156 research outputs found

    La Salud Pública durante el franquismo

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    Se comparan los rasgos más relevantes de la evolución de la Salud Pública como ciencia a lo largo del franquismo con el comportamiento de parámetros significativos de la evolución sanitaria del país (tasas de mortalidad y de morbilidad, gasto sanitario, desarrollo institucional del sistema sanitario), para caracterizar la herencia que gravita sobre las actuales dificultades de la Salud Pública española. Se constata el retroceso vivido en la postguerra, producto de la identificación que hicieron sus vencedores de las innovaciones acontecidas durante la Segunda República con la política de izquierdas, la tardía modernización impuesta por el proceso acelerado de industrialización y el obstáculo originado por la consolidación del Seguro Obligatorio de Enfermedad, que produjo una dinámica puramente asistencial y curativa-rehabilitadora

    Shooting distance estimation based on gunshot residues analyzed by XRD and multivariate analysis

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    The most used and validated methods for estimating the shooting distance using the gunshot residues (GSR) inforensic labs are based on chemographic colour tests. In these techniques, the cloth-trapped residues are trans-ferred to a surface to be revealed using chemical reagents. However, because they imply a visual inspection, theirinterpretation may vary, thus adding possible errors to the forensic results. Therefore, it is important tofind anobjective analysis technique for deciding during the results interpretation. In this study, X-Ray diffraction (XRD)was used to measure the GSR on cotton-polyester fabrics. The resulting diffractograms were aligned using acorrelation optimized warping (COW) function, and then analysed using partial least squares to latent structures(PLS), and orthogonal PLS (OPLS). Both methods gave good prediction models in the 5&-300 cm distance range,with determination coefficients of 0.99. Using the gun utilized during the shooting rendered good predictionmodels with quite small prediction errors (about 3 and 7%). Combining the two guns for the calculations, resultedin a prediction model with a larger prediction error (about 14%) but still good for predicting the shooting dis-tance. This would indicate that it is possible to use a similar gun to perform a shooting distance prediction withouthaving the actual gun used during the investigated shooting

    Atomistically informed dislocation dynamics in fcc crystals

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    We develop a nodal dislocation dynamics (DD) model to simulate plastic processes in fcc crystals. The model explicitly accounts for all slip systems and Burgers vectors observed in fcc systems, including stacking faults and partial dislocations. We derive simple conservation rules that describe all partial dislocation interactions rigorously and allow us to model and quantify cross-slip processes, the structure and strength of dislocation junctions, and the formation of fcc-specific structures such as stacking fault tetrahedra. The DD framework is built upon isotropic non-singular linear elasticity and supports itself on information transmitted from the atomistic scale. In this fashion, connection between the meso and micro scales is attained self-consistently, with all material parameters fitted to atomistic data. We perform a series of targeted simulations to demonstrate the capabilities of the model, including dislocation reactions and dissociations and dislocation junction strength. Additionally we map the four-dimensional stress space relevant for cross-slip and relate our findings to the plastic behavior of monocrystalline fcc metal

    A dislocation dynamics study of the strength of stacking fault tetrahedra. Part I: interactions with screw dislocations

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    We present a comprehensive dislocation dynamics (DD) study of the strength of stacking fault tetrahedra (SFT) to screw dislocation glide in fcc Cu. Our methodology explicitly accounts for partial dislocation reactions in fcc crystals, which allows us to provide more detailed insights into the dislocation– SFT processes than previous DD studies. The resistance due to stacking fault surfaces to dislocation cutting has been computed using atomistic simulations and added in the form of a point stress to our DD methodology. We obtain a value of 1658.9 MPa, which translates into an extra force resolved on the glide plane that dislocations must overcome before they can penetrate SFTs. In fact, we see they do not, leading to two well differentiated regimes: (i) partial dislocation reactions, resulting in partial SFT damage, and (ii) impenetrable SFT resulting in the creation of Orowan loops. We obtain SFT strength maps as a function of dislocation glide plane-SFT intersection height, interaction orientation, and dislocation line length. In general SFTs are weaker obstacles the smaller the encountered triangular area is, which has allowed us to derive simple scaling laws with the slipped area as the only variable. These laws suffice to explain all strength curves and are used to derive a simple model of dislocation–SFT strength. The stresses required to break through obstacles in the 2.5–4.8-nm size range have been computed to be 100–300 MPa, in good agreement with some experimental estimations and molecular dynamics calculations

    The Validity and Reliability of a New Simple Instrument for the Measurement of First Ray Mobility

