99 research outputs found

    Application of Machine Learning in Malaysia Sign Language Translation

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    Sign language serves as a vital form of communication for individuals with hearing impairments, enabling seamless interaction among those who cannot hear. It is a widely used means of communication worldwide, facilitating communication within the deaf community. In Malaysia, Malaysian Sign Language (MySL) prevails as the primary sign language employed by the deaf community. However, sign languages possess unique grammatical rules and structures, making them unfamiliar to hearing individuals, leading to potential misunderstandings and communication barriers. This project aimed at developing a sign language translator capable of translating 24 alphabets based on hand gestures. The system employs a dataset of sign language alphabet images, gathered and trained using the Teachable Machine. To evaluate the translator's performance, response time is thoroughly analyzed. The results indicate that 18 out of the 24 alphabets can be recognized within 5 seconds, displaying promising accuracy. By bridging the communication gap between deaf and hearing individuals, the findings of this study hold substantial potential to enhance interactions and foster better understanding between these two communities. The sign language translator represents a significant step towards inclusive communication and improved accessibility for individuals with hearing impairment

    Passengers’ Perceptions on Effectiveness of Public Facilities in Hasanuddin International Airport Terminal Based on Ordered Logit Model

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    The present study attempts to grasp the effectiveness of the public facilities such as waiting rooms, lounge, and cafe in Hasanuddin International Airport terminal, in Makassar City, Indonesia regarding the preferences of the airport passengers. This study collected the passenger's preferences data through an interview survey approach which using a questionnaire sheet instrument. The inquiry involves individual characteristics and travel attributes of passengers. The study used an ordered logit model in analyzing the passenger's preferences. The analysis results show that there are some significant variables which influence the traveler's preferences in the assessment of the effectiveness of the public facilities in the airport. The relevant variables involve airlines, trip frequency, the time interval between arrival time and boarding time, and the place of waiting for boarding time. The passenger's preferences analyzing described that the public facilities at Hasanuddin International Airport are sufficient enough

    Assessment of Road Network Connectivity in Support of New Capital Development

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    The shifting of the capital of Indonesia from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, or East Borneo, is underway. There are certain to be new issues that arise as a result of this migration. The state of the nation's current transportation infrastructure is one of the most prominent right now. The new capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is situated in the midst of a jungle. For this reason, the road network should be established before, or at least concurrently with, the IKN construction. It is critical to understand the direction of future growth in the IKN region before developing a road network architecture. Potential partner locations might potentially benefit from enhanced access and connection to the existing road network in this situation as well. To ensure that the IKN is able to work properly and link additional nodes, many partner area points are being considered. A literature review, a focus group discussion, and in-depth interviews were conducted to come up with a development plan for IKN partner regions and highlight areas of special concern. It was also determined if the addition of a new node had a positive impact by utilizing a connection matrix and the accessibility index. Most linkages are found at five of the 26 nodes in the complete connectivity matrix of national highways around IKN in East Kalimantan. Node 3 and Node 7 are the most accessible and easy-to-access component nodes of the road network, compared to other nodes. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-10-011 Full Text: PD

    Factors Forming Community Resilience Affected By Floods

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    This research article uses descriptive-qualitative research to describe and analyze factors forming community resilience affected by floods. The determination of informants is determined deliberately on flood-affected communities using criteria according to the purpose of the study. Primary data were obtained from in-depth observations and interviews, while secondary data were obtained from library sources and relevant data. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation, while the data were analyzed using descriptive-qualitative analysis through several stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study show that factors forming the resilience of the community to flood disasters are: (1) Value factors that have existed in the community for many years in the flooded land, namely mutual assistance; (2) Economic factors, finding alternative jobs or coping strategies by flood-affected communities; (3) Social factors, namely knowledge and skills to adapt to flood disasters through non-formal training and counselling on disaster and disaster mitigation from their experience or obtained through social media and mass media, such as television and radio; (4) Institutional factors, namely socialization of early flood warning, socialization of flood disaster mitigation, appeals for the prohibition of throwing garbage in rivers and essential food assistance before and during the occurrence of flood by the relevant government; and (5) Infrastructure factors that include the construction of facilities and infrastructure such as river dredging, drainage construction, and river cliff protection walls. Keywords: resilience, community, flood, disaster, affecte

    Pembentukan Karakter Anak melalui Sosialisasi Penggunaan Gadget dan Pergaulan yang Baik

