110 research outputs found

    Animal Welfare Implications of Digital Tools for Monitoring and Management of Cattle and Sheep on Pasture

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    Simple SummaryMonitoring the welfare of cattle and sheep in large pastures can be time-consuming, especially if the animals are scattered over large areas in semi-natural pastures. There are several technologies for monitoring animals with wearable or remote equipment for recording physiological or behavioural parameters and trigger alarms when the acquired information deviates from the normal. Automatic equipment allows continuous monitoring and may give more information than manual monitoring. Ear tags with electronic identification can detect visits to specific points. Collars with positioning (GPS) units can assess the animals' movements and habitat selection and, to some extent, their health and welfare. Digitally determined virtual fences, instead of the traditional physical ones, have the potential to keep livestock within a predefined area using audio signals in combination with weak electric shocks, although some individuals may have difficulties in responding as intended, potentially resulting in reduced animal welfare. Remote technology such as drones equipped with cameras can be used to count animals, determine their position and study their behaviour. Drones can also herd and move animals. However, the knowledge of the potential effects on animal welfare of digital technology for monitoring and managing grazing livestock is limited, especially regarding drones and virtual fences.The opportunities for natural animal behaviours in pastures imply animal welfare benefits. Nevertheless, monitoring the animals can be challenging. The use of sensors, cameras, positioning equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles in large pastures has the potential to improve animal welfare surveillance. Directly or indirectly, sensors measure environmental factors together with the behaviour and physiological state of the animal, and deviations can trigger alarms for, e.g., disease, heat stress and imminent calving. Electronic positioning includes Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for the recording of animals at fixed points. Positioning units (GPS) mounted on collars can determine animal movements over large areas, determine their habitat and, somewhat, health and welfare. In combination with other sensors, such units can give information that helps to evaluate the welfare of free-ranging animals. Drones equipped with cameras can also locate and count the animals, as well as herd them. Digitally defined virtual fences can keep animals within a predefined area without the use of physical barriers, relying on acoustic signals and weak electric shocks. Due to individual variations in learning ability, some individuals may be exposed to numerous electric shocks, which might compromise their welfare. More research and development are required, especially regarding the use of drones and virtual fences

    RED, PEF, and EPD: Conflicting rules for determining the carbon footprint of biofuels give unclear signals to fuel producers and customers

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    Biofuel producers and other commodity suppliers are increasingly affected by conflicting rules for life cycle assessment (LCA). They may get multiple requests for LCAs to be used in various contexts, which require the application of different methodological approaches that vary in scope, system boundaries, data demand, and more. This results in increased cost and competence requirements for producers, as well as confusion among other actors including their customers. Differences in methodologies might also lead to various outcomes, conclusions and conflicting guidance regarding which fuels to prioritize or develop. We have analyzed the actual differences when applying three different frameworks: the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED), the EU framework for Product Environmental Footprints (PEF), and the framework of Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), which have different modeling requirements. We analyzed the methods from a conceptual point of view and also applied the methods to estimate the carbon footprint on a wide range of biofuel production pathways: (i) ethanol from corn, (ii) fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) from rapeseed oil, (iii) biogas from food waste, (iv) hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) from rapeseed oil, and (v) HVO from used cooking oil. Results obtained for a specific fuel could differ substantially depending on the framework applied and the assumptions and interpretations made when applying the different frameworks. Particularly, the results are very sensitive to the modeling of waste management when biofuel is produced from waste. Our results indicate a much higher climate impact for, e.g., biogas and HVO produced from used cooking oil when assessed with the PEF framework compared to the other frameworks. This is because PEF assigns at least part of the production of primary materials and energy to the use of recycled material and recovered energy. Developing Category Rules for biofuels for PEF and EPD ought to help clarifying remaining ambiguities

    New insights from XRF core scanning data into boreal lake ontogeny during the Eemian (Marine Isotope Stage 5e) at Sokli, northeast Finland

