139 research outputs found

    Fatty acids in the blubber of minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) -stratification and relation to diets

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    The fatty acid (FA) composition of 37 minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) from 4 different areas, Spitsbergen, Bjørnøya, Vesterålen and the North Sea was determined. Stratification between inner, middle and outer blubber was present. Most saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) with 20 and 22 carbon atoms had a higher relative amount in the inner blubber while short-chain MUFAs with 14, 16, 17 and 18 carbon atoms had a higher amount in the outer blubber. Whales from the different areas had a different fatty acid composition in inner blubber layer, but a more similar FA composition in outer blubber layer. The inner blubber layer were found different from all potential prey species, even though prey species from expected and observed diets were found with most similar fatty acid composition as the inner blubber layer. Fatty Acid Trophic Markers (FATMs) indicating the copepod Calanus sp. based food-webs, were found in high relative numbers with all whale samples from all areas, FATMS indicating diatoms were found with Spitsbergen/Bjørnøya samples, and FATMs indicating dinoflagellates were found with samples from Vesterålen and the North Sea. FA profiles have the potential in bio monitoring minke whale diet, but more study of the influence of metabolism in FA incorporation of blubber are needed

    Evidence for energy dependent interaction in one-particle transfer reactions between heavy ions

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    Abstract The recently measured proton stripping cross sections in the collision 16 O+ 208 Pb at 793 MeV [M.C. Mermaz et al., Z. Phys. A 326 (1987) 353] is analyzed in the semiclassical approximation. Taking into account an energy dependence in the interaction, consistent with the proton scattering data, an accurate description of the absolute cross sections is obtained

    An optimized field coverage planning approach for navigation of agricultural robots in fields involving obstacle areas

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    Technological advances combined with the demand of cost efficiency and environmental considerations has led farmers to review their practices towards the adoption of new managerial approaches, including enhanced automation. The application of field robots is one of the most promising advances among automation technologies. Since the primary goal of an agricultural vehicle is the complete coverage of the cropped area within a field, an essential prerequisite is the capability of the mobile unit to cover the whole field area autonomously. In this paper, the main objective is to develop an approach for coverage planning for agricultural operations involving the presence of obstacle areas within the field area. The developed approach involves a series of stages including the generation of field‐work tracks in the field polygon, the clustering of the tracks into blocks taking into account the in‐field obstacle areas, the headland paths generation for the field and each obstacle area, the implementation of a genetic algorithm to optimize the sequence that the field robot vehicle will follow to visit the blocks and an algorithmic generation of the task sequences derived from the farmer practices. This approach has proven that it is possible to capture the practices of farmers and embed these practices in an algorithmic description providing a complete field area coverage plan in a form prepared for execution by the navigation system of a field robot

    Dynamic Career Models and Inequality Research: A Reexamination of the Sørensen Model

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    This article presents a reexamination of the Sørensen model. This model derives the pattern of individual careers from structural considerations. If longitudinal data on individual careers are available, Sørensen's model provides two methods to infer the underlying structural parameter. This structural parameter gives a useful measure for unequal career chances. An implementation of these methods, using firm data, shows, however, that they lead to contradictory conclusions; this is shown to be the result of some unrealistic assumptions Sørensen uses in his derivation. Some more realistic assumptions are suggested that produce reasonable results. Finally, it is shown that despite these modifications, the main conclusions of the Sørensen model are preserved. This seems to be promising for future work with this model

    Køn og seksualitet som emne i historie?

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    Opfattelser og spørgsmål, der knytter sig til køn og seksualitet, er væsentlige for hver enkelt af os og for samfundet som sådan. Forståelser af og holdninger til dette emne er påvirket af de samfundsmæssige og kulturelle forandringer, der er sket i tidens løb. Dette giver artiklen eksempler på. Den begrunder også, hvorfor aspekter og problemstillinger om køn og seksualitet er et relevant emne i historieundervisningen. Til sidst præsenteres det problemorienterede kildebaserede forløb ”Kærlighed, køn og seksualitet”, der er tilgængelig i HistorieLabs kildebank

    Foundation of the East Bridge

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    A Method to Quantify the Detailed Risk of Serious Injury in Agricultural Production

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    Agricultural injuries are a valuable social sustainability indicator. However, current methods use sector-scale production data, so are unable to assess the impact of changes in individual farming practices. Here, we developed a method that adopts a life cycle approach to quantify the number of serious injuries during agricultural production processes and assess the potential impact of changes in agricultural practices. The method disaggregates agricultural production into operations and estimates the contribution each operation makes to the frequency of different types of injuries. The method was tested using data collected by survey during an expert workshop in which sixteen participants were asked to estimate the parameters related to typical dairy cattle and pig farms. Parameter estimates for specific operations varied considerably between participants, so normalized values were used to disaggregate sector-scale statistics to production operations. The results were in general agreement with the results from other studies. Participants found it challenging to quantify the potential effect of new technologies. Provided suitable empirical statistical data are available, the method can be used to quantify the risk of injury associated with individual products and provide an ex-ante assessment of future developments in farming practices