24 research outputs found

    O conceito da Ditadura: conceitos de estudantes chilenos educação para os media

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    Producción CientíficaEl golpe militar del 11 de septiembre de 1973 dio inicio a una cruenta dictadura que mantendría a Pinochet 17 años en el poder ejecutivo del Estado chileno. Este hecho ha traído consigo una serie de investigaciones que desde distintas visiones, posturas e ideas, buscan ayudar en la creación de una “Conciencia histórica” en los ciudadanos que vivieron en dictadura y que hoy viven en democracia. En este aspecto, desde el mundo educativo, esta investigación tiene real sentido porque conocer las ideas sobre la dictadura nos permitirá conocer la visión de los denominados hijos de la democracia, los que perciben los efectos de dicho proceso histórico. Para el alumnado de secundaria chilena, el proceso de dictadura se caracterizó por su carácter violento debido a la brutal represión ejercida por el Régimen Militar ante las protestas de diverso tipo, poniendo de manifiesto que para ellos Dictadura y Transición forman parte de un mismo conjunto histórico, puesto que relacionan el proceso transitorio con hechos y situaciones vividas en el gobierno militar.The military coup of september 11th in 1973 was the beggining of a hard dictatorship that placed Pinochet for 17 years in the chilean executive power. This fact, gave origin to many research that, from different visions, positions and ideas, intend to create an “historical conscience” among the citizens who lived in dictatorship and live in democracy today. Related to this, from the educational world, this research has a real importance as, knowing ideas about dictatorship will allow to see the visión of this “sons of democracy” who perceive the effects of this histórical process. For chilean secondary students, the process of dictatorship was caracterised by violence because of the hard repression during the military regime to demonstrations and protest, enphasising that for them, Dictatorship and Transition are parts of the same historical period, as they relate the transition with facts and situations that happened in the military regime.O golpe militar de 11 de setembro de 1973 começou uma sangrenta ditadura que iria manter Pinochet 17 anos no poder executivo do Estado chileno. Isto levou a uma série de investigações de diferentes pontos de vista, posições e idéias, buscando ajuda na criação de um cidadão "consciência histórica" que viveram na ditadura e que agora vivem em democracia. Neste aspecto, do mundo educacional, esta pesquisa tem um significado real porque conhecer as idéias de ditadura nos permitem conhecer a visão dos chamados filhos de democracia, aqueles que percebem os efeitos do processo histórico. Para os alunos de secundária chileno, o processo de ditadura foi caracterizado por violentos em consequência da repressão brutal por parte do regime militar aos protestos de vários tipos, mostrando que para eles Ditadura e Transição são parte do mesmo conjunto histórico, uma vez que o processo de transição referem a eventos e situações vividas no governo militar.Este estudio forma parte del estudio TRADDEC: “Estudio de las transiciones dictaduras-democracia: Formación ciudadana y competencias de Historia en el mundo escolar español y chileno”. Proyecto de investigación I+D+I. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. España. 2010-2012

    Smoking cessation opportunities in severe mental illness (tobacco intensive motivational and estimate risk — TIMER—): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    There is an increased risk of premature death in people with severe mental illness (SMI). Respiratory disorders and cardiovascular disease are leading causes of increased mortality rates in these patients, and tobacco consumption remains the most preventable risk factor involved. Developing new tools to motivate patients towards cessation of smoking is a high priority. Information on the motivational value of giving the lung age and prevention opportunities is unknown in this high-risk population. In the context of community care, screening and early detection of lung damage could potentially be used, together with mobile technology, in order to produce a prevention message, which may provide patients with SMI with a better chance of quitting smoking.This study receives funding by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, Instituto Carlos III (FIS PI16/00802)

    Higher COVID-19 pneumonia risk associated with anti-IFN-α than with anti-IFN-ω auto-Abs in children

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    We found that 19 (10.4%) of 183 unvaccinated children hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia had autoantibodies (auto-Abs) neutralizing type I IFNs (IFN-alpha 2 in 10 patients: IFN-alpha 2 only in three, IFN-alpha 2 plus IFN-omega in five, and IFN-alpha 2, IFN-omega plus IFN-beta in two; IFN-omega only in nine patients). Seven children (3.8%) had Abs neutralizing at least 10 ng/ml of one IFN, whereas the other 12 (6.6%) had Abs neutralizing only 100 pg/ml. The auto-Abs neutralized both unglycosylated and glycosylated IFNs. We also detected auto-Abs neutralizing 100 pg/ml IFN-alpha 2 in 4 of 2,267 uninfected children (0.2%) and auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-omega in 45 children (2%). The odds ratios (ORs) for life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia were, therefore, higher for auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-alpha 2 only (OR [95% CI] = 67.6 [5.7-9,196.6]) than for auto-Abs neutralizing IFN-. only (OR [95% CI] = 2.6 [1.2-5.3]). ORs were also higher for auto-Abs neutralizing high concentrations (OR [95% CI] = 12.9 [4.6-35.9]) than for those neutralizing low concentrations (OR [95% CI] = 5.5 [3.1-9.6]) of IFN-omega and/or IFN-alpha 2

