556 research outputs found

    Ravenscar Support for Time-Triggered Scheduling

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    [EN] This position paper follows from a previous proposal to integrate a time-triggered scheduler in a prioritybased, preemptive scheduler such as that supported by AdaÂżs task dispatching policy FIFO Within Priorities . The resulting combined scheduling carries the advantages of both time-triggered and priority-based scheduling, and helps mitigating their drawbacks. The paper presents a system model for the time-triggered subsystem that extends the original proposal, and describes a Ravenscar implementation of the scheduler at the run-time system level, in the form of a new package Ada.Dispatching.TTS. Multiple programming patterns can be implemented on top of this scheduler. With respect to the previously proposed full-Ada implementation, only patterns that implied the use of asynchronous transfer of control have been excluded. On the other hand, the extension of the original model enables new patterns, not supported in our previous proposal, using the new types of continuation and optional slots. We hold that bringing the time-triggered paradigm to Ravenscar is both feasible and convenient for the High-Integrity and Embedded application domains.This work has been partly supported by the Spanish Government’s project M2C2 (TIN2014-56158-C4-1-P-AR) and the European Commission’s projects ENABLE-S3 and AQUAS (ECSEL-JU, Contracts 692455 and 737475)Real Sáez, JV.; Sáez Barona, S.; Crespo, A. (2018). Ravenscar Support for Time-Triggered Scheduling. ACM SIGAda Ada Letters. 38(1):41-54. https://doi.org/10.1145/3241950.3241957S4154381M. Aldea and M. González-Harbour. MaRTE OS: An Ada Kernel for Real-Time Embedded Applications. Reliable Software Technologies - Ada Europe 2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2043:305-316, 2001.ISO/IEC-JTC1-SC22-WG9. Ada Reference Manual ISO/IEC 8652:2012(E). URL: http://www.ada-europe.org/manuals/LRM-2012.pdf, 2012.J. Leung and J. Whitehead. On the complexity of xed-priority scheduling of periodic, real-time tasks. Performance Evaluation (Netherlands), 2(4):237-250, 1982.C. Liu and J. Layland. Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprogramming in a Hard Real-Time Environment. Journal of the ACM, 20(1):46-61, 1973.J. Real and P. Rogers. Session Summary: Experience. Ada Letters, 36(1):101-102, June 2016.J. Real, S. Sáez, and A. Crespo. Combined scheduling of time-triggeed plans and priority scheduled task sets. Ada Letters, 36(1):68-76, June 2016.J. Real, S. Sáez, and A. Crespo. Combining time-triggered plans with priority scheduled task sets. In M. Bertogna and L. M. Pinho, editors, Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2016, volume 9695 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, June 2016.S. Sáez and J. Real. TTS Ravenscar runtime. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1168723, February 2018

    A hierarchical architecture for time- and event-triggered real-time systems

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    [EN] This paper proposes an architecture for combining the execution of time- and event-triggered real-time task sets. This makes it possible for the designer to choose the most appropriate mechanism depending on the role and nature of each task in the system. The proposed architecture allows one to choose the priority levels at which time- and event-triggered tasks are executed. This gives the designer an additional degree of freedom to make compromise decisions upon contradicting timing requirements, such as granting reduced jitter and at the same time providing prompt service to non-periodic events, for example. The proposed model is accompanied with a Ravenscar implementation of the time-triggered scheduler and a library of utilities for specifying time-triggered schedules and reusing time-triggered task patterns.This work has been partly supported by Spanish Government and FEDER funds (AEI/FEDER, UE) under grant (TIN2017-86520-C3-1-R) (PRECON-I4); and by European Commission project AQUAS (ECSEL-JU, Contract 737475).Real Sáez, JV.; Sáez Barona, S.; Crespo, A. (2019). A hierarchical architecture for time- and event-triggered real-time systems. Journal of Systems Architecture. 101:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sysarc.2019.101652S11510

