENVIM 2003), which is divided into two parts: physical and sexual violence by determining the prevalence as the sum of the reactive, being about 98 physical and sexual about 12 pointsTo give more credence to our research has made a drawing of the 24 neighborhoods that make up the parish San Joaquin Barrios being selected: Balzay Low, Low and San Jose Barabòn in which the survey will be applied equitably to 32 women in each neighborhoodLicenciado en EnfermeríaCuenc

    Airborne spore content of «Ganoderma» P. Karst. in the atmosphere of Valladolid

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    The aim of this paper was to test the airborne spore content of Ganoderma P. Karst in Valladolid, which was monitored during 2005-2006. The number of spores count was 2,100 and 3,563, respectively, being the main spore season (MSS) registered since mid July until the end of October. The meteorological parameters that influenced airborne spore concentration during the MSS, significantly and in a positive way, were maximum temperature and winds from NW whereas rainfall and wind velocity did it negatively. The intra-diurnal pattern was very similar for the three models used, reaching a highest hourly concentration percentage around 6 a.m.Con el objetivo de evaluar el contenido atmosférico de Ganoderma P. Karst. se monitorizó Valladolid durante el periodo 2005-2006. El número de esporas detectadas fue de 2.100 y 3.563, respectivamente, abarcando el periodo principal de esporulación (PPE) desde mediados de julio hasta finales de octubre. Los parámetros meteorológicos que influyeron significativamente en el contenido esporal durante el PPE fueron la temperatura máxima y los vientos del NO (de forma positiva), así como las precipitaciones y la veloci­dad del viento (negativamente). El patrón intra-diario fue muy similar para los tres modelos utilizados, mostrando porcentajes horarios máximos alrededor de las 6 h.</span

    Aerobiological behaviour of some riparian herbaceous taxa pollen in Salamanca (Middle-West of the Iberian Peninsula)

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    Atmospheric pollen levels of Cyperaceae, Juncaceae and Typhaceae were studied in 2000-2007 period by means of a Hirst Volumetric Spore Trap in the city of Salamanca (MW Spain). The intra-diurnal pattern and the influence of selected meteorological parameters in Cyperaceae airborne pollen concentrations were also analysed. Seasonal distribution was focused between May and August for Cyperaceae and Juncaceae, between late May and mid-October for Typhaceae. In addition, their airborne pollen levels did not overcome 10 grains/m3. In the case of Cyperaceae, intra-diurnal distribution showed greater levels between 11 and 20 hours, and temperature, insolation and NE-N winds had a positive influence in atmospheric concentrations, whereas rainfall and relative humidity displayed negative correlation coefficients with Cyperaceae pollen concentrations.Los niveles de polen de Cyperaceae, Juncaceae y Typhaceae en la atmósfera de la ciudad de Salamanca son analizados en el período 2000-2007 mediante el uso de un captador volumétrico tipo Hirst, así como el comportamiento intradiario y las correlaciones con los parámetros meteorológicos del tipo Cyperaceae. Estos niveles fueron bajos durante los años estudiados, centrándose entre los meses de mayo y agosto para Cyperaceae y Juncaceae, y entre finales de mayo y mediados de octubre para Typhaceae, y sin valores máximos diarios superiores a los 10 granos/m3. El patrón intradiario de Cyperaceae reflejó mayores concentraciones entre las 11 y las 20 horas, al igual que las correlaciones con los parámetros meteorológicos mostraron un efecto positivo de la temperatura, la insolación y los vientos del primer cuadrante en los niveles atmosféricos, así como negativo de las precipitaciones y la humedad relativa

    Desarrollo de personajes antropomórficos con base en las características de la flora del parque Nacional Cotopaxi para la creación de un Artbook.

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    limited creation of graphic resources and the disinterest for similar projects, taking natural elements of the Cotopaxi National Park as influences, have been the main reason for this investigation. Letting the objective be a multidisciplinary study. Thanks to the use of the carried out research in the present project, it will be possible to have a sense of anthropomorphism applied to the illustration and the use of botanical scientific illustration to answer the question: How to characterize anthropomorphic characters through the creative illustration from the flora of the Cotopaxi National Park? This question is solved with the purpose of creating anthropomorphic characters inspired by the characteristics of Cotopaxi National Park flora through the use of ideas configuration, for its application in an art book. For which you can use the technical sheets to identify the existing flora in the park along with the photographic resource, in the same way, conversions and interviews with illustrators will be carried out that will contribute from its conception, the graphic style and elements influencers at the time of anthropomorphising characters, achieving the authors own style. For the illustration of characters the project methodology of Bruno Munari (1983) is used, as a point of reference for the process of development of the project, as well as the advancement of the creative process and the presentation of the final art through the adaptation of several methodologies and consolidated in one created by Cuaspa y Reyes (2018)La escasa creación de recursos gráficos y el desinterés ante proyectos vinculados a la ilustración tomando a relativos naturales del Parque Nacional Cotopaxi como apoyo, fueron el motivo de esta investigación, dejando que el objetivo en cuestión forme un estudio multidisciplinario. Gracias al uso de la investigación que se llevó a cabo en el presente proyecto, se logró entender al antropomorfismo aplicado a la ilustración y el uso de la ilustración científica botánica para responder a la pregunta: ¿Cómo caracterizar personajes antropomórficos a través de la ilustración creativa a partir de referentes propios de la flora del Parque Nacional Cotopaxi? Esta interrogante se resolvió con la finalidad de crear personajes antropomorfos inspirados en las características de la flora del Parque Nacional Cotopaxi a través del uso de la configuración de ideas, para su aplicación en un artbook. Para lo cual se empleó el uso de fichas técnicas para la identificación de la flora existente en el parque junto al recurso fotográfico; de la misma manera, se realizaron conversatorios y entrevistas con ilustradores que aportaron desde su concepción, el estilo gráfico y elementos influenciadores a la hora de antropomorfizar personajes, logrando el estilo propio de las autoras. Para la ilustración de personajes se utilizó la metodología proyectual de Bruno Munari (1983), como punto referencial para el proceso de desarrollo del proyecto, además, para el avance del proceso creativo y presentación del arte final a través de la adaptación de varias metodologías y consolidada en una creada por Cuaspa y Reyes (2018)

