911 research outputs found

    Institutional context of hotel social responsibility in the euro-region: a factorial análisis

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    [Abstract]The institutional context in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is investigated in this paper. The objects of the investigation are three, four and fivestar hotels located in the Euro-region of Galicia and Northern Portugal. The theoretical framework used in this investigation is Institutional Theory, which is based on three main pillars; institutional coercive, normative and cognitive (Scott, 1995). We aim to discover which of the three institutional pressures proposed by Deephouse (1996) puts more pressure on this environment. A quantitative study was carried out in which a questionnaire was used for data collection to achieve the proposed objective. This questionnaire was developed based on previously validated scales (Deephouse, 1996; Fernández, 2001; Kostova and Roth, 2002; Vargas- Sánchez and Riquel-Ligero, 2012; Gallardo, et al 2013; Llamas-Sánchez, et al 2013). The methodology applied to the variables proposed in our model was the factorial analysis by Varimax rotation in order to verify the weight that each one of the pressures carries. Once the one dimensional tests were carried out, we obtained the different factors that constitute our proposed research model. As a result we could reduce the information contained in a set of variables initially raised with minimal loss of information. As the main result of this research, coercive pressure and regulatory pressure are the main pressures influencing the institutional context of the Euro-region of our object of study[Resumen] Contexto institucional de la responsabilidad social hotelera en la Eurorregión: un análisis factorial. En este trabajo estudiamos el contexto institucional en el ámbito de la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC). Nuestro objeto de estudio son los hoteles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas ubicados en la Eurorregión Galicia y Norte de Portugal. El marco teórico en que nos apoyamos es la Teoría Institucional, la cual tiene su base en los tres principales pilares institucionales coercitivo, normativo y cognitivo (Scott, 1995). En esta investigación pretendemos averiguar cual de las tres presiones institucionales propuestas por Deephouse (1996) ejerce mayor presión en este entorno. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto fue desarrollado un estudio cuantitativo en el que se utilizó un cuestionario para la recogida de datos. Este cuestionario se elaboró en base a la configuración de diferentes escalas ya validadas previamente (Deephouse, 1996; Fernández, 2001; Kostova y Roth, 2002; Vargas-Sánchez y Riquel-Ligero, 2012; Gallardo, et al 2013; Llamas-Sánchez, et al 2013). Con el fin de verificar el peso que ejerce cada una de las presiones aplicamos la metodología de Análisis Factorial por rotación Varimax a las variables propuestas en nuestro modelo. Tras la aplicación de las pruebas de unidimensionalidad de escala obtuvimos los diferentes factores que constituyen nuestro modelo de investigación propuesto. Con todo ello conseguimos reducir la información contenida en un conjunto de variables menor al planteado inicialmente, con la mínima pérdida de información. Como principal resultado de esta investigación sobresale que la presión coercitiva y la presión normativa son las presiones que más influyen en el contexto institucional de la Eurorregión de nuestro objeto de estudio

    A responsabilidade social corporativa no marco da teoría institucional

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    O objetivo deste trabalho corresponde a um enquadramento teórico ao analisar e correlacionar os fundamentos teóricos da teoria institucional e responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC), baseando-se na literatura académica relacionada. Aborda diversos conceitos, nomeadamente as principais características da RSC e do comportamento socialmente responsável pela adoção de práticas de RSC. A partir dessas relações foram estabelecidas as primeiras proposições a partir das quais a pesquisa se pode desenvolver. A base fundamental para a ligação de práticas de RSC e teoria institucional é através da legitimidade. A teoria institucional baseia-se em três pilares, os quais têm ênfases diferentes que levam a implicações diferentes. Existem diferentes tipos e fontes de legitimidade identificadas por vários autores que têm suas próprias características, para as quais as as empresas podem adotar diversas estratégias, e que se identificam com três mecanismos distintos de acordo com a literatura da teoria institucional. Este artigo apresenta uma nova orientação para tomada de decisões estratégicas quanto à legitimidade e à adopção de um comportamento socialmente responsável das empresas.O obxecto deste traballo corresponde ao marco teórico, analizando e relacionando os fundamentos teóricos da teoría institucional e a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) apoiándose na literatura académica. Analízanse diversos conceptos, as principais características da RSC e o comportamento socialmente responsable pola adopción de prácticas de responsabilidade social. A partir destas relacións establecéronse as primeiras proposicións cara a onde se pode derivar a investigación. A base fundamental da vinculación das prácticas de RSC e a teoría institucional é a través da lexitimidade. A teoría institucional fundaméntase en tres alicerces esenciais, nos cales se dispón unha énfase diferente e deriva en distintas implicacións. Existen diversos tipos e fontes de lexitimidade identificadas por varios autores que presentan características propias, segundo os cales as empresas poden adoptar diversas estratexias, desvelando tres mecanismos baseados na literatura institucional. Este traballo presenta unha orientación nova cara á toma de decisións estratéxicas en relación coa lexitimidade e a adopción de comportamentos socialmente responsables por parte das empresas. PalabrasThe objective of this paper corresponds to the construction of a theoretical framework by analysing and relating the theoretical basics of institutional theory and Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) and basing its arguments on related academic literature. Various concepts are analyzed, namely the main features of CSR and socially responsible behavior through the adoption of socially responsible practices. These relationships have established the first propositions which research can look into. The fundamental basis of the link between CSR practices and institutional theory is through legitimacy. Institutional theory is based on three essential pillars, which have a different emphasis and lead to different implications. There are various types and sources of legitimacy identified by various authors that have their own characteristics for which companies can adopt various strategies, identifying three institutional literature-based mechanisms. This paper presents innovative orientation in strategic decision-making in relation to legitimacy and the adoption of socially responsible behavior by firms

