2,791 research outputs found

    Sobre aproximación y extensión suave en espacios de Banach y aplicaciones a variedades Banach-Finsler

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, Departamento de Análisis Matemático, leída el 21-06-2012El marco de esta memoria es la teoría de diferenciabilidad en espacios de Banach y en variedades de tipo Banach-Finsler. En ella nos ocupamos de varias cuestiones diferentes que, como iremos viendo, están muy relacionadas entre sí. El primer problema que abordamos trata de caracterizar los espacios de Banach separables donde existen funciones meseta diferenciables que localmente dependen de un número finito de coordenadas. Recordemos que una función meseta definida en un espacio de Banach X es una función real-valuada f : X ! R tal que su soporte es no vacío y acotado, es decir, existe un elemento x 2 X tal que f(x) 6= 0 y la clausura del conjunto fx 2 X : f(x) 6= 0g es acotada. La existencia de una función meseta con buenas condiciones nos proporciona una gran cantidad de propiedades geométricas y de herramientas que no disponemos en otros espacios de Banach. Un buen ejemplo es un espacio de Banach el cual admite una función meseta diferenciable, ya que ésta implica que el espacio sea Asplund y admita particiones de la unidad diferenciables. La propiedad en la que nosotros estamos interesados es la siguiente: una función f : X ! R, definida en un espacio de Banach, localmente depende de un número finito de coordenadas (LFC, para acortar) siempre que localmente se pueda factorizar a través de espacios de dimensión finita, es decir, para todo x 2 X, existan un entorno U de x, una cantidad finita de funcionales ff1; : : : ; fng X y una función continua g : Rn ! R tales que f(y) = g(f1(y); : : : ; fn(y)) para todo y 2 U...Depto. de Análisis Matemático y Matemática AplicadaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEunpu

    Some commentaries on confidence intervals of the mean in a Normal population

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    In this paper, a study on the length of confidence intervals of the mean in a Normal population when the variance is either known or unknown is carried out. It is also proved that ignoring the population variance always leads to a worse interval than when such a variance is taken into accoun

    Fostering inter-operable urban ecosystems through the adoption of common frameworks

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    Worldwide cities are involved in a digital transformation phase. More sustainable cities and improving citizen’s quality of life are the leit motiv of such transformation. However, such aims are difficult to achieve if the migration of the urban processes are not carried out following a common approach. Optimizing the behavior of any specific urban service needs to be performed taking into consideration both the service itself as well as its interaction with adjacent services. This means that any solution aiming to achieve the autonomous city management paradigm is tightly related to the adoption of common frameworks which are able to guarantee interoperability with other systems. Furthermore, cities themselves are not isolated systems. Well the opposite, cities interact one to the each other depending on different attributes. This implies that sooner or later optimizing some processes in one city without having in mind the adjacency to others might not be efficient enough. Hence, interoperability among cities will become a must, not just in terms of optimization but also replicability. Based on this boundary conditions this paper describes a framework aimed to ensure interoperability and replicability among cities. Some of the tools for assessing compliance with specific standardization activities are also presented.This work has been partially funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant Agreement No. 732240 SynchroniCity (Delivering an IoT enabled Digital Single Market for Europe and Beyond). The content of this paper does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed therein lies entirely with the authors. In addition, this work has been also partially funded by the Spanish Government (MINECO) under Grant Agreement No. RTI2018-093475-AI00 FIERCE (Future Internet Enabled Resilient smart CitiEs

    Fostering IoT service replicability in interoperable urban ecosystems

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    Worldwide cities are involved in a digital transformation phase specially focused on sustainability and improving citizen's quality of life. However, such objectives are hard to achieve if the migration of the urban processes are not performed following a common approach. Under the paradigm of smart city, different Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been deployed over urban environments to enable such digital transformation. However, actual implementations differ from one city to another, and even between services within the same city. As a consequence, the deployment of urban services is hindered, since they need to be tailored to each city. In addition, the isolation of urban services obstructs its optimization, since it cannot harness contextual information coming from other services. All in all, it is necessary to implement tools and mechanisms that allow us to ensure that city solutions and their vertical services are interoperable. In order to tackle this issue, different initiatives have proposed architectures that homogenize the interaction with smart cities from different angles. However, so far the compliance with such architectures has not been assessed. Having this in mind, in this work we present a validation framework, developed under the umbrella of the SynchroniCity project, which aims to verify that interfaces and data exposed by cities are aligned with the adopted standards and data models. In this regard, the validation framework presented here is the technical enabler for the creation of an interoperability certi cate for smart cities. To assess the bene ts of the validation framework, we have used it to check the interoperability of 21 smart city deployments worldwide that adhered the SynchroniCity guidelines. Afterwards, during an open call a total number of 37 services have been deployed over such SynchroniCity instances, thus con rming the goodness of uniform and validated smart cities to foster service replicability.This work was supported in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme [SynchroniCity (Delivering an IoT enabled Digital Single Market for Europe and Beyond)] under Grant 732240, and in part by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, MINECO-FEDER) through the project FIERCE: Future Internet Enabled Resilient smart CitiEs under Grant RTI2018-093475-AI00