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    Several methods have been described to quantify the first ray mobility. They all have certain disadvantages (great size, sophistication, or lack of validation). The objective of this work was to study the validity and reliability of a new instrument for the measurement of first ray mobility. Anterior-posterior radiographs were obtained from 25 normal feet and 24 hallux valgus feet, with the first ray in a neutral position, maximally dorsiflexed and maximally plantarflexed. The first ray mobility was radiographicaly measured in both groups, and was also manually examined with the new device. A cluster analysis determined whether normal and hallux valgus feet were correctly classified, and a graphic analysis of Bland-Altman was performed to compare the radiographic and manual measurement techniques. Based on the radiographs, the first ray mobility only showed significant differences in dorsiflexion between both groups (P = 0.015). First ray dorsiflexion, plantarflexion and total range of motion measured with the new device were different between both groups (P = 0.040, P = 0.011 and P = 0.006, respectively). The silhouette measure of the cohesion and separation coefficients from the cluster analysis was greater than 0.50 for the dorsiflexion, plantarflexion and total range of motion obtained from the radiographs and from the new device. The Bland-Altman graph suggested that 96% of the data presented agreement between both measurement methods. These results suggested that the new instrument was valid and reliable

    Gradual Increase in Environmental Light Intensity Induces Oxidative Stress and Inflammation and Accelerates Retinal Neurodegeneration

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    Purpose: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a blinding neurodegenerative disease of the retina that can be affected by many factors. The present study aimed to analyze the effect of different environmental light intensities in rd10 mice retina. Methods: C57BL/6J and rd10 mice were bred and housed under three different environmental light intensities: scotopic (5 lux), mesopic (50 lux), and photopic (300 lux). Visual function was studied using electroretinography and optomotor testing. The structural and morphological integrity of the retinas was evaluated by optical coherence tomography imaging and immunohistochemistry. Additionally, inflammatory processes and oxidative stress markers were analyzed by flow cytometry and western blotting. Results: When the environmental light intensity was higher, retinal function decreased in rd10 mice and was accompanied by light-dependent photoreceptor loss, followed by morphological alterations, and synaptic connectivity loss. Moreover, light-dependent retinal degeneration was accompanied by an increased number of inflammatory cells, which became more activated and phagocytic, and by an exacerbated reactive gliosis. Furthermore, light-dependent increment in oxidative stress markers in rd10 mice retina pointed to a possible mechanism for light-induced photoreceptor degeneration. Conclusions: An increase in rd10 mice housing light intensity accelerates retinal degeneration, activating cell death, oxidative stress pathways, and inflammatory cells. Lighting intensity is a key factor in the progression of retinal degeneration, and standardized lighting conditions are advisable for proper analysis and interpretation of experimental results from RP animal models, and specifically from rd10 mice. Also, it can be hypothesized that light protection could be an option to slow down retinal degeneration in some cases of RP.Supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO-FEDER BFU2015-67139-R); Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU16/04114); Instituto de Salud Carlos III co-financed by European Regional Development funds (RETICS-FEDER RD16/0008/0016); and Asociación Retina Asturias, FARPE-FUNDALUCE, Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2016/158, ACIF/2016/055 and FEDER IDIFEDER/2017/064)

    Systematic review and proposal on the terminology used in the structure of Physical Education classes

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    El conocimiento de las distintas partes que forman las sesiones de Educación Física, así como su definición, aporta información relevante para facilitar el trabajo y el entendimiento del docente a la hora de organizar las sesiones de manera eficiente. El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer cuáles son las diferentes partes que estructuran la sesión de Educación Física y sus características. Por otro lado, se pretende unificar estos criterios con el fin de establecer una propuesta terminológica, eficaz y funcional. Siguiendo la estructura del protocolo PRISMA, se realizó una revisión sistemática de las bases de datos de WEB OF SCIENCE y ERIC. Además, se utilizaron otras fuentes de información, Dialnet, Cafyd, Retos, Google Schoolar y los repositorios de Alicante, Elche, Valencia, Madrid y Barcelona. Se obtuvieron 16 publicaciones de 10 autores, donde se dividían las sesiones en distintas partes y se definían cada una de ellas. Tras la revisión y análisis de los datos obtenidos, se considera que todos los autores que aparecen en esta revisión aportan distintas clasificaciones y definiciones de las partes de la sesión de Educación Física, con el fin de optimizar el tiempo en las sesiones de Educación Física gracias al uso de esa terminología.The knowledge of the different parts that make up the Physical Education lessons, as well as their definition, provides relevant information to facilitate the teacher’s work and understanding when organizing the sessions efficiently. The objective of the present investigation is to know what the different parts that structure the Physical Education lesson are and its characteristics. On the other hand, it is intended to unify these criteria in order to establish a terminological, effective and functional proposal. Following the structure of the PRISMA protocol, a systematic review of the WEB OF SCIENCE and ERIC databases was carried out. In addition to this, other sources of information were used, Dialnet, Cafyd, Retos, Google Schoolar and the repositories of Alicante, Elche, Valencia, Madrid and Barcelona. 16 publications were obtained from 10 authors, where the lessons were divided into different parts and each one was defined. After reviewing and analyzing the data obtained, it is considered that all the authors that appear in this review provide different classifications and definitions of the parts of the Physical Education lesson, in order to optimize time in Physical Education sessions thanks to the use of that terminology

