802 research outputs found

    Emigration From Russia: New Trends and Forms

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    The subject-matter of this article is migration from Russia. The study deals with current aspects and new forms of emigration. The goal of this paper is to identify new patterns determining the emigration from Russia. The article views the emigration in a broad sense, including, in addition to classic emigration (i.e. leaving the home country for permanent residence in another country), various categories of return migration (labor migration, shuttle traders, seasonal migration, episodic migration, economic tourism, business migration, education abroad, etc.). With the emergence of these new forms and categories, there is a need to clarify the migration concepts. This analysis is built on a broad historical perspective on emigration, which has been a typical phenomenon for Russia over the last three centuries. The article is based on such economic theories, as the human capital theory, new economic theory of migration, Todaro’s economic theory of migration and other. In this article, a variety of methods are used, including historical analogy, statistical and mathematical approaches, sociological and econometric models. The article analyzes the patterns of modern emigration from Russia. It also considers certain aspects in the legal regulation of migration processes, with a focus on emigrants, including potential emigrants. In conclusion, the article notes the need for the state control of emigration processes. This means not so much the improvement of statistical records for this group of migrants, but rather speci c government measures aimed at providing the state support to these categories of migrants in order to prevent the non-return migration. In other words, it is not aimed at banning the emigration (a measure, the adverse effects of which were noted as long ago as by Mikhail Lomonosov). The ndings of this research can be used in improving the migration policy implemented, in particular, by the Federal Migration Service of Russia.This study has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research as part of research project No. RFFI 16–06–00048а "Social paradigm of regional development: selection of priorities and economic transformation"

    Surface Hardening Technology with a Concentrated Energy Source

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    The article is devoted to the increase of wear resistance of large-modular gears due to the application of the innovative method of plasma surface hardening working surfaces of teeth. The method of determination and estimation of the residual resource of large-modular gear transmissions after plasma surface hardening is developed and the influence of technological parameters of this process on wear resistance and mechanisms of deterioration of the surface layer have been investigated. The process of plasma surface hardening has been experimentally investigated, an estimation of the obtained physical and mechanical properties and hardness of the processed material during plasma heating has been made. The increase of durability of the work of large-modular gears passing by the plasma surface hardening has been experimentally investigated and the calculations on durability have been performed for the wear parameter, and it has been established that the application of this heat treatment method increases the durability 2.28 times. A complex of specialized equipment was developed for the implementation of the technological scheme of plasma surface hardening of the large-modular gears' working surfaces without melting, using the original design of the magnetic-deflection system for the creation of an external magnetic field

    Russophone immigration to Finland: new forms, trends, and consequences

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    Until the 1960s, Finland was more often the country of origin than the country of destination. Once a depressed area, it soon turned into a welfare state, becoming with international migrants. Since Finland’s labour market and society are beset with demographic problems, the country gladly accepts labour migrants, particularly those from neighbouring states. Most EU immigrants coming to Finland are Estonians. Immigration from without the EU - from Russia and other former Soviet countries - has, however, an even greater potential. Non-EU immigration falls into several categories - from seasonal labour migration to the relocation of top specialists and entrepreneurs. Currently, family reunions, marriages, and student and labour migration account for most migration from Russia to Finland. This article attempts to study immigration to Finland from neighbouring countries, primarily from Russia. The result of the study is an analysis of principal channels of international migration to Finland. These are family reunion, student migration, top specialist relocation, and the expansion of Russian business. Finland is in dire need of healthcare specialists, researchers, business development and IT specialists, and other professionals. For example, Russia-bordering Finnish regions lack upper and middle-level healthcare specialists. The focus of the study is on the professional and socio-demographic structure of labour migration to Finland and the country’s migration policy on the adaptation and integration of Russian-speaking immigrants. The article gives a general picture of Finland’s migration policy on labour migration from Russia and other countries. In collecting and processing materials, data from official websites of Finland’s Migration Service and Employment Service, the database of Statistics Finland, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the Finnish National Agency for Education were used

    Multidisciplinary Study of a Wetland in a Lakeside Lowland Area East of Lake Onega

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    Wetlands along the eastern and southern shores of Lake Onega are of interest because of their biodiversity, ecological function, and vulnerability to human impact and climate change. This study made a reference transect in the lake-river stretch on the northern bank of the River Andoma, which exhibits a change in natural conditions and an interaction between different ecosystem levels in the lakeside lowland area. Based on the results of the fieldwork, a profile of ground-penetrating radar observations with a total length of 4800 m was completed, supplemented with boreholes and soil sections. The combination of ground-penetrating radar data with field descriptions and the borehole survey produced a section that characterizes the variability of the mire system. The analysis of the section revealed zones differing in biological and ecological conditions caused by the action of several natural factors and contributing to biological diversity. Such reference transects provide a basis for the initial identification of vulnerabilities and for long-term monitoring of the ecological transformation of the region. Keywords: wetland, transect, ground-penetrating radar, ecosystems, Lake Oneg

