2,273 research outputs found

    Manipulative techniques in political election campaign advertising: experience of Ukraine (Маніпулятивні прийоми у політичній передвиборчій рекламі: досвід України)

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    The article embraces the scope of the techniques used in manipulation of public opinion by candidates in the election process of Ukraine during the period of 2004-2012. The main focus is on the political election campaign advertising, revealing its meaning as communicative activity and as a process that mostly always is accompanied by the use of manipulative techniques. Based on the author's analysis of election campaigns and works of Ukrainian scholars, there were also determined manipulative methods and techniques that were most actively used during the last election cycles (У статті розкрито особливості використання прийомів маніпуляції суспільною свідомістю суб’єктами виборчих процесів в Україні у 2004-2012 рр. Основна увагу зосереджено на політичній передвиборчій рекламі; розкривається її зміст як комунікативної діяльності та процесу, який фактично завжди супроводжується використанням маніпулятивних технологій. На основі авторського аналізу виборчих кампаній та праць українських вчених, визначено маніпулятивні методики та прийоми, які найактивніше використовувалися під час останніх виборчих циклів

    Frequency-Domain Coherent Control of Femtosecond Two-Photon Absorption: Intermediate-Field vs. Weak-Field Regime

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    Coherent control of femtosecond two-photon absorption in the intermediate-field regime is analyzed in detail in the powerful frequency domain using an extended 4th-order perturbative description. The corresponding absorption is coherently induced by the weak-field non-resonant two-photon transitions as well as by four-photon transitions involving three absorbed photons and one emitted photons. The interferences between these two groups of transitions lead to a difference between the intermediate-field and weak-field absorption dynamics. The corresponding interference nature (constructive or destructive) strongly depends on the detuning direction of the pulse spectrum from half the two-photon transition frequency. The model system of the study is atomic sodium, for which both experimental and theoretical results are obtained. The detailed understanding obtained here serves as a basis for coherent control with rationally-shaped femtosecond pulses in a regime of sizable absorption yields.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Transient dynamics of nonlinear magneto-optical rotation

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    We analyze nonlinear magneto-optical rotation (NMOR) in rubidium vapor subjected to continuously-scanned magnetic field. By varying magnetic-field sweep rate, a transition from traditionally-observed dispersive-like NMOR signals (low sweep rate) to oscillating signals (higher sweep rates) is demonstrated. The transient oscillatory behavior is studied versus light and magnetic-field parameters, revealing a strong dependence of the signals on magnetic-sweep rate and light intensity. The experimental results are supported with density-matrix calculations, which enable quantitative analysis of the effect. Fitting of the signals simulated versus different parameters with a theoretically-motivated curve reveals presence of oscillatory and static components in the signals. The components depend differently on the system parameters, which suggests their distinct nature. The investigations provide insight into dynamics of ground-state coherence generation and enable application of NMOR in detection of transient spin couplings.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to Physical Review

    Особливості політичної культури правлячої еліти в Україні (2005 – 2009 рр.)(The features of political culture of ruling elite in Ukraine)

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    У статті охарактеризовано особливості політичної культури правлячої еліти в Україні на сучасному етапі. Опираючись на визначені вітчизняними дослідниками складові та прояви політичної культури, запропоновано власну схему її оцінки на основі аналізу індикаторів.(In the article are described the features of political culture of ruling elite in Ukraine on the modern stage. Leaning on certain domestic researchers constituents and displays of political culture, the own chart of its estimation is offered on the basis of analysis of indicators.

    Державна політика боротьби з корупцією у Польщі: нормативно-інституційний аспект. (Public policy of fight against corruption in Poland: normatively-institutional aspect)

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    Розкрито нормативно-правові та інституційні механізми і особливості запобігання й боротьби з корупцією, як соціальним явищем, у Польщі. Зокрема, з’ясовано структуру, напрямки, інструменти та результативність антикорупційної політики.(In the article is reflected normatively legal and institutional mechanisms and features of prevention and fight against a corruption, as by the social phenomenon, in Poland. In particular, a structure, directions, features and effectiveness of anticorruption policy, is found out.

