410 research outputs found

    Use of shallow samples to estimate the total carbon storage in pastoral soils

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    Using data from pastoral soils sampled by horizon at 56 locations across New Zealand, we conducted a meta-analysis. On average, the total depth sampled was 0.93 ± 0.026 m (± SEM), and on a volumetric basis, the total C storage averaged 26.9 ± 1.8, 13.9 ± 0.6 and 9.2 ± 1.4 kg C m⁻² for allophanic (n=12), non-allophanic (n=40) and pumice soils (n=4), respectively. We estimated the total C storage, and quantified the uncertainty, using the data for samples taken from the uppermost A-horizon whose depth averaged 0.1 ± 0.003 m. For A-horizon samples of the allophanic soils, the mean C content was 108 ± 6 g C kg⁻¹ and the bulk density was 772 ± 29 kg m⁻³, for non-allophanic soils they were 51 ± 4 g C kg⁻¹ and 1055 ± 29 kg m⁻³, and for pumice soils they were 68 ± 9 g C kg⁻¹ and 715 ± 45 kg m⁻³. The C density —a product of the C content and bulk density —of the A-horizon samples was proportional to their air-dried water content, a proxy measure for the mineral surface area. By linear regression with C density of the A-horizon, the total C storage could be estimated with a standard error of 3.1 kg C m⁻², 19% of the overall mean

    Postan - A Package for Postoptimal Analysis (An Extension of Minos)

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    This paper presents a new software package which has been developed in collaboration with IIASA The new package, POSTAN, is designed for postoptimal analysis of linear programming problems, and is embedded in the well-known linear and nonlinear programming code MINOS. POSTAN is composed of a number of FORTRAN subroutines which may be called by adding some new keywords to the original list of MINOS specifications. The main function of POSTAN is to determine the ranges in which certain parameters may be changed without affecting the optimal solution and/or the optimal basis. In this paper the authors outline the general form of the linear programming problems studied, describe the six new subroutines in some detail, and illustrate this description with a printout obtained in the solution of a sample problem. The mathematical theory behind the software package is given in an Appendix

    Postan 3 - Extended Postoptimal Analysis Package for Minos

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    This paper is one of the series of 11 Working Papers presenting the software for interactive decision support and software tools for developing decision support systems. These products constitute the outcome of the contracted study agreement between the System and Decision Sciences Program at IIASA and several Polish scientific institutions. The theoretical part of these results is presented in the IIASA Working Paper WP-88-071 entitled "Theory, Software and Testing Examples in Decision Support Systems" which contains the theoretical and methodological backgrounds of the software systems developed within the project. This paper presents the POSTAN 3 package. This package constitutes the tool for postoptimal analysis for linear and linear-fractional programming problems. POSTAN consists of a number of FORTRAN routines which are incorporated into MINOS, the well known linear and nonlinear programming code developed at the Stanford University. The postoptimal analysis is performed after MINOS has found an optimal solution and is initiated by extending the original MINOS specification file. The main function of POSTAN is ranging with respect to parameters specified by the user and computing the sensitivity coefficients

    Electrochemical reduction of indigo in fixed and fluidized beds of graphite granules

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    Reducing agents required in the dyeing process for vat and sulfur dyes cannot be recycled and lead to problematic waste products. The electrochemical reduction of indigo on a fixed bed cathode consisting of graphite granules has been investigated by spectrophotometric experiments in laboratory cells. Experiments yield information about the kinetics and show the possibility of this process for production of water soluble leuco indigo, which offers environmental benefits. The influence of noble metals deposited on the granules and of different pretreatment methods of the graphite is demonstrated. In addition, the immobilization of quinoid molecules on the graphite surface has been investigate

    Modulated-splitting-ratio fiber-optic temperature sensor

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    A fiber-optic temperature sensor is described, which uses a small silicon beamsplitter whose splitting ratio varies as a function of temperature. A four-beam technique is used to measure the sensor's temperature-indicating splitting ratio. This referencing method provides a measurement that is largely independent of the transmission properties of the sensor's optical fiber link. A significant advantage of this sensor, relative to other fiber-optic sensors, is its high stability, which permits the fiber-optic components to be readily substituted, thereby simplifying the sensor's installation and maintenance

    Direct electrochemical reduction of indigo: process optimization and scale-up in a flow cell

