35 research outputs found

    Dark side of the fence: ornamental plants as a source of wild-growing flora in the Czech Republic

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    Ornamental plants constitute an important source of alien, and potentially invasive species, but also include a substantial part of native flora and consist of taxa that occur both in the wild and in cultivation; yet garden floras are largely ignored in ecological studies.We studied ornamental plants in the Czech Republic in order to provide detailed information, based on field sampling, on the diversity of taxa grown in cultivation in private gardens. Sampling was done in accessible public areas, private gardens and private areas in villages, town- and city neighbourhoods, garden allotments, cemeteries, areas of dispersed farmhouse settlements not accessible to the public, and in new urban sprawl. The data can be used to estimate the propagule pressure of individual taxa, measured in terms of the frequency with which they are planted in the gardens. To make the data comparable across sites, we adopted a two-level approach that resulted in producing a detailed list (including all the taxa recorded) and an aggregated list (merging closely related and similar taxa, which was necessary in order to assess the frequency of planting across sites). Each species on the detailed list was assigned an origin, status, life history and cultivation requirements. Comparing the field records with national checklists of both native and alien vascular plants we quantified particular components of the ornamental flora. The floristic inventories for 174 sites yielded 1842 taxa on the detailed list, consisting of 1642 species (standard binomials), 9 cultivars assigned to genera, 147 hybrids and hybridogenous taxa, and 44 taxa identified at higher than species level. Of these taxa 1417 (76.9%) were alien and 420 (22.8%) native. The ornamental flora consisted of not-escaping aliens, escaping aliens and cultivated natives. Of the recorded taxa, 841 (45.6%) occur both in cultivation and the wild. The aggregated list comprised 1514 taxa and resulted from merging 533 taxa from the detailed list into 205 taxa. Most alien ornamentals are native to Asia and Americas. The proportion of escaped and not-escaping aliens significantly differed from wild aliens in the spontaneous flora with underrepresentation of escaped, which originated from Australia, Africa and the Mediterranean area. Taxa from Africa and anecophytes were overrepresented and those from Australia, the Mediterranean and other parts of Europe underrepresented among not escaping aliens. The assessment of planting frequency revealed that 270 taxa were found at more than 25% of the sites, while 584 (40%) occurred at only one or two sites.Winter annuals and shrubs are most represented among the commonly planted aliens; the only native species with comparably high planting frequencies among the aliens, are Vinca minor, Hedera helix and Aquilegia vulgaris. Related to the invasion potential of ornamental garden flora we analysed the recorded taxa with respect to the transient/persistent character of their occurrence. The core (persistent) part of the flora comprised 599 taxa (32% of the total number of taxa) and the transient 240 (13%) taxa. The “grey zone” between the two included 1003 taxa (55%). The results reported here provide quantitative insights into the role of horticulture as a major pathway of plant invasions

    Impacts of native and alien plant dominants at different spatial scales

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    Plant invasion science has made a substantial progress in documenting the impacts of aliens, but comparisons with the impacts of native dominants are still rare. Further, the impacts on larger spatial scales remain poorly understood. We recorded the impacts of 10 native and nine invasive dominant plants in the Czech Republic on species richness and Shannon diversity by comparing communities with high vs. low cover of the dominant species. To estimate the impacts at the (i) population level and (ii) between-population level, we compared the Jaccard dissimilarity, nestedness and turnover of high- and low-dominance plots. Further, we calculated the Jaccard dissimilarity, nestedness and turnover between the high- and low-dominance plots within each population to express the impacts on species composition. We tested whether (i) native and invasive dominants affect the population- and between population levels of diversity by making the vegetation more homogenous; (ii) whether these effects differ between the native and alien dominants; and (iii) whether the impacts at different spatial levels are related. At the population level, high-dominance plots (with both native and alien dominants) showed higher nestedness and lower turnover compared to the low-dominance plots. Further, all plots with native dominants, both with high- and low dominance, showed higher similarity but lower nestedness than plots with alien dominants. Most importantly, high-dominance plots with native dominants were more similar to each other but showed marginally significantly lower nestedness compared to high-dominance plots with alien dominants. At the between-population level, high-dominance plots with native dominants showed a marginally significantly lower turnover compared to high-dominance plots with alien dominants. The differences in Jaccard dissimilarity, nestedness and turnover between the low- and high-dominance plots at the population level showed strong positive relations to low- and high-dominance differences at the between-populations level. Further, compositional impacts, expressed as the dissimilarity between high- vs. low-dominance plots, positively related to the plot-level impacts on Shannon diversity. Our results show that (i) both native and invasive dominants tend to reduce the diversity over larger areas and that the effect of native dominants may be even stronger, and (ii) the effects on plot-level richness and diversity cannot be easily extrapolated to larger scales but the impacts at the population- and between-populations levels are positively related

    Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (2nd edition): checklist update, taxonomic diversity and invasion patterns

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    A complete list of all alien taxa ever recorded in the flora of the Czech Republic is presented as an update of the original checklist published in 2002. New data accumulated in the last decade are incorporated and the listing and status of some taxa are reassessed based on improved knowledge. Alien flora of the Czech Republic consists of 1454 taxa listed with information on their taxonomic position, life history, geographic origin (or mode of origin, distinguishing anecophyte and hybrid), invasive status (casual; naturalized but not invasive; invasive), residence time status (archaeophyte vs neophyte), mode of introduction into the country (accidental, deliberate), and date of the first record. Additional information on species performance that was not part of the previous catalogue, i.e. on the width of species’ habitat niches, their dominance in invaded communities, and impact, is provided. The Czech alien flora consists of 350 (24.1%) archaeophytes and 1104 (75.9%) neophytes. The increase in the total number of taxa compared to the previous catalogue (1378) is due to addition of 151 taxa and removal of 75 (39 archaeophytes and 36 neophytes), important part of the latter being the reclassification of 41 taxa as native, mostly based on archaeobotanical evidence. The additions represent taxa newly recorded since 2002 and reported in the national literature; taxa resulting from investigation of sources omitted while preparing the previous catalogue; redetermination of previously reported taxa; reassessment of some taxa traditionally considered native for which the evidence suggests the opposite; and inclusion of intraspecific taxa previously not recognized in the flora. There are 44 taxa on the list that are reported in the present study for the first time as aliens introduced to the Czech Republic or escaped from cultivation.Práce přináší úplný seznam nepůvodních taxonů zaznamenaných na území České republiky; je aktualizací a doplněním předchozího seznamu publikovaného v roce 2002. Zahrnuje nové údaje shromážděné za poslední desetiletí a přehodnocuje zařazení a status některých druhů, vyplývající z rozvoje taxonomického poznání. Nepůvodní flóra České republiky zahrnuje 1454 taxonů, které jsou uvedeny v Apendixu 2 s informacemi o taxonomické příslušnosti, životní formě, oblasti původu, invazním statusu (zda jde o druh přechodně zavlečený, naturalizovaný avšak neinvazní, nebo invazní), charakteru výskytu v krajině, době zavlečení (archeofyt nebo neofyt), způsobu introdukce do země a u neofytů o datu prvního nálezu. Oproti původnímu katalogu je uveden počet typů biotopů, ve kterých se druh vyskytuje, pokryvnost v rostlinných společenstvech a impakt. Podíl zavlečených druhů v české flóře je značný: tvoří jej 350 (24,1%) archeofytů a 1104 (75.9%) neofytů. Nárůst počtu taxonů oproti původnímu katalogu, který uváděl 1378 taxonů, vyplývá z toho, že bylo přidáno 151 taxonů. Celkem 75 (39 archeofytů a 36 neofytů) bylo naproti tomu vypuštěno; značná část tohoto počtu jde na vrub přeřazení 41 taxonů mezi původní druhy, a to vesměs na základě archeobotanických dokladů. Přírůstky na seznamu představují taxony nově objevené a uvedené v botanické literatuře od roku 2002, taxony zařazené na základě excerpce dříve opominutých zdrojů či revize zdrojů použitých, nebo přehodnocení statusu některých taxonů tradičně považovaných za původní. Vněkterých případech jde o infraspecifické taxony, které nebyly dříve v české flóře rozeznávány. Seznam obsahuje 44 taxonů, které jsou uváděny pro Českou republiku poprvé jako zavlečené, nebo pro něž je podán první důkaz o jejich zplaňování

    The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and applications

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    Question When evaluating forests in terms of their biodiversity, distinctiveness and naturalness, the affinity of the constituent species to forests is a crucial parameter. Here we ask to what extent are vascular plant species associated with forests, and does species’ affinity to forests vary between European regions? Location Temperate and boreal forest biome of Northwestern and Central Europe. Methods We compiled EuForPlant, a new extensive list of forest vascular plant species in 24 regions spread across 13 European countries using vegetation databases and expert knowledge. Species were region-specifically classified into four categories reflecting the degree of their affinity to forest habitats: 1.1, species of forest interiors; 1.2, species of forest edges and forest openings; 2.1, species that can be found in forest as well as open vegetation; and 2.2, species that can be found partly in forest, but mainly in open vegetation. An additional “O” category was distinguished, covering species typical for non-forest vegetation. Results EuForPlant comprises 1,726 species, including 1,437 herb-layer species, 159 shrubs, 107 trees, 19 lianas and 4 epiphytic parasites. Across regions, generalist forest species (with 450 and 777 species classified as 2.1 and 2.2, respectively) significantly outnumbered specialist forest species (with 250 and 137 species classified as 1.1 and 1.2, respectively). Even though the degree of shifting between the categories of forest affinity among regions was relatively low (on average, 17.5%), about one-third of the forest species (especially 1.2 and 2.2) swapped categories in at least one of the study regions. Conclusions The proposed list can be used widely in vegetation science and global change ecology related to forest biodiversity and community dynamics. Shifting of forest affinity among regions emphasizes the importance of a continental-scale forest plant species list with regional specificity.publishedVersio

