3,432 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kenaikan Kadar Glukosa Darah Terhadap Peningkatan Daya Ingat Jangka Pendek Pada Wanita Dewasa

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    In Indonesia most people starts their days with eating breakfast.  However, there are still many who do not realize the importance of starting a day with breakfast. Many research suggest that having breakfast can improve short term memory. After breakfast, blood glucose level will raise. It is assumed that glucose plays an important role in improving memory. The purpose of this research is to  find the effect of raised blood glucose level in improving short term memory. In this research Real Prospective Experimental Method and Random Complete Design were used. 30 FK UKM third year female student have been studied, their age range between 19-23 years old, and they were given porridge for breakfast. Blood glucose level was measured before breakfast and 30, 60, 90 minutes afterwards. Short term memory was tested with memory test before breakfast and three times after breakfast. Data was analyzed to analyze the correlation between blood glucose and memory. There are significant increase of blood glucose and memory after breakfast and there is a significant corelation between raised blood glucose and memory. The conclusion is breakfast may improve memory and the raised of blood glucose level matched with the improvement of memory. &nbsp

    Persepsi Individu terhadap Efektivitas Training dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja

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    Kinerja kru restoran X merupakan hal yang sangat penting di dalam berjalannya kegiatan operasional restoran, beberapa faktor yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas kinerja diantaranya dengan motivasi kerja dan pelatihan kerja. Sulitnya pemenuhan indeks training di restoran X yang mengakibatkan berkurangnya kinerja kru tersebut membuat peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh motivasi kerja dan persepsi efektivitas pelatihan kerja (individual reaction) terhadap kinerja kru restoran X. Peneliti menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 109 kru dari 4 restoran X yang presentase pemenuhan indeks trainingnya kurang dari standar yang telah di tetapkan Perusahaan (60 %) serta kru tersebut sudah mengikuti kegiatan training. Motivasi kerja diukur dengan alat ukur motivasi kerja yang dibuat oleh Steers dan Porter (2003). Kinerja diukur dengan alat ukur kinerja oleh Robbins (2001), Persepsi efektivitas (individual reaction) diukur dengan alat ukur model teori level one Kirkpatrick dibuat oleh Mohamed dan Alias (2012). Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada variabel motivasi kerja dan variabel persepsi efektivitas pelatihan kerja (individual reaction) terhadap variabel kinerja kru restoran sebesar (F(2,106) = 58.111, p˂0.05, R2 = 0,514. Untuk itu manajemen restoran X dapat menjadikan penelitian ini sebagai acuan didalam meningkatkan kualitas kinerja kru khususnya dalam pemenuhan indeks training yang berdampak pada kenaikan kinerja kru tersebu

    Images of an equatorial outflow in SS433

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    We have imaged the X-ray binary SS433 with unprecedented Fourier-plane coverage at 6cm using simultaneously the VLBA, MERLIN, and the VLA, and also at 20cm with the VLBA. At both wavelengths we have securely detected smooth, low-surface brightness emission having the appearance of a `ruff' or collar attached perpendicularly to the well-studied knotty jets in this system, extending over at least a few hundred AU. We interpret this smooth emission as a wind-like outflow from the binary, and discuss its implications for the present evolutionary stage of this system.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter

    SUMSS: A Wide-Field Radio Imaging Survey of the Southern Sky. I. Science goals, survey design and instrumentation

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    The Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope, operating at 843 MHz with a 5 square degree field of view, is carrying out a radio imaging survey of the sky south of declination -30 deg. This survey (the Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey, or SUMSS) produces images with a resolution of 43" x 43" cosec(Dec.) and an rms noise level of about 1 mJy/beam. SUMSS is therefore similar in sensitivity and resolution to the northern NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS; Condon et al. 1998). The survey is progressing at a rate of about 1000 square degrees per year, yielding individual and statistical data for many thousands of weak radio sources. This paper describes the main characteristics of the survey, and presents sample images from the first year of observation.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures (figures 2, 8, 10 in jpg format); AJ, in pres

    Beyond Eliashberg superconductivity in MgB2: anharmonicity, two-phonon scattering, and multiple gaps

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    Density-functional calculations of the phonon spectrum and electron-phonon coupling in MgB2_2 are presented. The E2gE_{2g} phonons, which involve in-plane B displacements, couple strongly to the px,yp_{x,y} electronic bands. The isotropic electron-phonon coupling constant is calculated to be about 0.8. Allowing for different order parameters in different bands, the superconducting λ\lambda in the clean limit is calculated to be significantly larger. The E2gE_{2g} phonons are strongly anharmonic, and the non-linear contribution to the coupling between the E2gE_{2g} modes and the px,y_{x,y} bands is significant.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey: I. Overview and Images