    Implementation of Timing-Event Affinities in Ada/Linux

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    © Sáez Barona, S.; Real Sáez, J. V.; Crespo, A. | ACM, 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Adda Letters, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2870544.2870546Ada 2012 has introduced mechanisms for exploiting multiprocessor platforms at the application level. These include task affinity control and definition of dispatching domains. However, there are other executable entities defined in the language for which there is no such support to affinity control: event handlers. With event handlers we mean both timing-event and interrupt handlers. This paper discusses the consequences of this lack of functionality and explores implementation issues related with this ability. We propose a working implementation for affinity of timing-event handlers on top of Linux.Sáez Barona, S.; Real Sáez, JV.; Crespo Lorente, A. (2015). Implementation of Timing-Event Affinities in Ada/Linux. Ada Letters. 35(1):80-92. doi:10.1145/2870544.2870546S8092351M. Aldea, A. Burns, M. Gutirrez, and M. González Harbour. Incorporating the deadline floor protocol in Ada. ACM SIGAda Ada Letters -- Proc. of IRTAW 16, XXXIII(2):49--58, 2013.B.B. Brandenburg and J.H. Anderson. Feather-trace: A light-weight event tracing toolkit. In Proc. OSPERT, 2007.A. Burns. A Deadline-Floor Inheritance Protocol for EDF Scheduled Real-Time Systems with Resource Sharing. Technical Report YCS-2012-476, Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK, 2012.A. Burns, M. Gutierrez, M. Aldea, and M. González Harbour. A deadlinefloor inheritance protocol for EDF scheduled embedded real-time systems with resource sharing. IEEE Transactions on Computers, (Online PrePrints), 2014.H. Franke, R. Russell, and M. Kirkwood. Fuss, futexes and furwocks: Fast userlevel locking in linux. In AUUG Conference Proceedings, pages 85--97. AUUG, Inc., 2002.C. Li, C. Ding, and K. Shen. Quantifying the cost of context switch. In Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Experimental Computer Science, ExpCS '07. ACM, 2007.R. Spliet, M. Vanga, B.B. Brandenburg, and S. Dziadek. Fast on average, predictable in the worst case: Exploring real-time futexes in litmus. In Proc. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, pages 96--105. IEEE, 2014

    Adding multiprocessor and mode change support to the Ada real-time framework

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    © ACM, 2013. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ada Letters, April 2013, Volume XXXIII, Number 1. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2492312.2492324[EN] Based on a previous proposal of an Ada 2005 framework of real-time utilities, this paper deals with the extension of that framework to include support for multiprocessor platforms and multiple operating modes and mode changes. The design of the proposed framework is also intended to be amenable to automatic code generation.This work is partly funded by the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion of Universitat Politècnica de València under grant PAID-06-10-2397 and the Europan Commission’s OVERSEE project (FP7-ICT-2009-4, Project ID 248333).Sáez Barona, S.; Real Sáez, JV.; Crespo Lorente, A. (2013). Adding multiprocessor and mode change support to the Ada real-time framework. Ada Letters. 33(1):116-127. https://doi.org/10.1145/2492312.2492324S11612733

