9 research outputs found
Browsers, grazers or mix-feeders? Study of the diet of extinct Pleistocene Eurasian forest rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (J¨ager, 1839) and woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799)
The wooly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) and forest rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis) were prominent representatives of the Middle and Late Pleistocene glacial and interglacial faunas of Eurasia. Their diet has traditionally been inferred on functional morphology of the dentition and skull. In rare cases, food remains are preserved in the fossas of the teeth or as gut content. New approaches to infer diet include the study of isotopes and mesowear. Here we apply all four methods to infer the diet of these emblematic rhinoceros’ species and compare the food actually taken with the food available, as indicated by independent botanical data from the localities where the rhinoceros’ fossils were found: Gorz´ow Wielkopolski (Eemian) and Starunia (Middle Vistulian) as well as analysis of literature data. We also made inferences on the season of death of these individuals. Our results indicate that the woolly rhino in both Europe and Asia (Siberia) was mainly a grazer, although at different times of the year and depending on the region its diet was also supplemented by leaves of shrubs and trees. According to the results of isotope studies, there were important individual variations. The data show a clear seasonal variation in the isotope composition of this rhino’s diet. In contrast, Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis was a browser, though its diet included low-growing vegetation. Its habitat consisted of various types of forests, from riparian to deciduous and mixed forests, and open areas. The diet of this species consisted of selected items of vegetation, also including plants growing near both flowing and standing waters. The food remains from the fossae of the teeth indicated flexible browsing, confirming the previous interpretations based on functional morphology and stable isotopes. Long-term data from mesowear and microwear across a wider range of S. kirchbergensis fossils indicate a more mixed diet with a browsing component. The different diets of both of rhinoceros reflect not only the different habitats, but also climate changes that occurred during the Late Pleistocene
A skeleton of peat-trapped forest rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) from Gorzów Wielkopolski, Northwestern Poland: a record of life and death of the Eemian large mammals
We present a description of an almost complete skeleton of the forest rhino (Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis) found near Gorzów Wielkopolski (Northwest Poland) in its geological and palaeoenvironmental context. While finds of bones and teeth are common, the importance of this find resides in, that it is the most complete specimen of this species, almost perfectly preserved in a well-studied and dated stratigraphic and sedimentological context, along with other fossil fauna and flora. The OSL dates of glaciofluvial sediments sandwiching skeleton-bearing horizons indicate a Middle Eemian age of the Pleistocene paleolake land. This warm climate is also indicated by the results of sedimentological, geochemical, paleobotanical, and isotopic analyses. The rhino skeleton was deposited in a shallow area near the lake’s littoral zone. Bite marks of a large predator (cave hyena) were recognized on the rhino’s pelvis, which, due to their location, were probably created post-mortem. With an estimated height of 1.82 m at the withers, this was a large adult Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis. The results of osteometric analyses indicate that we are dealing with one of the largest known individuals of this species. Although it suffered from a pathologically deformed spine, the individual died at a relatively old age.Peer reviewe
Factors influencing temporal changes in chemical composition of biogenic deposits in the middle Tążyna River Valley (Kuyavian Lakeland, central Poland)
The present paper discusses the influence of geochemical properties on biogenic deposits in the Wilkostowo mire near
Toruń, central Poland. The analysed core has allowed the documentation of environmental changes between the older
part of the Atlantic Period and the present day (probably interrupted at the turn of the Meso- and Neoholocene). In
order to reconstruct the main stages in the sedimentation of biogenic deposits, we have used stratigraphic variability
of selected litho-geochemical elements (organic matter, calcium carbonate, biogenic and terrigenous silica, macro- and
micro-elements: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Ni). The main litho-geochemical component is CaCO 3 ; its
content ranges from 4.1 per cent to 92 per cent. The variability of CaCO 3 content reflects mainly changes in hydrolog-
ical and geomorphological conditions within the catchment area. The effects of prehistoric anthropogenic activities in
the catchment of the River Tążyna, e.g., the use of saline water for economic purposes, are recorded in a change from
calcareous gyttja into detritus-calcareous gyttja sedimentation and an increased content of lithophilous elements (Na,
K, Mg and Ni) in the sediments. Principal component analysis (PCA) has enabled the distinction the most important
factors that affected the chemical composition of sediments at the Wilkostowo site, i.e., mechanical and chemical den-
udation processes in the catchment, changes in redox conditions, bioaccumulation of selected elements and human
activity. Sediments of the Wilkostowo mire are located in the direct vicinity of an archaeological site, where traces of
intensive settlement dating back to the Neolithic have been documented. The settlement phase is recorded both in li-
thology and geochemical properties of biogenic deposits which fill the reservoir formed at the bottom of the Parchania
Canal Valley
The relationship between the chemical composition and lithology of Late Glacial and Holocene biogenic deposits of the Żabieniec mire (Central Poland)
Geochemical and plant macrofossil analyses of the Żabieniec mire deposits and the palaeoenvironmental changes they record of the past several thousand years constitute an important source for palaeogeographical reconstruction of the Polish Lowland. We describe the phases of the basin’s development from the final part of the Plenivistulian (MIS2), through the Late Glacial and the entire Holocene, encompassing changes determined by both regional and global factors in the surrounding environment, and habitat transformations in the limnogenic mire. The kettle-hole infill of the Żabieniec mire is the only documented example in Central Poland of a succession of biogenic deposits exceeding 10 m in thickness in such a setting. Deposition initially took place in a lake environment, which led to a shallowing of the lake that persisted until the end of the Mesoholocene
Geochemistry of a sedimentary section at the Wąwelnica archaeological site, Szczecin Hills (Western Pomerania)
