2,790 research outputs found

    Foreword of the special issue on motivation in Physical Education, sport and physical activity and health

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    Editorial para Journal of human kinetics, titulado Foreword of the special issue on motivation in Physical Education, sport and physical activity and health.Editorial for Journal of Human Kinetics, entitled Foreword of the special issue on motivation in Physical Education, sport and physical activity and health.peerReviewe

    El conflicto de rol y el conflicto de equipo como debilitadores de la eficacia colectiva

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    El principal objetivo de este estudio fue examinar el conflicto con el rol y el conflicto en el equipo como favorecedores o debilitadores de la eficacia colectiva. Los participantes fueron 225 jugadoras de fútbol profesional con edades entre los 15 y los 36 años (M = 22,20; DT = 4,61), que forman parte de 13 equipos de la 1ª División Femenina Española de Fútbol, las cuales rellenaron diferentes instrumentos para valorar el conflicto de rol, el conflicto de equipo y la eficacia colectiva. Los resultados mostraron a través de correlaciones parciales y controlando la edad, la experiencia, el equipo y cada uno de los conflictos entre sí, como el conflicto en el equipo, tanto de tarea como de relaciones, se relacionan de forma negativa con la eficacia colectiva. En cambio, el conflicto con el rol no mostró relaciones significativas controlando las variables anteriores. Estos resultados se confirman cuando se observan el análisis de regresión, donde únicamente el conflicto en el equipo presentó una predicción negativa y significativa con respecto a la eficacia colectiva. La principal conclusión que puede extraerse del estudio, es que los conflictos grupales parecen tener mayor relevancia que el conflicto de rol, a la hora de deteriorar la confianza en las capacidades de un equipo para afrontar la competición.The main aim of the current study was to examine role conflict and team conflict as facilitators or debilitators of collective efficacy. Participants were 225 female football players ranging in age from 15 to 36 years (M = 22.20; SD = 4.61), belonging to 13 First Division Female Spanish Football Teams, who filled in different instruments to measure role conflict, team conflict and collective efficacy. The results showed through partial correlations that conflict in the team, both task and relationship, was negatively related to collective efficacy. Nevertheless, role conflict did not show significant relationships with collective efficacy. These outcomes were confirmed in the regression analysis, where only team conflict had a significant and negative prediction regarding collective efficacy. The main conclusion is that group conflicts might have more relevance than role conflict in decreasing confidence in the team's ability to deal with a competition.O principal objectivo deste estudo foi examinar o conflito de papel e o conflito na equipa como potenciadores ou debilitadores da eficácia colectiva. Os participantes foram 225 jogadores de futebol profissional com idades compreendidas entre os 15 os 36 anos (M = 22.20; DP = 4.61), que integravam 13 equipas da 1ª Divisão Feminina Espanhola de Futebol, as quais preencheram diferentes instrumentos para avaliar o conflito de papel, o conflito de equipa e a eficácia colectiva. Os resultados revelaram através de correlações parciais que o conflito na equipa, tanto de tarefa como relacional, se relaciona de forma negativa com a eficácia colectiva. Contrariamente, o conflito de papel não se relacionou significativamente com a eficácia colectiva. Estes resultados confirmam os obtidos na análise de regressão, onde unicamente o conflito na equipa apresenta uma predição negativa e significativa da eficácia colectiva. A principal conclusão que se pode extrair do estudo é que os conflitos grupais parecem ter maior relevância que o conflito de papel no que concerne à deterioração da confiança nas capacidades de uma equipa para enfrentar a competição

    Políticas promovedoras de la tecnificación y su efecto en la productividad acuícola

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    Continental aquaculture in Peru is gaining exposure as a propitious sector to implement production strategies and achieve technification since its production is based on few species and some regions. This literature review paper aims to present successful technification policies adopted by various developed countries and their impact on aquaculture productivity, compared to Latin American and Peruvian policies. We reviewed scientific articles published in the Scopus, Scielo, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), ScienceDirect, Latindex, and Google Scholar databases, as well as reports from the National Program for Innovation in Fisheries and Aquaculture (PNIPA) of Peru and the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE), using Mendeley reference manager. A total of 50 articles were selected based on relevance, impact level, and date of publication in the last five years. The countries that have technified their aquaculture processes have managed to position themselves as world benchmarks with high efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness levels. In conclusion, strategies, policies, technological development, and innovation must be promoted to improve and add value to the production chain and thus ensure aquaculture success.La acuicultura en el Perú a nivel continental se proyecta como el sector propicio para desarrollar estrategias productivas y lograr la tecnificación, dado que su producción está basada en pocas especies y en algunas regiones. En ese sentido, el propósito del artículo de revisión bibliográfica es dar a conocer políticas exitosas de la tecnificación aplicadas en diversos países desarrollados y su impacto en la productividad acuícola, relacionado con las políticas de Latinoamérica y del Perú. Se revisaron artículos científicos publicados en las bases de datos Scopus, Scielo, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), ScienceDirect, Latindex, Google académico, así como reportes del Programa Nacional de Innovación en Pesca y Acuicultura (PNIPA) Perú y Ministerio de la producción (PRODUCE), utilizando el gestor de búsqueda de referencias Mendeley. Se seleccionaron 50 artículos basados en los criterios de relación con el tema, nivel de impacto y año de publicación en los últimos cinco años. Se encontró que los países que han tecnificado sus procesos acuícolas han logrado posicionarse como referentes mundiales con altos niveles de eficiencia, productividad y competitividad. Se concluye que, para asegurar el éxito acuícola, se deben promover estrategias, políticas, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación para lograr mejorar y dar valor a la cadena productiva

