620 research outputs found

    Epiphany • Isaiah 60:1–6 • January 5, 2014

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    Who are those in our neighborhood who have yet to be drafted into Jesus, the new Israel, brought into the light of the Lord, so that they too may be saved and worship him

    Can Anything Good Come Out of _____? Come and See! Faithful Witness in Marginality and Hospitality

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    Christ who is suffering with us becomes a sign that, in light of the Latin American experience of suffering, reminds an often individualistic North American church that is more focused on victories than bearing crosses to embody a ministry of accompaniment with those who experience hostility and alienation

    Easter 7 • 1 John 5:9–15 • May 17, 2015 Testifying in the Courtroom

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    In true Johannine fashion, the apostle offers us a contrast between two opposing principles at war with each other, namely, the way of the Son that leads to life and the way of the world that leads to death

    The Church is the House of Abraham - Reflections on Martin Luther’s Teaching on Hospitality toward Exiles

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    From Dr. Sánchez: According to the United Nations, more than 65 million people (about 23 million of them refugees) are counted as forcibly displaced due to persecution, war, and violence. Only one percent are resettled each year, and over half of them are children. The numbers are staggering. Closer to home, about three-quarters of the US foreign-born population (33.8 million) are lawful immigrants, and some 11 million are unauthorized immigrants. In a world experiencing the greatest transnational movement of refugees and immigrants in history, including those coming to our shores and their children, one is right to ask what Lutheran theology has to contribute to our current situation

    Mutual unbiasedness in coarse-grained continuous variables

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    En este trabajo se investiga la noción de imparcialidad mutua para mediciones de grano grueso en sistemas cuánticos con variables continuas. Se muestra que mientras que el procedimiento estándar de granulación gruesa rompe la imparcialidad mutua entre variables conjugadas, dicha imparcialidad puede, en cambio, establecerse teóricamente y observarse experimental- mente con granulación gruesa periódica. Se exhiben los resultados predichos mediante un experimento óptico que implementa la difracción de Fraunhofer a través de una red de difracción periódica, encontrándose excelente acuerdo con la teoría. Nuestros resultados representan un avance importante en el desarrollo de una conexión formal entre la mecánica cuántica de variable discreta y la de variable continua.Tesi

    Theologian by Day, Double Bass Player by Night: Luther on Instruments

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    In addition to supporting the voice in worship, are there other ways of thinking about the use of instruments in worship? In this session, we will explore Martin Luther\u27s contributions toward a Christological and soteriological understanding of the use of instruments in church. We will do so in conversation with U.S. Hispanic reflections on the Christological understanding of beauty, which stress the link between discipleship and ethics. Some reflections on the role of instrumentalists in worship will follow, including the idea that instrumentalists have challenging roles to play as both theologians and interpreters of culture in today\u27s society. A musical setting on a Hispanic hymn composed by the presenter for devotional purposes will be used to illustrate some of the concepts discussed in the sectional

    Pre-service teacher’s training in inclusive education: future teachers’ experiences and perceptions

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    Leopoldo Medina Sánchez – Universidad de Granada - ORCID: 0000-0002-0643-2491Recepción: 23.03.2020 | Aceptado: 02.02.2021Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Leopoldo Medina Sánchez - 0000-0002-0643-2491La formación inicial de las futuras maestras y maestros para atender a la diversidad es la base para el desarrollo de actitudes y prácticas inclusivas que contribuyan tanto a la construcción de entornos de aprendizaje seguros y accesibles como a la creación de sociedades más justas. Por esta razón, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo conocer en profundidad las experiencias y percepciones de docentes en formación inicial respecto a la formación recibida en materia de educación inclusiva durante los tres primeros cursos correspondientes al módulo genérico del Grado en Educación Primaria (EP) de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Granada. Para ello, hemos utilizado un cuestionario por escrito estructurado y exploratorio, además de un análisis del plan de estudios del Grado en EP. Los principales resultados revelan que los participantes no se consideran lo suficientemente preparados para atender a la diversidad sobre todo en lo que respecta a una formación práctica de calidad. Asimismo, los datos sugieren la necesidad de un replanteamiento de la configuración del período de prácticas, así como del diseño del plan de estudios, de manera que se incrementen tanto la calidad como la cantidad de los contenidos teóricos y prácticos en materia de educación inclusiva.Pre-service teaching programs in attention to diversity are the basis for the development of inclusive attitudes and practices that contribute both to the construction of safe and inclusive learning environments, as well as to the creation of fairer societies. For this reason, the objective of this study is to gain an in-depth understanding of the experiences and perceptions of pre-service teachers regarding their training in inclusive education during the first three academic courses which correspond to the generic module of the Degree in Primary Education (PE) of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Granada. To carry out this research, we have used a structured and exploratory written questionnaire, in addition to an analysis of the syllabus of the Degree in PE. The main results reveal that the participants do not consider themselves sufficiently prepared to attend to diversity, especially when it comes to an adequate training. Likewise, the data collected suggest the need to rethink the configuration of the school practices, as well as the design of the syllabus, so as to increase both the quality and quantity of the theoretical and practical content regarding inclusive education

    Realismos y autoreferencia en la poesía última española

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