The results of geochemical assays on biogenic sediments filling a fossil lacustrine basin at Wąwelnica, in the Szczecin Hills, within the left-bank part of the Oder River catchment are presented. The data reveal a natural Holocene sedimentation sequence similar to that found for other sites in central Europe. The geochemical record of palaeo-environmental changes, which may be a consequence of human activities in the proximity of the site, is distinctly bipartite. The part of the profile corresponding to the lacustrine sediment accumulation during the Greenlandian occasionally shows an increased mineral content and an elevated catchment erosion index. An incidental presence of Palaeolithic and Mesolithic communities is confirmed by archaeological evidence from a few sites in the Szczecin Hills. More distinct episodes of mineral matter supply and more pronounced changes in geochemical indicators can be inferred as occurring from the onset of the older part of the Atlantic until the Older Subboreal. Most of the flint artefacts discovered along with a collection of vessel fragments in the Mierzyn-Dołuje area are associated with the Neolithic occupation. However, changes in the deposits’ geochemistry do not reflect all the settlement stages associated with the consecutive human groups identified by archaeological evidence. Possible reasons include a low sediment accumulation rate having restricted peat mass accretion and prevented the storing of any higher amounts of water. This, along with the climate-change-caused lowering of the water table, could have periodically stopped the accumulation of autochthonous organic matter. In addition, intensified human activities coincided with periods of stable and low water level in the basin. On the other hand, breaks in human activity correspond with moist Holocene stages and local flooding events
Factors influencing temporal changes in chemical composition of biogenic deposits in the middle Tążyna River Valley (Kuyavian Lakeland, central Poland)
The present paper discusses the influence of geochemical properties on biogenic deposits in the Wilkostowo mire near Toruń, central Poland. The analysed core has allowed the documentation of environmental changes between the older part of the Atlantic Period and the present day (probably interrupted at the turn of the Meso- and Neoholocene). In order to reconstruct the main stages in the sedimentation of biogenic deposits, we have used stratigraphic variability of selected litho-geochemical elements (organic matter, calcium carbonate, biogenic and terrigenous silica, macro- and micro-elements: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Ni). The main litho-geochemical component is CaCO3; its content ranges from 4.1 per cent to 92 per cent. The variability of CaCO3 content reflects mainly changes in hydrological and geomorphological conditions within the catchment area. The effects of prehistoric anthropogenic activities in the catchment of the River Tążyna, e.g., the use of saline water for economic purposes, are recorded in a change from calcareous gyttja into detritus-calcareous gyttja sedimentation and an increased content of lithophilous elements (Na, K, Mg and Ni) in the sediments. Principal component analysis (PCA) has enabled the distinction the most important factors that affected the chemical composition of sediments at the Wilkostowo site, i.e., mechanical and chemical denudation processes in the catchment, changes in redox conditions, bioaccumulation of selected elements and human activity. Sediments of the Wilkostowo mire are located in the direct vicinity of an archaeological site, where traces of intensive settlement dating back to the Neolithic have been documented. The settlement phase is recorded both in lithology and geochemical properties of biogenic deposits which fill the reservoir formed at the bottom of the Parchania Canal Valley
Late Glacial palaeoenvironmental changes in the southern part of the Holy Cross Mountains based on the “Białe Ługi” peatland record
This paper presents the Late Glacial stage of the development of the Białe Ługi peatland in the southern Holy Cross Mountains, based on a comprehensive palaeoenvironmental data. A complex analysis of palynology, Cladocera, sedimentology, geochemistry and 14C dating were used. Organic deposition was initiated during the Oldest Dryas. The sedimentary record of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems reflects considerable difference between cooler (Oldest, Older and Younger Dryas) and warmer phases (Bølling and Allerød). Periods of intensified interaction between aeolian processes and peatland are related to stages of disappearing vegetation and changes in aquatic invertebrate communities. We therefore suggest that peatlands were created as a result of local lithological-structural, tectonic, hydrogeological and
morphological conditions, and the peatland development rate was largely influenced by changing climatic conditions, which determined local vegetation development, intensity of denudation processes and water level changes. The results validate significance of selection and use of several methods, as well as value of biogenic deposits from the Białe Ługi peatland as archives of past climate change in the Małopolska Upland. Relatively stable water conditions and uninterrupted biogenic sedimentation in the Late Glacial that were provided by the geological structure and relief suggest the studied peatland is a leading one in the region
Witness of the Little Ice Age—One of the Oldest Spruces in Poland (Śnieżnik Massif, Sudetes, SW Poland)
During an interdisciplinary study of the mire “Torfowisko pod Małym Śnieżnikiem”, a very old specimen of the Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) was encountered. The aim of the present work was to perform a detailed examination of this tree, to compare it to other spruce trees on the mire, and to provide support for establishing protection for this tree stand. Tree ring cores were sampled at 1.3 m above ground using a Pressler borer, in two field campaigns: June and July 2023, the latter campaign aiming to find the oldest trees. A total of 46 trees were sampled, yielding 84 measured radii. Tree ring widths were measured down to 0.01 mm under a stereomicroscope. The oldest sampled tree yielded a total of 370 tree rings in the two radii, representing the period 1653–2022. The average tree ring width for this oldest tree equals 0.33 mm/year, and shows low values (on average 0.19 mm/year) for the period 1742–1943, i.e., during the Little Ice Age cooling. Changes in the tree ring width coincide with periods of cooling and warming in the nearby Tatra Mountains. The oldest tree does not stand out from other trees from the population with respect to height or trunk diameter. A comparison of the age of this tree to the oldest spruce trees in Poland indicates that it is one of the longest living specimens of this species. Considering the natural character of the stand, the remaining flora, and the peat-forming processes taking place within the mire “Pod Małym Śnieżnikiem”, we argue that the mire should become protected by the law as soon as possible in order to preserve this valuable high mountain habitat