476 research outputs found

    On the perturbation propagation in the initial-boundary value problem for quasilinear first order equations

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    The paper deals with initial-boundary value problem for generalized solutions of single quasilinear nonautonomous conservation law. For the case so-called "processes with aggravation" the localization property and inner boundedness are studied. Also in case when boundary function tends to zero as t => + ∞ the localization effect is regarded

    Anisotropic phonon DOS: the application of Rietveld and Mossbauer texture analysis in aligned powders

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    While synthesizing the single crystals of novel materials is not always feasible, orienting the layered polycrystals becomes an attractive method in the studies of angular dependencies of inelastic scattering of x-rays or neutrons. Putting in use the Rietveld analysis of layered structures in novel manganites and cuprates we develop the studies of their anisotropic properties with oriented powders instead of single crystals. Densities of phonon states (DOS) and atomic thermal displacememts (ATD) are anisotropic in the A-site ordered manganites LnBaMn2Oy of both y=5 and y=6 series (Ln=Y, La, Sm, Gd). We establish the angular dependence of DOS on textures of arbitrary strengths, link the textures observed by x-ray and gamma-ray techniques, and solve the problem of disentanglement of Goldanskii-Karyagin effect (GKE) and texture in Moessbauer spectra.Comment: 6 pages; 5 figures, revise

    Novel dynamic scaling regime in hole-doped La2CuO4

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    Only 3% hole doping by Li is sufficient to suppress the long-range 3-dimensional (3D) antiferromagnetic order in La2CuO4. The spin dynamics of such a 2D spin liquid state at T << J was investigated with measurements of the dynamic magnetic structure factor S(omega,q), using cold neutron spectroscopy, for single crystalline La2Cu0.94Li0.06O4. S(omega,q) peaks sharply at (pi,pi) and crosses over around 50K from omega/T scaling to a novel low temperature regime characterized by a constant energy scale. The possible connection to a crossover from the quantum critical to the quantum disordered regime of the 2D antiferromagnetic spin liquid is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    Characteristics of the two main approaches to modeling of management processes are described. The first of them is the system-cybernetic (separation of the control procedures in processes), the second is modeling stages of the company development by L. Greiner (partition of the cycle stages of organization). Each approach of business process modeling is viewed using simple charts and tables. The purpose of research is to acquaint managers of companies with the most effective management systems in order to the enterprise the correct organizational development of the company. The general laws of building optimal crisis management mechanisms now is given.Выделены и описаны характерные особенности двух основных подходов к моделированию процессов менеджмента. Первый – системно-кибернетический (разделение процедуры управления на процессы), второй – моделирование этапов развития фирмы по Л. Грейнеру (разбиение жизненного цикла компании на этапы). Каждый подход к моделированию бизнес-процессов подробно рассматривается с использованием простых схемы и таблицы. Цель исследования – познакомить руководителей компаний с наиболее эффективными системами управления на предприятии для правильного организационного развития фирмы, для преодоления кризисов организаций и минимализации их последствий. Приведены общие закономерности оптимального построения механизмов антикризисного управления компанией

    Dilution and clustering of Fe in the rutile phases of TiO2 and SnO2

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    ABSTRACT: Dilute magnetic semiconductors of Fe-doped SnO2 and TiO2 with the structure of rutile were prepared in forms of powder and thin films using the techniques of sol gel and pulsed-laser deposition. We present the results of measurement of vibrational density of states of Fe impurity dopants in these oxides and demonstrate the cases of dilution and clustering. The oxygen pressure during the film deposition was varied between 10−1 and 10−8 Torr. In TiO2 films made at 10−1 Torr, Fe is diluted, however, in films made at 10−8 Torr Fe is clustered. The case of true Fe dilution in SnO2 is also shown. In spite of larger mass defect for Fe in SnO2 than that for Fe in TiO2 the dilute Fe species probe the phonon states in SnO2 more faithfully than in TiO2. This result is understood in terms of the combined effect of mass defect and nearest-neighbor force-constant changes. The impurity modes are more pronounced in TiO2 than in SnO2 due to ca. 10% difference of the lattice cell volumes between these two rutile oxides

