32 research outputs found

    Innovation as an immanent attribute of an agile enterprise

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    Motivation: Each organization faces the challenge of operating in an environment that is unpredictable and turbulent. Emergence of business era caused that change had become a key feature that determines the economic environment of an enterprise. Market environment forces companies to seek strategic orientation that would allow them to use market opportunities and come to grips with growing customer demands. These goals can only be achieved by an organization that bears the hallmarks of agility. Therefore, one can assume that the condition of gaining competitive advantage and innovation of modern companies is possessing by them the attributes of agility. The agile organization is innovative, which means that it puts an emphasis on research and development, implements innovation, invests in new technologies and innovative programs.Aim: The purpose of this article is to analyse relationships between obtaining an ability to be innovative and agility attributes of an organization.Result: The presented research confirms that there is a connection between having agility attributes by a company and obtaining by it a high level of innovation. Many authors also specify important role of IT system in introducing product innovations and innovation processes

    Innovation as an immanent attribute of an agile enterprise

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    Motivation: Each organization faces the challenge of operating in an environment that is unpredictable and turbulent. Emergence of business era caused that change had become a key feature that determines the economic environment of an enterprise. Market environment forces companies to seek strategic orientation that would allow them to use market opportunities and come to grips with growing customer demands. These goals can only be achieved by an organization that bears the hallmarks of agility. Therefore, one can assume that the condition of gaining competitive advantage and innovation of modern companies is possessing by them the attributes of agility. The agile organization is innovative, which means that it puts an emphasis on research and development, implements innovation, invests in new technologies and innovative programs.Aim: The purpose of this article is to analyse relationships between obtaining an ability to be innovative and agility attributes of an organization.Result: The presented research confirms that there is a connection between having agility attributes by a company and obtaining by it a high level of innovation. Many authors also specify important role of IT system in introducing product innovations and innovation processes.</p


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    Education must constantly be adapted to new needs. Educational tasks determine new styles of teachers' work and also their competences, showing that the effects of the course of didactic process depend on the teacher's awareness to a large extent, way of understanding of the school's reality and the students themselves. Currently the media are ever-present. The teacher must be aware of the influence of outside school interference and psychological barriers related to the communication process. Mass media and hypermedia shape new patterns and new values. The 'overheated' and synthetic announcements often limit the intellectual effort and the critical thinking. On the other hand e-communication is a stimulator of mass education. It requires from teachers use of strategies leading to rebuilding the earlier structure of students' knowledge, creating different structures in connection with new students' concepts and needs in response to new information. The survey research among 45 biology teachers was conducted. Conclusions drawn from research results (analysis of documents and survey) allowed the elaboration priorities for biology teacher training in the contemporary world of medi

    Rapid assessment of the IL-6 cervico-vaginal fluid level in threatening preterm labor

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    Summary Objectives: The aim of the study was to check the cervico-vaginal fluid IL-6 levels using rapid, quantitive test in patients with threatening preterm labor, before and after tocolytic treatment. Material and methods: Sixty seven singular pregnant women, between 24 and 36 weeks of gestation, were included into the clinical trial. 35 women who were admitted to the Department due to clinical symptoms of threatened preterm labor formed the study group. 32 women between 24 and 36 gestational week, with uncomplicated pregnancy, formed the control group. Levels of IL-6 were measured just after material collection, using fast, quantitative spectrofotometric test. Results: The cervico-vaginal IL-6 level was higher in the study group (458pg/mL vs 123pg/mL;

    The influence of patient-controlled epidural analgesia on labor progress and neonatal outcome

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    Abstract Aim: The aim of the study was to check the influence of patient control epidural analgesia on labor progress and neonatal outcome. Material and methods: 144 parturients were included into the clinical trial. In 73 cases patient control epidural analgesia was used and in 71 cases pethidine (meperidine) solution was given intravenously. Apgar score, umbilical artery pH, pain intensity, the time of the first, second and third stage of labor, the rate of episiotomy and uterine postpartum abrasions and the rate of caesarean sections and vaginal operative delivery were compared. Results: The time of the second stage of labor was significantly longer in the study group (40.99 vs 26.49min, p