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    The first epoch Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey (MGPS1) is a radio continuum survey made using the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST) at 843 MHz with a resolution of 43" X 43" cosec |delta|. The region surveyed is 245 deg < l < 355 deg, |b| < 1.5 deg. The thirteen 9 deg X 3 deg mosaic images presented here are the superposition of over 450 complete synthesis observations, each taking 12 h and covering 70' X 70' cosec |delta|. The root-mean-square sensitivity over much of the mosaiced survey is 1-2 mJy/beam (1 sigma), and the positional accuracy is approximately 1" X 1" cosec |delta| for sources brighter than 20 mJy. The dynamic range is no better than 250:1, and this also constrains the sensitivity in some parts of the images. The survey area of 330 sq deg contains well over 12,000 unresolved or barely resolved objects, almost all of which are extra-galactic sources lying in the Zone of Avoidance. In addition a significant fraction of this area is covered by extended, diffuse emission associated with thermal complexes, discrete H II regions, supernova remnants, and other structures in the Galactic interstellar medium.Comment: Paper with 3 figures and 1 table + Table 2 + 7 jpg grayscales for Fig 4. Astrophysical Journal Supplement (in press) see also http://www.astrop.physics.usyd.edu.au/MGP

    Characterization of co-circulating swine influenza A viruses in North America and the identification of a novel H1 genetic clade with antigenic significance.

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    Multiple genetically and antigenically distinct hemagglutinin genes of the H1 and H3 influenza A virus (IAV) subtypes co-circulate in North American swine. This diversity has evolved by repeated transmission of IAVs from humans to swine and subsequent antigenic drift in swine. To understand the evolutionary dynamics of these diverse HA lineages in North American swine, we undertook a phylogenetic analysis of 1576 H1 and 607 H3 HA gene segments, as well as 834 N1 and 1293 N2 NA gene segments, and 2126 M gene segments. These data revealed yearly co-circulation of H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2 viruses, with three HA clades representing the majority of the HA sequences: of the H1 viruses, 42% were classified as H1δ1 and 40.6% were classified as H1γ; and of the H3 viruses 53% were classified as cluster IV-A H3N2. We detected a genetically distinct minor clade consisting of 37 H1 viruses isolated between 2003 and 2013, which we classified as H1γ-2. We estimated that this clade circulated in swine since approximately 1995, but it was not detected in swine until 2003. Though this clade only represents 1.07% of swine H1 sequences reported over the past 10 years, hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assays demonstrated that representatives of this clade of viruses are antigenically distinct, and, when measured using antigenic cartography, were as many as 7 antigenic units from other H1γ viruses. Therefore vaccines against the contemporary H1γ viruses are not likely to cross-protect against γ-2 viruses. The long-term circulation of these γ-2 viruses suggests that minor populations of viruses may be underreported in the national dataset given the long branch lengths and gaps in detections. The identification of these γ-2 viruses demonstrates the need for robust surveillance to capture the full diversity IAVs in swine in the USA and the importance of antigenic drift in the diversification and emergence of new antigenic variants in swine, which complicates vaccine design.Funding was provided by USDA-ARS and USDA355 APHIS-VS by the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2009. NSL was funded by USDA-ARS SCA agreement number 58-3625-2-103F and the EC FP7 award number 259949. TKA was funded by USDA ARS SCA agreement number 58-3625-4-070.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168170215000799

    A cylindrical silicon-on-insulator microdosimeter: charge collection characteristics

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    A novel silicon-on-insulator microdosimeter for estimating the radiobiolgical effectiveness (RBE) of a mixed radiation field is presented. An ion beam induced charge collection study has confirmed the microdosimeter possesses well defined micron sized 3D cylindrical sensitive volumes. An array of these SVs has the capabilitiy of studying the track structure of high energy heavy ions typical of a deep space environment

    Self-similar shear-thickening behavior in CTAB/NaSal surfactant solutions

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    The effect of salt concentration Cs on the critical shear rate required for the onset of shear thickening and apparent relaxation time of the shear-thickened phase, has been investigated systematically for dilute CTAB/NaSal solutions. Experimental data suggest a self-similar behavior of the critical shear rate and relaxation time as functions of Cs. Specifically, the former ~ Cs^(-6) whereas the latter ~ Cs^(6) such that an effective Weissenberg number for the onset of the shear thickened phase is only weakly dependent on Cs. A procedure has been developed to collapse the apparent shear viscosity versus shear rate data obtained for various values of Cs into a single master curve. The effect of Cs on the elastic modulus and mesh size of the shear-induced gel phase for different surfactant concentrations is discussed. Experiments performed using different flow cells (Couette and cone-and-plate) show that the critical shear rate, relaxation time and the maximum viscosity attained are geometry-independent. The elastic modulus of the gel phase inferred indirectly by employing simplified hydrodynamic instability analysis of a sheared gel-fluid interface is in qualitative agreement with that predicted for an entangled phase of living polymers. A qualitative mechanism that combines the effect of Cs on average micelle length and Debye parameter with shear-induced configurational changes of rod-like micelles is proposed to rationalize the self-similarity of SIS formation.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figure