    Dispersion of the odd magnetic resonant mode in near-optimally doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d

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    We report a neutron scattering study of the spin excitation spectrum in the superconducting state of slightly overdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d system (Tc=87 K). We focus on the dispersion of the resonance peak in the superconducting state that is due to a S=1 collective mode. The measured spin excitation spectrum bears a strong similarity to the spectrum of the YBa2Cu3O6+x system for a similar doping level i.e. x= 0.95-1), which consists of intersecting upward- and downward-dispersing branches. A close comparison of the threshold of the electron-hole spin flip continuum, deduced from angle resolved photo-emission measurements in the same system, indicates that the magnetic response in the superconducting state is confined, in both energy and momentum, below the gapped Stoner continuum. In contrast to YBa2Cu3O6+x, the spin excitation spectrum is broader than the experimental resolution. In the framework of an itinerant-electron model, we quantitatively relate this intrinsic energy width to the superconducting gap distribution observed in scanning tunnelling microscopy experiments. Our study further suggests a significant in-plane anisotropy of the magnetic response.Comment: 10 figure

    Condensation of a tetrahedra rigid-body libration mode in HoBaCo4O7 : the origin of phase transition at 355 K

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    Rietveld profiles, Moessbauer spectra and x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) were analyzed through the structural phase transition at Ts = 355 K in HoBaCo4O7. Excess of the oxygen content over O7 was avoided via annealing the samples in argon flow at 600 degree C. Space groups (S.G.) Pbn21c and P63mc were used to refine the structure parameters in the low- and high-temperature phases, respectively. Additionally, the Cmc21 symmetry was considered as a concurrent model of structure of the low-temperature phase. In the high-temperature phase, severe anisotropy of thermal motion of the major part of the oxygen atoms was observed. This anisotropic motion turns to be quenched as the sample is cooled below Ts. The variation of quadrupole splitting near Ts is not similar to a steplike anomaly frequently seen at the charge-ordering transition. We observe instead a dip-like anomaly of the average quadrupole splitting near Ts. Narrow distribution of the electric field gradient (EFG) over different cobalt sites is observed and explained on the basis of point-charge model. XAFS spectra show no evidence of significant difference between YBaCo4O7 (T > Ts) and HoBaCo4O7 (T < Ts). The origin of the transition at Ts is ascribed to the condensation of the libration phonon mode associated with the rigid-body rotational movements of the starlike tetrahedral units, the building blocks of kagome network. It is shown that the condensation of the libration mode is not compatible with translation symmetry for the hexagonal S.G., but compatible for the orthorhombic S.G. The orthorhombic lattice parameters and EFG components (Vxx, Vyy, Vzz) vary smoothly with temperature at approaching Ts and closely follow each other.Comment: 13 figure

    Two Pseudogaps in the Cuprates: Meingast et al. Reply

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    In classical superconductors Cooper-pair formation and phase coherence occur simultaneously as the temperature is lowered below Tc. In high-temperature superconductors (HTSC), on the other hand, the small superfluid density and low associated phase stiffness of the superconducting condensate are expected to lead to a separation of the Cooper-pair formation and the phase-coherence temperatures, especially in underdoped materials [3]. The only real phase transition in this scenario is the 3d-XY phase-ordering transition at Tc [3,4]. In our Letter [2] we showed that Tc in underdoped and optimally doped YBCO is just such a phase-ordering temperature, and then the question naturally arises - where do the Cooper pairs form? The observed 3d-XY scaling of our thermal expansion data over a wide temperature range [2] suggests that pairing occurs at temperatures considerably above Tc, and it thus appeared quite natural for us to associate the opening of the pseudogap at T*.Comment: 3 pages, 1 Figure (Reply to Comment by R. S. Markiewicz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 229703 (2002