9 research outputs found

    ニュウヨウジ トノ ジョウドウ チョウリツ ニヨル カンジュセイ クンレン ノ コウカ : シンリ リョウホウカ オ メザス ダイガクインセイ オ タイショウ ニ

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    Training institutes, including graduate schools for clinical psychology have been producing qualified and skilled clinical psychologists in society. In order to become good clinical psychologists, the candidates need to have not only knowledge and skills in the subject area but should also have personal characteristics such as sensitivity, empathy, and introspection. In this study a sensitivity training program, which focused on emotional attunement to infants and children, was developed and its effectiveness was investigated using three questionnaires : the perceived coding ability scale, the interpersonal sensitivity measure, and the non-verbal sensitivity scale. Out of 60 graduate students, 18 participated in this program once a week at a nursery school for a period of 5 months. The results showed that the scores of the perceived coding ability scale were significantly increased for students who participated in this program but there was no difference in the scores of the other two scales. The results also showed that there were significant differences between the scores of students who participated in the program and those who did not, with respect to the perceived coding ability and interpersonal sensitivity scales. Students who participated in this program showed higher sensitivity scores even before participating in this program. Therefore, we concluded that the program needs to focus more on emotional attunement and the selection process must change such that all students participate in this program

    ヨウチエン デノ プレイ セラピー ノ ジッセン ケンキュウ : ヨウジ ノ ソダツ チカラ ト コソダテ シエン トシテノ コウカ

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    Collaboration was organized between A university and two kindergartens in A city and play therapy was performed with nine children using empty kindergarten classrooms. University teachers with a clinical psychology qualification held discussions with the parents of these children, and kindergarten teachers provided consultation to the parents and exchanged information with them. The effectiveness of play therapy was verified on the basis of a questionnaire conducted before and after play therapy implementation. The results showed that after play therapy, the children became emotionally stable, had fewer behavior problems, and showed an improvement in their social nature. Moreover, seven out of the nine parents perceived that their children had matured. The kindergarten teachers presented the same evaluation from their results. The practice records showed that the children gained confidence and pride by enjoying playing with therapists and being accepted by them, which led to them taking interest in their friends. Their growth potential was activated. In addition, changes in parent−child relationships were observed. Play therapy also supported the parents, and it was considered an effective child raising support measure


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