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    Biological proxies from the Sokli Eemian (Marine Isotope Stage 5e) paleolake sequence from northeast Finland have previously shown that, unlike many postglacial records from boreal sites, the lake becomes increasingly eutrophic over time. Here, principal components (PC) were extracted from a high resolution multi-element XRF core scanning dataset to describe minerogenic input from the wider catchment (PC1), the input of S, Fe, Mn, and Ca-rich detrital material from the surrounding Sokli Carbonatite Massif (PC2), and chemical weathering (PC3). Minerogenic inputs to the lake were elevated early in the record and during two abrupt cooling events when soils and vegetation in the catchment were poor. Chemical weathering in the catchment generally increased over time, coinciding with higher air temperatures, catchment productivity, and the presence of acidic conifer species. Abiotic edaphic processes play a key role in lake ontogeny at this site stemming from the base cation- and nutrient-rich bedrock, which supports lake alkalinity and productivity. The climate history at this site, and its integrated effects on the lake system, appear to override development processes and alters its long-term trajectory.Peer reviewe

    Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease and cerebrovascular disease in relation to depressive symptomatology in individuals with subjective cognitive decline

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    Background: Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) has gained recent interest as a potential harbinger of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and cerebrovascular disease (CVD). In addition, SCD can be related to depressive symptomatology. However, the association between AD and CVD biomarkers, depressive symptomatology, and SCD is still unclear. We investigated the association of AD and CVD biomarkers and depressive symptomatology with SCD in individuals with subjective memory complaints (SCD-memory group) and individuals with subjective concentration complaints (SCD-concentration group).// Methods: We recruited a population-based cohort of 217 individuals (all aged 70 years, 53% female, 119 SCD-memory individuals, 23 SCD-concentration individuals, 89 controls). AD and CVD were assessed through cerebrospinal fluid levels of the Aβ42/40 ratio and phosphorylated tau, and white matter signal abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging, respectively. Associations between biomarkers, depressive symptomatology, and SCD were tested via logistic regression and correlation analyses.// Results: We found a significant association of depressive symptomatology with SCD-memory and SCD-concentration. Depressive symptomatology was not associated with AD and CVD biomarkers. Both the phosphorylated tau biomarker and depressive symptomatology predicted SCD-memory, and the Aβ42/40 ratio and depressive symptomatology predicted SCD-concentration.// Conclusions: The role of depressive symptomatology in SCD may differ depending on the stage within the spectrum of preclinical AD (as determined by amyloid-beta and tau positivity), and does not seem to reflect AD pathology. Our findings contribute to the emerging field of subclinical depressive symptomatology in SCD, and clarify the association of different types of subjective complaints with distinct syndromic and biomarker profiles

