609 research outputs found

    Analysis of ozone and nitric acid in spring and summer Arctic pollution using aircraft, ground-based, satellite observations and MOZART-4 model: source attribution and partitioning

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    In this paper, we analyze tropospheric O_3 together with HNO_3 during the POLARCAT (Polar Study using Aircraft, Remote Sensing, Surface Measurements and Models, of Climate, Chemistry, Aerosols, and Transport) program, combining observations and model results. Aircraft observations from the NASA ARCTAS (Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites) and NOAA ARCPAC (Aerosol, Radiation and Cloud Processes affecting Arctic Climate) campaigns during spring and summer of 2008 are used together with the Model for Ozone and Related Chemical Tracers, version 4 (MOZART-4) to assist in the interpretation of the observations in terms of the source attribution and transport of O_3 and HNO_3 into the Arctic (north of 60° N). The MOZART-4 simulations reproduce the aircraft observations generally well (within 15%), but some discrepancies in the model are identified and discussed. The observed correlation of O_3 with HNO_3 is exploited to evaluate the MOZART-4 model performance for different air mass types (fresh plumes, free troposphere and stratospheric-contaminated air masses). Based on model simulations of O_3 and HNO_3 tagged by source type and region, we find that the anthropogenic pollution from the Northern Hemisphere is the dominant source of O3 and HNO3 in the Arctic at pressures greater than 400 hPa, and that the stratospheric influence is the principal contribution at pressures less 400 hPa. During the summer, intense Russian fire emissions contribute some amount to the tropospheric columns of both gases over the American sector of the Arctic. North American fire emissions (California and Canada) also show an important impact on tropospheric ozone in the Arctic boundary layer. Additional analysis of tropospheric O_3 measurements from ground-based FTIR and from the IASI satellite sounder made at the Eureka (Canada) and Thule (Greenland) polar sites during POLARCAT has been performed using the tagged contributions. It demonstrates the capability of these instruments for observing pollution at northern high latitudes. Differences between contributions from the sources to the tropospheric columns as measured by FTIR and IASI are discussed in terms of vertical sensitivity associated with these instruments. The first analysis of O_3 tropospheric columns observed by the IASI satellite instrument over the Arctic is also provided. Despite its limited vertical sensitivity in the lowermost atmospheric layers, we demonstrate that IASI is capable of detecting low-altitude pollution transported into the Arctic with some limitations

    Analysis of satellite-derived Arctic tropospheric BrO columns in conjunction with aircraft measurements during ARCTAS and ARCPAC

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    We derive tropospheric column BrO during the ARCTAS and ARCPAC field campaigns in spring 2008 using retrievals of total column BrO from the satellite UV nadir sensors OMI and GOME-2 using a radiative transfer model and stratospheric column BrO from a photochemical simulation. We conduct a comprehensive comparison of satellite-derived tropospheric BrO column to aircraft in-situ observations of BrO and related species. The aircraft profiles reveal that tropospheric BrO, when present during April 2008, was distributed over a broad range of altitudes rather than being confined to the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Perturbations to the total column resulting from tropospheric BrO are the same magnitude as perturbations due to longitudinal variations in the stratospheric component, so proper accounting of the stratospheric signal is essential for accurate determination of satellite-derived tropospheric BrO. We find reasonably good agreement between satellite-derived tropospheric BrO and columns found using aircraft in-situ BrO profiles, particularly when satellite radiances were obtained over bright surfaces (albedo \u3e0.7), for solar zenith angl

    Fugitive emissions from the Bakken shale illustrate role of shale production in global ethane shift

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    Ethane is the second most abundant atmospheric hydrocarbon, exerts a strong influence on tropospheric ozone, and reduces the atmosphere’s oxidative capacity. Global observations showed declining ethane abundances from 1984 to 2010, while a regional measurement indicated increasing levels since 2009, with the reason for this subject to speculation. The Bakken shale is an oil and gas‐producing formation centered in North Dakota that experienced a rapid increase in production beginning in 2010. We use airborne data collected over the North Dakota portion of the Bakken shale in 2014 to calculate ethane emissions of 0.23 ± 0.07 (2σ) Tg/yr, equivalent to 1–3% of total global sources. Emissions of this magnitude impact air quality via concurrent increases in tropospheric ozone. This recently developed large ethane source from one location illustrates the key role of shale oil and gas production in rising global ethane levels.Key PointsThe Bakken shale in North Dakota accounted for 1–3% total global ethane emissions in 2014These findings highlight the importance of shale production in global atmospheric ethane shiftThese emissions impact air quality and influence interpretations of recent global methane changesPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142509/1/grl54333.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142509/2/grl54333-sup-0001-2016GL068703-SI.pd

    Characteristics of tropospheric ozone depletion events in the Arctic spring: analysis of the ARCTAS, ARCPAC, and ARCIONS measurements and satellite BrO observations

