615 research outputs found

    Formalizing E-Business Models with UML

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    In the last years, the world wide web has not only been exploited for disseminating information but also, companies use it to improve their interaction with customers, distributors, suppliers and partners. This way of conducting business using the Internet is known as electronic commerce (e-commerce). Broadly defined, electronic commerce is a modern business methodology that addresses the needs of organizations, merchants, and consumers to cut costs while improving the quality of goods and services and increasing the speed of service delivery [KW96]. The term e-commerce is used to describe a new on-line approach to performing traditional functions such as payment and funds transfer, order entry and processing, invoicing, inventory management, cargo tracking, electronic catalogs, point-ofsale data gathering, advertising and marketing.Eje: Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A systematic approach to generate test cases based on combinations of information

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    Software based systems incrementally provide critical services to users. Mobile telephone systems, for example, are used in circumstances in which the malfunctioning may have disastrous consequences. During the last years, software has been incorporated in devices used in daily life, such as audio and television. The diversity of systems in which software is incorporated is increasing. Thus, the software development process has to consider a variety of speci ¯cation techniques and models, incorporating also techniques from engineering sciences. In particular, the validation and veri¯cation processes have to be adapted to these new developments. For example, the testing based solely on the software speci¯cation is incomplete. First, there is an implicit objective to verify that the program works correctly (as in the testing model of the 1957{1978, [GH88]). Myers [Mye83] says that with the aim of demonstrating that a program does not fail, we can unconsciously select data that has a low probability of exposing faults. On the other hand, if the objective is to demonstrate that a program has faults, test data will have a higher probability of revealing them. In specification-based testing we select data for which the desired behavior for the system is defined. As stated by Boris Beizer [Bei95] testing should include both clean and dirty tests. Dirty tests are designed to \break" the software; clean tests are designed to demonstrate that software executes correctly. Specifications only provide clean tests.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A systematic approach to generate test cases based on combinations of information

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    Software based systems incrementally provide critical services to users. Mobile telephone systems, for example, are used in circumstances in which the malfunctioning may have disastrous consequences. During the last years, software has been incorporated in devices used in daily life, such as audio and television. The diversity of systems in which software is incorporated is increasing. Thus, the software development process has to consider a variety of speci ¯cation techniques and models, incorporating also techniques from engineering sciences. In particular, the validation and veri¯cation processes have to be adapted to these new developments. For example, the testing based solely on the software speci¯cation is incomplete. First, there is an implicit objective to verify that the program works correctly (as in the testing model of the 1957{1978, [GH88]). Myers [Mye83] says that with the aim of demonstrating that a program does not fail, we can unconsciously select data that has a low probability of exposing faults. On the other hand, if the objective is to demonstrate that a program has faults, test data will have a higher probability of revealing them. In specification-based testing we select data for which the desired behavior for the system is defined. As stated by Boris Beizer [Bei95] testing should include both clean and dirty tests. Dirty tests are designed to \break" the software; clean tests are designed to demonstrate that software executes correctly. Specifications only provide clean tests.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Design of an Efficient Interconnection Network of Temperature Sensors

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    Temperature has become a first class design constraint because high temperatures adversely affect circuit reliability, static power and degrade the performance. In this scenario, thermal characterization of ICs and on-chip temperature monitoring represent fundamental tasks in electronic design. In this work, we analyze the features that an interconnection network of temperature sensors must fulfill. Departing from the network topology, we continue with the proposal of a very light-weight network architecture based on digitalization resource sharing. Our proposal supposes a 16% improvement in area and power consumption compared to traditional approache

    Dancing between theory and practice: work stress intervention through the action-research

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    This quasi-experimental and longitudinal study assesses the effectiveness of a work stress intervention (i.e., Team Redesign) to increase job and personal resources and to consequently reduce job strain and increase employee psychosocial well-being in an enamel manufacturing company following the Resources-Experiences-Demands Model (RED Model) and within the Action-Research approach. The sample consisted of 108 employees at Time 1 and 72 employees at Time 2. Repeated-measures multivariable analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that the Time × Intervention interaction had reliable, positive, and incremental effects on job resources (i.e., innovation climate), personal resources (i.e., professional self-efficacy and perceived competence), and motivational outcomes (i.e., work engagement, vigor, and dedication) on the intervention group (laboratory team, n = 9) when compared with the control group (n = 63 employees from different departments). Finally, we discuss the theoretical and practical implications based on the RED Model, including the feedback from Intervention (Action) to Theory (Research

    Estilos de liderazgo y riesgos psicosociales en los empleados

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    Vuitenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2002-2003)Partiendo del clásico modelo de liderazgo situacional de Hersey y Blanchard (1982) en donde existen cuatro estilos básicos de liderazgo atendiendo a la cantidad de dirección (conducta de tarea) y la de apoyo socioemocional (conducta de relación), el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la relación entre conductas de liderazgo del supervisor (ordenar, persuadir, participar y delegar) y riesgos psicosociales en los empleados (demandas y recursos laborales, competencias personales y bienestar psicológico). La muestra está compuesta por un total de 874 trabajadores españoles de diversos sectores ocupacionales, de los cuales un 53% son hombres y un 47% mujeres, con una media de edad de 32 años (mínimo 19 y máximo 59 años). Análisis clusters realizados confirman la existencia de esos cuatro estilos básicos de liderazgo. Además, se ha realizado un MANOVA para averiguar la relación entre estilo de liderazgo y riesgos psicosociales. El test multivariado es significativo F (20, 853)=13.99; p=0.000. En general, podemos señalar que los trabajadores que presentan mayores riesgos psicosociales y peor bienestar psicológico son aquellos que tienen lideres con un estilo tipo ‘delegar’ (bajo en dirección y bajo en apoyo) seguidos por aquellos con un estilo ‘ordenar’ (alto en dirección y bajo en apoyo). Por otra parte, los trabajadores con trabajos más enriquecidos, mas competentes y con mejor bienestar psicológico son aquellos con líderes tipo ‘persuadir’ (alto en dirección y alto en apoyo) seguidos aquellos con líderes tipo ‘participar’ (bajo en tarea y alto en apoyo). Finalmente se presenta en el trabajo líneas futuras de investigación, así como implicaciones prácticas para la prevención de riesgos psicosociales

    Cómo mejorar la salud laboral generando experiencias óptimas

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    La búsqueda de estrategias de mejora y optimización es una de las características de las empresas de la última década. En este artículo se analiza una de ellas, la creación de ambientes y condiciones laborales saludables que proporcionen a los empleados oportunidades de vivir experiencias positivas en el día a día de su trabajo, las denominadas experiencias de flow. La revisión abarca desde la aparición de este concepto, y sus estudios e investigaciones, hasta su aplicación en la Prevención de Riesgos Laborale

    Duration calculus semantics for statecharts

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    Statecharts and Duration Calculus are two formalisms used in the development of reactive systems. Statecharts provide a powerful visual formalism to specify systems. Duration Calculus is a formal logic to specify and reason about temporal requeriments. In this work, we propose a description of statecharts semantics using Duration Calculus. Thus we build a common semantic model for Duration Calculus speci¯cations and statecharts. The formalization is done in two steps. First, the structure of a statechart is represented using Duration Calculus formula. Then, the semantics of the execution of a step is introduced.Eje: TeoríaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI