1,584 research outputs found

    Collecting high-order interactions in an effective pairwise intermolecular potential using the hydrated ion concept: The hydration of Cf3+

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    This work proposes a new methodology to build interaction potentials between a highly charged metal cation and water molecules. These potentials, which can be used in classical computer simu- lations, have been fitted to reproduce quantum mechanical interaction energies (MP2 and BP86) for a wide range of [M(H2O)n]m+(H2O)l clusters (n going from 6 to 10 and l from 0 to 18). A flexible and polarizable water shell model (Mobile Charge Density of Harmonic Oscillator) has been coupled to the cation-water potential. The simultaneous consideration of poly-hydrated clusters and the polarizability of the interacting particles allows the inclusion of the most important many-body effects in the new polarizable potential. Applications have been centered on the californium, Cf(III) the heaviest actinoid experimentally studied in solution. Two different strategies to select a set of about 2000 structures which are used for the potential building were checked. Monte Carlo simulations of Cf(III)+500 H2O for three of the intermolecular potentials predict an aquaion structure with coordination number close to 8 and average RCf–O in the range 2.43–2.48 Å, whereas the fourth one is closer to 9 with RCf–O = 2.54 Å. Simulated EXAFS spectra derived from the structural Monte Carlo distribution compares fairly well with the available experimental spectrum for the simulations bearing 8 water molecules. An angular distribution similar to that of a square antiprism is found for the octa-coordination.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CTQ2011-2593

    Diálogos sobre transdisciplina: los investigadores y su objeto de estudio

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    A la transdisciplinariedad se le ha definido como “una feliz transgresión de las fronteras entre las disciplinas” y es en este tono en que se presenta esta obra, que recopila las experiencias y reflexiones, las discusiones y propuestas de una veintena de investigadores y académicos que hablan sobre o desde la transdisciplina acerca de los temas de su interés o especialidad. La aproximación se da desde perspectivas académicas diversas y se adereza con expresiones estéticas que van desde la poesía hasta la pintura, a través de las cuales se busca ofrecer un espacio a las rutas posibles y limitaciones connaturales de acceder a la realidad para construir conocimiento “de frontera”, “en las fronteras”. Los abordajes son fruto de la exploración, filiación, encantos y desencantos por parte de los autores con la entidad de su búsqueda, quienes buscan contestar, entre otras, las siguientes cuestiones: ¿Cómo establecer un acercamiento transdisciplinar al objeto de estudio? ¿Qué hace a un objeto de estudio transdisciplinar? ¿Cómo impacta la transdisciplinariedad la identidad del académico? Una obra concebida desde una perspectiva más pedagógica que desde la doxa académica, con el interés de aportar una lectura amena para las reflexiones en torno a la trasgresión de las fronteras disciplinarias.ITESO, A.C

    Deciphering CHFR role in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Checkpoint with forkhead-associated and ring finger domains (CHFR) has been proposed as a predictive and prognosis biomarker for different tumor types, but its role in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) remains unknown. The aim of this study was two-pronged: to review the role of CHFR in PDAC and evaluating CHFR as a potential predictive biomarker in this disease. For this purpose, we first explored the CHFR messenger (m)RNA expression and promoter methylation through the TCGA database. Secondly, the CHFR expression and promoter methylation were prospectively evaluated in a cohort of patients diagnosed with borderline (n = 19) or resectable (n = 16) PDAC by immunohistochemistry (IHC), methylation specific-PCR (MSP), and pyrosequencing. The results from the TCGA database showed significant differences in terms of progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) based on the CHFR mRNA expression, which was likely independent from the promoter methylation. Importantly, our results showed that in primarily resected patients and also the entire cohort, a higher CHFR expression as indicated by the higher IHC staining intensity might identify patients with longer disease-free survival (DFS) and OS, respectively. Similarly, in the same cohorts, patients with lower methylation levels by pyrosequencing showed significantly longer OS than patients without this pattern. Both, the CHFR expression intensity and its promoter methylation were established as independent prognostic factors for PFS and OS in the entire cohort. In contrast, no significant differences were found between different methylation patterns for CHFR and the response to taxane-based neoadjuvant treatment. These results suggest the potential role of the higher expression of CHFR and the methylation pattern of its promoter as potential prognostic biomarkers in PDAC, thus warranting further comprehensive studies to extend and confirm our preliminary findings.This work was funded by grants from the Department of Health from the Government of Navarra (Ref. 008-2018), REFBIO II Pyrenees Biomedical Network from Programa INTERREG V-A España-Francia-Andorra (Ref. BMK_PANC) and Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) to AV. IG-B was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Department of Economic Development Government of Navarre Ayudas para la contratación de doctorandos y doctorandas por empresas y organismos de investigación y difusión de conocimientos: doctorados industriales 2018–2020. Intensification Programme Navarrabiomed 2017-2021 Obra Social La Caixa Fundación Caja Navarra. This work has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy [MINECO; BFU2016-80360-R (to JC)] and the Ministry of Science and Innovation [MICINN; PID2019-105201RB-I00 (to JC)]. Instituto de Salud Carlos III, co-funded by European Union (ERDF/ESF, Investing in your future) [Predoctoral contract FI17/00282 (to EA-P)]. Junta de Andalucía (BIO-0139); GETNE2016 and GETNE2019 Research grants (to JC); and CIBERobn