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    Arctic ozone depletion events (ODEs) are caused by halogen catalyzed ozone loss. In situ chemistry, advection of ozone-poor air mass, and vertical mixing in the lower troposphere are important factors affecting ODEs. To better characterize the ODEs, we analyze the combined set of surface, ozonesonde, and aircraft in situ measurements of ozone and bromine compounds during the Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites (ARCTAS), the Aerosol, Radiation, and Cloud Processes affecting Arctic Climate (ARCPAC), and the Arctic Intensive Ozonesonde Network Study (ARCIONS) experiments (April 2008). Tropospheric BrO columns retrieved from satellite measurements and back trajectory calculations are also used to investigate the characteristics of observed ODEs. In situ observations from these field experiments are inadequate to validate tropospheric BrO columns derived from satellite measurements. In view of this difficulty, we construct an ensemble of tropospheric column BrO estimates from two satellite (OMI and GOME-2) measurements and with three independent methods of calculating stratospheric BrO columns. Furthermore, we select analysis methods that do not depend on the absolute magnitude of column BrO, such as time-lagged correlation analysis of ozone and tropospheric column BrO, to understand characteristics of ODEs. Time-lagged correlation analysis between in situ (surface and ozonesonde) measurements of ozone and satellite derived tropospheric BrO columns indicates that the ODEs are due to either local halogen-driven ozone loss or short-range (∼1 day) transport from nearby regions with ozone depletion. The effect of in situ ozone loss is also evident in the diurnal variation difference between low (10th and 25th percentiles) and higher percentiles of surface ozone concentrations at Alert, Canada. Aircraft observations indicate low-ozone air mass transported from adjacent high-BrO regions. Correlation analyses of ozone with potential temperature and time-lagged tropospheric BrO column show that the vertical extent of local ozone loss is surprisingly deep (1–2 km) at Resolute and Churchill, Canada. The unstable boundary layer during ODEs at Churchill could potentially provide a source of free-tropospheric BrO through convective transport and explain the significant negative correlation between free-tropospheric ozone and tropospheric BrO column at this site

    Airborne observations of methane emissions from rice cultivation in the Sacramento Valley of California

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    Airborne measurements of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were taken over the rice growing region of California's Sacramento Valley in the late spring of 2010 and 2011. From these and ancillary measurements, we show that CH4 mixing ratios were higher in the planetary boundary layer above the Sacramento Valley during the rice growing season than they were before it, which we attribute to emissions from rice paddies. We derive daytime emission fluxes of CH4 between 0.6 and 2.0% of the CO2 taken up by photosynthesis on a per carbon, or mole to mole, basis. We also use a mixing model to determine an average CH 4/CO2 flux ratio of -0.6% for one day early in the growing season of 2010. We conclude the CH4/CO2 flux ratio estimates from a single rice field in a previous study are representative of rice fields in the Sacramento Valley. If generally true, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) greenhouse gas inventory emission rate of 2.7×1010g CH4/yr is approximately three times lower than the range of probable CH4 emissions (7.8-9.3×10 10g CH4/yr) from rice cultivation derived in this study. We attribute this difference to decreased burning of the residual rice crop since 1991, which leads to an increase in CH4 emissions from rice paddies in succeeding years, but which is not accounted for in the CARB inventory. © 2012. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    No difference in radiologic outcomes for natalizumab patients treated with extended interval dosing compared with standard interval dosing: Real-world evidence from MS PATHS

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    BACKGROUND: Extended interval dosing (EID; average dosing interval approximately every 6 weeks) of natalizumab is associated with significantly lower risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy than standard interval dosing (SID; every 4 weeks) in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS). Real-world studies, though limited, suggest that natalizumab effectiveness is generally maintained in patients who switch to EID after initiation of stable treatment with SID. MS PATHS (Multiple Sclerosis Partners Advancing Technology and Health Solutions) is a collaborative, multicenter learning health system that generates real-world clinical and MRI data using highly standardized acquisition protocols. We compared MRI outcomes in MS PATHS patients treated with natalizumab EID versus SID. We also compared MRI outcomes in patients treated with natalizumab (EID and/or SID) versus injectable MS platform therapy. METHODS: Natalizumab infusion data from the TOUCH Prescribing Program database and MS PATHS MRI assessment data from seven US sites as of July 23, 2020, were used to identify patients with relapsing-remitting MS who had received natalizumab EID or SID in the interval between two MRI scans (an MRI segment). Patients who received injectable platform MS therapy between two MRI scans were also identified. MRI data were used to determine the incidence rate and odds of developing new or enlarging T2 lesions, annualized percentage change in T2 lesion volume (T2LV), and annualized percentage change in brain parenchymal fraction (BPF). MRI outcomes were compared for 1) natalizumab EID treatment versus natalizumab SID treatment, 2) natalizumab treatment (EID + SID) versus platform therapy, and 3) natalizumab EID versus platform therapy. Propensity score-based weighting or matching were used to balance covariates at the start of MRI segments for all comparisons. RESULTS: The MRI outcomes observed with natalizumab EID treatment did not differ significantly from those observed with natalizumab SID treatment. The odds ratio for any new or enlarging T2 lesion was 1.07 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.93, 1.24; p = 0.355), and the rate ratio (95% CI) for new or enlarging T2 lesions was 1.62 (0.93, 2.82; p = 0.090). Differences (95% CI) between EID and SID patients in mean annualized percentage change in T2LV and BPF were 1.56% (-3.77%, 6.90%; p = 0.566) and -0.11% (-0.25%, -0.10%; p = 0.096), respectively. Conversely, when MRI outcomes in natalizumab and platform therapy patients were compared, there were significant differences favoring natalizumab in all assessments: the odds of any new or enlarging T2 lesion (odds ratio: 0.69 [95% CI: 0.64, 0.75]; p\u3c0.001), the incidence rate of new or enlarging T2 lesions (rate ratio: 0.47 [95% CI: 0.37, 0.61]; p\u3c0.001), annualized percentage change (decrease) in T2LV (difference: -3.68% [95% CI: -7.06%, -0.30%]; p = 0.033), and annualized percentage change (increase) in BPF (difference: 0.22% [95% CI: 0.16%, 0.29%]; p\u3c0.001). Results of the subgroup comparison of natalizumab EID patients with platform therapy patients were similar to those of the overall-natalizumab-group-versus-platform-therapy comparison. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that natalizumab EID and SID provide comparable real-world effectiveness on quantitative MRI metrics. These data further demonstrate that natalizumab EID can provide superior real-world effectiveness to injectable platform therapy on quantitative MRI metrics