315 research outputs found

    Metodologiczne podstawy badania zawartooeci prasy lokalnej

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    The paper contains the author’s considerations on the methodological foundations for the examination of the content of local press. In discussing the content of local press, the author places it in the grid of linguistic as well as politological, sociological and psychological paradigms. He presents the structure of local press content and its criteria, the form of press materials, their topics, division into press genres, the attitude of press materials to reality, and its assessment and evaluation. The paper is concluded with considerations into the territorial aspects of press materials

    Kulturowa funkcja samorządu terytorialnego a rozwój czasopiśmiennictwa regionalistycznego w Polsce

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    The author approaches the institution of local government as a factor that supports the development of culture, and pays particular attention to the need to support regional periodicals. The issue under analysis is discussed within the framework of the cultural role of local government. Significant reasons for the advantageous involvement of local government in the development of a region’s culture, both individual and social, are discussed. The significant role of regional periodicals in shaping regional identity and advancing local governance is also discussed. Consequently, regional periodicals are defined as a special kind of public good which should enjoy the protection and support of local government.Autor potraktował instytucję samorządu terytorialnego w kategoriach czynnika wspierającego rozwój kultury, zwracając w szczególności uwagę na potrzebę wsparcia działalności czasopism o charakterze regionalistycznym. Badane zagadnienie osadzono na płaszczyźnie funkcji kulturowej samorządu terytorialnego. Wskazano na istotne, zarówno jednostkowe, jak i społeczne, przyczyny pozytywnej ingerencji samorządu terytorialnego w rozwój kultury regionu. Omówiono także ważną rolę czasopism regionalistycznych w kształtowaniu tożsamości regionu oraz rozwoju samorządności terytorialnej. W rezultacie zdefiniowano czasopismo regionalistyczne jako szczególnego rodzaju dobro publiczne, którego działalność powinna uzyskać ochronę i wsparcie samorządu terytorialnego

    Interdyscyplinarny wymiar regionalizmu

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    Artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia interdyscyplinarnego charakteru regionalizmu. Autor wskazuje przykłady interdyscyplinarności regionalizmu jako obszaru zainteresowania poznawczego oraz praktyki społecznej. Dlatego przedstawia szereg definicji regionalizmu, które są usytuowane w różnych perspektywach poznawczych, na przykład: antropologii, architektury i urbanistyki, ekonomii i gospodarki regionu, etnografii, historii, języka i literatury regionu, kultury regionu, politologii, socjologii, turystyki i krajoznawstwa. Autor odnosi się również do osobliwego związku, jaki zachodzi po- między zbiorowością a regionem, wskazując na jego zasadnicze cechy, do których zalicza: 1) przywiązanie do regionu (więź terytorialna, więź mentalna); 2) wartości regionu (aksjologia regionalna, symbolika regionu, autorytety regionalne, historia regionu, regionalizmy językowe); 3) kulturę regionalną (obyczaje i zwyczaje regionalne, obrzędowość regionalna, regionalna twórczość artystyczna i naukowa, folklor regionalny, czasopisma regionalistyczne); 4) identyfikację z regionem (świadomość regionalna, tożsamość regionalna); 5) działalność na rzecz regionu (aktywność regionalna, w tym aktywność na polu gospodarczym, która wspiera rozwój regionu). Artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia interdyscyplinarnego charakteru regionalizmu. Autor wskazuje przykłady interdyscyplinarności regionalizmu jako obszaru zainteresowania poznawczego oraz praktyki społecznej. Dlatego przedstawia szereg definicji regionalizmu, które są usytuowane w różnych perspektywach poznawczych, na przykład: antropologii, architektury i urbanistyki, ekonomii i gospodarki regionu, etnografii, historii, języka i literatury regionu, kultury regionu, politologii, socjologii, turystyki i krajoznawstwa. Autor odnosi się również do osobliwego związku, jaki zachodzi po- między zbiorowością a regionem, wskazując na jego zasadnicze cechy, do których zalicza: 1) przywiązanie do regionu (więź terytorialna, więź mentalna); 2) wartości regionu (aksjologia regionalna, symbolika regionu, autorytety regionalne, historia regionu, regionalizmy językowe); 3) kulturę regionalną (obyczaje i zwyczaje regionalne, obrzędowość regionalna, regionalna twórczość artystyczna i naukowa, folklor regionalny, czasopisma regionalistyczne); 4) identyfikację z regionem (świadomość regionalna, tożsamość regionalna); 5) działalność na rzecz regionu (aktywność regionalna, w tym aktywność na polu gospodarczym, która wspiera rozwój regionu).