    Recruitment and Active Job Search 2.0: The Facebook Social Phenomenon

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    [Resumo] As redes sociais están a transformar a maneira tradicional de buscar, leccionar e xestionar as persoas. Os cambios, constantes, están a obrigar os responsables de recursos humanos (RR. HH.) a se renovaren e mudaren tamén a súa mentalidade e a forma de desenvolveren o seu traballo. Os departamentos de xestión de persoas están a adaptarse ás novas necesidades e esixencias, integrando as redes sociais dentro das súas políticas co fin de atraeren e captaren o mellor talento.O que se pretende plasmar neste artigo é a importancia que están a adquirir as redes sociais no ámbito dos RR. HH. Analizaremos o uso destas ferramentas desde dous puntos de vista:dunha parte, o dos expertos de RR. HH., que cada vez utilizan con maior frecuencia as redes sociais nos seus procesos de recrutamento, tanto para publicaren ofertas de emprego como para obteren máis información sobre os candidatos; e, da outra, o dos candidatos, que están a modificar as súas tendencias para procuraren prego[Abstract] Social networks are transforming the traditional way of searching, selecting, and managing people. These constant changes are forcing responsible for human resources to renew, change their mindset and the way they develop their work. People management departments are adapting to changing needs and demands, integrating social networks within their policies in order to attract and recruit the best talent.This paper is intended to reflect the importance social networks are acquiring in the field of Human Resources. We will analyze the use of these tools from two points of view. On the one hand, from the viewpoint of the experts of Human Resources, who increasingly use social networks more frequently in their recruitment processes, both to post their jobs and to obtain more information about the candidate. And on the other hand, from the point of view of candidates, who are changing their trends to look for jobs

    Motivaciones que influyen en la implementación de prácticas responsables en las cadenas hoteleras

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    Ponencia presentada al XVI Seminario Hispano-Luso de Economía empresarial (CIBECEM)El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las razones y motivaciones que influyen en el nivel de desarrollo de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) en las cadenas hoteleras españolas. El modelo de Carroll (1979, 1991, 1999) ha sido utilizado en la literatura científica en numerosas investigaciones (Wartick y Cochran, 1985; Wood, 1991; Swanson, 1995; Burton y Hegarty, 1999; Maignan, 2001; Maignan y Ferrell, 2003; García de los Salmones, 2005; Pérez, 2008) y dentro del grupo de teorías éticas lo validaremos empíricamente. Para lograr los objetivos mencionados llevamos a cabo un estudio cuantitativo en el que aplicamos al modelo de investigación propuesto la técnica Partial Least Square (PLS), metodología basada en Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM).The aim of this study is to analyze the reasons and motivations that influence the level of development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Spanish hotel chains. Carroll’s model (1979, 1991, 1999) has been used in the literature in numerous occasions (Wartick and Cochran, 1985, Wood, 1991, Swanson, 1995, Burton and Hegarty, 1999; Maignan, 2001; Maignan and Ferrell, 2003; Garcia Salmon, 2005; Pérez, 2008) and, within the group of ethical theories, this paper is intended to empirically validate it. To achieve these objectives we have conducted a quantitative study in which we apply the our proposed research model the Partial Least Square (PLS) technique, based on the Structural Equation Models (SEM) methodology

    The Impact of Working in Contact with Tourists in the Formation of Attitudes towards the Tourism Sector