    Pregnancy, delivery and puerperium in a patient with lysinuric protein intolerance – a case report

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    The paper presents the course of pregnancy, delivery and early postpartum period in a 23-year-old woman with lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI). The pregnancy was uneventful and resulted in a caesarean birth to a healthy baby at 37 weeks gestation. Nevertheless, the course of pregnancy in women with LPI is associated with a significantly increased risk of serious complications, including acute hyperammonemia, preeclampsia and postpartum bleeding, as well as fetus intrauterine growth retardation. In many cases, intensive metabolic monitoring and a proper diet with protein limitation and appropriate amino acids supplementation may significantly reduce the risk for both the mother and the newborn

    Contemporary determinants of international relatioos

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Nauka o stosunkach międzynarodowych nie może się obejść bez systematyzowania i porządkowania omawianej przez siebie niezwykle szerokiej materii. Poszukując odpowiedzi na pytania związane z relacjami pomiędzy uczestnikami interakcji międzynarodowych, nie sposób nie dostrzegać czynników, jakie na nie wpływają, czy to w sposób pośredni czy też bezpośredni, zależny lub niezależny od nich. Wielość tych czynników i zmienność wagi przykładanej do poszczególnych, zależnie od epoki, stwarza konieczność gruntownego badania i wskazywania na najważniejsze z nich, decydujące w danym okresie."(...

    The role of a nurse in the breast cancer related fatigue management

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    Zmęczenie, obok bólu, nudności i wymiotów, jest najczęstszym problemem pacjentek leczonych na raka piersi. Dotyczy dużej liczby chorych i jest postrzegany, jako stan utrudniający codzienne funkcjonowanie. Mimo że większości pacjentek zgłasza zmęczenie, objaw ten jest przez lekarzy pomijany, nierozpoznawany. W procesie leczenia dostępne są sposoby farmakologiczne zwalczania, jednak rola leków w redukowaniu uczucia zmęczenia nie została jeszcze dokładnie zbadana. Istnieją standardy postępowania, które w znacznym stopniu zmniejszają nasilenie zespołu zmęczenia. Edukacja, doradztwo, ćwiczenia fizyczne, racjonalne gospodarowanie energią oraz terapia snu i właściwe odżywianie są rekomendowane jako właściwe postępowanie niefarmakologiczne w niwelowaniu zmęczenia. Celem pracy było przedstawienie standardów postępowania w zespole zmęczenia nowotworowego i wskazanie roli pielęgniarki w tych działaniach.Fatigue, besides pain, nausea and vomiting, is the most common problem experienced by patients treated for breast cancer. It relates to a considerable number of patients and is perceived as a state that hinders day-to-day functioning. Although the majority of patients reports fatigue, the symptom is ignored or not diagnosed by physicians. There are pharmacological means available during treatment; however, the role of medicine in neutralising fatigue has not been examined in detail yet. There are proceeding standards that decrease aggravation of the fatigue syndrome to a significant extent. Education, counselling, physical exercises, rational energy management, sleep therapy and adequate nutrition are recommended as appropriate non-pharmacological procedures in neutralising fatigue. The aim of this study was to present the standards of cancer related fatigue management and to indicate the role of a nurse in the course of the (cancer related fatigue) treatment

    Resistance of mosses to drying, measured by the intensity of gas exchange and the content of malate and citrate

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    Desiccation tolerance, the ability to lose virtually all of its free intracellular water and then restore normal function when rehydrated, is one of the most remarkable features of bryophytes. The aim of the study was to determine the resistance of two species of Plagiomnium undulatum (Hedw.) T.J.Kop. and Polytrichum commune Hedw. on drying to 50% relative water content of the air and rehydration. Changes in the intensity of photosynthesis and respiration as well as the content of malate and citrate in leafy moss stems were analysed. P. commune gametophores showed greater resistance to drought stress than P. undulatum. In both species, photosynthesis was much more sensitive to drought than respiration. Changes in the content of malate and citrate indicated a high plasticity of moss metabolism in conditions of water shortage and may be one of many important elements of the adaptation strategy to water deficit. The reactions of the tested mosses to dehydration and rehydration confirmed their adaptation to specific land conditions