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    Reducing agents required in the dyeing process for vat and sulfur dyes cannot be recycled, and lead to problematic waste products. Therefore, modern economical and ecological requirements are not fulfilled. The industrial feasibility of the direct electrochemical reduction of indigo as a novel method has been determined and a preliminary optimization of electrolytic conditions was performed using a laboratory-scale flow-cell system. The role of current density, pH, temperature and the rate of mass transport are discussed. The influence of particle size reduction by the application of ultrasound is critically considere

    Друга іноземна мова (німецька): робоча програма нормативної навчальної дисципліни

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    Предметом навчальної дисципліни «Друга іноземна мова (німецька)» є усне та писемне мовлення, граматичні та фонетичні особливості сучасної німецької мови, знання яких дає можливість формувати лінгвістичну компетенцію студентів. Навчальна дисципліна «Друга іноземна мова (німецька)» має комплексний характер і комунікативну спрямованість. Граматика не виділяється в окремий аспект, а вивчається паралельно з розмовними темамиРобоча програма навчальної дисципліни «Друга іноземна мова (німецька)» розроблена згідно з вимогами кредитно-модульної системи організації навчального процесу та призначена для студентів 1-4-го курсів спеціальності «Мова та література (англійська)» Інституту іноземної філології СНУ імені Лесі Українки. Другу іноземну мову (німецьку) студенти спеціальності «Мова та література (англійська)» вивчають з 2-го по 8-й семестр включно

    Metaphorical profiling of the concept PARTNERWAHL in german language

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    У статті схарактеризовано мовні засоби вираження метафоричної профілізації концепту PARTNERWAHL у німецькій мові, який уподібнюється живій істоті, предметові, асоціюється з концептами ЛЮБОВ, ВИГОДА, ПЛАНУВАННЯ БЮДЖЕТУ, РИЗИК, НЕБЕЗПЕКА, які засвідчують існування асоціативно-образного складника досліджуваного концепту. The article is dedicated to the study of the metaphorical profiling of the concept PARTNERWAHL / PARTNER CHOICE in German language. In cognitive science metaphor is one of the major mental operations, ways of knowing and categorizing reality. The actuality of this study is caused by the necessity of a systematic study of metaphorical profiling of the concept PARTNERWAHL / PARTNER CHOICE in German language. The article presents the definition of the profiling of the concept. The article examines also the classification of the conceptual metaphors, based on the theory of the conceptual metaphor, explored by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in their work Metaphors We Live By and extended by M. V. Pimenova. The article presents the analysis and description of the the means of expression of metaphorical reinterpretation of the concept PARTNERWAHL / PARTNER CHOICE in modern German language. Among them have been determined the lexical and the syntactical means. Due to its metaphotical reinterpretation concept PARTNERWAHL / PARTNER CHOICE is likened to a living being (LEBEWESEN), whom we can meet etc.; to an object (GEGENSTAND), which can be light, difficult. The concept PARTNERWAHL / PARTNER CHOICE is also associated with such concepts as LIEBE (LOVE), NUTZEN (BENEFIT), BUDGETPLANUNG (BUDGET PLANNING), RISIKO (RISK), GEFAHR (DANGER), which assure the associative-figurative component of the concept under study

    Accounting for the utilization of a N₂O mitigation tool in the IPCC inventory methodology for agricultural soils

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    In this study we review recent studies where dicyandiamide was used as a nitrification inhibitor to reduce both N₂O emissions from urine patches and nitrate leaching from pasture systems, and which led to the development of a commercial product for use on farmland. On average, emissions of N₂O and nitrate leaching were reduced by 72% and 61%, respectively. This study then demonstrates how a mitigation tool can be accounted for in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's inventory methodology when constructing an inventory of New Zealand's agricultural soil N₂O emissions. The current New Zealand specific emission factors for EF1 (0.01), EF3PRP (0.01) and FracLEACH (0.07) are amended to values of 0.0058, 0.0058 and 0.0455. Examples are also given, based on OVERSEER TM models, of the implications of farm management scenarios on N₂O inventories and total greenhouse gas production when using a N₂O mitigation tool; CO₂ equivalents kg⁻¹ milk solid decreased from 14.2 to as little as 11.7, depending on the management scenario modelled