    Wavepacket Motion Via A Conical Intersection In The Photochemistry Of Aqueous Transition-metal Dianions

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    The photochemical reaction paths in aqueous PtBr(6)(2-) and OsBr(6)(2-) have been studied by femtosecond broad-band pump probe spectroscopy supported by CASPT2 and DFT/TDDFT calculations. These paths lead to the separation of negative charges and propagate through distortions of nascent, penta-coordinated metal fragments caused by Jahn-Teller C(4v) and D(3h) conical intersections (CIs), respectively. Within 150 fs following 420 nm excitation of PtBr(6)(2-), the molecule undergoes internal conversion and intersystem crossing into the dissociative lowest triplet excited (3)T(1g) state, loses a ligand, and relaxes via the C(4v) CI to the nearly trigonal bipyramid (3)PtBr(5)(-) product in the triplet state. Direct 530 nm excitation of PtBr(6)(2-) to (3)T(1g) yields. the same product. Oscillations observed in the bending and umbrella a(1) modes of (3)PtBr(5)(-) arise from impulsive excitation of, respectively, one of the reaction coordinate modes, which is parallel to the gradient difference vector of the C(4v) CI, and the spectator mode that preserves the electronic degeneracy

    The effect of COVID-19 on labour migration in the CIS

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    This study responds to the need for measures to mitigate the effects of national actions to slow the spread of COVID-19. National responses are dynamic processes and thus an elusive, albeit important, object of study. The governments of most CIS countries acted promptly and decisively in countering the pandemic. The comprehensive measures have had a serious impact on citizens’ mobility and employment situation. Among the affected are millions of migrants working in the CIS. This article offers a comparative analysis, followed by synthesis, of the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as seen through the prism of employment and the situation of migrant workers in the CIS. Another focus is the restriction and support measures and how they have affected migrants. A range of qualitative and quantitative data was collated on the situation of migrant workers during COVID-19 restriction in the Russian Federation and across the CIS. The findings suggest that the lack of international coordination in tackling COVID-19 has complicated the situation of migrant workers, who suffer from the closure of borders and the absence of adequate social support. The article explores problems faced by migrant workers in the current crisis and proposes measures to alleviate them

    Three-Dimensional Visualization of Gammaherpesvirus Life Cycle in Host Cells by Electron Tomography

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    SummaryGammaherpesviruses are etiologically associated with human tumors. A three-dimensional (3D) examination of their life cycle in the host is lacking, significantly limiting our understanding of the structural and molecular basis of virus-host interactions. Here, we report the first 3D visualization of key stages of the murine gammaherpesvirus 68 life cycle in NIH 3T3 cells, including viral attachment, entry, assembly, and egress, by dual-axis electron tomography. In particular, we revealed the transient processes of incoming capsids injecting viral DNA through nuclear pore complexes and nascent DNA being packaged into progeny capsids in vivo as a spool coaxial with the putative portal vertex. We discovered that intranuclear invagination of both nuclear membranes is involved in nuclear egress of herpesvirus capsids. Taken together, our results provide the structural basis for a detailed mechanistic description of gammaherpesvirus life cycle and also demonstrate the advantage of electron tomography in dissecting complex cellular processes of viral infection

    The Modern Russian-Speaking Communities in the World: Formation, Assimilation and Adaptation in Host Societies

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    Modern Diasporas are not just historically dispersed peoples, united by common ethno-cultural roots, maintaining real or imaginary ties with their historic homelands. Modern Diasporas should be viewed as strategically vital trans-national networks with remarkable social, political and economic potential. The Russian Diaspora of today has formed in unique historical circumstances, as the consequence of the break-up of the Soviet Union, the formation of new nation-states in its place, and a massive wave of emigration from this area since the early 1990s. This paper will examine the global nature of the contemporary Russian Diaspora, both in the West and in the Far East. Focusing on the example of the USA, Finland, Cyprus, Japan and Korea, it will examine the statistical size of this Diaspora, its ambiguous ethno-cultural composition, its patterns of integration and assimilation, its forms of diasporic self-organization and support, and, finally, the creation of Diaspora-based business, professional, socio-cultural and educational networks. Furthermore, this paper will look at how these diasporic groups represent the Russian Federation abroad and the role that they increasingly play in Russian diplomacy and foreign policy. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s4p15