    Effect of sex in systemic psoriasis therapy: Differences in prescription, effectiveness and safety in the BIOBADADERM prospective cohort

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    The effect of sex on systemic therapy for psoriasis has not been well studied. The aim of this study was to analyse a large multicentre Spanish cohort of 2,881 patients with psoriasis (58.3% males), followed from January 2008 to November 2018, to determine whether sex influences prescription, effectiveness of therapy, and the risk of adverse events. The results show that women are more likely than men to be pre-scribed biologics. There were no differences between men and women in effectiveness of therapy, measur-ed in terms of drug survival. Women were more likely to develop adverse events, but the difference in risk was small and does not justify different management. Study limitations include residual confounding and the use of drug survival as a proxy for effectiveness.The BIOBADADERM project is promoted by the Fundación Piel Sana Academia Española de Dermatología y Venereología, which receives financial support from the Spanish Medicines and Health Products Agency (Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios) and from pharmaceutical companies (Abbott/Abbvie, Pfizer, MSD, Novartis, Lilly, Janssen and Almirall)

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñaña

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    Alimentación de la boga del Guadiana (Chondrostoma polylepis wi/lkommi, Stein. 1866) en la interfase río-embalse de Sierra Boyera (Córdoba. España)Predación del búho real (Bubo bubo) sobre la perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa): selección de edad y sexoAlimentación de la nutria (Lutra lufra L, 1758)en el Nordeste de la Península IbéricaDatos sobre la distribución espacialde micromamíferos en el Parque Nacionalde DoñanaGuía para el reconocimiento microscópico de los pelos de los mamíferos de la Patagonia.Sobre la distribución geográfica de Anaecypris hispanica (STEINDACHNER, 1866) (OSTEICHTHYES, CYPRINIDAE)Cronología del periodo reproductor de Rana temporaria L. en La Coruña (NW de España).Un nuevo caso de melanismo en Natrix natrix (LINNAEUS 1758) procedente de Fuente Dé (Santander)Nuevas citas de anfibios y reptiles para el SE de la Península Ibérica.Datos sobre la dieta invernal del Búho chico (Asia atus) en la provinvia de LeónLa Distribucióndel Mara (Dolichotis patagonum) según criterios ecológicos e históricosSolapamiento entre la dieta de la cabra montés (Capra pyrenaica) y la del muflón (Ovis musimon)Nota sobre dietas de carnívoros e índices de abundancia en una Reserva de caza del norte de España.Discriminación osteométrica en el géneroTalpa (LINNEO, 1758), en el norte IbéricoObservaciones sobre el comportamiento depredativo de algunos colúbridos Ibéricos en estado salvajePeer reviewe

