5,723 research outputs found

    Participation and Influence of the libero in recepcion and defence, in volleyball U-19

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    El objetivo fue conocer la participación e influencia líbero en fase de ataque y defensa, en etapas de formación. La muestra fueron 6948 acciones de juego, realizadas por los jugadores de los 21 equipos del Campeonato de España Juvenil masculino. Las variables fueron: función del receptor/defensor, zona de recepción/defensa en profundidad y lateralidad, eficacia de recepción/defensa, zona donde se realiza colocación en recepción/defensa, zona hacia donde se realiza la colocación en recepción/defensa, tiempo de ataque/contraataque y eficacia de ataque/contraataque. En recepción, existió asociación significativa entre función del receptor y zona de recepción en profundidad-lateralidad, y zona donde se realiza la colocación. En defensa, existió asociación significativa entre función del defensor y zona de defensa en profundidad-lateralidad, eficacia de defensa, zona donde se realiza la colocación, zona hacia donde se realiza la colocación y tiempo de contraataque. La influencia del líbero, en estas etapas, se manifiesta más en defensa que en recepciónThe aim was to know the participation and influence of the libero in side-out phase and counter-attack, in young athletes. The sample was 6948 game actions, carried out by the players of the 21 teams that participate in the Under-19 Spanish Championship. The variables were: player that intervened in reception/dig, depth and laterality reception/dig zone, reception/dig efficacy, setting zone in reception/dig, set´s area in reception/dig, tempo of attack/counterattack and attack/counterattack efficacy. In reception, showed significant association between player that intervened in reception, depth-laterality reception zone and the setting zone. In defense, showed significant association between the player that intervened in dig and the depth-laterality dig zone, dig efficacy, setting zone, set´s area and tempo of counterattack. The influence of the participation of the libero, in young athletes, appeared more often in defense than in the receptio

    Evaluación del comportamiento mecánico de capas bituminosas ultra delgadas como una adecuada estrategia para la rehabilitación de pavimentos urbanos

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    Very Thin Asphalt Overlay (VTAO) has been introduced as an alternative to traditional thick overlays, seal coats, and micro-surfacings. Nonetheless, there are some challenges that still remain regarding the application of VTAOs (such as mixture type, cohesiveness, wear resistance, cracking and durability), particularly in heavy traffic urban areas. Therefore, this paper presents an extensive comparative evaluation of the mechanical performance, durability and safety issues (cohesiveness, adhesiveness, ageing, cracking, plastic deformation, permeability, macrotexture, skid and wear resistance, and fuel resistance) of a VTAO (20 mm thick) and a high performance BBTM 11B (35 mm thick), commonly used as an open-graded mixture for pavement overlays. The results demonstrated that VTAO is an appropriate material for urban pavements as it provides good durability and resistance to the propagation of defects. Nonetheless, further studies are required to improve its behavior under distresses related to plastic deformations and safety properties.Las capas bituminosas ultra delgadas para rehabilitación superficial de carreteras son una alternativa a las tradicionales capas asfálticas, riegos bituminosos y micro-aglomerados. No obstante, aún son numerosos los aspectos a estudiar para la generalización de su uso, particularmente en zonas urbanas con elevado tráfico. Así, este artículo recoge un análisis comparativo del comportamiento mecánico, durabilidad y factores de seguridad (evaluando parámetros como cohesividad, adhevisvidad, envejecimiento, fisuración, deformaciones, permeabilidad, macrotextura, y resistencia al deslizamiento, al desgaste y a los combustibles) entre una capa delgada de 20 mm de espesor, y una mezcla discontinua de altas prestaciones (BBTM-11B con 35 mm), comúnmente utilizada en capas de rodadura. Los resultados indican que puede ser una adecuada solución para pavimentos urbanos dada su durabilidad y resistencia a la propagación de fallos. No obstante, se requieren futuros estudios centrados en la mejora de parámetros de seguridad y de su resistencia a las deformaciones permanentes

    Affine convex body semigroups

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    In this paper we present a new kind of semigroups called convex body semigroups which are generated by convex bodies of R^k. They generalize to arbitrary dimension the concept of proportionally modular numerical semigroup of [7]. Several properties of these semigroups are proven. Affine convex body semigroups obtained from circles and polygons of R^2 are characterized. The algorithms for computing minimal system of generators of these semigroups are given. We provide the implementation of some of them

    Potential of energy flexible buildings: Evaluation of DSM strategies using building thermal mass

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    Energy flexible buildings through smart demand-side management (DSM) or smart demand response (DR) using efficient energy storage, are currently one of the most promising options to deploy low-carbon technologies in the electricity networks without the need of reinforcing existing networks. Although, many ignore the potential, economic and energetic benefits these alternatives could hold for buildings, users and tariffs. In the study carried out a control system of demand management measures is analyzed, based on the use of the buildings' thermal mass as thermal storage (preheating, precooling and night ventilation). This demand management system is analyzed in five existing residential buildings in the so-called reference scenario (construction, user and current prices). Subsequently, comes the analysis of the optimal manage- ment strategy choice from the system, when facing changes in the housings' constructive characteristics and electric tariffs. The dynamism of the management system stands out from the results achieved, as well as the de- pendence of the possible strategy choices on the climate zones. In the reference situation, the maximum economic savings obtained after the implementation of the management system correspond to 3.2% for heating and 8.5% for cooling. In this same manner, when the buildings are previously rehabilitated, the savings can double even generating energy savings. Finally, it can be concluded that the low installation costs of these measures make them a winning solution, as long as the electric pricing and user behavior allow the required flexibility.The authors would like to take this opportunity to thank the DACAR project “Zero-Energy Balance Districts Through Algorithms of Adaptive Comfort and Optimal Management of Energy Networks” (BIA2016-77431-C2-2-R) funded by Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Government of Spain) and European Regional Development's Funds (ERDF) for its partial support. And the University of Seville under its Research Plan VI (VPPI-US)

    Effects of Topography and Surface Soil Cover on Erosion for Mining Reclamation: The Experimental Spoil Heap at El Machorro Mine (Central Spain)

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    Mining reclamation tries to reduce environmental impacts, including accelerated runoff, erosion and sediment load in the nearby fluvial networks and their ecosystems. This study compares the effects of topography and surface soil cover on erosion on man-made slopes coming from surface mining reclamation in Central Spain. Two topographic profiles, linear and concave, with two surface soil covers, subsoil and topsoil, were monitored for two hydrologic years. Sediment load, rill development and plant colonization from the four profiles were measured under field conditions. The results show that, in the case of this experiment, a thick and non-compacted topsoil cover on a linear slope yielded less sediment than carbonate colluvium or topsoil cover on a concave slope. This study also shows that vegetation establishment, which plays an important role in erosion control, depends on topography. Plant cover was more widespread and more homogeneous on linear profiles with topsoil cover. On concave slopes, plant establishment was severely limited on the steepest upper part and favoured in the bottom. This study suggests that management of topography and surface soil cover should be approached systematically, taking three outcomes into consideration: (i) topsoil can lead to a successful mining reclamation regardless of topography, (ii) created concave slopes can lead to a successful mining reclamation and (iii) topography determines the vegetation colonization pattern.The experiment was funded by a research contract between the Spanish mining company 602 CAOBAR S.A. and the Department of Geodynamics of the Complutense University of Madrid 603 (research contract numbers 234/2007, 290/2008 261/2009). The data analyses and manuscript 604 production were developed within two Research Projects, CGL2009-14508-C02-01 and 605 CGL2010-21754-C02, of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and by the 606 Ecological Restoration network REMEDINAL-2 (S2009/AMB-1783).Peer reviewe