30 research outputs found

    Recent growth coherence in long-term oak (Quercus spp.) ring width chronologies in the Czech Republic

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    Oak ring width measurements compiled from 44 sampling sites throughout the territory of the Czech Republic are analysed for the 1655-2013 period. Measurements taken at all these sites are sorted into 10 sub-chronologies on the basis of 5 environmental factors: soil moisture (dry/wet), elevation (low/high), age (young/old), species (Quercus robur or Q. petraea), and geographical position (east/west). Several statistical tests are applied to investigate existing significant differences between chronologies during 1920-2013. Further, the sensitivities of individual sub-chronologies to precipitation are compared. Three tests indicate 5 pairs of very similar sub-chronologies. Moreover, the growth-response to May-July precipitation totals is very much the same in these sub-chronologies. This analysis demonstrates that, even in the absence of certainty about age structure, species composition and some environmental factors in the earlier parts of oak ring width chronologies, the internal homogeneity of the chronology remains essentially unaffected, and the lack of such information does not preclude their use in dendroclimatology

    Pollen percentage thresholds of Abies alba based on 13-year annual records of pollen deposition in modified Tauber traps: perspectives of application to fossil situations

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    Abies alba (fir), a submontane tree from Central European mountains and uplands, is of special interest for palaeoecological and palaeoclimate interpretations due to its sensitivity to air and soil humidity. Its present distribution limit in the uplands of SE Poland is still a matter of debate. In the Holocene fir expanded to Poland very late, but early fir populations are supposed to occur in the Šumava Mts (Czech Republic). The study aims: to estimate pollen thresholds for fir presence/absence in Bohemia (Czech Republic) and Poland on the basis of modified Tauber pollen traps; to use these thresholds for tracing fir presence in two pollen diagrams from Poland (Słone and Bezedna lakes) in the border zone between the Roztocze region (with fir forest stands today) and Polesie (where fir has never played an important role); and to investigate how the percentage presence/absence threshold can be used to trace the occurrence and abundance of fir trees in the Šumava Mts based on the pollen diagrams of Rokytecká slat' and Mrtvý luh. The fir pollen thresholds estimated in terms of PAR (pollen accumulation rates or pollen influx) range from 843 (grains cm−2 year−1) (Roztocze) to 61 (Krkonoše) and 49 (Šumava). Percentage thresholds range from 0.3% in Krkonoše where fir trees are not present within 4 km to 22% in fir-dominated woodland of the Roztocze, providing evidence of strong underrepresentation of fir in the pollen deposition. Application of these percentage thresholds to the Słone and Bezedna pollen diagrams indicates that occurrence of fir in the region is possible from 3.5 cal ky BP onwards, though the evidence is not decisive. In the Šumava, a low representation of fir pollen (1–2%) reflecting presence of scattered fir trees was detected as early as ca. 7.0 cal ky BP

    Spatial and temporal variations in airborne Ambrosia pollen in Europe

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    We acknowledge support from EU COST Action FA1203 "Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe (SMARTER)". This work was partly financed by the following COST Short Term Scientific Missions: COST-STSM-FA1203-020215-053027 to CT, COST-STSM-FA1203-20573, ECOST-STSM-FA1203-250415-058150. Skjøth is supported by European Commission through a Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (Project ID CIG631745)Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552The European Commission Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action FA1203 "SMARTER" aims to make recommendations for the sustainable management of Ambrosia across Europe and for monitoring its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The goal of the present study is to provide a baseline for spatial and temporal variations in airborne Ambrosia pollen in Europe that can be used for the management and evaluation of this noxious plant. The study covers the full range of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. distribution over Europe (39°N-60°N; 2°W-45°E). Airborne Ambrosia pollen data for the principal flowering period of Ambrosia (August-September) recorded during a 10-year period (2004-2013) were obtained from 242 monitoring sites. The mean sum of daily average airborne Ambrosia pollen and the number of days that Ambrosia pollen was recorded in the air were analysed. The mean and standard deviation (SD) were calculated regardless of the number of years included in the study period, while trends are based on those time series with 8 or more years of data. Trends were considered significant at p < 0.05. There were few significant trends in the magnitude and frequency of atmospheric Ambrosia pollen (only 8% for the mean sum of daily average Ambrosia pollen concentrations and 14% for the mean number of days Ambrosia pollen were recorded in the air). The direction of any trends varied locally and reflected changes in sources of the pollen, either in size or in distance from the monitoring station. Pollen monitoring is important for providing an early warning of the expansion of this invasive and noxious plant