    КОНЦЕПЦІЯ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ДЕРЖАВИ В ІДЕОЛОГІЇ ОУН (1939-й – 1950-ті РОКИ)(Conception of the Ukrainian state in ideology of OUN (1939th are 1950th))

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    На основі аналізу архівних матеріалів, опублікованих джерел, наукової літератури у дисертації здійснено комплексний аналіз політичних платформ усіх відгалужень ОУН та реконструйовано їх концепції державного будівництва. Охарактеризовано основні етапи формування, а також причини і напрямки еволюції ідеологічних та програмних аспектів Організації українських націоналістів. З’ясовано теоретико-практичні аспекти функціонування державного механізму та суспільних інституцій в ідеології ОУН. Проведено аналіз основних напрямків соціально-економічного розвитку держави за ідеологією Організації українських націоналістів. У дисертації також відображено плани державної політики трьох гілок ОУН щодо національних меншин, церковно-релігійної та освітньо-культурної сфер ( On the basis of analysis of the archived materials, published sources scientific literature, in dissertation the complex analysis of social and political opinion of all branches of OUN is carried out and reconstructed their conceptions of state building. The basic stages of forming, and also reasons and directions of evolution of ideological and programmatic aspects of Organization of the Ukrainian nationalists, are described. The theoretical-practical aspects of functioning of state mechanism and public institutes are found out in the political mind of OUN. The analysis of basic directions of socio-economic development of the state is conducted after ideology of Organization of the Ukrainian nationalists. In dissertation the plans of state policy of three branches of OUN are also represented in relation to the national minorities church-religious and educationally-cultural spheres

    Trophic ecology of the Endangered Darwin's frog inferred by stable isotopes

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    Indexación: Scopus.Acknowledgements. We thank Dr. Mauricio González-Chang for his contribution to invertebrate identification and Sally Wren for the revision of an earlier version of the manuscript. We are also extremely grateful to Tomás Elgueta Alvarez for providing Video S1. B.E.M.B. has a fellowship awarded by Universidad Andres Bello. This research project was approved by the Bioethics Committee at the Universi-dad Andres Bello, Chile (N°13/2015), and by permits N°5666/2013, N°230/2015, and N°212/2016 of the Chilean Agriculture and Livestock Service, and N°026/2013 and N°11/2015 IX of the Chilean National Forestry Corporation. This study was funded by the Dirección General de Investi-gación y Doctorados, Universidad Andres Bello, through grant N°DI-53-11/R and national funds through FONDE CYT N°11140902 and 1181758 (to C.S.A.).Darwin's frogs Rhinoderma spp. are the only known mouth-brooding frogs on Earth. The southern Darwin's frog, R. darwinii, is found in the temperate forests of southern South America, is listed as Endangered and could be the only extant representative of this genus. Based on stomach contents, invertebrate prey availability and stable isotope analysis, we determined for the first time trophic ecological parameters for this species. Our results showed that R. darwinii is a generalist sit-and-wait predator and a secondary consumer, with a trophic position of 2.9. Carbon and nitrogen isotope composition indicated that herbivore invertebrates are their main prey, detected in 68.1% of their assimilated food. The most consumed prey included mosquitoes, flies, crickets, grasshoppers and ants. Detritivore and carnivore invertebrates were also ingested, but in lower proportions. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the feeding habits of this fully terrestrial amphibian and provide the first insight into their role linking low forest trophic positions with intermediate predators. We provide valuable biological information for in situ and ex situ conservation which can be used when developing habitat protection, reintroduction and captive breeding programmes. As revealed here, stable isotope analysis is a valuable tool to study the trophic ecology of highly endangered and cryptic species. © The authors 2018.https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/esr/v36/p269-278

    The use of autologous bone grafts and xenogenic bone materials for reconstruction of the facial bone defects (randomized prospective study)

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    The objective - to compare the efficacy of surgical interventions to replace jaw defects with the use of different types of bone grafts based on objective clinical and radiological criteria. The study included 90 patients with postoperative jaws defects. They underwent reconstructive operation for creating conditions for further prosthetic rehabilitation. The patients were divided into 3 randomized groups, depending on the surgical treatment used: group I - xenogenic bone substitutes were used, group II - autologous corticocancellous bone grafts from the iliac crest and in group III autograft combined with PRGF. Patients' status was assessed in the early (up to 1 month) and long-term postoperative period (more than 6 months). In the study series, xenogenic materials showed the highest volumetric stability in the remote postoperative period (19,9 ± 8,1% versus 45.6 ± 21.84% for bone autografts). However, autologous grafts demonstrated better integration and quality of bone tissue. There were no significant differences in frequency of postoperative complications or the possibility of implant placement in the study groups. The use of PRGF in combination with autograft accelerated the regeneration of soft tissues, but it does not affect significantly the incidence of infection complications and volume loss of the bone grafts

    Research model robot-hexapod under static and dynamic loads

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    In the paper the stress-strain state of hexapod robot is considered in order to clarify its dynamical characteristics. Full-size model of hexapod robot is built in the SolidWorks program complex. The state of the robot was analyzed in an extremely dangerous location at static loading. Dynamic analysis was conducted to clarify oscillation of the support unit in the robot’s construction. The results of the survey show that such robot design cannot be used in the environments with the vibrating background below 5 Hz