1,013 research outputs found

    A study on Attitude and Intention Towards Internet Banking With Reference to Malaysian Consumers in Klang Valley Region

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    The development of online banking technology revolution in recent years, and speed of this development is extremely rapid. Online banking technology also spreads widely and influences deeply not only economic activities of business, households and governments but also various areas of people’s daily life. With the liberalization and internalization of financial markets, in terms of the entrance of the World Trade Organization, banks in Malaysia face pressures in service quality and administrative efficiency. Predicting customers\u27 intention towards Internet banking is an important issue. Internet banking is a new type of information system that uses the innovative resources of the Internet to enable customers to effect financial activities in virtual space. The adoption rate of Internet Banking was estimated by analogy to adoption pattern. This study explores the factors contributing to the adoption of Internet banking in Malaysia. The technology acceptance model was used to study attitude and intention towards Internet banking. Perceived easy of use, Perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment are the three factors which influence the attitude and intention towards using Internet banking. The model we developed proposed that online banking acceptance can be modeled with the variables derived from the TAM (PU and PEOU) and perceived enjoyment (PE). Perceived enjoyment is considered as the major factor for attitude and intention. Implications for banking practitioners as well as directions for future research are discussed

    An Asset-Based Analysis of Supply Chain Quality Management to the Collision of Information Technology

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    The target of this paper expands upon earlier research, to give some new points of view in clarifying how Information Technology (IT) can make a maintained competitive advantage (MCA) and supply chain quality management (SCQM) capacities for the firm. The outcome demonstrates that the vast majority of IT assets are emphatically related with SCQM capacities and firm execution. Particularly, the outside-in and crossing assets will probably accomplish better supply chain quality capacities and give a MCA to firm execution.Keywords-Asset-Based analysis, Information Technology (IT), maintained competitive advantage (MCA), supply chain quality management (SCQM).Keywords-Asset-Based analysis, Information Technology (IT), maintained competitive advantage (MCA), supply chain quality management (SCQM)

    Synthesis, Antimicrobial and Antitubercular Activities of Some Novel Trihydroxy Benzamido Azetidin-2-one Derivatives

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    Purpose: To synthesize and characterize novel trihydroxy benzamido azetidin-2-one derivatives and screen them for antimicrobial and antitubercular activities.Methods: A series of novel 4-aryl-3-chloro-N-(3,4,5-trihydroxy benzamido)-2-azetidinones, 3a-o, were synthesized by reacting various Schiff bases of galloyl hydrazide, 2a-o, with chloroacetyl chloride in thepresence of dioxan and triethylamine. Schiff bases of galloyl hydrazide, 2a-o, were synthesized from galloyl hydrazide. The newly synthesized compounds were characterized by infrared spectroscopy (IR),mass spectroscopy (MS) and proton nuclear magnetic spectroscopy (1H NMR) and elemental analysis; they were also screened for in vitro antibacterial, antifungal and antitubercular activities. Ciprofloxacinand ketoconazole were used as reference standards for antibacterial and antifungal activities, respectively, while isoniazid was used as reference standard for antitubercular activity.Results: Compounds 3f, 3g and 3o with chlorophenyl group and compound 3k with 4-dimethyl amino phenyl group exhibited good antimicrobial activity. Also, compounds 3f, 3g, 3k and 3o showed antitubercular activity with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values equivalent to the standard drug (isoniazid). MIC values of 3f, 3g, 3k and 3o were 0.76, and 0.83 ìg/ml, respectively, while the MIC of isoniazid was 0.56.Conclusion: We report the successful synthesis, spectral characterization, as well as in vitro antimicrobial and antitubercular evaluation of a series of novel trihydroxy benzamido azetidin-2-one derivatives. The work shows the emergence of new antimicrobial and antitubercular compounds

    Speculation of Orthogonal FDM with Index Modulation for High End Signals for Real Time Signal Transmission

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    IN RECENT YEARS, multicarrier transmission has turned into an alluring method in numerous remote measures to take care of the expanding demand for high information rate correspondence frameworks. A standout amongst the most mainstream multicarrier procedures, orthogonal recurrence division multiplexing (OF-DM), has formed into a generally utilized plan for wideband computerized correspondence. The real preferred standpoint OF-DM over single-transporter plans is its capacity to adapt to recurrence particular blurring channel with just a single tap equalizer. Many endeavors to additionally enhance the traditional OF-DM framework have been made. Spatial Modulation a strategy initially executed in numerous information different yield (MI-MO) transmissions, is a standout amongst the most encouraging methods. In the Spatial Modulation plot, other than the abundancy/stage adjustments, the data may likewise be brought through the radio wire lists. By treating the subcarrier lists of an OF-DM framework as the recieving wire records in a MI-MO framework, Spatial Modulation has been effectively connected to OF-DM. In any case, the plan is by all accounts illogical in light of the fact that an immaculate nourish forward from the transmitter to the recipient should be accepted. Just in that way will the recipient know the mapping technique for the subcarrier record choosing bits. This sustain forward necessity from the transmitter to the beneficiary has later been expelled in [18], where an improved subcarrier record adjustment OF-DM (ESIM-OF-DM) was proposed. Tragically, to accomplish an indistinguishable phantom proficiency from that of established OF-DM, this plan needs to receive higher request tweaks.