    Digital tillsynsteknik i djurhĂĄllning utomhus

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    I enlighet med Jordbruksverkets förfrågan behandlar denna rapport tre områden för digital teknik vid övervakning och kontroll av djur som vistas utomhus på stora ytor: (1) kamerateknologi, t.ex. användning av drönare, (2) positioneringsteknologi som GPS och (3) teknologi för att styra djurens rörelser, som drivning med drönare och användning av s.k. virtuella stängsel. De tre teknikområdena överlappar delvis varandra. Digital tillsyn av utegående djur är beroende av att sensorer mäter det man tror att de mäter med tillräcklig noggrannhet och att data kan överföras och bearbetas till information som lagras och analyseras på ett säkert och korrekt sätt. Sådana teknologier benämns med samlingsnamnet ’Precision Livestock Farming’ (PLF). Användningen av informationen är avgörande för teknikens användbarhet i tillsyns- och djurskyddsarbete. Tillämpningarna är till viss del reglerade av gällande lagstiftning, exempelvis genom krav på tillsyn, begränsad användning av elektricitet för att styra djurs beteende, användning av obemannade luftfarkoster, d.v.s. drönare, samt åtgärder för att förhindra att utrustning skadar djuren eller påverkar deras hälsa och beteende. Inom PLF används en rad olika sensorer som direkt eller indirekt kan mäta djurens miljö och djurens beteende och fysiologiska tillstånd. Den teknologiska utvecklingen har främst varit inriktad på mjölkkor, fjäderfän och grisar och endast i liten utsträckning berört häst, får och get. För djur på bete är överföringen av data från en enhet på eller vid djuret till en mottagare särskilt problematisk p.g.a. stora avstånd, men det sker en snabb teknisk utveckling mot effektivare överföring. PLF-teknologin innebär i de flesta fall att djuren övervakas kontinuerligt och att avvikelser i t.ex. deras hälsotillstånd och välfärd i princip kan upptäckas i realtid, vilket ska ställas mot nuvarande lagkrav på tillsyn minst en eller två gånger dagligen. Sensorer kan ge information om ett stort antal fysiologiska tillstånd och beteenden. En av de vanligaste teknikerna är sensorer för aktivitet. Indirekt kan de också ge information om idissling, liggtid, stegantal och ättid och utlösa larm om exempelvis brunst, hälsoproblem, hälta och kalvning. Sensorer kan även placeras i förmagen hos idisslare (s.k. våmbolus) där de mäter våm-pH och kan larma om störningar i magfunktionen, eller utformas som termometrar som kan larma om hälsostörningar, kalvning och vattenintag eller mikrofoner som kan mäta idissling och larma om brunst, kalvning och onormalt idisslingsmönster. Med kamerateknik kan man mäta aktivitet, kroppsform och hudtemperatur, vilket kan ge information om ketosstatus, hull, hälta och juverhälsa. Kameror monterade på drönare kan användas för att lokalisera och räkna djur, bestämma deras position, habitatval och till viss del deras beteende, särskilt när djuren rör sig över stora arealer. Det finns flera elektroniska positioneringsteknologier varav passiv ’Radio Frequency Identification RFID’ är den vanligaste. Räckvidden är kort med denna teknik men den kan vara användbar om man t.ex. vill mäta hur ofta djuren besöker en vattenpost. Andra teknologier kan med hjälp av antenner följa djurens positioner i realtid. GPS-enheter monterade i halsband kan regelbundet registrera djurens geografiska position. Användningen av GPS har blivit relativt vanlig i renskötseln vilket tycks ha lett till en förbättrad arbetssituation för renskötarna. Positionering med GPS ger inte alltid exakta uppgifter men tekniken har visat sig användbar för studier av habitatval, sociala interaktioner och gruppdynamik. Med positionerna från GPS har man också kunnat styra djur till områden med bättre betestillgång. Med en tillräckligt frekvent bestämning av position med hjälp av GPS (ca en gång per minut) är det möjligt att bestämma betestiden för nötkreatur på ett tillförlitligt sätt. En användning av drönare i djurskötsel och djurtillsyn kan vara att med hjälp av kamera lokalisera djuren över stora ytor. Denna användning begränsas dock av nuvarande bestämmelser om att föraren måste ha ögontakt med drönaren. I renskötseln har drönare börjat användas för att förflytta djur men denna tillämpning är ännu inte juridiskt reglerad. Virtuella stängsel är strukturer som bestäms med kartkoordinater eller elektronisk sändare på marken. Stängslen fungerar som inhägnader, hinder eller gränser. Djuren mottar signaler (vanligen ljud) och stimuli (vanligen elstötar från ett halsband) som gör det möjligt för dem att lära sig var stängslet finns. I vetenskapliga studier har man med varierande framgång lyckats lära djuren att associera ljudsignaler och elstötar med en gräns som inte får passeras. Förmågan att lära sig skiljer mellan olika djurslag, liksom mellan individer. Det finns fortfarande många obesvarade frågeställningar om hur djur kan anpassa sig till virtuella stängselsystemet, liksom hur de påverkas, både under inlärningsfas och bruksfas

    Social connections and risk of incident mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and mortality in 13 longitudinal cohort studies of ageing

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    INTRODUCTION: Previous meta-analyses have linked social connections and mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and mortality. However, these used aggregate data from North America and Europe and examined a limited number of social connection markers. METHODS: We used individual participant data (N = 39271, Mage  = 70.67 (40-102), 58.86% female, Meducation  = 8.43 years, Mfollow-up  = 3.22 years) from 13 longitudinal ageing studies. A two-stage meta-analysis of Cox regression models examined the association between social connection markers with our primary outcomes. RESULTS: We found associations between good social connections structure and quality and lower risk of incident mild cognitive impairment (MCI); between social structure and function and lower risk of incident dementia and mortality. Only in Asian cohorts, being married/in a relationship was associated with reduced risk of dementia, and having a confidante was associated with reduced risk of dementia and mortality. DISCUSSION: Different aspects of social connections - structure, function, and quality - are associated with benefits for healthy aging internationally. HIGHLIGHTS: Social connection structure (being married/in a relationship, weekly community group engagement, weekly family/friend interactions) and quality (never lonely) were associated with lower risk of incident MCI. Social connection structure (monthly/weekly friend/family interactions) and function (having a confidante) were associated with lower risk of incident dementia. Social connection structure (living with others, yearly/monthly/weekly community group engagement) and function (having a confidante) were associated with lower risk of mortality. Evidence from 13 longitudinal cohort studies of ageing indicates that social connections are important targets for reducing risk of incident MCI, incident dementia, and mortality. Only in Asian cohorts, being married/in a relationship was associated with reduced risk of dementia, and having a confidante was associated with reduced risk of dementia and mortality