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    [Resumo] O turismo xera beneficios e custos, e a percepción destes impactos pode depender da preocupación pola economía. De feito, pode atoparse unha relación positiva entre a aceptación do turismo e a dependencia económica. O obxectivo deste traballo é pescudar se o feito de traballar con turistas, ou de ter contacto con eles no lugar de traballo, inflúe na valoración dos impactos mencionados e na formación das actitudes por parte dos residentes de Eivisa. A análise das dúas mostras realizouse mediante regresión de mínimos cadrados parciais. Ao analizar o efecto de traballar no sector turístico sobre a formación das percepcións e actitudes, hai valoracións máis positivas por parte dos traballadores do sector, malia as diferenzas seren pouco ou nada significativas.[Abstract] Tourism generates benefits and costs, and the perception of these impacts may depend on concern for the economy. A positive relationship between the acceptance of tourism and economic dependency can be found. The objective of this study is to find out if working with tourists, or having contact with them in the workplace influences the assessment of impacts and the forming of attitudes by the residents of Ibiza. The analysis of the two samples was carried out through Partial least squares regression. When analysing the effect of working in the tourism sector on the formation of perceptions and attitudes, the assessments of workers in the sector are more positive but the differences are of little or no significance

    Tangible and Intangible Heritage of Ibiza (Spain) and Its Potential to Be Valued as a Tourist Offer

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    [Abstract] Ibiza is internationally known for its beaches and coves, but especially for its nightlife. In addition, at the beginning of the 21st century, there was an increase in luxury tourism. However, other types of tourism have a testimonial or null presence, although the administrations make efforts to promote them. This article describes the main assets that make up the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Ibiza, its singularities, and the successes and errors in its management, using the case study methodology. The island’s heritage is made up of monuments, some of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and others of great originality and archaism, rural settings, and elements of the local culture. Specifically, the cultural heritage of Ibiza can be divided into the following four assets: the old city of Ibiza; the rural architecture; the cultural landscapes; and the traditional folklore. The restoration of some assets such as the walls or the rural churches are successes in management, and the administrative obstacles to the owners of the preserved assets are considered errors. In conclusion, it should be noted that cultural heritage is not sufficiently well preserved and is a tourist offer that has not been adequately promoted

    From Counterculture to Intangible Heritage and Tourism Supply: Artistic Expressions in Ibiza, Spain

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    [Abstract] Until the beginning of the 20th century, Ibiza was rural, developmentally lagging, and separate from the modern world. These characteristics made it attractive as a refuge for European intellectuals and artists as soon as communications with the outside world began to develop. The first significant presence of artists occurred in the 1930s, just before the Spanish Civil War. After years of war and isolation, artists returned in a larger volume and variety than before. Other regions also had artistic and countercultural communities, but Ibiza decided to use them as an element of its tourist promotions, making the hippie movement a part of its culture and history and the most internationally known element. The objective of this paper is to expose the importance of art and artists, a direct inheritance of that time, in Ibizan promotion and tourism. The authorities and entrepreneurs of the island realized the media interest they received and the importance of this media impact on developing the tourism sector. The result was that they supported artistic avant-garde and various activities derived from the hippie movement to differentiate Ibiza and make it known in Spain and abroad, creating the myth of Ibiza as an island of freedom, harmony, and nightlife (the current image of the island)

    Tourism Workers and Entrepreneurs during the 1950s and 1960s in Sant Antoni de Portmany (Ibiza, Spain)

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    [Abstract]: Ibiza is very dependent on the tourism sector and is a highly recognized international brand. However, before the tourist boom, the situation was different, since it was an economically underdeveloped and almost unknown island. In the 1950s, an eminently endogenous tourism development began thanks to local entrepreneurship, usually workers and modest traders who dared to invest in the new sector. The development was not homogeneous throughout the island, with Sant Antoni de Portmany being the pioneer town in the post-Spanish Civil War recovery (1939–1959), the example from which the rest of the island learned and the starting point of the current image of Ibiza. This article seeks to delve into the social context of Sant Antoni in its tourist beginnings, especially in the mentality and way of being of the workers and businessmen of that time. It is an economic history paper that analyzes bibliography and testimonies of that time to provide a vision of what society, tourism and pioneering entrepreneurs were like. The peculiarities of the society, workers and entrepreneurs from the beginnings of the tourism sector have generated many of the positive and negative elements of current society and tourism in Ibiza, highlighting the survival of a mentality, way of doing and vital approach based on networking, irregularities and improvisation

    Innovation and Strategic Management for the Development of Tourist Destinations: Development of Nightlife and Residents’ Attitudes in Punta del Este (Uruguay)