    Reversible Data Hiding scheme using modified Histogram Shifting in Encrypted Images for Bio-medical images

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    Existing Least Significant Bit (LSB) steganography system is less robust and the stego-images can be corrupted easily by attackers. To overcome these problems Reversible data hiding (RDH) techniques are used. RDH is an efficient way of embedding confidential message into a cover image. Histogram expansion and histogram shifting are effective techniques in reversible data hiding. The embedded message and cover images can be extracted without any distortion. The proposed system focuses on implementation of RDH techniques for hiding data in encrypted bio-medical images without any loss. In the proposed techniques the bio-medical data are embedded into cover images by reversible data hiding technique. Histogram expansion and histogram shifting have been used to extract cover image and bio- medical data. Each pixel is encrypted by public key of Paillier cryptosystem algorithm. The homomorphic multiplication is used to expand the histogram of the image in encrypted domain. The histogram shifting is done based on the homomorphic addition and adjacent pixel difference in the encrypted domain. The message is embedded into the host image pixel difference. On receiving encrypted image with additional data, the receiver using his private key performs decryption. As a result, due to histogram expansion and histogram shifting embedded message and the host image can be recovered perfectly. The embedding rate is increased in host image than in existing scheme due to adjacency pixel difference

    A study on the efficacy and adverse effects of methotrexate in psoriasis patients in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Psoriasis is a common, chronic and recurrent inflammatory disease of the skin. Methotrexate has been used in patient with psoriasis, a folic acid antagonist interfering with purine pathway and the mechanism of action in psoriasis is immune modulation and anti-inflammation. So, this study aims at monitoring the efficacy and adverse effects of methotrexate in south Indian patients with psoriasis attending a tertiary care hospital.Methods: It is a prospective, observational study conducted for a period of one year in subjects of either sex having psoriasis. Methotrexate was initiated in a single weekly oral dose of 5mg to 25mg. The efficacy was evaluated using psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) score in all patients before starting methotrexate therapy and the end of first month, third month and sixth month of therapy. Adverse reaction was monitored.Results: All 40 psoriasis patients after treatment with methotrexate therapy showed improved  skin lesions by falling PASI scoring at the end of first, third and sixth month of treatment. None of the patients in our study had pulmonary toxicity, life threatening adverse effects which required hospitalization.Conclusions: Use of methotrexate in the treatment of psoriasis in this study was found to be safe and highly efficacious and caused minimal adverse effects and it was well tolerated

    Interpretation of genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis for grain yield of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.)

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    Fourteen pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) genotypes were evaluated for their yield performance at two locations during kharif season of 2009-10 and 2010-11. A significant genotypic difference for yield character was observed. Highly significant genotype–environment interaction indicated differential response of the genotypes to the environmental changes. The stability analysis showed significance of linear component of variation for grain yield. The genotypes TJT-501 (1728.667Kg/Ha) and GRG-2009-3 (1570.000 Kg/Ha) exhibited low meanperformance along with regression value nearer to unity (bi=1) and non significant deviation from regression (S2 di=0) indicating, the high stability and wider adaptability across the different environments. The genotype ICPH-2671 (3134.833 Kg/Ha) exhibited highest mean value and regression value (bi>1) and non significant deviation (S2 di < 0). But genotypes JKM-197 (3072.667 Kg/ha), GRG-2009 (29993.167 Kg/ha), TS-3R (2823.333 Kg / Ha) and ICP-8863 (2740.417 Kg/Ha) exhibited high mean performance but higher regression value (bi>1) and significant deviation (S2 di < 0) value indicating adapted for high performance environments showing these genotypes are sensitive to environments and give maximum yield when inputs are not limited


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     A few commercial sugarcane genotypes were subjected to salinity stress at various growth phases of sugarcane to ascertain the critical growth stage for salinity stress and to assess the response of the genotypes. All the data were recorded and analysed during maturity phase. The salt treatments drastically reduced SPAD chlorophyll, chlorophyll fluorescence, RWC, stalk height, weight and other yield parameters in a few genotypes during T2 (salt treatment given during formative phase) & T5 (salt treatment given throughout crop cycle) but a few genotypes which are tolerant towards salt stress gave better results comparing other genotypes. The ions like sodium, potassium and chloride were analysed in the juice which showed higher elevation in the genotype Co 97010. Among the genotypes, Co 85019 and Co 99004 recorded significantly prime compared to rest of the genotypes. Treatment throughout the growth phases (T5) followed by stress at formative phase (T2) were found to be critical for growth, physiological and yield responses in all the genotypes
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