    Ciudadanía y enseñanza de la historia. Resultados de una intervención en la formación de maestros

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    Producción CientíficaEn el siglo XXI es necesario buscar alternativas a la tradicional forma de enseñanza de la historia, basada en el aprendizaje memorístico de las historias nacionales, encaminadas a suscitar la adhesión a la patria. El trabajo en el aula escolar con fuentes históricas variadas que el alumno tiene que analizar, comparar e interpretar es un buen procedimiento para formar ciudadanos reflexivos y críticos. Y para ello es preciso que en la formación inicial de los profesores se preste especial atención al desarrollo de estas habilidades. En este artículo se recogen los resultados de una intervención en la formación de los profesores de Primaria, en donde tienen que analizar y comparar fuentes periodísticas con información divergente. Los datos ponen de manifiesto las dificultades de los aprendices de maestro para elaborar una teoría interpretativa que aúne ambos recursos y explique la diferencia de perspectivas.In the XXI century, alternatives to the traditional way of teaching history, based on rote learning of national histories designed to bring about attachment to the nation, should be explored. The work in classroom with various historical sources that the student has to analyze, compare and interpret, is a good method for forming reflective and critical citizens. It requires that the initial teachers training pays special attention to develop these skills. This article presents the outcomes of an experiment in the primary school teachers training, in which the students have to analyze and compare journalistic sources with discrepant information The data show the difficulties of teacher trainees to develop an interpretive theory that combines both resources and explain the difference in perspective

    An Examination of Epistemic Beliefs about History in Initial Teacher Training: A Comparative Analysis between Primary and Secondary Education Prospective Teachers

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    Producción CientíficaEpistemic beliefs about history can influence the way educators address this discipline with their students. This mixed-methods study establishes a comparison between three groups: secondary education, and both second-year and third-year primary education social studies pre-service teachers. Using a sample of 430 participants, the Beliefs About History Questionnaire (BHQ) was applied to quantitatively assess the level of agreement with three stances (copier, borrower, and criterialist) and the consistency of the answers. Responses were also codified and qualitatively examined. While all groups favored a criterialist stance, secondary education pre-service teachers showed more nuanced and consistent visions than their primary education counterparts. A discussion is presented on the role of initial teacher training and on the characterization of epistemic cognition in history.Este trabajo contó con el apoyo del MInisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (MINECO), y cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), bajo la Subvención EDU2013-43782-

    Consciência histórica e memória coletiva: referenciais de análise para a educação histórica

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    Producción CientíficaLas últimas décadas han visto un creciente interés por la conceptualización de la memoria colectiva y la conciencia histórica, nociones útiles a la hora de analizar los procesos de historización del presente, y su relación tanto con el pasado como con el futuro. Marcos teóricos como el elaborado por Jörn Rüsen se han convertido en especialmente relevantes para la educación histórica. Estas propuestas, revisadas en la presente reflexión teórica, tienen el potencial de relacionarse con los conceptos de segundo orden, claves para el desarrollo del pensamiento histórico, favoreciendo una metarreflexión basada en el análisis de narrativas sobre el proceso historizador, tanto desde el punto de vista disciplinar como desde los usos y las funciones sociales de la Historia.The last few decades have shown an increased interest in the conceptualisation of such terms as the collective memory and historical consciousness, which are useful notions when it comes to analysing the process of historicizing the present, and its relation with both the past and the future. Theoretical frameworks like the one developed by Jörn Rüsen have become especially important for the teaching of history. The proposals reviewed in this article have a potential to be linked with second-order concepts, which are crucial for the development of historical thinking and allow for a meta-reflection based on the analysis of narratives about the process of historization, from the standpoint of both the discipline itself and the uses and social functions of History.As últimas décadas vêm presenciando um crescente interesse pela conceituação da memória coletiva e da consciência histórica, noções úteis no momento de analisar os processos de historização do presente e sua relação tanto com o passado quanto com o futuro. Referenciais teóricos como o elaborado por Jörn Rüsen convertem-se em especialmente relevantes para a educação histórica. Essas propostas, revisadas na presente reflexão teórica, têm o potencial de relacionar-se com os conceitos de segunda ordem, fundamentais para o desenvolvimento do pensamento histórico, o que favorece uma metarreflexão baseada na análise de narrativas sobre o processo historizador, do ponto de vista disciplinar e dos usos e funções sociais da História.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - (Proyecto EDU2013-43782-P

    Assessing the digital competence of educators in social studies: An analysis in initial teacher training using the TPACK-21 model