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    [Abstract] Nightlife is a controversial offer for its possible negative social impacts, but it is also important for its media impact and as an element of differentiation of the tourist destination. In the coastal resorts it is a very important offer as it complements the main offer. This paper seeks to determine the background of residents’ attitudes towards the offer of nightlife. To do this, the responses of a sample of 420 residents of the Maldonado-Punta del Este conurbation (Uruguay) who responded to a questionnaire with items measured with Likert scales are analyzed using Structural Equation Models. A first analysis, which presents costs and benefits of three types (economic, social and cultural) as a possible background of the degree of acceptance of this offer, did not detect significant relationships. In a second analysis, the mediation of the overall attitude towards tourism and the degree of acceptance of sun and beach tourism were proposed. In this second analysis it was found that: only economic benefits and cultural costs have significant effects on the overall attitude; the overall attitude has a significant effect on the acceptance of sun and beach tourism, but not on the acceptance of nightlife; and the acceptance of sun and beach tourism has a significant effect on the acceptance of nightlife. The acceptance of nightlife follows the same guidelines as its business development (it is a consequence of sun and beach tourism)

    La teoría institucional y la responsabilidad social corporativa en el sector hotelero de la eurorregión Galicia-Norte de Portugal

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    [Resumen] En esta investigación queremos estudiar la vinculación de la Teoría Institucional y la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en los hoteles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas ubicados en la Eurorregión (Galicia y Norte de Portugal). Nuestro principal objetivo es dar respuesta a la pregunta ¿existe una tendencia al isomorfismo en las prácticas de RSC que llevan a cabo estas empresas? ¿Por qué? Consideramos que la Teoría Institucional (Scott, 1995; DiMaggio y Powell, 1991) constituye un enfoque válido para explicar el comportamiento isomórfico de las organizaciones. Para la especificación del modelo de investigación utilizamos la metodología Structural Equations Models (SEM) mediante la técnica Partial Least Square (PLS), analizando un total de diez modelos, cinco de primer orden y cinco de segundo orden. La originalidad de este trabajo deriva de la conjunción de los siguientes aspectos: - marco teórico (Teoría Institucional y RSC); - objeto de estudio (hoteles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas); - área geográfica (Eurorregión); - contexto socioeconómico (crisis económica); - ámbito de estudio (esfera privada); - y tipo de organizaciones (con ánimo de lucro). Está basado en un modelo replicable en futuras investigaciones (sector, objeto de estudio, área geográfica, situación económica, etc).[Resumo] Nesta investigación queremos estudar a vinculación da Teoría Institucional e a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa nos hoteis de tres, catro e cinco estrelas situados na Eurorrexión (Galicia e Norte de Portugal). O noso principal obxectivo é responder á pregunta: Existe unha tendencia ao isomorfismo nas prácticas de RSC que levan a cabo estas empresas? É por que? Consideramos que a Teoría Institucional (Scott, 1995; DiMaggio e Powell, 1991) constitúe un enfoque válido para explicar o comportamento isomórfico das organizacións. Para a especificación do modelo de investigación utilizamos a metodoloxía Structural Equations Models (SEM) mediante a técnica Partial Least Square (PLS), analizando un total de dez modelos, cinco de primeira orde e cinco de segunda orde. A orixinalidade deste traballo deriva do conxunto dos seguintes aspectos: - marco teórico (Teoría Institucional e RSC); - obxecto de estudo (hoteis de tres, catro e cinco estrelas); - área xeográfica (Eurorrexión); - contexto (crise económica); - ámbito de estudo (esfera privada); - e tipo de organizacións (con ánimo de lucro). Está baseado nun modelo replicable en futuras investigacións (sector, obxecto de estudo, área xeográfica, situación económica etc).[Abstract] In this investigation we want to study the link between Institutional Theory and Corporate Social responsibility in four- and five star hotels located in the Euro-Region (Galicia and North of Portugal). Our main goal is to answer the question is there a tendency towards isomorphism in the CSR practices that these companies carry out? Why? We believe that the Institutional Theory (Scott, 1995; DiMaggio and Powell, 1991) is a valid approach to explaining the isomorphic behaviour of these organizations. To specificy the research model we used the Structural Equations Models (SEM) methodology using the Partial Least Square (PLS) technique, analyzing a total of ten models, five first-class and five second class. The originality of this work is derived from the combination of the following aspects: - theoretical framework (institutional theory and CSR): - object under study (three, four and five-star hotels); - geographical area (Euro-Region); - socio-economic context (economic crisis); - field of study (private sphere); - and type of organizations (profit). It is based on a model that can be used in future research (sector, object under study, geographical area, economic situation, etc.
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