    Management of native and alien plants in garden monuments

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    The work covers garden monuments in context of spontaneous nature and the occurrence of non-native plant species. We present the management approaches for selected groups of invasive species. The text was written in the context of fields other than monument care and ecology and nature conservatioin. We offer not a simplified methodological guide with a prepared solution of standard situations. We prefer to formulate the text at a greater distance and show the problems themselves, we offer a way to think about them. The approaches are accompanied with examples. In the text, we show local solutions using case studies

    Duše krajiny

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    Town for nature, nature for people

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    Qualities of abandoned parts of urban nature and their chance to be protected and converted to accessible public space are analysed

    Environmental risks of afforestation of agricultural land by alien trees: the invasive black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) as a model species

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    Short-lived plantations for renewable bioenergy production are currently fashionable. Poplars and willows are usually used for this purpose, however other species including dangerous invasive (e.g. Robinia pseudoacacia or Ailantus altissima) are tested in the Czech Republic. Current legislation both within the EU and on the national level deals with the species selection suitable for short-lived plantations only marginally. Black locust as well as other invasive species with similar life strategy can not be recommended for afforestation of agricultural land in the Czech Republic

    Towards site-specific management of invasive alien trees based on the assessment of their impacts: the case of Robinia pseudoacacia

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    Robinia pseudoacacia L. (black locust) is a North American tree, considered controversial because of the conflict between multiple uses by humans and negative environmental impacts, which have resulted in it being listed among the most invasive species in Europe. The current management of Robinia stands in Central Europe varies locally according to national legislation, preferring either socio-economic benefits or biodiversity impacts. We collected field data from our target region of Czechia, reviewed research articles including local grey literature mostly from Central and Southern Europe, unpublished results of local projects and inquired relevant specialists. Because Robinia grows in habitats ranging from urban to forest to natural grassland, neither unrestricted cultivation nor large-scale eradication is applicable as a universal practice. In this paper we suggest a complex management strategy for Robinia stands that takes into account habitat, this species’ local ability to spread, as well as economic, cultural and biodiversity aspects. We categorized Robinia stands growing in Europe into eight groups and proposed stratified approach to the management based on decisions that reflect local context. Depending on that, the management includes (i) establishment of new plantations, (ii) maintenance or utilization of existing stands, (iii) tolerance and (iv) conversion to original vegetation. Our complex management strategy will provide a comprehensive guideline for the management of alien trees in Europe

    Composition patterns of ornamental flora in the Czech Republic

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    Ornamental plants are an important component of urban floras and a significant source of alien plant invasions to the surrounding landscapes. We studied ornamental flora across 174 settlements in the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The aims of the study were to (i) identify clusters of sites that are defined as distinctive groups of ornamental taxa reflecting environmental or socioeconomic factors and (ii) apply the classification approach which is traditionally used for spontaneous vegetation in order to evaluate the potential of different settlement types to act as source sites of invasive species. The inventories were classified in a similar manner that is generally applied to spontaneous vegetation using the COCKTAIL method. Diagnostic taxa were classified in a repeatable manner into 17 species groups, forming five distinctive clusters with ~70% of sites attributed to one cluster. The species pools of the clusters differed in their representation of species with native or alien status and different life forms. The following clusters were distinguished, based on the prevailing type of settlement: (1) old villas neighbourhoods of towns, (2) upland settlements, (3) modern neighbourhoods, (4) old rustic settlements and (5) modern rustic settlements. Similar to spontaneous vegetation, the classification of ornamental flora reflects both basic natural gradients (i.e. altitude) and man-made factors (i.e. the preferences for certain plants and associated management practices). Alien taxa associated with modern neighbourhoods are characterised by a relatively higher invasion potential than those from, for example, old rustic settlements. This is especially true for woody species which can spread in ruderal habitats as a result of urban sprawl. Our results showed that the classification method, commonly used to analyse vegetation data, can also be applied to ornamental flora