    Genetic markers associated with bone composition in Rhode Island Red laying hens

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    Background Bone damage has welfare and economic impacts on modern commercial poultry and is known as one of the major challenges in the poultry industry. Bone damage is particularly common in laying hens and is probably due to the physiological link between bone and the egg laying process. Previous studies identified and validated quantitative trait loci (QTL) for bone strength in White Leghorn laying hens based on several measurements, including bone composition measurements on the cortex and medulla of the tibia bone. In a previous pedigree-based analysis, bone composition measurements showed heritabilities ranging from 0.18 to 0.41 and moderate to strong genetic correlations with tibia strength and density. Bone composition was measured using infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry. The aim of this study was to combine these bone composition measurements with genotyping data via a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to investigate genetic markers that contribute to genetic variance in bone composition in Rhode Island Red laying hens. In addition, we investigated the genetic correlations between bone composition and bone strength. Results We found novel genetic markers that are significantly associated with cortical lipid, cortical mineral scattering, medullary organic matter, and medullary mineralization. Composition of the bone organic matter showed more significant associations than bone mineral composition. We also found interesting overlaps between the GWAS results for tibia composition traits, particularly for cortical lipid and tibia strength. Bone composition measurements by infrared spectroscopy showed more significant associations than thermogravimetry measurements. Based on the results of infrared spectroscopy, cortical lipid showed the highest genetic correlations with tibia density, which was negative (− 0.20 ± 0.04), followed by cortical CO3/PO4 (0.18 ± 0.04). Based on the results of thermogravimetry, medullary organic matter% and mineral% showed the highest genetic correlations with tibia density (− 0.25 ± 0.04 and 0.25 ± 0.04, respectively). Conclusions This study detected novel genetic associations for bone composition traits, particularly those involving organic matter, that could be used as a basis for further molecular genetic investigations. Tibia cortical lipids displayed the strongest genetic associations of all the composition measurements, including a significantly high genetic correlation with tibia density and strength. Our results also highlighted that cortical lipid may be a key measurement for further avian bone studies.Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.ERANET Grant to ICD (BBSRC BB/ M028291/1)Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas, 2014-01840(Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, 291815Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas (2019-02116 and 2016-01386)The COST Action CA15224 Keel Bone Damag

    Bone quality and composition are influenced by egg production, layer line, and oestradiol-17ß in laying hens

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    Part of this work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion [grant number CGL2015-64683-P].Keel bone fractures are a serious animal welfare problem in laying hens. The aim of the current study was to assess the influence of egg production, oestradiol-17ß, and selection for high laying performance on bone quality. Hens of two layer lines differing in laying performance (WLA: 320 eggs per year, G11: 200 eggs per year) were allocated to four treatment groups. Group S received a deslorelin acetate implant that suppressed egg production. Group E received an implant with the sexual steroid oestradiol-17ß. Group SE received both implants and group C did not receive any implant. In the 63rd week of age, composition and characteristics of the tibiotarsi were assessed using histological analysis, three-point bending test, thermogravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and two-dimensional X-ray diffraction, respectively. Non-egg-laying hens showed a higher total bone area and a higher relative amount of cortical bone compared to egg-laying hens. Hens of layer line G11 showed a higher relative amount of medullary bone and a higher degree of mineralization of the cortical bone compared to hens of layer line WLA. These differences in bone composition may explain different susceptibility to keel bone fractures in non-egg-laying compared to egg-laying hens as well as in hens of layer lines differing in laying performance. The effect of exogenous oestradiol-17ß on bone parameters varied between the layer lines indicating a genetic influence on bone physiology and the way it can be modulated by hormone substitution.Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government CGL2015-64683-

    Cuban stingless bee livestock exhibit specialized floral resource use: a palynological study on honey samples from Matanzas and Mayabeque provinces

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    The knowledge of the different plant species that make up the feeding diet of animals is highly important to develop more efficient strategies. This research aimed to characterize the food potential available for the Cuban stingless bee livestock of the Matanzas and Mayabeque provinces. Palynological analysis was done using 60 g of pollen from sealed pots and 80 mL of honey from the ten randomly selected beehives (five in each province). The results showed that in the honey collected in Matanzas province, the most represented family was Amaranthaceae, followed by Myrtaceae and Fabaceae. Meanwhile, for Mayabeque, the most represented ones were the families Fabaceae and Myrtaceae. Regarding the stingless bee pollen of Matanzas provenance, the family Fabaceae prevailed, followed by Burseraceae and Myrtaceae. The pollen corresponding to Mayabeque coincided in showing Fabaceae as the most representative. In addition, pollen grains of small size (from 10 to 25 µm) were collected, with a marked representation of the pollen type of Mimosa pudica in the Mayabeque honey. It was concluded that the Cuban stingless bee livestock of the Matanzas and Mayabeque provinces had a specialist feeding behavior because a low number of plant taxa made up its diet