    Association study of genetic variants of pro-inflammatory chemokine and cytokine genes in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    BACKGROUND: Several lines of evidence suggest that chemokines and cytokines play an important role in the inflammatory development and progression of systemic lupus erythematosus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relevance of functional genetic variations of RANTES, IL-8, IL-1α, and MCP-1 for systemic lupus erythematosus. METHODS: The study was conducted on 500 SLE patients and 481 ethnically matched healthy controls. Genotyping of polymorphisms in the RANTES, IL-8, IL-1α, and MCP-1 genes were performed using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system with pre-developed TaqMan allelic discrimination assay. RESULTS: No significant differences between SLE patients and healthy controls were observed when comparing genotype, allele or haplotype frequencies of the RANTES, IL-8, IL-1α, and MCP-1 polymorphisms. In addition, no evidence for association with clinical sub-features of SLE was found. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the tested functional variation of RANTES, IL-8, IL-1α, and MCP-1 genes do not confer a relevant role in the susceptibility or severity of SLE in the Spanish population

    A Proof-Of-Principle Study of Epigenetic Therapy Added to Neoadjuvant Doxorubicin Cyclophosphamide for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Aberrant DNA methylation and histone deacetylation participate in cancer development and progression; hence, their reversal by inhibitors of DNA methylation and histone deacetylases (HDACs) is at present undergoing clinical testing in cancer therapy. As epigenetic alterations are common to breast cancer, in this proof-of-concept study demethylating hydralazine, plus the HDAC inhibitor magnesium valproate, were added to neoadjuvant doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide in locally advanced breast cancer to assess their safety and biological efficacy. METHODOLOGY: This was a single-arm interventional trial on breast cancer patients (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00395655). After signing informed consent, patients were typed for acetylator phenotype and then treated with hydralazine at 182 mg for rapid-, or 83 mg for slow-acetylators, and magnesium valproate at 30 mg/kg, starting from day –7 until chemotherapy ended, the latter consisting of four cycles of doxorubicin 60 mg/m(2) and cyclophosphamide 600 mg/m(2) every 21 days. Core-needle biopsies were taken from primary breast tumors at diagnosis and at day 8 of treatment with hydralazine and valproate. MAIN FINDINGS: 16 patients were included and received treatment as planned. All were evaluated for clinical response and toxicity and 15 for pathological response. Treatment was well-tolerated. The most common toxicity was drowsiness grades 1–2. Five (31%) patients had clinical CR and eight (50%) PR for an ORR of 81%. No patient progressed. One of 15 operated patients (6.6%) had pathological CR and 70% had residual disease <3 cm. There was a statistically significant decrease in global 5(m)C content and HDAC activity. Hydralazine and magnesium valproate up- and down-regulated at least 3-fold, 1,091 and 89 genes, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Hydralazine and magnesium valproate produce DNA demethylation, HDAC inhibition, and gene reactivation in primary tumors. Doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide treatment is safe, well-tolerated, and appears to increase the efficacy of chemotherapy. A randomized phase III study is ongoing to support the efficacy of so-called epigenetic or transcriptional cancer therapy

    Database of spatial distribution of non indigenous species in Spanish marine waters

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    Research in marine Spanish waters are focused on several actions to achieve an effectively management on protected areas, with the active participation of the stakeholders and research as basic tools for decision-making. Among these actions, there is one about the knowledge and control on NIS. One of its objectives is the creation of NIS factsheets, which are going to be added to the National Marine Biodiversity Geographical System (GIS) providing complementary information about taxonomic classification, common names, taxonomic synonyms, species illustrations, identification morphological characters, habitat in the native and introduced regions, biological and ecological traits, GenBank DNA sequences, world distribution, first record and evolution in the introduced areas, likely pathways of introduction, effects in the habitats and interaction with native species, and potential management measures to apply. The database will also provide data for (1) the European online platforms, (2) the environmental assessment for the Descriptor 2 (D2-NIS) of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), as well as (3) supporting decisions made by stakeholders. It is the result of extensive collaboration among scientist, manager’s and citizen science in the Spanish North-Atlantic, South-Atlantic, Gibraltar Strait-Alboran, Levantine-Balearic and Canary Islands marine divisions, providing an updated overview of the spatial distribution of relevant extended and invasive NIS of recent and established NIS introduced by maritime transport and aquaculture pathways, as well as on cryptogenic or native species in expansion due to the climatic water warming trend