    Antireflux Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication Using EsophyX: 12-Month Results of a Prospective Multicenter Study

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    BACKGROUND: A novel transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) procedure using the EsophyX system with SerosaFuse fasteners was designed to reconstruct a full-thickness valve at the gastroesophageal junction through tailored delivery of multiple fasteners during a single-device insertion. The safety and efficacy of TIF for treating gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were evaluated in a prospective multicenter trial. METHODS: Patients (n = 86) with chronic GERD treated with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) were enrolled. Exclusion criteria included an irreducible hiatal hernia > 2 cm. RESULTS: The TIF procedure (n = 84) reduced all hiatal hernias (n = 49) and constructed valves measuring 4 cm (2-6 cm) and 230 degrees (160 degrees -300 degrees ). Serious adverse events consisted of two esophageal perforations upon device insertion and one case of postoperative intraluminal bleeding. Other adverse events were mild and transient. At 12 months, aggregate (n = 79) and stratified Hill grade I tight (n = 21) results showed 73% and 86% of patients with >or=50% improvement in GERD health-related quality of life (HRQL) scores, 85% discontinuation of daily PPI use, and 81% complete cessation of PPIs; 37% and 48% normalization of esophageal acid exposure; 60% and 89% hiatal hernia reduction; and 62% and 80% esophagitis reduction, respectively. More than 50% of patients with Hill grade I tight valves had a normalized cardia circumference. Resting pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) was improved significantly (p < 0.001), by 53%. EsophyX-TIF cured GERD in 56% of patients based on their symptom reduction and PPI discontinuation. CONCLUSION: The 12-month results showed that EsophyX-TIF was safe and effective in improving quality of life and for reducing symptoms, PPI use, hiatal hernia, and esophagitis, as well as increasing the LES resting pressure and normalizing esophageal pH and cardia circumference in chronic GERD patients.Journal ArticleMulticenter StudyResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Micronuclei in cord blood lymphocytes and associations with biomarkers of exposure to carcinogens and hormonally active factors, gene polymorphisms, and gene expression: The NewGeneris cohort

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    Background: Leukemia incidence has increased in recent decades among European children, suggesting that early-life environmental exposures play an important role in disease development. Objectives: We investigated the hypothesis that childhood susceptibility may increase as a result of in utero exposure to carcinogens and hormonally acting factors. Using cord blood samples from the NewGeneris cohort, we examined associations between a range of biomarkers of carcinogen exposure and hormonally acting factors with micronuclei (MN) frequency as a proxy measure of cancer risk. Associations with gene expression and genotype were also explored. Methods: DNA and protein adducts, gene expression profiles, circulating hormonally acting factors, and GWAS (genome-wide association study) data were investigated in relation to genomic damage measured by MN frequency in lymphocytes from 623 newborns enrolled between 2006 and 2010 across Europe. Results: Malondialdehyde DNA adducts (M1dG) were associated with increased MN frequency in binucleated lymphocytes (MNBN), and exposure to androgenic, estrogenic, and dioxin-like compounds was associated with MN frequency in mononucleated lymphocytes (MNMONO), although no monotonic exposure-outcome relationship was observed. Lower frequencies of MNBN were associated with a 1-unit increase expression of PDCD11, LATS2, TRIM13, CD28, SMC1A, IL7R, and NIPBL genes. Gene expression was significantly higher in association with the highest versus lowest category of bulky and M1dG-DNA adducts for five and six genes, respectively. Gene expression levels were significantly lower for 11 genes in association with the highest versus lowest category of plasma AR CALUX® (chemically activated luciferase expression for androgens) (8 genes), ERα CALUX® (for estrogens) (2 genes), and DR CALUX® (for dioxins). Several SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) on chromosome 11 near FOLH1 significantly modified associations between androgen activity and MNBN frequency. Polymorphisms in EPHX1/2 and CYP2E1 were associated with MNBN. Conclusion: We measured in utero exposure to selected environmental carcinogens and circulating hormonally acting factors and detected associations with MN frequency in newborns circulating T lymphocytes. The results highlight mechanisms that may contribute to carcinogen-induced leukemia and require further research
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