123 research outputs found

    Self-realization of students in work of small innovative enterprises as factor of strengthening their psychological well-being and health

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    The circumstances and conditions for improving the psychological health of students through their participation in the activity of small innovative enterprises established on university base are considered. The authors reveal essence of students’ self-realization in work of these enterprises, and also the main trends of students’ psychological well-being, such as: a personal involvement into entrepreneurship activity, realization of internal capacities and potential, social cooperation into scientific and innovation project

    Lignosulfonate, anionic surfactants and their mixtures influence on water solutions surface tension and zinc concentrate pressure leaching

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    The formation of elemental sulfur during sulfide concentrate pressure leaching leads to the appearance of sulfur-sulfide granules, which significantly reduces zinc dissolution rate. The solution for this problem was the use of surfactants, which prevents the negative effect of molten sulfur, avoiding the granule formation during leaching. Lignosulfonates (waste from the woodworking industry) are most often used as reagents for sulfide concentrate pressure leaching. Influence of individual and mixtures of surfactants on surface tension of aqueous solutions, zinc extraction and size-grade distribution of cakes after sulfide zinc concentrate pressure leaching. Surface tension of aqueous solutions was analyzed by stalagmometric method. Leaching was performed in titanium autoclave in presence of lignosulfonate, sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate and sodium dodecylsulfate. Solutions after leaching were analyzed on zinc by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Size-grade analysis of cakes after leaching was carried out by laser diffraction particle size analyzer. In this work, synergetic influence was observed of anionic surfactants and lignosulfonate on decreasing of aqueous solutions surface tension. The best results were obtained when LS-SDBS mixture was used, namely in the range of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate concentrations 400-600 mg / l. Usage of combined surfactants allowed to achieve high rates of zinc extraction and optimal particle size of cakes after leaching. At Ls and SDBS using zinc extraction was increased from 77,2 % up to 82,8 %, with the bulk of the cake (96,7%) having a particle size of-150 μm. Combined surfactants usage (lignosulfonate and sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate) can be recommended for applying at pressure leaching of sulfide zinc concentrates. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Leaching experiments and grade size analysis were conducted at the expense of the Russian Science Foundation grant (project No. 18-19-00186)

    Sinorhizobium meliloti requires a cobalamin-dependent ribonucleotide reductase for symbiosis with its plant host

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    Vitamin B[subscript 12] (cobalamin) is a critical cofactor for animals and protists, yet its biosynthesis is limited to prokaryotes. We previously showed that the symbiotic nitrogen-fixing alphaproteobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti requires cobalamin to establish a symbiotic relationship with its plant host, Medicago sativa (alfalfa). Here, the specific requirement for cobalamin in the S. meliloti–alfalfa symbiosis was investigated. Of the three known cobalamin-dependent enzymes in S. meliloti, the methylmalonyl CoA mutase (BhbA) does not affect symbiosis, whereas disruption of the metH gene encoding the cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase causes a significant defect in symbiosis. Expression of the cobalamin-independent methionine synthase MetE alleviates this symbiotic defect, indicating that the requirement for methionine synthesis does not reflect a need for the cobalamin-dependent enzyme. To investigate the function of the cobalamin-dependent ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) encoded by nrdJ, S. meliloti was engineered to express an Escherichia coli cobalamin-independent (class Ia) RNR instead of nrdJ. This strain is severely defective in symbiosis. Electron micrographs show that these cells can penetrate alfalfa nodules but are unable to differentiate into nitrogen-fixing bacteroids and, instead, are lysed in the plant cytoplasm. Flow cytometry analysis indicates that these bacteria are largely unable to undergo endoreduplication. These phenotypes may be due either to the inactivation of the class Ia RNR by reactive oxygen species, inadequate oxygen availability in the nodule, or both. These results show that the critical role of the cobalamin-dependent RNR for survival of S. meliloti in its plant host can account for the considerable resources that S. meliloti dedicates to cobalamin biosynthesis.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM31010)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant K99 GM083343)Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research (Postdoctoral Fellowship

    The use of WebQuests in foreign language training of students of nonlinguistic specialties

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    The purpose of this study is to establish the advantages of using WebQuests in foreign language training of students of non-linguistic specialtie

    Electrochemical investigations of surfactants influence on copper ions cementation