    An Efficient Protocol for Negotiation over Combinatorial Domains with Incomplete Information

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    We study the problem of agent-based negotiation in combinatorial domains. It is difficult to reach optimal agreements in bilateral or multi-lateral negotiations when the agents' preferences for the possible alternatives are not common knowledge. Self-interested agents often end up negotiating inefficient agreements in such situations. In this paper, we present a protocol for negotiation in combinatorial domains which can lead rational agents to reach optimal agreements under incomplete information setting. Our proposed protocol enables the negotiating agents to identify efficient solutions using distributed search that visits only a small subspace of the whole outcome space. Moreover, the proposed protocol is sufficiently general that it is applicable to most preference representation models in combinatorial domains. We also present results of experiments that demonstrate the feasibility and computational efficiency of our approach

    Zarys tradycji i rozwoju czasopiśmiennictwa regionalistycznego w Wielkopolsce w latach powojennych do 1989 roku

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    This paper presents the tradition and development of regionalist periodicals and publications in Wielkopolska from the end of World War II to 1989. The author refers to the rich traditions of this type of publication dating back to the period of Prussian partition and the inter-war period. He indicates the socio-political conditions of regionalist publications in post-war Poland which actually limited its development. He exemplifies the achievements of social and cultural, scientific, and tourist associations as well as state institutions in maintaining regionalist publications from the post-war period to the socio-political transformation of 1989.This paper presents the tradition and development of regionalist periodicals and publications in Wielkopolska from the end of World War II to 1989. The author refers to the rich traditions of this type of publication dating back to the period of Prussian partition and the inter-war period. He indicates the socio-political conditions of regionalist publications in post-war Poland which actually limited its development. He exemplifies the achievements of social and cultural, scientific, and tourist associations as well as state institutions in maintaining regionalist publications from the post-war period to the socio-political transformation of 1989

    Miejsce i rola mediów lokalnych we współczesnym społeczeństwie informacyjnym (refleksje medioznawcze)

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    The author deals with the issue of the positioning of local media in a local information system. He considers this issue from the perspective of media studies and refers to the results of surveys carried out over the past twenty years, that is after 1989. The paper intends to present selected areas of the analysis of local media as an important participant in dialogue and a forum for the exchange of arguments in a local information system. The author emphasizes the social and political consequences of two fundamental paradigms of the functioning of local media, namely freedom of speech and accountability for one’s words, which are considered not only in terms of the execution of the right to access information, but also in terms of the social responsibility of the media for the information they disseminate.The author deals with the issue of the positioning of local media in a local information system. He considers this issue from the perspective of media studies and refers to the results of surveys carried out over the past twenty years, that is after 1989. The paper intends to present selected areas of the analysis of local media as an important participant in dialogue and a forum for the exchange of arguments in a local information system. The author emphasizes the social and political consequences of two fundamental paradigms of the functioning of local media, namely freedom of speech and accountability for one’s words, which are considered not only in terms of the execution of the right to access information, but also in terms of the social responsibility of the media for the information they disseminate

    Ewolucja zawartości prasy lokalnej w Polsce w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku

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    The Author explains that the research into local press is mainly concerned with the departure from political, economic or manufacturing matters which are superseded by the problems of ordinary people. It is usually emphasized that the general outlook of local press is predominantly affected by three types of problems: social, cultural and sporting, with a particular stress on the historical aspect. The private commercial press is becoming dominated by issues concerning crime and scandals, sports and entertainment, and advertising and announcements as evidenced by an increasing proportion of these topics in the total volume of publications under consideration. However, in magazines which are produced by local governments the main topics concern the initiatives, importance and functions of local governments which makes these publications resemble popular notice bulletins.The Author explains that the research into local press is mainly concerned with the departure from political, economic or manufacturing matters which are superseded by the problems of ordinary people. It is usually emphasized that the general outlook of local press is predominantly affected by three types of problems: social, cultural and sporting, with a particular stress on the historical aspect. The private commercial press is becoming dominated by issues concerning crime and scandals, sports and entertainment, and advertising and announcements as evidenced by an increasing proportion of these topics in the total volume of publications under consideration. However, in magazines which are produced by local governments the main topics concern the initiatives, importance and functions of local governments which makes these publications resemble popular notice bulletins

    Strukturyzacja województwa wielkopolskiego jako obszaru badań prasy lokalnej

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    The author presents the analysis of the current territorial structure of Wielkopolska as a potential research field for studies into the local press market and its trends. The contents of the paper comprise a demographic and territorial description of Wielkopolska, including an analysis of the six sub-regions distinguished on the basis of the European Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS). The purpose of the paper is to collect information to support the analysis, generalization and comparative examination of the development of the local press in specific areas, and the general presentation of demographic, territorial, socio-economic and cultural conditions. The composition of local press markets depends on such factors as the size and structure of populations, including the proportions of non-productive population (both pre-, and post-production age groups), population density, the rate of urbanization, economic status and levels of unemployment, income, development of educational, cultural, sporting and recreational facilities, historical transformations, including changes in territorial and administrative affiliation, and local press traditions.The author presents the analysis of the current territorial structure of Wielkopolska as a potential research field for studies into the local press market and its trends. The contents of the paper comprise a demographic and territorial description of Wielkopolska, including an analysis of the six sub-regions distinguished on the basis of the European Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS). The purpose of the paper is to collect information to support the analysis, generalization and comparative examination of the development of the local press in specific areas, and the general presentation of demographic, territorial, socio-economic and cultural conditions. The composition of local press markets depends on such factors as the size and structure of populations, including the proportions of non-productive population (both pre-, and post-production age groups), population density, the rate of urbanization, economic status and levels of unemployment, income, development of educational, cultural, sporting and recreational facilities, historical transformations, including changes in territorial and administrative affiliation, and local press traditions