350 research outputs found

    Proyecto básico de un edificio en altura con estructura tubular

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    Guía para la definición estratégica de modelos de gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos en países en vías de desarrollo

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    Según datos de la ONU, en algún momento de 2007 se produjo un evento demográfico que los que los analistas han denominado Tipping Point (punto de inflexión): Por primera vez en la historia de la humanidad, más de la mitad de los habitantes del planeta vive en áreas urbanas. La población se esta trasladando a las ciudades rápidamente, se trata del movimiento migratorio mas importante jamás registrado. Como se analizara mas adelante, este punto de inflexión tendrá enormes repercusiones, tanto para el bienestar del ser humano como para el medio ambiente. Tradicionalmente París, Londres y Nueva York han sido las ciudades más pobladas. Pero ahora una sexta parte de la humanidad vive en asentamientos informales de países en vías de desarrollo, y pronto serán mas. La gestión de los residuos sólidos urbanos generados supone un porcentaje muy importante de los presupuestos municipales, que no deja de aumentar y con resultados poco satisfactorios. En esta tesina se ha analizado la documentación existente sobre estrategias y metodologías de gestión residuos sólidos y, en base a ella, se ha preparado una guía con recomendaciones para los ayuntamientos de tamaño medio de países en vías de desarrollo

    The perception of satisfaction with virtual social networks: A comparative analysis

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    The main aim was to determine the level of satisfaction of users of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by comparing the concept of a 'virtual social network' with the perception of use by the users the subjective evaluation of five features. An empirical study was realized with users of social networks in Latin America by measuring similar features - customization, interactivity, multimedia, privacy, and regulation - which are the features that are the most discussed in the literature. The analysis of the information was conducted with the Hamming distance. This study presents a new assessment of satisfaction with virtual social networks by taking into account features that had not previously been considered as a group; furthermore, no differences in perceptions by gender or age were found and the virtual social network with the best assessment was identified as Twitter. Keywords: Internet, behaviour, consumers, social networks

    Inmigración no europea, prestaciones socio-económicas y dinámicas de inclusión en España. ¿Acaparan las personas inmigrantes las prestaciones de Servicios Sociales?

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    The problematisation of migration has intensified in Europe over the last decade, as the Financial Crisis of 2008 dealt a major blow to social welfare instruments. This context has reinforced the idea that immigrants would consume a disproportionate share of socio-economic resources available through social services, thus displacing the local population. This article examines the case of Spain, analysing the dynamics of accessing socioeconomic inclusion policies developed by public Social Services among immigrants and non-immigrants at risk of social exclusion, based on different secondary sources. The paper shows that is there no evidence that social services resources are being displaced for the socio-economic inclusion of the immigrant population.La problematización del fenómeno migratorio se ha intensificado en Europa en la última década, al mismo tiempo que las salidas a la Gran Crisis de 2008 dejaban unas sociedades más debilitadas en sus instrumentos de acceso al bienestar. Este contexto ha reforzado la idea de que las personas inmigrantes acaparan la mayoría de recursos socioeconómicos disponibles en los sistemas de servicios sociales, desplazando a la población local. Este artículo aborda el caso español, analizando las dinámicas de acceso a las políticas para la inclusión socioeconómica de los Servicios Sociales públicos en personas inmigrantes y no inmigrantes en riesgo exclusión social, basándose en distintas fuentes secundarias. El trabajo demuestra que no existen evidencias de que los recursos de servicios sociales estén siendo desplazados para la inclusión socioeconómica de la población inmigrante

    Energy and delay-constrained routing in mobile ad hoc networks: an initial approach

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    Energy conservation is a critical issue regarding wireless mobile ad hoc networks, since the nodes are battery restrained and the depletion of their power defines the lifetime of the network. In this work a mechanism for energy saving and timely delivery of data packets is incorporated into the route discovery phase to select paths with lower cost. The proposed algorithm utilizes two metrics: residual energy and queue length at each node. Buffer information is considered as a traffic load characteristic and its use is twofold: limitation of battery power consumption and end-to-end delay. A simulation-based performance comparison between a routing ad hoc protocol and its modified energy and delay-constrained version demonstrates that the latter one improves system performance for certain network scenarios.Peer Reviewe

