197 research outputs found

    Steady Rotation of Micropolar Fluid Sphere in Concentric Spherical Container

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    AbstractThe problem of slow steady rotation of a micropolar fluid sphere in concentric spherical container filled with viscous fluid is studied. The appropriate boundary conditions are taken on the surface of the sphere. The hydrodynamic couple and wall correction factor exerted on the micropolar fluid sphere is obtained. The dependence of the wall correction factor on the micropolarity parameter and spin parameter is presented graphically and discussed. The hydrodynamic couple acting on a solid sphere in a cell model and on a solid sphere in an unbounded medium are obtained from the present analysis

    Proteome of the aging mice heart

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    Aging induces pathological cardiovascular changes such as cardiac dysfunction and arteriosclerosis. With aging, heart cells, especially, become more susceptible to lethal damage. In this report, we tried to understand the precise mechanism of myocardial change resulting from aging by examining the heart proteome in aging mice using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE). The proteins were stained with fluorescence dyes (SYPRO Ruby and Pro-Q Diamond) and identified by subsequent MALDI-TOF-MS / MS. As a result, markedly altered levels of 14 proteins and 7 phosphoproteins were detected in the hearts of 3-, 7-, 11-, and 20-month-old mice. The functions of these identified proteins and phosphoproteins were energy metabolism, muscle contraction, glycolysis, and cytoskeletal support. Additionally, the results of Western blotting confirmed changes in the expression of FTH, CPNE5, and SUCLA2. These findings showed that aging modified the expression of proteins and phosphoproteins in the heart. We suggest that changes in the expression of these proteins are critical to the development of cardiac dysfunction resulting from aging

    Actively Private and Correct MPC Scheme in t<n/2t < n/2 from Passively Secure Schemes with Small Overhead

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    Recently, several efforts to implement and use an unconditionally secure multi-party computation (MPC) scheme have been put into practice. These implementations are {\em passively} secure MPC schemes in which an adversary must follow the MPC schemes. Although passively secure MPC schemes are efficient, passive security has the strong restriction concerning the behavior of the adversary. We investigate how secure we can construct MPC schemes while maintaining comparable efficiency with the passive case, and propose a construction of an {\em actively} secure MPC scheme from passively secure ones. Our construction is secure in the t<n/2t < n/2 setting, which is the same as the passively secure one. Our construction operates not only the theoretical minimal set for computing arbitrary circuits, that is, addition and multiplication, but also high-level operations such as shuffling and sorting. We do not use the broadcast channel in the construction. Therefore, privacy and correctness are achieved but {\em robustness} is absent; if the adversary cheats, a protocol may not be finished but anyone can detect the cheat (and may stop the protocol) without leaking secret information. Instead of this, our construction requires O((cBn+n2)κ)O((c_B n + n^2)\kappa) communication that is comparable to one of the best known passively secure MPC schemes, O((cMn+n2)logn)O((c_M n + n^2)\log n), where κ\kappa denote the security parameter, cBc_B denotes the sum of multiplication gates and high-level operations, and cMc_M denotes the number of multiplication gates. Furthermore, we implemented our construction and confirmed that its efficiency is comparable to the current astest passively secure implementation

    3-Party Secure Computation for RAMs: Optimal and Concretely Efficient

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    A distributed oblivious RAM (DORAM) is a method for accessing a secret-shared memory while hiding the accessed locations. DORAMs are the key tool for secure multiparty computation (MPC) for RAM programs that avoids expensive RAM-to-circuit transformations. We present new and improved 3-party DORAM protocols. For a logical memory of size NN and for each logical operation, our DORAM requires O(logN)O(\log N) local CPU computation steps. This is known to be asymptotically optimal. Our DORAM satisfies passive security in the honest majority setting. Our technique results with concretely-efficient protocols and does not use expensive cryptography (such as re-randomizable or homomorphic encryption). Specifically, our DORAM is 25X faster than the known most efficient DORAM in the same setting. Lastly, we extend our technique to handle malicious attackers at the expense of using slightly larger blocks (i.e., ω(log2N)\omega(\log^2 N) vs. Ω(logN)\Omega(\log N)). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first concretely-efficient maliciously secure DORAM. Technically, our construction relies on a novel concretely-efficient 3-party oblivious permutation protocol. We combine it with efficient non-oblivious hashing techniques (i.e., Cuckoo hashing) to get a distributed oblivious hash table. From this, we build a full-fledged DORAM using a distributed variant of the hierarchical approach of Goldreich and Ostrovsky (J. ACM \u2796). These ideas, and especially the permutation protocol, are of independent interest