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    Producción CientíficaFostering the digital competence of educators is a key aspect that can be addressed in initial teacher training. The TPACK model (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) can be complemented with an approach that takes the Digital Competence of Educators framework (Redecker & Punie, 2017) and 21st century competences into account. This study analysed the practical utility of this conceptual model, and the effectiveness of a teaching intervention in a university setting, during two academic years, with social studies secondary education prospective teachers. Using a quantitative approach and the TPACK-21 questionnaire (Valtonen et al., 2017), the study examined the starting point and evolution of the participants. Results indicate the adequacy of the framework and instrument used and favourable progress towards competence after the assessment of seven factors. Although pre-service teachers showed a low degree of confidence regarding their capabilities of integrating technological with pedagogical and content knowledge, especially in three of the components, this obstacle was overcome after the intervention. It is possible to conclude that the pedagogical and conceptual orientation of the teaching proposal has shown a positive effect, evidencing the effectiveness of a comprehensive approach capable of adapting to the specificity and challenges of social studies education.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Proyecto EDU2013-43782-P

    History education and changing epistemic beliefs about history: An intervention in initial teacher training

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    Epistemic beliefs can have an important effect on teaching practices determining how teachers approach a discipline in the classroom in different contexts. The research reported on here focused on initial teacher education, assessing the pre-service social studies teachers’ epistemic beliefs about history, and their ideas regarding history education. We examined the way in which the beliefs of 59 Spanish participants had evolved after an intervention focused the fostering of historical thinking and understanding. A pre-test-post-test quasi-experimental design was applied, using the Beliefs about History Questionnaire (BHQ), which was supplemented by a qualitative approach. Results indicate progression, although it was more noticeable in pre-service primary education teachers who adhered to a more nuanced vision about historical knowledge and both objectivity and subjectivity. The way that participants with different conceptions about history thought about educational aspects were also examined and discussed. Findings suggest the effectiveness of educational interventions in initial teacher training to allow pre-service teachers to understand the specificity of this discipline.This work was supported by the Spanish Government’s Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO), and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under Grant BES-2014-068910 in the framework of project EDU2013-43782-P. The work was also supported by GIR EDUHIPA - Universidad de (University of) Valladolid (U01900056)

    Historical empathy in future primary teachers: the child labor in the 19th century

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    Producción CientíficaEn esta investigación se estudia la implicación del factor emocional en el desarrollo de la empatía histórica y, por tanto, en la comprensión histórica, en una muestra de 164 futuros profesores. Una cuestión que ha generado fuertes controversias entre los que reivindican el papel de los afectos en la empatía histórica y aquellos que los cuestionan. Para ello, se utiliza como estrategia una actividad de contrariedad sobre el trabajo infantil en el siglo XIX, donde el componente afectivo está fuertemente comprometido en la interpretación del contexto. Para cumplir con este objetivo se plantea una investigación desde el paradigma cualitativo mediante un proceso de interpretación de las narrativas de los informantes con la ayuda del software ATLAS.ti. La sistematización de las respuestas a la actividad de contrariedad se realiza en función de cuatro categorías progresivas, que van desde una adopción de perspectiva condicionada por el presente hasta la comprensión e, incluso, recreación de un mundo social diferente. Los resultados de la investigación presentan que tan solo un pequeño grupo de alumnos/as realiza explicaciones contextualizadas, frente al resto de participantes que en mayor o menor medida vinculan su interpretación histórica a un marco emocional presentista. Es posible concluir, pues, que el factor emocional, cuando vulnera el marco presente de valores, no parece favorecer la comprensión de las circunstancias históricas que explican el trabajo infantil en épocas pasadas.This piece of research studies how the emotional factor is entailed in the development of the historical empathy and, therefore, in the understanding of history, in a sample of 164 future teachers. This is a highly contentious issue between those in favor of the role played by affections and those against it. Thus, a contradictory activity about the child labor in the 19th century is strategically used since the affective component is implicated in the interpretation of the context. To fulfill this goal, the research is based on a qualitative paradigm, specifically an interpreting process of the narratives of the informants with the ATLAS.ti software. The systematization of the answers is carried out in four progressive categories from a conditioned perspective by the present to an understanding, or even a recreation, of a different social world. The results show that only a small group of students provide contextualized explanations. Conversely, the rest of participants link their interpretation to a presentism emotional framework. In conclusion, the emotional factor, when it contravenes the current system of values, it does not encourage the understanding of historical circumstances that explain child labor in past times

    The student and citizen education in the school. A study from history classes

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    Producción CientíficaEl artículo informa los resultados de una de una investigación financiada por el Ministerio de Educación de Chile (FONIDE Nº 310894) y por el Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación, CIAE (FONDAP Nº 11-2009). El estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el estado de la formación ciudadana al finalizar la Educación General Básica. Los resultados obtenidos son muy poco auspiciosos, puesto que, a pesar de los esfuerzos ministeriales, el estudiantado no posee una adecuada concepción de lo que es y se pretende con la formación ciudadana que reciben en la escuela, ni tampoco perciben que ella sea un espacio que los ayude en esta formación.The article reports the results of a research lines of FONIDE project F.310894 Project, financed by the Ministry of Education, which had the intention to investigate the state of citizenship formation in education, especially in primary education. The relationship presented tries to show the perceptions of students on this important matter, and their results are not very auspicious, Despite the efforts of the Ministry, the students generally do not have an adequate conception of what "citizen formation "is and what is intended with it, they do not perceive that the school is a place to assist them in this training