8 research outputs found

    Herramientas bibliotecarias de apoyo a la investigaci贸n

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    Sesi贸n formativa impartida el 12-7-2018 al personal de la OP

    Fondo hemerogr谩fico andaluz de inter茅s veterinario en la Biblioteca Maim贸nides de la Universidad de C贸rdoba

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    Comunicaci贸n presentada al XVI Congreso espa帽ol y VII Iberoamericano de Historia de la Veterinaria, C贸rdoba, 30 de septiembre, 1-2 de octubre, 2010Se analizan los t铆tulos hist贸ricos de revistas publicadas en Andaluc铆a que son de inter茅s para los profesionales veterinarios y que forman parte de la colecci贸n del fondo hist贸rico hemerogr谩fico de la Biblioteca Maim贸nides de la Universidad de C贸rdoba. La colecci贸n ofrece la singularidad de provenir del 煤nico centro donde se impart铆an e imparten estudios universitarios de Veterinaria en Andaluc铆a. Las revistas estudiadas abarcan las primeras tres d茅cadas del siglo XX, per铆odo hist贸rico relevante en la formaci贸n de las diferentes asociaciones profesionales veterinarias. Su valor patrimonial y de cara a la investigaci贸n ha requerido desde el punto de vista t茅cnico un especial tratamiento de conservaci贸n y preservaci贸n por parte de la biblioteca, que ha establecido los correspondientes procedimientos de trabajo. Dentro del conjunto documental seleccionado, se especifican los t铆tulos, su disponibilidad cronol贸gica en la Biblioteca y las secuencias complementarias existentes en otras bibliotecas, utilizando para ello diferentes plataformas digitales y cat谩logos colectivos. Por otra parte, se exponen las caracter铆sticas f铆sicas de las revistas y su configuraci贸n de contenidos

    Evaluation process, relegation and weeding in the Maimonides library, University of C贸rdoba

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    La gesti贸n de la colecci贸n necesita actualmente de herramientas y acciones que contribuyan a su evaluaci贸n constante. El objetivo es el de conseguir una colecci贸n relevante adapt谩ndose a las necesidades de los usuarios. Entre aqu茅llas destaca el expurgo. Se analizan aqu铆 los procesos de evaluaci贸n, relegaci贸n y expurgo de la Biblioteca Maim贸nides de la Universidad de C贸rdoba, los factores que determinaron su implantaci贸n, su periodicidad, la intervenci贸n secuencial de los servicios implicados, calendario y objetivos. Todas las acciones se enmarcan en un proceso de autorregulaci贸n de la colecci贸n y evaluaci贸n constante de la misma. Se exponen las caracter铆sticas de la colecci贸n de la biblioteca, su origen, evoluci贸n, el fondo bibliogr谩fico sometido al proceso y las excepciones contempladas. Se analizan asimismo las acciones previas a la sistematizaci贸n del proceso, realizadas mediante la donaci贸n de duplicados, implementadas en la biblioteca desde su creaci贸n. Los resultados obtenidos son considerados un instrumento b谩sico en la gesti贸n de la colecci贸n: actualizaci贸n de la colecci贸n de Libre Acceso, liberaci贸n de espacios, reestructuraci贸n de los mismos, as铆 como de secciones, y mejora de reubicaci贸n de los fondos bibliogr谩ficos.Currently, the collection management needs a set of tools and actions that contribute to its ongoing evaluation. Its aim is to achieve a significant collection adapted to the users needs. Among the highlighted actions we emphasize the weeding. We analyze the evaluation process, relegation and weeding in the Maimonides Library, University of C贸rdoba, the factors that determine their location, their periodicity, sequential intervention, services involved, timing and objectives. All actions are part of a self-regulatory process of the collection and ongoing evaluation of it. We expose the characteristics of Maimonides library鈥檚 collections, their origin, their evolution, the library holdings under the weeding and the considered exceptions. Furthermore, we develop an analysis of the previous actions, to the implementation of the process, which consisted in the duplicated book鈥檚 donations. These actions were put into practice since the library creation. The results are considered a basic tool in management collection, such as the update of the collection of free access, freedom of space, restructuring them, as well as sections, recolocation and improvement of library collections

    Structural Insights into the Specificity of Xyn10B from Paenibacillus barcinonensis and Its Improved Stability by Forced Protein Evolution*

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    Paenibacillus barcinonensis is a soil bacterium bearing a complex set of enzymes for xylan degradation, including several secreted enzymes and Xyn10B, one of the few intracellular xylanases reported to date. The crystal structure of Xyn10B has been determined by x-ray analysis. The enzyme folds into the typical (尾/伪)8 barrel of family 10 glycosyl hydrolases (GH10), with additional secondary structure elements within the 尾/伪 motifs. One of these loops -L7- located at the 尾7 C terminus, was essential for xylanase activity as its partial deletion yielded an inactive enzyme. The loop contains residues His249鈥揋lu250, which shape a pocket opened to solvent in close proximity to the +2 subsite, which has not been described in other GH10 enzymes. This wide cavity at the +2 subsite, where methyl-2,4-pentanediol from the crystallization medium was found, is a noteworthy feature of Xyn10B, as compared with the narrow crevice described for other GH10 xylanases. Docking analysis showed that this open cavity can accommodate glucuronic acid decorations of xylo-oligosaccharides. Co-crystallization experiments with conduramine derivative inhibitors supported the importance of this open cavity at the +2 subsite for Xyn10B activity. Several mutant derivatives of Xyn10B with improved thermal stability were obtained by forced evolution. Among them, mutant xylanases S15L and M93V showed increased half-life, whereas the double mutant S15L/M93V exhibited a further increase in stability, showing a 20-fold higher heat resistance than the wild type xylanase. All the mutations obtained were located on the surface of Xyn10B. Replacement of a Ser by a Leu residue in mutant xylanase S15L can increase hydrophobic packing efficiency and fill a superficial indentation of the protein, giving rise to a more compact structure of the enzyme