42 research outputs found

    The mitogenic activity in early products related to human cytomegalovirus

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Emerson Urizzi CerviDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política. Defesa : Curitiba, 22/05/2017Inclui referências: p. 127-134Resumo: Considerando a palavra como força principal e fundamental do discurso político em qualquer uma das suas manifestações e a influência do mesmo nos resultados eleitorais dos países, é o objeto da presente dissertação apresentar uma análise de discurso comparado e adaptado às plataformas digitais, entre Juan Manuel Santos, presidente da Colômbia; Álvaro Uribe Vélez, ex-presidente, atual senador e chefe da oposição; e Rodrigo Londoño Eceheverri, ex-comandante e líder das Forças Armadas Revolucionárias de Colômbia, FARC, desde suas contas do Twitter nas matérias concernentes aos temas de paz e conflito armado, no marco do processo de paz de Havana entre o governo colombiano e as FARC para pôr fim a quase 60 anos de guerra interna. A dissertação parte da hipótese do uso do discurso da paz como ferramenta do discurso politizante com fins eleitorais mas não como valor do bem comum, e propõe-se identificar, caracterizar, comparar e analisar os elementos do discurso dos três atores. A pesquisa, com enfoque quali-quanti, utilizou como corpus as mensagens publicadas no Twitter nas datas do 25 de agosto e 2 de outubro de 2016, durante a campanha eleitoral pelo plebiscito para aprovar ou desaprovar os acordos do processo de paz de Havana. Desse modo observa-se que o perfil de cada um apresenta diferenças que os alheiam no fundo, no caso de Uribe e Santos, e aproximam na forma, no caso de Uribe e Timochenko; e que o discurso da paz é usado segundo a concepção e fins de cada ator: personalista e luta pelo poder, em Uribe; estadista e de poder, em Santos; político e de reivindicação, em Timochenko. Palavras-Chave: Twitter e política, Processo de paz Colômbia, Discurso político no Twitter, Plebiscito Colômbia, Paz e conflito armado.Abstract: Considering the word like fundamental force of political discourse in any of its manifestations and its influence on the electoral results, the object of this dissertation is make a compared discourse analysis adapted to the digital platforms, between Juan Manuel Santos , President of Colombia; Álvaro Uribe Vélez, ex-president, current senator and lead of the opposition; and Rodrigo Londoño Eceheverri, ex-commander and leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, posted in his Twitter accounts about topics relatives to peace and armed conflict of the Peace process from La Habana, between the Colombian government and the FARC to finish 60 years of internal war. This dissertation is based on the hypothesis of using the peace as a tool of politicizing discourse for electoral results and not as a valor of the common benefit, and search to identify, characterize, compare and analyze the elements of the three actors' discourse. The qualitative-quantitative research used as corpus the messages posted on Twitter, between August 25 and October 2 of 2016, in the electoral campaign by the plebiscite to approve or disapprove the agreements of the La Habana peace process. In this way it is observed that the profile of each one presents differences that alienate them in the background, in the case of Uribe and Santos, and approach in the form, in the case of Uribe and Timochenko; and that the speech of peace is used according to the conception and ends of each actor: personalist and struggle for power, in Uribe; statesmanship and power in Santos; political and of claim, in Timochenko. Keywords: Twitter and politics, Peace process Colombia, Political speech on Twitter, Plebiscite Colombia, Peace and armed conflict

    Cell Death Induction of Thymidine Kinase Gene Transfer Followed by Ganciclovir Treatment in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Lines

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    The tumoricidal effect of herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-tk) gene transfer followed by ganciclovir (GCV) treatment has been demonstrated in relation to the bystander effect. We examined the mode of cell death after GCV treatment in three human oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cell lines that had been infected with adenovirus possessing HSV-tk gene. Oral SCC cell lines displayed high susceptibility to HSV-tk/GCV treatment despite low transduction. Evidence suggests that apoptosis was not found by internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, cell cycle kinetics or gene expressions indicative of apoptosis. However, we observed different levels of expression of annexin V-positive/propidium iodide-negative cells in all the cell lines and occasional TUNEL-positive cells in one cell line. To address these controversial findings, we further confirmed the morphological phenotypes of cell death with semi-thin and ultra-thin sections, which revealed that the cells undergoing death were consistent with necrosis, i.e. swelling of cytoplasm and intracellular organs with membrane disruption. Furthermore, no apoptotic bodies were detected within cytoplasm of apparently intact cells. A nonapoptotic mechanism may play a central role in the HSV-tk/GCV-induced cell death in oral SCC cell lines

    Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Buccal Mucosa: A Patient Report

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    Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a soft tissue tumor most frequently localized in the pleura, but it has recently been described in other body sites. We have encountered a rare patient with an SFT of the buccal mucosa. We examined the case clinically, histopathologically and immunohistochemically. Dimension of the resected tumor was 3 by 2.5 by 3 cm. Histological observation revealed that the tumor was composed of spindle- or ovoid-shaped cells with varying amounts of haphazardly arranged collagen bundles. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells exhibited strong staining with CD34 and bcl-2 but were negative to smooth muscle actin, ckit and S-100 protein. The patient was discharged 7 days after surgery, with no signs of recurrences after 14 months. We reported a rare case of buccal SFT and reviewed 38 cases of intraoral SF

    Multiple Myeloma Presenting Symptoms in the Oral and Maxillofacial Region

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    Four cases of multiple myeloma presenting symptoms in the oral and maxillofacial region are reported. The main complaints in 2 patients were macroglossia and dysphagia. We doubted these cases were amyloidosis, but examinations performed for possible amyloidosis led us to a diagnosis of multiple myeloma. The other 2 patients presented signs in the mandible. One of them had a mass-type lesion in the gingiva which upon X-ray revealed an osteolytic lesion in the mandible and multiple "punched-out" osteolytic lesions in the cranial bones. The other showed only a diffuse non-homogeneous radiolucent lesion and dental ankylosis. Medical history and biochemical and hematologic findings would be helpful in diagnosing multiple myeloma. Here, we report our summarization of these 4 cases

    Polymorphous Low-Grade Adenocarcinoma Arising at the Retromolar Region: A Rare Case of High-Grade Malignancy

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    Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) is an entity under the subclassification of adenocarcinoma from salivary glands. We report here a rare case of PLGA with suspected metastases to a regional lymph node and the liver, confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. An 88-year-old Japanese woman complaining of pain in the left mandible, specifically in the gingiva upon swallowing, was referred to our clinical department in July 2003. The pain in the left mandibular gingiva had been noted 10 months before the first medical examination. Oral examination revealed a 38 × 30 mm mass forming from the left retromolar region to the glossopalatal arch with ulcer. An incisional biopsy of the mass revealed PLGA. Histopathologically, tumor cells presenting mild atypia showed tubular and cribriform structures. Immunohistochemically, the Ki-67 labeling index showed 31% suggesting a potential high-grade malignancy of tumor cells