    Interacción de la cohesión en la eficacia percibida, las expectativas de éxito y el rendimiento en equipos de baloncesto

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    This work examines the relationships among cohesion and self-efficacy, collective efficacy, perceived efficacy by peers and coaches, expectations of success and collective performance. The sample was made up of 61 participants belonging to 6 league basketball teams. Different instruments were used to assess cohesion, perceived efficacy and expectations of success. Performance was measured by their final classifications. The results showed a positive relationship between perceived efficacy and the four factors of cohesion, both as regards social and task aspects. Furthermore, players who perceived a higher level of cohesion were associated with participants who perceived higher expectations of success and performed better

    Gender differences in motivation and perception of utility of the scholar sport

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    El principal objetivo del estudio es analizar las diferencias entre el nivel de autodeterminación y la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas en función del género y su incidencia sobre la percepción de utilidad del deporte. Participaron en el estudio 1897 jóvenes jugadores de baloncesto, balonmano, fútbol y voleibol (1378 chicos y 519 chicas). Diferentes instrumentos fueron utilizados para medir las distintas variables abordadas en el estudio. Los resultados mostraron que los chicos presentan puntuaciones más altas en todos los tipos de motivación y que su sentimiento de competencia es más elevado que el de las chicas. Por otro lado, la motivación autodeterminada y la satisfacción de las necesidades conducen a percibir mayor utilidad del deporte en ambos géneros.The aim of the study was to analyze the differences between self-determination level and satisfaction of the three psychological needs with respect to gender and their influence on the perception of utility of the sport. The sample comprised 1897 basketball, handball, football and volleyball young players (1378 boys and 519 girls). Different measures were used to examine the differences between the variables contained in the study. Results showed that boys were more intrinsically and extrinsically motivated and showed less a motivation than girls, as well as their scored higher in competence than girls. However, both for boys and girls, self-determined motivation and psychological needs satisfaction led to a greater perception of utility of the sport.peerReviewe

    La modalidad deportiva como factor determinante de la motivación, el compromiso y la deportividad en adolescentes

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    A través del presente trabajo se pretendía valorar las diferencias presentadas en el tipo de motivación, el compromiso deportivo y los comportamientos de deportividad, analizándolo en función de la modalidad deportiva. Para ello seleccionamos un total de 1409 deportistas pertenecientes a las modalidades de fútbol, baloncesto, balonmano y voleibol, con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 16 años, los cuales rellenaros diversos cuestionarios encaminados a valorar las variables del estudio. Tras el análisis de los resultados, se han encontrado diferencias significativas en numerosas variables, destacando las diferencias encontradas en los factores pertenecientes a la Teoría de la Autodeterminación. Así pues, como principal conclusión se puede destacar que la modalidad deportiva puede ser un factor determinante del tipo de motivación, del compromiso y de los comportamientos deportivos que muestran los jóvenes deportistas

    Influence of the motivational climate created by coach in the sport commitment in youth basketball players

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    This study aims to measure the relationships between motivational climates created by coaches with respect to sport commitment in young participants. The sample was formed by 285 male and female basketball players, ranging in age from 11 to 16 years old that completed questionnaires which assessed motivational climate and sport commitment. Results showed that athletes' commitment is positively associated with players 'perception of a mastery climate created by coaches and negatively related with the perception of a performance climate

    Análisis del grado de diversión e intención de persistencia en jóvenes deportistas desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la autodeterminación

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    Through the Self-Determination Theory, this study aims to examine the relationship between self-determination levels and satisfaction with basic psychological needs with respect to enjoyment and the intention to persist shown in team sports. The sample comprised 1007 football, basketball, handball and volleyball players, both male and female, who ranged in age from 11 to 16 years old. The results showed that basic psychological needs had a greater relationship and prediction capacity of enjoyment and the intention to persist than the level of self-determination. Concretely, the perception of social relationships and competence were the strongest predictors of those two variables. To conclude, we highlight the need to promote satisfaction with basic psychological needs, mainly social relationships and competence, which would lead to stronger feelings of enjoyment and a firmer intention to continue playing sport

    Physical activity, body composition, physical fitness, and body dissatisfaction in physical education of Extremadura adolescents: an exploratory study

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    In recent years, physical activity levels among youths have declined significantly. This has led to a decline in adherence to physical activity recommendations. In this sense, physical education offers an ideal environment that contributes positively to improving adherence to physical activity recommendations, as it teaches students movement-related skills and knowledge. The objective of the present research was to investigate the relationship between physical activity levels, body composition, fitness in Physical Education, and body dissatisfaction levels, and to analyse sex differences in relation to the study variables. The sample was formed of 1166 participants from the 1st and 2nd secondary compulsory education, of which 642 were boys (age 13.16 ± 0.91), and 524 girls (age 13.08 ± 0.85). The measure of physical activity was the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A). Body composition was assessed using weight and height to calculate their body mass index. Cardiorespiratory capacity was assessed using the Course-Navette test in Physical Education lessons. The results showed the relationship between physical activity and body mass index, cardiorespiratory capacity, and body satisfaction. It was also confirmed that higher levels of physical activity were associated with a lower body mass index, improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness, and lower levels of body dissatisfaction to a greater extent in boys than in girls. The study concludes that improvements in the study variables were associated with increased physical activity. In addition, it seems necessary to promote healthy lifestyles in physical education lessons, especially during adolescence, as they could serve as a gateway for the improvement of health-related fitness in future generations. Increasing the amount of physical activity among young people is vital. Therefore, it would be essential to develop intervention programs in physical education classes, especially during adolescence, aimed at promoting and increasing physical activity and its benefits