    A user space implementation of the AODVv2 routing protocol

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    Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) protocol is a reactive MANET routing protocol frequently used as reference for either developing new ad hoc routing protocols or performance assessment purposes. Although it is present in several general-purpose network simulators (e.g. ns2, omnetpp, etc.), there are few implementations that can be used under real conditions for on-field research or performance evaluation. This paper presents a user space implementation of the last version of this protocol, the AODVv2, that can be deployed in any device able to run the Linux O.S. The goal is developing a fresh, open source and easy-to-maintain implementation of the AODVv2 protocol that can be used by the research community for testing purposes. The paper provides a description of the main design and encoding decisions taken in order to implement the protocol, and explains the main testing actions carried out to prove its correctness.Postprint (published version

    Implementation and analysis of the AODVv2 routing protocol in ARM devices

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    ​© 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.AODVv2 is a well-known routing protocol used in MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc Networks). Formerly known as DYMO (DYnamic MANET On-demand), it is frequently used as a reference for routing protocols assessment. However, implementations of these protocols are scarce and the few ones available are currently outdated, no longer maintained and hardly upgradeable. This paper provides the details of a new AODVv2 implementation to be used in embedded devices working with the ARM microprocessor architecture. A user-space approach has been followed so both the upgradability and platformindependence are favored. A WiFi ad hoc network, modeling representative real scenarios, has been deployed to verify the correctness of the developed AODVv2 code and assess the performance of the protocol under realistic traffic conditions. A virtual machine has been used to perform a cross-compilation of a the code that implements the DYMO protocol in the Intel x86 computer architecture. Once compiled for being used in ARMbased devices, the code has been tested in Raspberry Pi devices to verify the proper behaviour. Simple scenarios and scenarios with high density of nodes have been deployed and data have been collected and analysed.Postprint (author's final draft

    E-banking in Colombia: factors favouring its acceptance, online trust and government support

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the adoption of e-banking in Colombia, including a comprehensive analysis of consumer trust in this type of transaction and of the impact of the current government policy to promote e-commerce. An empirical investigation based on the UTAUT2 model collected data from throughout the country to develop 600 online questionnaires

    The mediterranean diet: culture and its impact on consumer habits in Barcelona restaurant

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    Este artículo se ha enfocado en estudiar la prevalencia de la dieta mediterránea en los menús de los restaurantes de la ciudad de Barcelona, partiendo de una revisión de estudios previos referentes a la gran influencia de la cultura “Mediterránea” sobre aspectos diarios como lo es la alimentación. Se ha establecido un estudio cualitativo seleccionando una muestra de expertos, definida por jefes de cocina de los restaurantes barceloneses. Los resultados evidencian que la dieta mediterránea está posicionada en la mente de sus clientes y por tanto genera que todas las decisiones de compra de insumos, planificación de minutas, elaboración de platos y menús, se realicen siguiendo los lineamientos de la dieta mediterránea. Este estudio es un aporte de gran importancia para la línea de investigación sobre la cultura en los hábitos de consumo especialmente con la dieta mediterránea, ya que, confirma que su prevalencia frente a nuevos alimentos, platos y menús foráneos es fuerte y los hábitos de los consumidores se mantienen fieles a sus tradiciones culinarias.This article studies the importance of the Mediterranean diet in the menus of restaurants in the city of Barcelona. It is based on a review of previous studies about the great influence of the Mediterranean culture on daily aspects such as food. A qualitative study was conducted and a sample of experts—head chefs at restaurants in Barcelona—was selected. The results show that the Mediterranean diet is positioned in the minds of their customers; therefore, all the decisions related to the purchase of products and the planning of menus and dishes are made following the guidelines of the Mediterranean diet. This study is an important contribution to the research field of culture in consumption habits, because it confirms that the Mediterranean diet still is strongly preferred over new foods, dishes and foreign menus. The habits of consumers remain true to their culinary traditions