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    Pembentukan karakter anak dalam istilah bahwa pembentukan itu sebuah proses atau usaha dan kegiatan yang dilakukan secara berdaya guna untuk memperoleh kehidupan yang baik,menyempurnakan diri atau mendidik anak kearah yang lebih baik. Tidak membuat anak menjadi nakal maka dalam hal ini bahwa diketahui peran orang tua paling utama yang sangat diperlukan dalam mendidik anak menjadi berkarakter baik, sopan santun, dan tidak melanggar batasan dari pergaulan bersama teman seumuran. Semakin majunya zaman maka bisa merusak pola pikir anak. karena bisa dikatakan bahwa gadget atau handphone genggam bisa merusak mental anak. Sebagai contoh, menonton tontonan yang tidak boleh ditonton untuk anak dibawah umur dapat membuat psikis anak terganggu. Anak bisa saja menirukan apa yang ada dilihat anak tersebut entah hal itu baik ataupun buruk. Maka penting bagi orang tua dalam mengawasi anak dalam pemakaian handphone/gadget yang baik bagi anak

    Aqueous phase reforming of sorbitol over sonosynthesized ca-doped ni supported on al2o3 and tio2 for production of value added chemicals

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    Production of value added chemicals derived from renewable carbohydrate such as sorbitol through the aqueous phase reforming is a promising technology. Aqueous phase reforming for industrial without highly effective and efficient catalyst in term of its operational lifetime and catalytic activity. Supported nickel catalyst has been identified have good selectivity of alcohols for aqueous phase reforming of sorbitol, and support such as Al2O3 and TiO2 has been identified as support which has good surface area and active sites. In this work, the effect of introducing the varying percentage of Ca (0%, 0.5%, 3% and 5%) as promoter onto 10% Ni supported on two potential catalyst support, TiO2 and Al2O3 have been investigated. The catalysts are prepared via the sonochemical method, where the catalysts are synthesized under ultrasonic irradiation for 45 minutes using ultrasonic probe at 90W using methods by Abdollahifar, et al. [1], where sonochemical method has discovered to enhance the dispersion of particles, improve surface area and increase the performance. The sonosynthesized catalysts were then subjected for characterization by using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Xray Powder Diffractometer (XRD


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    Evaluasi pembelajaran pada dasarnya dilakukan untuk menilai hasil belajar peserta didik, sehingga dalam evaluasi dilakukan penilaian atau pengukuran terhadap kemampuan peserta didik. Dalam mengevaluasi ada banyak teknik yang dapat dipilih dan dilakukan oleh guru. Prosedur evaluasi adalah langkah-langkah evaluasi yang harus dilakukan seorang evaluator dalam melakukan evaluasi pembalajaran. Tentu tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa banyak pandangan berkaitan dengan prosedur kegiatan evaluasi, prosedur yang harus diikuti evaluator meliputi perencanaan evaluasi, monitoring pelaksanaan evaluasi, pelaporan hasil evaluasi, dan pemanfaatan hasil evaluas

    Heat transfer performance of multiple holes impingement cooling technique

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    This research presents the possibility of the jet impingement cooling technique configuration for stator of turbine blade under the transient heat transfer condition. The main goal of this study is to investigate the impingement cooling plate holes configura tion and Reynolds number (Re) effect on the heat transfer which can be observed from the color play of the thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC). The fin dings proved that with the present of the small holes in between the main larger holes capable to enhance the heat transfer across the target surface. However, some criteria of the design need to be taken into count as it may produce different heat transfer performan ce of the impingement cooling technique. Therefore, in the range of predetermined design parameters, only several combinations that prevailed to achieve maximum heat transfer across the target plate

    Preliminary results of electrical characterization of GO towards MCF7 and MCF10a at different concentrations

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    GO is the 2D carbon sheet with additional functional groups, is more stable in various solvents, easy to be produced and manipulated especially in biological system. At the moment, GO is only utilized as the drug delivery agent during treatment. In this study, the resistivity of GO towards breast cancer cell (MCF7) and normal breast cell (MCF10a) using interdigitated electrodes (IDE) were investigated. The interaction of different concentrations of GO as the sensing material on the tested cells which act as analyte can change electrical response. The tested cell were treated with six different concentrations of GO and was dropped to the IDE with different period of time in order to examine electrical behavior. For MCF10a, at high concentration the resistances of MCF10 remain in the same order of magnitude with increasing time of detection while for MCF7 at high concentration, the resistances were greatly influenced by the time of detection where the value significantly changed after 5 minutes and 10 minutes. The number of viable cell does not give effect to the resistance