    Burnout syndrome assessment among Spanish oral surgery consultants:a two populations comparative pilot study

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    The professional Burnout Syndrome (BOS) or Burnout is considered a professional disease made up of three interrelated dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal fulfillment). BOS has been documented to most severely affect the healthcare professions, especially dentists. On the other hand, its appearance has been documented at an early age, during dental training. However, there are no studies that analyze its incidence in professionals dedicated to Oral Surgery and Implantology, determining the age of onset and related factors. The modified Maslach questionnaire was carried out anonymously among the professors and students of the Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Complutense University of Madrid. A total of 36 participants were enrolled in this study and the results of the modified Maslach Questionnaire were established into four groups [1st year (n=6), 2nd year (n=6), 3rd year (n=6) postgraduate students and clinical teachers (n=18)]. The following variables were recorded: Age, sex, years of experience, weekly hours of work, dedication on weekends and scope of work. The statistical analysis performed included Pearson's correlation, analysis of variance, Student's t-test, F-Anova, Chi-Square and Gamma correlation. Statistical Significance of the tests was established of p?0.05. 36 questionnaires were analyzed, of which 22.2% (n = 8) presented BOS, and 77.8% (n = 28) a medium risk of suffering it. The mean values and standard deviation ??of emotional exhaustion (7.50 ± 2.43; 9.83 ± 4.12; 15.83 ± 6.21; 30.22 ± 7.86), depersonalization (5.50 ± 1.23; 50 ± 3.27; 11.33 ± 1.75; 17.56 ± 4.13), low personal fulfillment (39.67 ± 3.72; 39.33 ± 2.34; 43.17 ± 3, 55; 37.33 ± 5.51) and professional burnout (54.33 ± 2.66; 61.67 ± 2.88; 70.33 ± 5.43; 85.11 ± 9.05) in the four groups respectively. A significant association was found in the appearance of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, years of experience, weekly work hours and the work environment. BOS is a disease that can appear from 30 years of age, after 5 years of professional experience and when there is a clinical consultation of 40 hours a week. Oral Surgery and Implantology seems to be a risk activity for the manifestation of depersonalization

    The footwear industrial districts of the Spanish Vinalopo regions: A detailed analysis

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo contrastar si los distritos industriales zapateros de las comarcas españolas del Vinalopó siguen teniendo vigencia en la actualidad, o si, por el contrario, la actividad zapatera desarrollada en dichas aglomeraciones empresariales ha perdido relevancia en favor de otras actividades económicas. Además, se analiza cómo dichos distritos actúan como polo de atracción de la inversión extranjera.In this research, it is contrasted whether the footwear industrial districts of the Spanish regions of Vinalopo are still valid today, or if, on the contrary, the shoemaking activity carried out in these business agglomerations has lost relevance in favor of other economic activities. In addition, it is analyzed how these districts act as a pole of attraction for foreign investment

    Partial order label decomposition approaches for melanoma diagnosis

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    Melanoma is a type of cancer that develops from the pigment-containing cells known as melanocytes. Usually occurring on the skin, early detection and diagnosis is strongly related to survival rates. Melanoma recognition is a challenging task that nowadays is performed by well trained dermatologists who may produce varying diagnosis due to the task complexity. This motivates the development of automated diagnosis tools, in spite of the inherent difficulties (intra-class variation, visual similarity between melanoma and non-melanoma lesions, among others). In the present work, we propose a system combining image analysis and machine learning to detect melanoma presence and severity. The severity is assessed in terms of melanoma thickness, which is measured by the Breslow index. Previous works mainly focus on the binary problem of detecting the presence of the melanoma. However, the system proposed in this paper goes a step further by also considering the stage of the lesion in the classification task. To do so, we extract 100 features that consider the shape, colour, pigment network and texture of the benign and malignant lesions. The problem is tackled as a five-class classification problem, where the first class represents benign lesions, and the remaining four classes represent the different stages of the melanoma (via the Breslow index). Based on the problem definition, we identify the learning setting as a partial order problem, in which the patterns belonging to the different melanoma stages present an order relationship, but where there is no order arrangement with respect to the benign lesions. Under this assumption about the class topology, we design several proposals to exploit this structure and improve data preprocessing. In this sense, we experimentally demonstrate that those proposals exploiting the partial order assumption achieve better performance than 12 baseline nominal and ordinal classifiers (including a deep learning model) which do not consider this partial order. To deal with class imbalance, we additionally propose specific over-sampling techniques that consider the structure of the problem for the creation of synthetic patterns. The experimental study is carried out with clinician-curated images from the Interactive Atlas of Dermoscopy, which eases reproducibility of experiments. Concerning the results obtained, in spite of having augmented the complexity of the classification problem with more classes, the performance of our proposals in the binary problem is similar to the one reported in the literature