    An Efficient Secure Three-Party Sorting Protocol with an Honest Majority

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    We present a novel three-party sorting protocol secure against passive adversaries in the honest majority setting. The protocol can be easily combined with other secure protocols which work on shared data, and thus enable different data analysis tasks, such as data deduplication, set intersection, and computing percentiles. The new sorting protocol is based on radix sort. It is asymptotically better compared to previous sorting protocols since it does not need to shuffle the entire length of the items after each comparison step. We further improve the concrete efficiency by using not only optimizations but also novel protocols, which are independent of interest. We implemented our sorting protocol with those optimizations and protocols. Our experiments show that our implementation is concretely fast. For example, sorting one million 2020-bit items takes 4.6 seconds in 1G connection. It enables a new set of applications on large-scale datasets since the known implementations handle thousands of items about 10 seconds


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    Objectives: The objective of this study is to develop a Ti fibre knit block without sintering, and to evaluate its deformability and new bone formation in vivo. Material and Methods: A Ti fibre with a diameter of 150 μm was knitted to fabricate a Ti mesh tube. The mesh tube was compressed in a metal mould to fabricate porous Ti fibre knit blocks with three different porosities of 88%, 69%, and 50%. The elastic modulus and deformability were evaluated using a compression test. The knit block was implanted into bone defects of a rabbit’s hind limb, and new bone formation was evaluated using micro computed tomography (micro-CT) analysis and histological analysis. Results: The knit blocks with 88% porosity showed excellent deformability, indicating potential appropriateness for bone defect filling. Although the porosities of the knit block were different, they indicated similar elastic modulus smaller than 1 GPa. The elastic modulus after deformation increased linearly as the applied compression stress increased. The micro-CT analysis indicated that in the block with 50% porosity new bone filled nearly all of the pore volume four weeks after implantation. In contrast, in the block with 88% porosity, new bone filled less than half of the pore volume even 12 weeks after implantation. The histological analysis also indicated new bone formation in the block. Conclusions: The titanium fibre knit block with high porosity is potentially appropriate for bone defect filling, indicating good bone ingrowth after porosity reduction with applied compression

    Secure Statistical Analysis on Multiple Datasets: Join and Group-By

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    We implement a secure platform for statistical analysis over multiple organizations and multiple datasets. We provide a suite of protocols for different variants of JOIN and GROUP-BY operations. JOIN allows combining data from multiple datasets based on a common column. GROUP-BY allows aggregating rows that have the same values in a column or a set of columns, and then apply some aggregation summary on the rows (such as sum, count, median, etc.). Both operations are fundamental tools for relational databases. One example use case of our platform is in data marketing in which an analyst would join purchase histories and membership information, and then obtain statistics, such as Which products were bought by people earning this much per annum? Both JOIN and GROUP-BY involve many variants, and we design protocols for several common procedures. In particular, we propose a novel group-by-median protocol that has not been known so far. Our protocols rely on sorting protocols, and work in the honest majority setting and against malicious adversaries. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first implementation of JOIN and GROUP-BY protocols secure against a malicious adversary

    Using the Acropora digitifera genome to understand coral responses to environmental change

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    Despite the enormous ecological and economic importance of coral reefs, the keystone organisms in their establishment, the scleractinian corals, increasingly face a range of anthropogenic challenges including ocean acidification and seawater temperature rise1, 2, 3, 4. To understand better the molecular mechanisms underlying coral biology, here we decoded the approximately 420-megabase genome of Acropora digitifera using next-generation sequencing technology. This genome contains approximately 23,700 gene models. Molecular phylogenetics indicate that the coral and the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis diverged approximately 500 million years ago, considerably earlier than the time over which modern corals are represented in the fossil record (~240 million years ago)5. Despite the long evolutionary history of the endosymbiosis, no evidence was found for horizontal transfer of genes from symbiont to host. However, unlike several other corals, Acropora seems to lack an enzyme essential for cysteine biosynthesis, implying dependency of this coral on its symbionts for this amino acid. Corals inhabit environments where they are frequently exposed to high levels of solar radiation, and analysis of the Acropora genome data indicates that the coral host can independently carry out de novo synthesis of mycosporine-like amino acids, which are potent ultraviolet-protective compounds. In addition, the coral innate immunity repertoire is notably more complex than that of the sea anemone, indicating that some of these genes may have roles in symbiosis or coloniality. A number of genes with putative roles in calcification were identified, and several of these are restricted to corals. The coral genome provides a platform for understanding the molecular basis of symbiosis and responses to environmental changes

    Efficient Secure Three-Party Sorting with Applications to Data Analysis and Heavy Hitters

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    We present a three-party sorting protocol secure against passive and active adversaries in the honest majority setting. The protocol can be easily combined with other secure protocols which work on shared data, and thus enable different data analysis tasks, such as private set intersection of shared data, deduplication, and the identification of heavy hitters. The new protocol computes a stable sort. It is based on radix sort and is asymptotically better than previous secure sorting protocols. It improves on previous radix sort protocols by not having to shuffle the entire length of the items after each comparison step. We implemented our sorting protocol with different optimizations and achieved concretely fast performance. For example, sorting one million items with 32-bit keys and 32-bit values takes less than 2 seconds with semi-honest security and about 3.5 seconds with malicious security. Finding the heavy hitters among hundreds of thousands of 256-bit values takes only a few seconds, compared to close to an hour in previous work