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    The paper presents the results of experiments aimed to determine the effect of surfactants on the cementation rate and activation energy. The study was carried out on model solutions with the addition of surfactants. The results of the study showed that sodium lignosulfonate in a mixture with sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate increases the cementation rate over the entire range of studied concentrations. It is noted that the addition of individual surfactants leads to an increase in activation energy. Activation energy increases according to following order: sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate → sodium dodecyl sulfate → sodium lignosulfonate. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-19-00186Leaching experiments and grade size analysis were conducted at the expense of the Russian Science Foundation grant (project No. 18-19-00186)

    Formation of social and occupational youth mobility in project activities

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    The article introduces an experience of forming social and occupational mobility of students at pedagogical University during the project activityРассматривается опыт формирования социально-профессиональной мобильности студентов педагогического вуза в процессе проектной деятельност


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    The sensitivity and stability of the response of the PD-sensors based on membranes MF-4SC in K-, H-, Lys-forms in solutions of the reconstituted milk were investigated. A multisensory systems with PD sensors and ion-selective electrodes for the recognition of reconstituted milk containing powdered milk from 0.40 to 8.46 mas. % is developed. The sensitivity of PD-sensors to cations of lysine in the test solutions containing 0.40 wt. % of powdered milk and 1.0·10-3-1.0·10-1 M of LysHCl was 29 mV/рС for membranes in the К-type. The sensitivity of PD-sensors to cations of thiamine in the test solutions containing from 0.40-3.40 wt. % of powdered milk and 1.0·10-4-1.0·10-1 M of ThiaminCl was from 18 to 12 mV/рС for membranes in the К-type. This sensitivity is sufficient for the quantitative determination of cations of lysine and of thiamine in solutions of reconstituted milk. The limit of detection of cations of lysine and thiamine in reconstituted milk was 4.0·10-6 М and 2.9·10-6 М respectively. The relative error of measurement was not more 10 %.Keywords: PD-sensor, Donnan potential, multisensory systems, reconstituted milk, lysine, thiamine(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.4.008O. V. Bobreshova, A. V. Parshina, E.A. Ryzhkova, T. S. Titova Voronezh State University, Voronezh, RussiaFederationИсследованы чувствительность и стабильность откликов сенсоров, аналитическим сигналом которых является потенциал Доннана на границе ионообменная мембрана/раствор электролита (ПД-сенсоров), на основе мембран МФ-4СК в калиевой, водородной и лизиновой формах в растворах восстановленного молока. Разработана мультисенсорная система с ПД-сенсорами и ионоселективными электродами для распознавания образов восстановленного молока с массовой долей сухого от 0.40 до 8.46 %. ПД-сенсоры на основе мембран МФ-4СК в калиевой форме использованы для количественного определения катионов лизина и тиамина в восстановленном молоке с концентрацией сухого молока 0.40 % мас. и 0.40-3.40 % мас. соответственно. Предел обнаружения катионов лизина и тиамина в восстановленном молоке составил 4.0·10-6 М и 2.9·10-6 М соответственно. Относительная погрешность определения не превышала 10 %.Ключевые слова: потенциометрия, ПД-сенсор, мультисенсорные системы, перфторированные мембраны, восстановленное молоко, лизин, тиаминDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.4.00

    The Relationship of Socio-Psychological Adaptation, Aggressiveness and Victimization in Adolescents

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    В статье рассматриваются результаты исследования взаимосвязи социально-психологической адаптации, агрессивности и виктимности у подростков. В результате исследования были выявлены специфические взаимосвязи между элементами социально-психологической адаптации, агрессивностью и виктимностью у подростков.The article discusses the results of a study of the relationship between social and psychological adaptation, aggressiveness and victimization in adolescents. As a result of the study, specific relationships were identified between the elements of social and psychological adaptation, aggressiveness and victimization in adolescents

    The use of modern ICT to provide students' self-realization in russian higher school

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    This article examines the psychological and educational role of information-communication technologies (ICT) in teaching students in Russian higher school. It establishes resources of these technologies in the possibility to stimulate the manifestation of various forms of students’ selfrealization in the educational process. The authors reveal a subjective-significant conditions of successful self-realization in university learnin

    Socio-cultural dominants of higher school innovation mission

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    The article deals with the value backgrounds to ensure the innovative potential of the Russian higher school. Based on the methodology of socio-cultural determination, the authors propose to apply largescale civilizational dimension for understanding the higher school's innovative missio