    The evolution of the usability concept as an indicator of software quality

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    Technological advances in the field of information and interactive systems mean that increasing numbers of factors and criteria are considered to assess quality during the design, development and evaluation process. In this context, concepts such as quality of use and user experience have appeared and in many cases are replacing or supplementing existing usability properties to identify the quality of the interaction process. In this paper we describe and analyze the evolution of the different concepts to identify the quality of the interaction on information systems and we help to characterize and locate each quality factor in one dimension and a specific range of the process of use, and consider the relationships and overlap between these concepts

    Using the Social-Local-Mobile App for Smoking Cessation in the SmokeFreeBrain Project: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Smoking is considered the main cause of preventable illness and early deaths worldwide. The treatment usually prescribed to people who wish to quit smoking is a multidisciplinary intervention, combining both psychological advice and pharmacological therapy, since the application of both strategies significantly increases the chance of success in a quit attempt. Objective: We present a study protocol of a 12-month randomized open-label parallel-group trial whose primary objective is to analyze the efficacy and efficiency of usual psychopharmacological therapy plus the Social-Local-Mobile app (intervention group) applied to the smoking cessation process compared with usual psychopharmacological therapy alone (control group). Methods: The target population consists of adult smokers (both male and female) attending the Smoking Cessation Unit at Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Seville, Spain. Social-Local-Mobile is an innovative intervention based on mobile technologies and their capacity to trigger behavioral changes. The app is a complement to pharmacological therapies to quit smoking by providing personalized motivational messages, physical activity monitoring, lifestyle advice, and distractions (minigames) to help overcome cravings. Usual pharmacological therapy consists of bupropion (Zyntabac 150 mg) or varenicline (Champix 0.5 mg or 1 mg). The main outcomes will be (1) the smoking abstinence rate at 1 year measured by means of exhaled carbon monoxide and urinary cotinine tests, and (2) the result of the cost-effectiveness analysis, which will be expressed in terms of an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. Secondary outcome measures will be (1) analysis of the safety of pharmacological therapy, (2) analysis of the health-related quality of life of patients, and (3) monitoring of healthy lifestyle and physical exercise habits. Results: Of 548 patients identified using the hospital’s electronic records system, we excluded 308 patients: 188 declined to participate and 120 did not meet the inclusion criteria. A total of 240 patients were enrolled: the control group (n=120) will receive usual psychopharmacological therapy, while the intervention group (n=120) will receive usual psychopharmacological therapy plus the So-Lo-Mo app. The project was approved for funding in June 2015. Enrollment started in October 2016 and was completed in October 2017. Data gathering was completed in November 2018, and data analysis is under way. The first results are expected to be submitted for publication in early 2019. Conclusions: Social networks and mobile technologies influence our daily lives and, therefore, may influence our smoking habits as well. As part of the SmokeFreeBrain H2020 European Commission project, this study aims at elucidating the potential role of these technologies when used as an extra aid to quit smoking

    A Comparative Study of Virtual Infrastructure Management Solutions for UAV Networks

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    Proceeding of 7th Workshop on Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications (DroNet) (Dronet'21), June 24, 2021, Virtual, WI, USA, co-located with ACM MobiSys 2021.The promising combination of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with network virtualisation technologies has positively shown many advantages enabling the deployment of communication services over aerial networks, that is, networks conformed by a set of interconnected UAVs. However, this synergy may certainly involve diverse challenges that must be carefully considered. In this respect, this paper compares some of the most common virtual infrastructure management solutions that could potentially be used to deal with virtualised payloads over aerial networks, identifying their main strength and limitations. The paper also presents a preliminary exploration on the utilisation of the Kubernetes virtual infrastructure management platform to support value-added services over UAV networks, showing off its potential as a suitable platform to this purpose.We would like to thank Andrew Mcgregor, Bob Briscoe and Rubén Cuevas Rumín for providing helpful information and comments. The work of Anna Maria Mandalari has been funded by the EU FP7 METRICS (607728) project. The work of Marcelo Bagnulo has been funded by the EU FP7 Trilogy2 (317756) project.Publicad