    Combined Scheduling of Time-Triggered Plans and Priority Scheduled Task Sets

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    © Owner/Author (2016). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in ACM SIGAda Ada Letters, 36(1), 68-76, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/10.1145/2971571.2971580.[EN] Preemptive, priority-based scheduling on the one hand, and time-triggered scheduling on the other, are the two major techniques in use for development of real-time and embedded software. Both have their advantages and drawbacks with respect to the other, and are commonly adopted in mutual exclusion. In a previous paper, we proposed a software architecture that enables the combined and controlled execution of time-triggered plans and priority-scheduled tasks. The goal was to take advantage of the best of both approaches by providing deterministic, jitter-controlled execution of time-triggered tasks (e.g., control tasks), coexisting with a set of priority-scheduled tasks, with less demanding jitter requirements. In this paper, we briefly describe the approach, in which the time-triggered plan is executed at the highest priority level, controlled by scheduling decisions taken only at particular points in time, signalled by recurrent timing events. The rest of priority levels are used by a set of concurrent tasks scheduled by static or dynamic priorities. We also discuss several open issues such as schedulability analysis, use of the approach in multiprocessor architectures, usability in mixed-criticality systems and needed changes to make this approach Ravenscar compliant.This work has been partly supported by the Spanish Government’s project M2C2 (TIN2014-56158-C4-1-P-AR) and the European Commission’s project EMC2 (ARTEMIS-JU Call 2013 AIPP-5, Contract 621429).Real Sáez, JV.; Sáez Barona, S.; Crespo Lorente, A. (2016). Combined Scheduling of Time-Triggered Plans and Priority Scheduled Task Sets. Ada Letters. 36(1):68-76. https://doi.org/10.1145/2971571.2971580S6876361T. P. Baker and A. Shaw. The cyclic executive model and Ada. In Proceedings IEEE Real Time Systems Symposium 1988, Huntsville, Alabama, pages 120--129, 1988.P. Balbastre, I. Ripoll, J. Vidal, and A. Crespo. A Task Model to Reduce Control Delays. Real-Time Systems, 27(3):215--236, September 2004.A. Burns and R. Davis. Mixed Criticality Systems - A Review. Technical report, Depatment of Computer Science, University of York, 2013.A. Cervin. Integrated Control and Real-Time Scheduling. PhD thesis, Lund Institute of Technology, April 2003.R. Dobrin. Combining Offline Schedule Construction and Fixed Priority Scheduling in Real-Time Computer Systems. PhD thesis, Mälardalen University, 2005.S. Hong, X. Hu, and M. Lemmon. Reducing Delay Jitter of Real-Time Control Tasks through Adaptive Deadline Adjustments. In IEEE Computer Society, editor, 22nd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems -- ECRTS, pages 229--238, 2010.J. W. S. Liu. Real-Time Systems. Prentice-Hall Inc., 2000.J. Palencia and M. González-Harbour. Schedulability Analysis for Tasks with Static and Dynamic Offsets. In 9th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1998.M. J. Pont. The Engineering of Reliable Embedded Systems: LPC1769 edition. Number ISBN: 978-0-9930355-0-0. SafeTTy Systems Limited, 2014.J. Real and A. Crespo. Incorporating Operating Modes to an Ada Real-Time Framework. Ada Letters, 30(1):73--85, April 2010.J. Real, S. Sáez, and A. Crespo. Combining time-triggered plans with priority scheduled task sets. In M. Bertogna and L. M. Pinho, editors, Reliable Software Technologies -- Ada-Europe 2016, volume 9695 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, June 2016.S. Sáez, J. Real, and A. Crespo. An integrated framework for multiprocessor, multimoded real-time applications. In M. Brorsson and L. Pinho, editors, Reliable Software Technologies -- Ada-Europe 2012, volume 7308, pages 18--34. Springer-Verlag, June 2012.S. Sáez, J. Real, and A. Crespo. Implementation of Timing-Event Anities in Ada/Linux. Ada Letters, 35(1), April 2015.A. J. Wellings and A. Burns. A Framework for Real-Time Utilities for Ada 2005. Ada Letters, XXVII(2), August 2007

    Session summary: Language abstractions

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    © Real Sáez, J.| ACM, 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Adda Letters, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2870544.2870558Summary of discussion and conclusions of the IRTAW group around language abstractions.Wellings, A.; Real Sáez, JV. (2015). Session summary: Language abstractions. Ada Letters. 35(1):102-104. doi:10.1145/2870544.2870558S102104351P. Bernardi. Incorporating Cyclic Task Behaviour into Ada Tasks. Ada Letters, This issue, 2015.J. Real and A. Crespo. Incorporating Operating Modes to an Ada Real-Time Framework. Ada Letters, 30(1):73--85, April 2010.S. Sáez, J. Real, and A. Crespo. Implementation of Timing-Event Afinities in Ada/Linux. Ada Letters, This issue, 2015.S. Sáez, S. Terrasa, and A. Crespo. A Real-Time Framework for Multiprocessor Platforms Using Ada 2012. In S. Romanovsky and T. Vardanega, editors, 16th International Conference on Reliable Software technologies -- Ada-Europe 2011, volume 6652. Springer, June 2011.A. Wellings and A. Burns. Interrupts, Timing Events and Dispatching Domains. Ada Letters, This issue, 2015.A. J. Wellings and A. Burns. A Framework for Real-Time Utilities for Ada 2005. Ada Letters, XXVII(2), August 2007

    Effect of Vinyl Flooring on the Modal Properties of a Steel Footbridge

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    Damping ratios associated with non structural elements play an important role in mitigating the pedestrian-induced vibrations of slender footbridges. In particular, this paper analyses the effect of vinyl flooring on the modal parameters of steel footbridges. Motivated by the unexpected high experimental damping ratios of the first vibration modes of a real footbridge, whose deck was covered by a vinyl flooring, this paper aims at assessing more accurately the experimental damping ratios generated by this non-structural element on steel footbridges. For this purpose, a laboratory footbridge was built and vinyl flooring was installed on it. Its numerical and experimental modal parameters without and with the vinyl flooring were determined. The operational modal analysis method was used to estimate experimentally the modal parameters of the structure. The damping ratios associated with the vinyl flooring were obtained via the substraction between the experimental damping ratios of the laboratory footbridge with and without the vinyl flooring. An average increase of the damping ratios of 2.069% was observed due to the vinyl flooring installed. According to this result, this type of pavement may be a useful tool to significantly increase the damping ratios of steel footbridges in order to reduce pedestrian-induced vibrationsMinisterio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad DPI2014-53947-RFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional DPI2014-53947-

    Study and Characterization of Special Gypsum-Based Pastes for Their Use as a Replacement Material in Architectural Restoration and Construction

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    Within the construction sector, the use of gypsum-based pastes features in the majority of monuments, giving this material significant relevance in conservation and restoration projects affecting the world’s cultural heritage. In this research, we evaluated special gypsum-based colored pastes mixed with air lime, hydraulic lime and sodium silicate, and eight different pigments for their use as replacement materials in architectural restoration and construction. We analyzed the suitability of their physical and chemical properties and their hydric characteristics, mechanics and colorimetric implications in two different studies after 28 days and 120 days. The characterization of the products has mainly confirmed the suitability of the pastes containing pigments for use in the most common applications for these kinds of mixes, highlighting that their specific capacities are worth leveraging. The crystallization of gypsum minerals, observed in all of the mixes, helps to consolidate the shrinkage cracks which appear inside the pastes, improving their mechanical strength values. Another observation of the pastes is related to the amorphous silica precipitates in the mixes which contained sodium silicate: the latter provided to them good mechanical behavior. The improvement observed in the pastes containing the green earth pigment is substantial, due to the inclusion of aluminum silicates and Mg, which is partly responsible for the increased compressive strength of the pastes. Finally, the colorimetric analysis is of vital importance in determining the loss of intensity of the colors of the pastes used, since subjective observation leads to serious errors of interpretation.REMINE Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions WARMEST H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange)Junta de Andalucia RNM 0179 HUM 62

    Characterization and chromatic evaluation of gypsum-based pastes for construction and heritage restoration

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    The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and efforts towards improving our manuscript.This work was supported by the REMINE Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions and RRRMAKER H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange and was carried out under the auspices of Research Groups RNM 0179 and HUM 629 of the Junta de Andalucia. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUAThis research evaluates the chromatic behavior of gypsum-based pastes containing added pigments which enable their use in both new construction projects as well as in restoration interventions for built heritage. Furthermore, the impact of adding pigments to the aforementioned material after twenty-eight and ninety days has also been studied. This was confirmed by carrying out compositional, mineralogical and physical studies of the raw materials and the pastes. The results indicate that all of the pastes studied have suitable mechanical strength values for the type of pastes studied, thereby confirming their suitability for on-site use based on their characteristics and behavior. Colorimetric analysis showed color variations that were clearly perceptible to the human eye, related to increases in luminosity which significantly exceeded 100%, and also to saturation losses featuring percentage variations of more than 100% on assessment after ninety days. This colorimetric analysis by means of quantitative spectrophotometry is of vital importance when determining the loss of color intensity of the pastes used, since subjective observation results in serious errors of interpretation. This type of study reflects the use of instrumental color measurements for this type of materials and mixtures.REMINE Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie ActionsRRRMAKER H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff ExchangeJunta de Andalucia RNM 0179 HUM 629Universidad de Granada/CBU
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